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The Water Cooler – Something You’ve Always Wanted


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.

Today’s question:


What is something you’ve always wanted, but don’t yet have?

Talk about it….

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Waterfront log house in Idaho or Montana.

White Privilege

Now you’re talking.

@Booyah!: It’s overrated! I supposedly had a ‘white privilege card’ all my life and doesn’t seem to have done much for me. I work three jobs, have newly found severe health issues, and have to live in a hell hole because of my economics… My vehicle gets broken into. I don’t get jobs I would really like.. etc etc…. So I could tell you that the white privilege card does not exist!

@Booyah! The supposed white privileged card doesn’t always work: when I was young it kept me from getting a career in the forestry department because they were only hiring native Americans or people of color. Then just a few years later it kept me from getting firefighter job because they were only hiring people of color or women. So watch what you wish for.

I always wanted a classic Corvette. My dream came true in 2007 when I found one for sale by the original owner with very low miles and at a very reasonable price. I’ve been working on it, taking my time restoring it, and it’s almost done. The biggest problem I had was finding a shop that would paint it. Just about every paint and body shop in the area said they don’t work on fiberglass. I finally found a shop last October and had it painted. It looks and runs great. Every time I take it out, I get compliments.

I got a Vette too, what year is yours ?

The second place I worked at back in 1990, the owner had a 1959 Corvette…..it was blue and white…..the license plate read “59 FINE”…………I’m not sure if I want a ’59 or just a regular old Vette……I’ll get one someday.

I never wanted a Corvette, but I had a boyfriend for 2 years in Westport Ct. who had one, hunter green, canvas top, it was 1968, not sure what year the corvette was, perhaps 64-65. I sure loved driving in it with him with the top down, especially by the beach. Not something we did in Denmark. What year is your Corvette, Dawg. I remember a few years ago they had like a corvette convention at Todos Santos Plaza, I walked around and look at them and took a few pictures.

A Convertible Corvette

Had a built up 56. Got so many tickets I had to leave the state before I lost my license. Some were earned some not. Traded the corvette for a new Ambassador Station wagon to be safe.

Magic Carpet

A Flaming Moe.

1956 Chevy Bel Air Convertible–Red and White

A gun. I’m not really worried about defense or any second amendment issues. I just honestly think they’re fascinating machines. I would like to have a collection of them, to take apart and study and yes, to shoot. Shooting a gun is just plain fun, pure and simple. I’m not quite sure what’s stopping me. There seems to be a social stigma connected to wanting a firearm. (Especially in California)

I wanted a gun so bad for years, I finally bought one around 2004…..Kimber 1911 .45ACP…………..I fired it the day I bought it and that’s it……..sold it around 2013

Good but not that great.

I always wanted to fly a P51. Too old now.

To be disease free so I could live a normal life.

A beautiful pond with enough room to do laps.

One of the fanciest embroidery machines that cost almost as much as a good car.

We bought our house in 1979 and the house was built in 1949.
I have been wanting the kitchen remodeled,…it really needs even more now.
Might have to protest and stop cooking,…LOL!

WUT????…………you’ve got a 1949 kitchen?????

Just in case you checked back,…..
The metal kitchen cabinets were remove/replaced with home made pressed board cabinet in 1974, before we bought. The type you would find in a Garage,….think the metal cabinet would have been better. 🙁

I’m guessing you love birds bought at a fairly young age. I was just graduating High School in 79. Good luck with the protest. Italians can’t stay out of the kitchen. 🙂

A brand new house.

Honest & helpful politicians.
Whadda mean “When Hell freezes & pigs fly”?

Internal peace

What is it? IBS ? Spastic Colon? Ulcers?

To live on the oceanfront at Holden Beach, North Carolina, in a family compound having enough separate cottages for all the extended family members either to live there full time or to come for reunions. The package would come with all the types of maintenance workers it takes to maintain beach property (including hurricane prep). Cooks are optional because there are so many excellent seafood restaurants and walk-ups.
Y’all come!

“And don’t have yet?”
That’s a toughie….Hmmm….
Oh! I know….. REVENGE! Yep, I know just a couple people I’d like to make disappear forever…. There’s always the possibility that some little slip up would get me caught tho…. and I’m much too cute to go to prison.
Who knows? maybe karma will handle it.

Doc I have a telephone number for you if you want it. $$$$

In thar case, Dr. Jellyfinger, I would like to take this opportunity to humbly and sincerely apologize in the event I may have ever angered you.

Especially in light of Ricardoh’s suggestion.

Mick and the boys sang about it long ago…https://youtu.be/Ef9QnZVpVd8

Ya get what ya need!

To be able to twitch my nose like Samantha on Bewitched.

Or blink like Jeannie. Actually either would do

Actually there are 2 things.
1. A black with red interior 66 GTO
2. Live on Mykonos

an American made Fender Jazz with alder body, high gloss maple fretboard, mother of pearl block inlays, hi mass Baddass bridge and noiseless pups in Natural finish.

Oh and a fitted set of golf clubs.

a gold bar, or a pile of gold coins.

A direct phone line to God.

I have always wanted people to work for themselves and to not expect others to pay for them….

A Ferrari 250 GTO, the most beautiful car ever made, and the perfect sports/GT car. However, since the most recent sale price of one was around $70 million, I doubt I’ll ever own one.

1972 Convertible Stingray Corvette

A vacation/week end cabin up in the Gold Country, Nevada City, Murphy’s or Columbia. I spend many week ends up there, since the Scandinavian had a fall week end trip for years, many different towns, Jackson, Sutter’s Creek all so charming. Also a small condo in Copenhagen or suburbs and enough money so I could spend a couple of months there in the summer and a few weeks around Christmas time. AND if I had a lot of money a place in the Hamptons in New York. I was born in Denmark I spend 6 years on the East Coast, and have lived in California, I love each place and would love to have money enough to divide my time between those 3 places.

World Peace!

… hard to choose eliminate all terrible disease / illnesses or world peace? … if we had real leadership we would have world peace so I choose the former.

A new life, or just to no longer be living.

Nick, Always look on the bright side of life. Forget the bad, remember the good. It’s there.

@Nick….this may help….https://youtu.be/X_-q9xeOgG4

My life’s pretty good. But if there was one thing I’d finally like to have, is a life partner that’s totally compatible.

To feel financially secure.



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