Home » The Water Cooler – Illegal Activity In Your Neighborhood

The Water Cooler – Illegal Activity In Your Neighborhood


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.

Today’s question:


Do you have any homes in your neighborhood where you suspect illegal activity (drugs, prostitution, etc.) is occurring? If so, has the city you live in done anything about it? (please don’t list the address)

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The City of Walnut Creek does not even answer the phone….. Leave a message so we can never call you back and say ir’s due to Covid. Nice try!

WCPD is awful, not to mention, crooked.

…. yes … there have been 2 drug busts & still continues ….

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It is not illegal to have a chicken at a private residence. In fact, you can have up to 12 chickens on one property, provided they are kept caged in an enclosure. The enclosure can’t be any closer than 25 feet from the property line, and the enclosure and the chickens must be maintained under sanitary conditions. Effective August 7, 2014 no Concord resident may keep roosters hatched or acquired after this date. Roosters hatched or acquired prior to August 7, 2014 must be removed from Concord no later than August 7, 2015

Take my word for it there is nothing worse than an ex civil servant. Good Luck. You may as well show him the law in person because for sure he will find out who complained. Have guts confront the idiot.

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A few years ago, one of my neighbors had people stopping by for less than five minutes, then leave. This happened four or five times a day, and It didn’t take a genius to figure out they were stopping by to buy drugs. Since I never saw any bizarre behavior from my neighbors or their “guests,” that would indicate they were using hard drugs, I figured they were probably selling a little weed to their friends, so I didn’t really care. After about a year or so, the police showed up and searched their home and cars, I’m guessing they didn’t find anything because no one went to jail. But the neighbors were probably guilty of selling something illegal because no one is showing up and leaving five minutes later anymore.

Sounds like the house across the street from me..exactly..It’s a corner house entering a court and when we moved in 5 years ago I noticed random people getting a packag/black bag from the same area…I would randomly be looking outside and would see someone walking by the sidewalk, look into the overgrown bushes grab a bag and walk away. I thought what? How did they even know that bag was there? Every day for years and then suddenly, nothing. My husband and I thought something odd was going on.

I ain’t no snitch!

I bet you’d change your tune if you were trying to raise a family or enjoy the peace and safety of your home but your neighbors decided to operate a den of iniquity/den of thieves/drug house next door, or down the block.

Fine than live with it.

@TDub ~ Has anyone spoken to the guy who owns the rooster?
I’ll bet nobody has. Give it a try, he might be reasonable and willing to find a new home for it. Go do it …. unless you’re chicken.

Yes! I love this!!

A few years ago a gay doctor in my neighborhood took out a hit contract on his former gay lover. He had taken it out with an undercover cop, thankfully. The police had a stakeout on his house and were watching the street from in front of my house in an unmarked car.

We didn’t know anything about it, of course. We thought the car was suspicious because it had been sitting there so long. So, my sister went out and took down the license plate number. I watched as she walked to the back and wrote the license plate number down. The guy sitting at the wheel got really fidgety, checking what he could see in the rear view mirror. When she got back in the house, he soon left.

About that time, my next door neighbor came home and told us our doctor neighbor had been arrested down at Ace Hardware on Clayton Road while my neighbor was shopping. He talked to the police and knew the whole story and said they had staked out our street for the arrest. It was pretty clear by then that my sister had taken down the undercover cop’s license plate number. We read the whole sordid tale in the newspaper the next day or two. It was shocking. We had never had anything like that happen in our little neighborhood of judges, doctors, dentists, lawyers, and ordinary old us. The neighborhood has, however been the sight of several tragedies, and a number of puzzling suicides. I keep thinking I need to write a book.

Right now, I pretty much suspect one guy of cultivating way more than his share of weed. Everyone else seems pretty law-abiding and above board.

I’m cheering for your sister as being a good neighbor. And I’m glad it was a cop instead of a real bad guy, because that situation has all kinds of potential to go sideways.

Oh,…there is a drug house and one girl /woman that some think is a prostitute, in our neighborhood, but I don’t know the locations.
About 15+ years ago, there was a rental house just around the corner, meth lab,….everyone knew and the neighborhood was working in partnership with police. Well, it came to a end,….the guy messed up and ended up blowing up the house.

I remember that. It was close to my deceased friends house. He lived on Clayton Way.

Not much in my little corner of the world. Just the nightly fireworks. But those have toned down in the past few days. There is a guy doing auto body work from his garage but I’m not sure it’s illegal. Some cars at the entry area have been doing side shows but never last long because the road is too narrow there.

When I was young, we had a rooster that bothered my next door neighbor. My neighbor never complained about anything except the rooster. I took the rooster to a local farm and let him go.

Here in my new neighborhood in my new state, we don’t have much crime. Of course it doesn’t hurt that we live on a dead-end street, everyone is armed to the teeth (next-door neighbor is a gun smith, FFL and competitive shooter) and our state gives the “benefit of the doubt” to the homeowner.

Worst crime so far has been kids racing golf carts down by the river.

Well,….you lucked out.
My Hubby would really enjoy having a Gun Smith for a neighbor.

I think California law follows the Castle Doctrine, too, but please do correct me if I’m wrong.

California is a Castle Doctrine state. However, California has a long history of picking and choosing which of its laws are recognized and which are ignored.

My Granma taught me how to deal with unruly roosters when I was really young. You hold their head in your hand and with a quick snap of the wrist your problem rooster is gone. Of course they have to be boiled as roosters can be quite tough.

I’ve been told roosters can’t swim…feathers aren’t like ducks, they absorb water.

I temporarily moved back into my parents house when I finished college. Their neighbor had gotten so brazen with his Marijuana selling (this was before legalization) that his clients were not even trying to hide it…..brick sized 420 wrapped in clear plastic.
I didn’t like it and was going to document and get police involved, but my parents told me to not get involved because they didn’t want neighbor problems.

Then something strange happened, this 420 selling neighbor with girlfriend and two children abandoned the house. A contractor came over and installed a new front door plus added security door.

We found out what happened: Two armed men broke through the front door in a home invasion whIle every one was sleeping….they held them at gunpoint in bed and told them to “stop selling in our territory”.

@Annon, it’s a good thing that organized crime ensures an orderly black market to deter miscreants like your former neighbors from blighting the place.

If you think it is horrible how liberals have to deal with words and actual ideas here, maybe you should get a taste of reality (and perhaps your own blood) by putting on a Trump 2024 hat and walk around in Oakland, or Berkeley, or San Francisco. Hello. Reality calling.

I wore a MAGA hat in Berkeley, no one messed with me, of course I’m a very bad man.


That would get people’s attention. They would be laughing at you.

My neighborhood has much less crime than the Crossings did. However, I did witness a mail carrier mow down my neighbor’s mailbox and just drive off. I took pictures and gave all the info to my neighbor when she got home. Within a half hour, our street was full of police cars and assorted postal vehicles.

Ha. ha. You are so right. Like your sense of humor.

Years ago we had what looked like drug importer/distributors. About once a month a U-Haul truck unloaded unmarked boxes. They could have been filled with offshore vitamins for a pyramid sales scheme- don’t know. A constant visitor was a little old man with a very big hockey bag, almost a big as he was, come by, stay 5-10 minutes and leave.

One day I heard them talking about how much money they had made the last weekend selling drugs including fake drugs. I was more worried about some of their “burned” customers coming to the wrong house so I went the the police department and told them what I knew. I was run out of the police department with them saying they did not deal with “tips” and not to come back until I had proof that would stand up in court.

@Bob – The cops did the right thing. Nobody likes a snitch; especially a snitch that doesn’t actually know what went down.

Elect me as judge, jury, and executioner and crime will end in no time flat. We really don’t need criminal sleazebags hanging around. Get rid of them. Right now my neighborhood seems safe but it only takes one to change it.

If there are laws that are never ever enforced, are they still illegal? Regarding this, I’m not even certain that the claycord community that I grew up in and still live in has a police department.

I’ll report illegal construction of sheds, carports, and other such structures if it is clearly in violation of required setbacks.
I’ll also report unsightly junk in public view that lingers too long…. “too long” as in a couple of weeks which tells me that the resident has not gotten rid of it within a reasonable amount of time. This falls under the nuisance ordinance.

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With this hot weather and high winds you must report to the police. It only takes one little ember and we could lose the neighborhood and a lot of lives. If you have children do it for them. This is really a bad thing not to report it.



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