Home » The Water Cooler – Will You Go Mask Free?

The Water Cooler – Will You Go Mask Free?


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.

Today’s question:


QUESTION: Will you continue to wear a mask when you’re out in public, or will you go mask free?

Talk about it.

Special thanks to Gene for the photo!

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Maskless all the way!

Yes, as I have since May 2020 when I saw what a FARCE this was.

And I will NOT be snitching on any businesses.

600,000 dead from COVID-19.

…and yet there were ZERO deaths from Influenza. Funny how that works. Put your thinking cap on, ask questions, use critical thought and quit acting like you have a room temperature IQ. You had one year to WAKE UP.

COVID-19 is not Influenza.

Doh – Nothing goes over my head. I am too fast. I would catch it…..

Anon made no claim that COVID-19 is influenza. Nice straw man, though.

Actually Anon did compare the 2 as if they were the same. By saying no deaths from influenza is saying that the 2 were comparable. And btw. There was deaths from influenza. Just very little because masks did help with that. Anon just sitting out lies

Mask free, absolutely. The mask has been a real problem for me at the gym when doing an intense workout. I’m done with it.

Do what you want. Depends on the situation for me. It’s my security blanket.

You betcha! I stopped playing masks over a year ago. It was the biggest hoax ever.

Hoax? Didn’t Donald Trump end up in the hospital from COVID, or was he just faking it to get ratings?

Dr. Fauci said that masks won’t protect anyone unless they’re N-95’s. So yes, maybe the masks were just a huge hoax….you know, useless, just like Biden and his administration.

@Cyn. Nice attempt at misdirection, but you’re no Kelly Ann. 94521 has a legitimate point. If the pandemic is a hoax, than Donald Trump was a co-conspirator in the hoax.

Trump got vaccinated for this “hoax.” 600,000 Americans died from this “hoax.”

Cyn – you are misquoting Fauci or taking him out of context.

What misdirection? I was speaking about masks and noting that the only ones that give enough protection for this Wuhan China Corona Virus, according to Dr. Fauci, are N95s. I never said the pandemic is a hoax. I also never mentioned Donald Trump. But hey, nice attempt at misdirection.

The hell I am.

“Masks are really for infected people to prevent them from spreading [an] infection to people who are not infected rather than protecting uninfected people from acquiring infection,”

It is not a hoax… Many did lose their loved ones, it was.just over dramatized by the media per usual. Gavin is the hoax.


Dr Fauci has said a number of times that masks do help. I don’t know where you got your false info but he has stated that masks are for infected people to help stop tbe spread. Most masks are from 60%-90% as a solo and if both wear them they can equal up to 90% to 95%. He has said this and even said double masking is a great idea. Don’t blame Biden. If trump didn’t down play this and followed what the scientist actually was telling him. This might have been over a lot sooner… Over 600k in the USA dead and about 4 million more world wide. Ya what a Hoax huh.

Yes, I will be going Mask Free and will be following CDPH Guidance for Individuals.

Scenario based decision.

Unlike others my mask is not made of iron, steel, or concrete so it impacts me by 0% to put it on wear it. Since day one wearing a mask has in no way prevented me from doing what I wanted/needed to do.

I actually don’t mind wearing a mask – keeps me from being exposed to TB while on Bart! People are also terrible at maintaining good hygiene, so if I can keep from getting your germs in my system I’m all for it. Lastly, people do not know how to respect personal space – I’ll miss the 6ft distance markers. I don’t need you breathing down my neck or up my a@@ while we are waiting in line. I like not having to give people the stink-eye to backup and respect my personal space.

Amen to that

Thank you, “Reality says…”!
The masks also keep pollen out. and I haven’t had ANY sort of respiratory infection since wearing them in public!

Well said. No colds or flu this year and I haven’t had a bad time with allergies. It just makes sense. Also, young children can’t be vaccinated yet so we need to keep them safe. Thank you for your wise words.

Now I can see the toothy smiles again. HEE-HAW!!!

I have been mask-free since Tennessee became a free state. I do carry a mask, just in case I need to go somewhere that requires one. The only place I regularly go to that still requires a mask is the VA, and I can live with that.

The VA: Giving veterans a second chance to die for their country!

I will still wear the mask. I tried to do dual masks, but it was difficult to breathe.

I am still concerned with all the COVID variants out there. While vaccinated with Pfizer, I still feel vulnerable. I understand that we have to open up to get the economy going. Hopefully our government officials will monitor the case reporting carefully, provide the data to encourage more mRNA study, and drug companies will develop supplement booster shots. I know it’s an honor system about who is vaccinated, but I’ll do my part to slowing the spread for these upcoming COVID variants.

You aren’t doing anything to help, other than robbing yourself of oxygen.

, I’m not sure what kind of mask you wear or are thinking of, (solid plastic maybe?) but masks do not block oxygen, or CO2 for that matter…
You think corona is small? Oxygen/CO2 molecules are smaller…

The worst you get with a mask is a sweaty face, so stop spreading this crap please.

@ERas, my workplace requires a medical clearance and proper fit testing for workers to wear a respirator. That implies that oxygenation IS an issue for wearers of “masks” that actually protect the wearer.

ERas, you’ve had a year to figure it out. Everyone is laughing at you. Maybe, you should READ the labels on those masks which tell you that they DO NOT prevent you from catching CONVID, nor do they prevent transmission.

@Bad Nombre,
I have been fitted for a respirator at my last job, oxygenation is NOT the issue, the issue is the dust/chemicals you are trying to filter out, which is why you want a good seal… the oxygen goes right through the filters. I wore a respirator for 8-10 hours a day an had zero oxygen problems.

Shhhh, the adults are talking about oxygen/CO2, not covid filtering. (or as you called it “CONVID”)

I will always carry one and use in crowded indoors. I will use it during flu season indoors as needed. Most people take up too much space and get in yours just to cough,sneeze and yell in your face,…… be prepared!

I just got back from the grocery store. Only one other person with a smile on their face. Everyone else in a busy store had theirs covered. I don’t get it! I was so excited to ditch my mask today! I’m vaccinated and believe that it will protect me. If you got vaxxed why are you still in a mask?

I just went into Safeway but it was very unclear if it was okay to take mask off, so I kept it on. No signage or anything.

Well everyone has their own reasons, maybe someone at home thats not vaxxed or is at risk (immunocompromised), maybe they just feel safer with it on for now, maybe they didn’t hear about it yet… Who knows.

HELL YES!!!! I can’t stand masks it makes me ill. I can’t breath, then I begin sweating and become nausea enough to want to throw up. All this crap falls on the Democrats hands.

NO MASKS.. And what’s with the people driving in the cars by themselves wearing masks?

I’ve done that once or twice, mainly because I was running several errands at many different locations and didn’t bother to take it off. It could also be a person in a work vehicle where the company requires it because multiple people drive the vehicle in a day.

Who knows, let them do them and you do you.

Keep your eyes on the road, driver!

Some people don’t want to take the thing off and put it back on in between multiple stops.

Mask free! they are worthless as stated at the beginning and cause other issues unrelated to COVID

If they are worthless, why do surgeons wear them while operating on patients?

A surgeon wears a mask and goggles to protect themselves from the patients bodily fluids that may spray directly in their face, but more importantly to maintain a sterile environment in the operating room.

Those unvaccinated may get COVID, but very rare for someone vaccinated to get it.

Heck, yeah! Mask free! Woot! woot!

I was going to, but today, was standing at the crosswalk waiting for the light, and a young man sneezed into his arm, and I could see the spray. I’m going to still wear the mask.

He was wearing crocs. 🤔

That should be a capital crime… I mean who wears crocs in public… wow… 🙂

Depends, if I’m outside and walking most likely won’t wear a mask. When I’m with a group of friends or having lunch with a friend, no mask, actually that has for the most part been the case for awhile. As for stores I will have a mask in my handbag and see what most people are doing. As for work we have not have any directive from management to not wear mask, until that happens I expect to wear a mask.

Still have wear one at work through September, and I have a couple friends with advanced cancer that I’ll mask around. But thrilled to take the mask off other times! And thrilled to travel internationally again

KB, I am not surprised at what you have shared with us here in what you saw today when you went to the grocery store. Certainly not a trained psychologist, but know enough thru education and experience about people, that self awareness is key, which is not always easy for individuals, especially under the stress this pandemic has caused.

It will be up to each and every individual to recognize their comfort zone and seek help from family and friends to professionals assimilating back.

I like you, have a smile on my face, or at least one on the inside, in addition to a feeling of being liberated. I felt that way prior to today by just walking out of the grocery stores etc, taking off the mask knowing I was fully vaccinated.

1.8% Fatality rate in the U.S .. Mask free is the way to be… I like my odds

Well, I found out today that Red Cross is still requiring donors to wear a mask. Otherwise, I have not put one on today.

Happy Doffing Day!

I’m so glad things are relaxing. Being fully vaccinated I feel safe to go maskless in public. I will however fully comply and wear masks in stores and businesses that continue to require it. It never bothered me that much and I refuse to be a Karen.

YES!! Vaccinated and not afraid!

famous last words 🙁

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ok… I’ll give you the maskless bit but…. 🤢

Aren’t all chaps assless?

Some people look better with masks on…

all the ugly people will continue to wear their masks.

I have ditched the mask weeks ago, due to Common Sense and Science. After leading Infection Control for many hospitals, I can tell you the best way to stay healthy is to WASH YOUR HANDS. Do a good job. Imagine you’re getting ready to perform surgery. 30 seconds, use soap and warm water, rub between fingers, rings, get under your nails. This is the one proven method for staying healthy and avoiding aquiring bacteria and viral illnesses.

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Well you’d be a pretty stupid surgeon to risk an accidental sneeze, spit or drool into an open body during surgery wouldn’t you?

It isn’t ironic at all.

Wearing a mask felt like I was wearing a muzzle! I also hate going places and have my temperature taken with a thermometer that looks like a gun and it is pointed at my forehead. I have already been out and about and have ditched the mask and if a store wants me to wear one then they should give me one. Covid is not the only thing that could kill me. There is an abundance of aggressive, dangerous drivers who could cause serious injury. Let’s also not forget that Newscum is releasing criminals but no one is trying to protect law abiding citizens from that.


Never wore one before unless I needed to go into a store for something.

Had most stuff delivered.

The entire mask thing was nonsense.

I did not wear a mask when I was outside, regardless where I was from the start. I wore a mask in stores, but kept my nose uncovered to facilitate breathing, as it would not be civil of me to engage in opposition to the workers wherever I was, as these were (absurd) requirements put on by bureaucrats, not the employees.

Twould say just use commonsense…but that’s in bidenly-short supply

All done. CA needs to take a reality check. Most of the nation has been maskless for months and cases still falling.

Considering micron size of the virus, approximately 0.12 microns, popular non medical cloth masks, about same as trying to stop mosquitos with chicken wire mesh. But we were all protected by wearing a “mask”.

Well if you consider that the mosquito can only survive inside a tennis ball (water droplet), then yes, they do work.

Check out this (it even has a video):

I will use one often…I find it helps tremendously with my allergies..

I’m following the science. Remember, variants are the same virus you got vaccinated to prevent/reduce. The news loves to say variant to keep you scared. If you feel you need to wear a mask for the rest of your life that’s your business. You can also quarantine for the rest of your life if that makes you feel good too.

Depends on the situation. Go with you gut. So many people are untrustworthy I do not believe what the leftist media is shoving down our throats.

Naked as a J bird, no mask

Honestly, I will probably keep it on indoors with a lot of people. I am vaccinated, and I’m not concerned at this point, but I’m really enjoying not being sick. Typically, I’m sick with something 2 times a year, and so far I haven’t been since Jan 2020. I work for an essential business, so I have been working with the public since day one. If not to prevent COVID, it seems to work against other stuff.

Mostly maskless, I just hope that the dumb dumb Anti-Masking “Hoax” loving, anti-DNA changing experimental serum, Claycordians have enough common decency to carry a mask around and be respectful of the business that still want their customers in masks. You never know what that person’s circumstances are, so don’t let your arrogance get in the way of being respectful.

“…Claycordians have enough common decency to carry a mask around and be respectful of the business that still want their customers in masks.”

I’ll show my respect to those businesses by spending my money elsewhere.

I have not worn a mask in months except when I have taken my mom to the doctor. I live in a free state now. And yesterday the PA asked if she could take her mask off. We had all been vaccinated.

I am not returning to California, even if you throw out all of the Big Brother politicians. I simply don’t trust Kleptofornica.

Follow the science, or follow the lemmings!

I raw dogged some air at Raley’s today…..

Feeling kinda normal again.

I’ve wanted to mask up ever since I started having breathing issues from fumes, fragrances, smoke, and particulates a few decades ago, and masks make me feel a bit more comfortable when I go out. I’ll still try wearing one now that it’s more socially acceptable, and we’re used to seeing people wearing them, a least for a while. And I’ve also enjoyed this nice long break without struggling through colds or flus.



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