Home » BART’s Saturday Service Increases With 16 Additional Train Trips

BART’s Saturday Service Increases With 16 Additional Train Trips


BART is adding 16 train trips to its Saturday service beginning this weekend.

According to a BART press release, the additional train trips will serve Saturday riders throughout the day. Most of these trips will serve the Pleasant Hill-Daly City corridor, which is heavily used on a regular basis.

An additional trip has been added from the BART station at San Francisco International Airport in the morning. One trip that is headed to the airport has been added in the afternoon.

BART officials said that systemwide ridership on Saturdays has increased at a faster pace than ridership on weekdays. Last Saturday, for instance, 42,356 riders took BART. That’s 27 percent of pre-pandemic ridership for a Saturday in June.


“We’re excited to see our riders returning and we’re adding trains to make it more convenient,” said BART Board President Mark Foley. “Sitting in a traffic jam on a Saturday afternoon is no fun. BART, on the other hand, is on-time well above 90 percent of the time and, with more frequent service beginning tomorrow, we feel we’re the best way to get around on a sunny Saturday.”

Also Saturday, BART will reopen all station entrances that were closed in October of last year due to low ridership. Some construction-related closures will remain closed.

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Will there be security in the stations and on the trains? If yes, then I’ll get excited.

First – Cleaner stations and trains, better security, more officers on trains….

Focus on why BART is there and eliminate the feel good crap.

Be still my heart.

I rode Bart this past week after a hiatus of a few years of boycotting it.
To be honest, it was quite pleasant. It had a majority of nice passengers and I saw only one bum this time. I saw four different policemen or Bart ambassadors during my trip. I went from Walnut Creek to Montgomery station and back in the morning commute and late afternoon. I have hated Bart in the past… Due to the homeless, bums and inner city Tufts that would roam through the cars looking everyone and their possessions over. If my recent ride is evidence, maybe Bart has cleaned the system up. I’ll ride it again next week. I hope the experience is still good.

Who’s riding Bart on Saturday when masks are required and Covid is never going away

Or the lockdown from the newscum

Avoid Bart they are bleeding Us dry

They needed 400 million to stay afloat

Paying out pensions and benefits and bonuses

The board is mismanaging the system funds in favor of giving tax money to unions bonuses and pensions

And billing us for all of it

While we are given filthy trains full of bums and druggies a Kati going children and women

Denounce Bart make Komifornia work for our tax money and indentured children of the future paying off union bonuses and pensions

I was expecting to hear free train rides for at least through the end of summer to try and entice riders back onto BART. Since many “youths” continue to hop the gates and sneak through, how about rewarding those that actually pay? I know…it makes too much sense.

Here is the BART management mind set: Insisting on clean trains and stopping fare-jumpers amounts to rider suppression…….



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