Home » Contra Costa Sheriff’s Office Receives New Scanner To Help Stop Contraband Smuggling

Contra Costa Sheriff’s Office Receives New Scanner To Help Stop Contraband Smuggling


The Contra Costa County Office of the Sheriff Custody Services Bureau has acquired the Tek84 Intercept Full Body Scanner.

The Intercept will be used at intake at the Martinez Detention Facility as arrestees are processed and booked into the facility.

According to Tek84, the Intercept “detects both metallic and nonmetallic threats, including weapons, drugs, cell phones and other contraband. Screens from below the feet to above the head reveal items under the clothing and within the body.” In addition, the Intercept allows staff to maintain a distance of 6 feet of social distancing space between them and arrestees while conducting contraband searches.


“This technology is about safety and security and is one of many steps we are taking to improve our facilities,” said Contra Costa County Sheriff David Livingston. “This is a win-win. It will help prevent contraband from entering our jails, thus making it safer for inmates and staff.”

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Sounds like an invasion of privacy lawsuit in the making.

Criminals have rights too.

Whether those rights are deserved or not is another topic.

Obviously you are joking. This is taking the place of the previous procedure of the deputies making the inmates bend over and cough while they observe their butthole to make sure nothing falls out. I’d say this is better for everyone.

This is the same as the airport now basically

@Schmee….”That’s the best part!”-Michael Jackson

There is no expectation of privacy in jail.

The criminal rights activist are going to come out of the sewer quicker than a tsunami!!

Whereis Burris in all this??!!

wow nice equipment

too bad the dem left socialist marxist komi babies will call it racist
and a assault on the alphabet groups right to complain about something else

That’s great, but is it safe for the inmates? Radiation or other harmful imaging that can cause cancer, etc?

Good question. I saw a movie called “scanners” where peoples heads exploded. If that happened, even a little, it would be very harmful


Inmates that very likely live extremely high risk lives; drinking, drugs, casual sex, lawlessness….

but Aunt Barbara is worried if the scanner is safe? The scanner that keeps all the other inmates and most importantly the law enforcement/medical staff safe?

What do you think they’re trying to smuggle into jail Barb? Cotton balls and Bibles?

GIVE ME A BREAK. We’re at a point where society will not recover, and thanks for playing Barbara.

They are still human.and need to be treated as such. Everyone makes mistakes, they are paying the price in prison, but should have a safe environment in which to do so.
If it was your family member or child you would want it that way.

Anyone ever go through the TSA scanners at an airport?

So what’s the problem?

But it’s not an invasion of privacy when you WANT to fly and go through TSA screening?

But it is not an invasion of privacy when you WANT to commit crimes that land you in jail.

This is so racist. My heart bleeds for those poor criminals who are just trying to do their time. I would contact the ACLU, the NAACP, and Black Lies Matter. This is horrible. Before you know it we will be arresting people who commit actual crimes. I’m calling Gov Newscum.

Waste of money as Becton and her crooked cronies will not prosecute and if you remember Heels Up Harris helped push through AB that allowed theives to steall up to $950 without any prosecution. With BIden giving away free money no wonder the legal taxpayer is getting screwed every which way daily expecially in California.

No more keister searches? You know, the prison wallet? I’ll bet the guards are happy. Some maybe not.

The Prison Wallet? I never heard that before….


Wow after decade of years of gyping us from our tax money they finally are able to afford this, crazy how much money take from

Does this include the employees?
I’m Interested to know whether or not this will will lower the contraband stats.. Good post!



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