Home » Contra Costa Health Officials Say Vaccine Rates Are High, As Are Case Numbers

Contra Costa Health Officials Say Vaccine Rates Are High, As Are Case Numbers


With a week to go until the state likely lifts most COVID-19 public mask mandates, Contra Costa County residents seem ready, having received about 1.3 million vaccine doses.

Health officials told the county Board of Supervisors on Tuesday that more than 75 percent of county residents 12 and over have received at least one dose. Two-thirds of the demographic are fully vaccinated.

“We do remain in the orange tier, and we expect to stay in that tier until the state lifts the blueprint for a safer economy on June 15,” said health department deputy director Randy Sawyer. “The county plans to align with the state’s health guidance and not impose any additional local restrictions. When that happens, there will be no more colored tier system.”

The county’s case rate is still relatively high at about 8.5 infections per day per 100,000 people, which would still have Contra Costa in the purple tier if not for vaccination rates being so high.


Health officials also said the county recommends municipalities follow the relevant state guidelines when it comes to Fourth of July events. Many cities have canceled fireworks shows and parades, though others like Orinda have scaled back but still plan to hold celebrations.

The state has issued guidelines for “mega events,” gatherings of more than 5,000 people indoors or 10,000 people outdoors, after June 15.

Indoor events will require attendees to be able to verify they’re fully vaccinated or show proof of a negative COVID-19 test with 72 hours of attendance. Attendees will also have to follow CDC guidance regarding face coverings.

“These large events are still a risk for unvaccinated people and we strongly recommend that they get vaccinated as soon as or wear a mask when they’re in public,” deputy county health officer Dr. Ori Tzvieli said.


County officials also said the state plans to relax workplace mask rules after June 15, but only in businesses in which employers have proof of all employees working in the same space are vaccinated. Businesses that interact with the public can still require patrons to wear masks.

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hey every look!!

cover for gavin to keep his king powers


“hey every look!!“ 😂

It looks like the 8.5/100k and purple tier comments are from March. The county was moved to the red tier from purple due to high number of vaccinations on March 12. So, it’s reported incorrectly.

Why does the County website say 2.9 cases per 100k? That os less than half oh what this articles says.

Because they’re lying to you.

The jig has been up for months, but there’s waayyyyyyy too much money and power at stake.

I was just going to post the same thing Never Enough.

Your allowed to pick and choose what numbers you want to go by these days, so it really doesnt matter, Newsom will do what he wants, as he only cares to stay in office not public health.

Yes, the number presented in this post is significantly higher (nearly 3x) than what the county is reporting.

Even without the state’s revised criteria for the color tier system based on vaccination rates, CCC would be squarely in the orange tier based on the original tier system.

It won’t matter in a week anyways, but it seems like the wrong or outdated data was consulted for this post.

@Claycord~Please change your article to read “8.5 cases per 100k for UNVACCINATED…just watched Health Department video and Dr. Tzvieli indicated that, which in my opinion, convolutes data even more…

Kudos to Orinda for holding celebrations. It was a 3-2 decision, and it’s time to celebrate. Danville is holding their July 4 parade Labor Day weekend which is odd. Better late than never.

Don’t listen to the county. Although our county cases are relatively high compared to everybody else at 2.7 per hundred thousand people, that is nothing compared to where we were. It’s time to open things up

People are responsible for themselves. If some people refuse to be vaccinated then that is on them.
Open the economy without restrictions.
.. and strip Newsom of his emergency powers.

Many of the same people that refuse to get vaccinated, are the same ones that are upset about the shut down. However, the shut down is not that severe at this stage. SunValley Mall is busy, restaurants are open, I work at Macy’s we are very, very busy, and our sales are above expectations.

Opting out of a medical experiment is not “refusing“ or anti vax or anything other then using common sense. Which btw isn’t common.

Science says the masks are for control, because they definitely don’t stop viruses.

Except the Masks are backed by science and so is the vaccine so yes people are anti science and vax conspiracy theorists. I’ve posted a million times with actual research and all you conspiracy theorists can give me are antivax websites, youtube vidoes, and love to cite laughing stock quack doctors that nobody takes serious outside of their little antivax circle.

What Pyrrhus said.

It’s OVER.
The whole thing was the biggest failure in world History….you Never Quarantine the healthy.

Of course, let’s don’t dare speak of Vitamin D, zinc or ivermectin.

Do we even have immune systems anymore?

Enlighten me, where did you practice Medical?

I don’t “practice”. Anyone “practicing” “medical” should not be giving advice. I prefer my medicals to be doers. The doers have said we have immune systems and with proper nutrition, COVID HOAX is like a mild cold. Vitiman C,D, zinc, hydroxychloroquine. The vaccine shouldn’t even exist as there has always been treatment. The emergency vax was a fraud for fauci and gates profits. Get with the times boomer.


You have some of the worse response ever… Are you seriously asking do we even have an immune system??? You do understand how immune systems even work? This is a legitimate question to you.. you do understand that if your body gets infected with something that it never seen before it can wreak havoc and even kill you? You say you’re not a scientist but then you go off and in every post that you say on this site you combat everything and say that it’s all fake. It’s sad. A mild cold/Flu doesn’t kill millions of people. Saying vitamins “Which you can’t even spell that right” zinc and Hydrochloricquine will combat this Virus is just dumb. A number of people who have been fit in shape taking their vitamin extreme great health have also died. I have had 7 people i known 3 family and 2 friends and 2 coworkers have.

You also said masks don’t work? You come up with such fake info it’s crazy. And I do want to ask you a serious question. You say you don’t want to opt-in for this medical experiment. Which sounds like you’re actually scared but the question is how do you think every single vaccine and over-the-counter medicine as well as prescription medicines have all been done? That’s a serious question to you because I’m pretty sure in your life you have taken over the counter medicines and might have even been vaccinated when you were first born. Every single one of those have had to be in humans in order to know if it actually worked. Everything has to be an experiment to find out if it actually worked the people who went through the studies I applaud them. Again I understand you’re actually scared but downright playing all this as a hoax and putting down people because of their own beliefs and trying to say false info is down right dumb. Trump tried the same thing and people now see right through him.

You couldn’t be more entertaining if you tried. You castigate Sam for misspelling vitamin, then two words later you butcher “hydroxychloroquine” with the correct spelling staring you in the face 🤣

I personally know 9 people who were infected and not one of them even sought medical advice after the positive test. Sounds like you need to improve your social circle. It’s not a hoax, nor is it nearly as dangerous as gullible rubes like yourself have been frightened into thinking.

Next time try being honest. Lol “I’m scared”. Nothing like 1 grade peer pressure to sell your point🤣🤣🤣

How’s this: Na Ugh, I ain’t scared.

This is exactly how you boomers screwed over every following generation. Total idiots.

Masks are for losers.

You’re forever lost.

The county is reporting 2.9 per 100k. What’s the source of Claycord’s numbers at 8.5?

There are going to be a lot of lumbar herniations from the shear amount of goalposts movement that has gone on over the last year and a half.

15 days to slow the spread has evolved to “the vaccine isn’t good enough, we are still going to control your lives.”

I specifically got my first dose so I could ditch the idotic mask I wear 40 hours a week after I got the second. If they are going to make me keep wearing it regardless because I work with the public, I’m skipping the second one.

Essentials workers are heros! Now keep your muzzle on because Karen is afraid for no realistic statistical reason. God this state is a joke.

Glenn describes how quickly Germany’s economy tanked in the early 1920s, thanks to destructive practices that resulted in astronomical inflation rates — so high, in fact, that the price of coffee would increase faster than you could drink your first cup. But Glenn says the parallels between Germany nearly a century ago and our economy today are too clear to ignore, and it’s all being done by phony ‘experts’ we’re brainwashed to trust. So, considering Janet Yellen recently said inflation will be GOOD for the country, are they destroying our economy on purpose?

the newscum is going full maniac

obsessed with power and millions in ppp loans

we suffer the wrath of the nephew

and again wow
its a virus
the numbers will always be there as people get the virus its not a death sentence like they make it out to be
yes people died and from the flu for years
was this worse by a margin

but all this number number numbers
its designed to scare you and force you to wear a mask so the newscum and his cronies can laugh at all of us and drink wine

if you dont get the virus you will suffer the mutation
see india who went full on freak show and barred themselves away for months ….then came out and got hammered by the 20 time mutated fauci virus

the numbers are for research data they are collecting well fauci and his all up and up Chinese scientist’s who are under siege by socialist communist rule and never lie or mislead or tell faucisms
….hey wait that’s what dem voters want

well you got it all of it
the oppression the experiment’s on you
the lying and taking billions while you get a 600 dollar check yay you won
and the oppressive dictator the newscum

yaya celebrate dem voters you got what you wanted

now the faucist will pull another virus out to keep you locked down

too funny really

all of this and your children are being taught to hate you for being american

cant make this up

you guys are showing yourselves to be real good

come on man

never gets old ….or is it too old ?

From the Daily Mail UK: Fauci escapes questions about his emails. Instead he gets fawning interview with Jill Biden on “Live! with Kelly Ripa and Ryan Seacrest”.

Emails suggest Fauci not only knew COVID leaked from a Wuhan lab, but that the U.S. funded gain of function research, under Fauci’s watch.

CNN, ABC, and MSNBC are trying keep the Fauci scandal hidden because it implicates the Democrat fake media spin machine and the CDC.

The gullible are so easily trained.

As I stated on Claycord beginning in January of 2020, this entire event has been a man-made manipulation that has cost too many lives and damaged too many economies.

The numbers presented by government officials have been changed to meet the needs of an evil agenda.

Many other states have now abandoned all of the China Virus restrictions.

California should follow those states, but, as I wrote all those months ago, it’s almost impossible to wrestle power back from the government.

Now, with the loss of the individual’s right to vote, (see Dominion) it will be even more difficult to curtail government.

Except when you compare infection rates of the vaccinated and unvaccinated or you compare infection rates of those who sheltered in place and those who didn’t you see that these measures were affected.

None of the safety precautions have been a picnic, it’s been a difficult slog but it has been worth it.

More and more fear porn 🙄

Yep it’s to late the machines are all over komicornia
There are a number of proof positive vids and reports that show just how they did it

And indictments are coming for those who sent poll workers home and stuffed the machines

They will talk and the money trails will lead to a plethora of big headed frauds going down

Unless we demand a Audit in this state we will forever be owned and used
While we pay taxes for our children to be undereducated as well as tought to hate us for being American
And now the teachers are allowed to be undereducated as well
They just need to be dems and they pass so they can create little dems out of our children

We lost and no one said a thing or raised any questions or tried to defend

Wait until Newsom re-instates lockdowns. He said as much in the recent vaccine lotto stunt.

@ Paul. You are 100% correct. King Newscum has no intention of giving up his totalitarian rule. He said he is not lifting the state of emergency because the Wuhan virus hasn’t vanished . It’s not going to vanish and he knows that , we are in for permanent lockdowns. This piece of scum has got to go! There are enough signatures , the recall is a go ! Possibly September , more likely November for the voting. Vote him out !!!

I stopped waiting on Newsom and the voters of California to demonstrate sanity and embrace science. Our Red state is fully open, we are fully vaccinated, and you can see the difference in the eyes of the people you see. Newsom is a symptom, county health officials are infected and the electorate is blind to the dangers of single party rule.

They read 1984 and Animal Farm as how-to manuals instead of a warning, which should frighten everyone.

Forcing people to prove vaccination status is a HIPAA violation, isn’t it?

Unlike most of my social media sphere, I’m not sharing my vaccine status with the world. A good number of my friends will NOT be getting the vaccine, and a whole bunch more are posting pictures of their CDC cards with their personal information…


You do realize private businesses have there own discretion on the vaccine? It falls under “No shoes, No services”.

I agree, this is clear medical segregation, as well as a HIPAA violation.

Re: vaccinated people posting their status on social media…it’s like that joke about vegans: “How do you know someone is a vegan? They’ll tell you.” Same with the vaccinated always bringing it up in small talk and/or showing their vaccine cards on social media. It’s bizarre and pod-person-esque! It truly shows the media brainwashing being done on a global scale.

So you agree that a Private Bakery should have the discretion to Not violate their conscience or religious beliefs by being Forced to make a wedding cake for a same sex couple?

You do realize how insane that sounds right? You actually believe businesses have the right to demand you take and experimental pharmaceutical? I don’t know who dropped you on your head but you should file suit. You have pushed a lot of nazi propaganda, but this steals the zeigt.

Yes, l do agree. Also if someone feel that strongly about it, wouldn’t trust them to do their best. So l would take my business somewhere else, and post positive reviews on line. I frankly don’t understand why someone wants to do business with someone who don’t want their business.

The CCHS website shows 2.8, quit lying whoever wrote this article

Maybe someday Hanne will noodle out how to respond to the comment she’s responding to, but I’m not holding my breath.



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