Home » Contra Costa County Residents See Many Changes After Several COVID-19 Restrictions Lifted

Contra Costa County Residents See Many Changes After Several COVID-19 Restrictions Lifted


Beginning today, the state will move beyond the “Blueprint for a Safer Economy” and eliminate the color-coded tier system for counties.

This means there will be far fewer restrictions on business and social activity, although things still won’t be exactly like they were before the pandemic.

There will no longer be capacity limits on businesses, although masking will still be required in many situations and settings.​


This page summarizes the State of California’s requirements and guidance, which apply to Contra Costa County and all of California.

Contra Costa County does not have any additional restrictions.

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My wife went to Walmart this morning and noticed that only she and one other person weren’t wearing masks.

People still wore masks when I went to Trader Joe’s in Concord and to Nob Hill Foods in Martinez this morning. Hmmm…

Do you believe they are all vaccinated? I am but I will still wear a mask when shopping.

Lol I love it. Only the vaxed are wearing masks now…idiots. I just heard fauci say if you got the experimental vax you need 3 masks. Us natural humans don’t want your contaminated spittle please.

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Love how I can go to an indoor event with 5,000 folks, go to Walmart, Costco, stand in lines with no masks,
kids in school still need to wear a mask.

Yeah, all about the science …

Dear Parent:
Where our children are concerned, is it not better being safe than sorry?

No. Is total abuse of children and it’s hurting their interpersonal relationships. Take all the masks off immediately. How can this be so hard.

MAsked- better safe than sorry? You mean when more kids die from the flu every year but there was not mass hysteria then?

Oh, please:
Still spreading the same old, tired lies about flu deaths. May be time to get another schtick.

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@ Masked
How bout you get another ‘schtick’?

You keep your mask on, but your fear (rationale or irrational) should not be forced upon my children. I believe that the children and high risk populations have been severely impacted by this pandemic that our horrible government figures and society leaders (health department) and society influencers (media) have blown WAY out of proportion.

Yep 600K Americans have died WITH covid … but how many FROM? Alameda county just reduced their amount by 25% … why? Cause they realized that a motor vehicle fatality was recorded as having their death caused FROM covid … how did COVID kill the fatality in the motor vehicle accident? I’ll wait … but you wont answer.

And how many more jurisdictions are changing their numbers now? Well, publicly, LA and Florida have already done it. But how many more will do it on the down low to reduce the embarrassment of recognizing that they LIED to the general public in order to FEED the FEAR MONGERING?

Keep your mask on … you do you, the rest of us can do us.

A gunshot through the heart didn’t kill him….he died from Covid. How many incidents like this were counted as Covid deaths? I’ll bet it’s close to half of what is being reported.

@ Cyn …

What? Sorry, not sure what are you referring to with a gunshot through a heart when I mentioned a motor vehicle fatality.

Masked. Lol. Ok, just go ahead and deflect. You cannot provide something defensible because the facts are straight-up truth and easy to actually verify. You didn’t debate. This is the tried liberal way: deflect, deflect, defect.

You mentioned that 600K died with Covid but wondered how many died FROM Covid, and you mentioned the motor vehicle death. I was referring to that…….there were gunshot victims who died with Covid but the actual cause of death listed WASN’T a gunshot, when in fact that WAS the actual cause. The same with the motorcyclist not wearing a helmet who got his head crushed but the cause of death, again, was listed as a Covid death. Whoever is responsible for saying that over 600K deaths are because of Covid, in my opinion, is wrong. I believe it’s closer to 300K. That’s what I meant. Sorry I wasn’t more clear about it.

Life must really suck for the power-hungry Karens at the CCC health dept. The loss of power and control over so many lives must be devastating to them. I was watching a video early on last year when the shutdowns were first implemented. There was a woman from the health dept. who appeared to be physically getting off on her new-found power. Her pupils were dilated; her skin was flush. I’m sure she’ll never experience such ecstasy again.

And is CAL-OSHA that incompetent they could not coordinate mask lifting along with Federal OSHA, the CDC and the State of California? They are not meeting until the 17th to discuss……

how does it feel that they used your kids to get 8 billion dollars from you to indoctrinate for another 6 weeks

then turn around and cut the knees out from unde rthe kids and say they need to volunteer for testing of vaccines

or they will wear the fauci mask of compliance and servitude

yep those who do need a mask for protection the over 65 group can get real masks though

those at Walmart are showing their colors let them it further creates the divide the dem politicians want

hows that equity working for ya dems

you dems sure are showing how really good you vote

come on man ….

I’ll still be wearing my mask at stores such as Safeway and Trader Joe’s. I’ll also wear it for ingress and egress from my office (which requires an elevator ride).

Unfortunately there are many militant people who still believe the virus is a hoax or that mask mandates impact their personal freedom or that the vaccination is dangerous. I’ll instead be guided by science and common sense.

I’m with you Guy, I too will continue to wear my mask indoors and at work. I feel the same way, the anti-maskers will still make it difficult to truly re-open.

Concord guy I don’t think people think Covid isn’t real but it’s not as serious for most people as what we’ve been brainwashed to believe. Propaganda is real. And the fact is that the masks most people wear don’t work against viruses
Why do you think so many rest home patients and jails had outbreaks?
They were all forced to wear masks and caught it anyway.

Recall Newsom!
He’s coming out with a “ not a vaccine passport “ vaccine passport

Sorry for the bad grammar

If you want to wear a mask good for you. Exactly where it should have always been. Personal responsibility. You do you and I will do me.

Just for the sake of argument, what exactly would be the conditions where you would feel, guided by science and common sense, that wearing a mask would not been needed?


You do know that the mask will only protect you if large particles are attempting to invade your mouth + nose, right? The COVID virus is made up of microscopic particles, and it’s nearly impossible to prevent those from entering our nose + mouth through anything other that the strictest medical grade masks, head coverings, specialty glasses, body suits, etc. Those were reserved for our medical personnel for a reason: they are most at risk of acquiring the disease.

As for those “militant people” who still believe the virus is a “hoax”, I’m not sure what you mean by that. I don’t know anyone who doesn’t believe the virus is a virus. It’s science; how can it be denied?

As a Libertarian, I want to make you aware of the fact that our country is guided by The Constitution, and nowhere in that document does it permit the government to infringe on our rights. What we wear or don’t wear, what we believe or don’t believe, and who we allow to inject us or our children with vaccines is entirely up to you as an individual, not the government. However, this pandemic has proven to me once again, that Americans easily give up their liberty, without question, and that is simply wrong. If they told you to wear a hazmat suit every time you walked out to the mailbox, for fear of aquiring a virus, would you?

I hope you remember the two most important lesson of this pandemic: liberty, once given up, is difficult to return and wash your hands with soap and warm water for 30 seconds (and do so frequently). Good Luck.

If we were guided by science, the kids would have been back in school last year, OR they never would have been distance learning in the first place! Masks would have been dropped months ago. Things would have returned to normal so much quicker. If things in CA were actually guided by real science. And, unless you are also a doctor, then I certainly know more about real science than you do.

ooohhh scientist in the room do tell

and a local

so maksing the origin of a virus by introducing animal dna

how long does that take and why is it necessary

i mean unless your trying to mask the origin and commit atrocities

but why would anyone do that

bad baby bad baby

any scientific help would help us all
since the flip flopping states multiple entities crowing about trying to be the first to tell us what to do and force our compliance
while also bowing to china …..and we all know

a democrat cant do two things at once so the story crumbles

you dems are showing your doing real good

come on man

I certainly don’t believe COVID is not dangerous, but it’s how the state and public health officials went out about providing it’s policies and guidelines. Comment sense was not use, but abused. Early in the pandemic, leading epidemiologists were telling people that the COVID virus could easily get through most facial masks, yet for some reason the government made it a requirement to wear it. The obese, elderly, and those with underlying health issues were the most susceptible to getting the wuflu, yet senseless lockdowns and shelter in place were the norm. Restrooms in many businesses were closed (I guess the virus was hiding in all those bathrooms). Park benches and table had yellow police tape wrapped around them with signs indicating COVID was all over the tables.Not to worry because there will be a new variant coming to a city and state near you so the useless idiots in govt can reimpose the restrictions that make life so enjoyable for all of us.

Yep you nailed it! Plandemic scamdemic!

I”m curious…. How are ‘they’ going to enforce (and/or identify) who is vaccinated and who is not?

Went to Ace Hardware today the 15th. Only one other person in the store beside myself without a mask. Went next store to Whole Foods and only saw one other person without a mask there also. Didn’t at least some of these people get vaccinated?

Most are just wearing it to be a bit more cautious and safer, or to feel safer. Some are protecting others around them that may not be or can not be vaccinated.

Don’t be so hard on people. Old habits die hard.

Alotsa folks wore masks while out and about during spring and summer because of pollen or smoke “before” the pandemic.
Not everyone has Covid paranoia!
There are many legitimate health concerns out there that masks are helpful for.
I’m not fond of inhaling ashes myself.

I’m not wearing a mask for anything any longer.

If a store or business requires one, I’ll shop and do my business elsewhere.

The mask nonsense was a farce.

I pity the fools who believe they have some value.

The reason why the flu didn’t run amuck is because we were all distancing, wearing masks, and washing our hands.


The reason why covid hit so many people was because we weren’t distancing, wearing masks, or washing our hands.

Weird huh?

I am vacationing in a slightly more conservative area of CA. It was refreshing to go to the gym today and see other people working out without a mask. It is nice that not everyone has taken up this new religion and some people are still left with some iota of common sense. All the fearmongerers can stay home indefinitely. Be scared by yourselves and avoid living your lives.

From what I saw in the supermarket last Saturday, I may start wearing a hazmat suit. As I stood looking on in utter disbelief, some older, bearded lamebrain in the produce section pulled his mask down and sneezed into his hand. He then looked at what he had “produced,” and surprised, started pushing it around with his fingers. He then wiped under his nose with his thumb and forefinger, looked at that, and wiped the whole mess on his pants. Very nonchalant, he went right on picking out produce.

Of all the sections in the grocery store he chose to contaminate, he had to sneeze on the poor, “naked” fruits and veggies. Not the canned stuff. Not the wrapped meats. He had to sneeze on the poor, defenseless fruits and veggies. I got as far ahead of him as I could and bought a pre-packaged salad.

Personally, I can live quite well without other people’s loogies and I was tempted to say something to him, but clearly he wasn’t too bright. I almost couldn’t believe what I was seeing. I would have thought, and wrongly I guess, that if anything the general consciousness of the entire population as it relates to personal cleanliness would have been elevated by the events of the past year, but apparently not.

I wear a mesh mask but even still I’d never sneeze into it. Gross. I dont need to sneeze often but when i do the mask comes down and i sneeze into my arm. Although now I’m not wearing any mask so i can freely sneeze away👍🏻



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