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The WC – What Are Your Summer Plans?


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.

Today’s question:


Most of the U.S. will be open after June 15, with businesses reopening, and very little social distancing and mask requirements.

QUESTION: Do you have any big plans this summer, and if so, where do you plan to go?

Talk about it….

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Colorado and Nebraska

Are Grand- Kids in both states? Know you have some here.
Where in Colorado? Us to Arvada, in August.

Hi Roz…yes. I have a grand kids here, Nebraska and in Commerce City Colorado. Arvada is about 20 minutes away. Small world huh. We arrive in Colorado 7/31 and head to Nebraska on 8/3.

Oh how Funny!,….Our Son-in-Law’s job (office) is in Commerce City.
Daughter is working at Sprout’s in Arvada and going back to school in Fall, to be a surgical tech.
Weather should be great to visit both States for You Two,… 🙂

Taking a trip to Texas in June to check out the hill country in terms if miving there. Going to Idaho in July for the reason.

Have a coworker who has 10 acres outside of Boise very near Snake River. He lives down here in a trailer until he takes early retirement in a few years. Meantime he commutes home about once a month. Says climate isn’t that bad, not a whole bunch of snow and he absolutely LOVES Idaho.

Has nice south facing slope down from house for thermosyphon hot water heating of house and greenhouse he’s going to build.
Am definitely jealous.

O.G. -shhhhhhhh! we are planning to move to idaho next year – have relatives there – dont want it to be california.2

We want to travel to Australia and Canada, and we’re checking into traveling restrictions. If not, somewhere in the US. Not sure yet. At this point, camping just to get away would be fine too.

Vegetable gardening, taking it easy, recovering from hand surgeries.

Move out of California.

Looking a new home in either northern or southern Nevada.

Tight housing market in Nevada, good luck.

Good Luck. Houses in Carson City, Gardnerville and Dayton are selling in 3-5 days. I’ve had realtors knocking on my door saying they can get me $450K cash (I paid $242K in 2017 for the house) for my house in Carson City, Since I’m not ready to head northwest yet I’m not selling.
You might find a house in Reno or Sparks but they have the same problems you want to leave behind. If you choose So NV Mesquite is nice but again it’s a tight market

My fingers are crossed to be able to go to American Sewing Conference in So Cal later this year.

Sounds like Fun!!
In 1998 myself and 2 friends, went to Iowa for 3 day Quilt Seminar.
There were 24 Ladies from all over the USA.
It was a blast with the group of 6 of us wild-ones.

SoCal in July. Family, beach, SD Zoo, etc

Lots and lots of Dj gigs. RoundUp Lafayette and Pandora San Francisco…#DjBentley

One beach side pet friendly hotel visit per month in the beautiful state of California.

Still lots of places we have never been.

Dinners at the French Laundry. Lots of them

Hopefully visit my dad more often as I can

Work on my base tan.

Hoping to have a small outside gathering and having a BBQ.

Yes, time at Dillon Beach with my best friend dog walking with her throughout the summer on and off, and a visit from my dear friend from Colorado whom I’ve know for 23 years and will be coming to visit again after re-connecting two years ago.

Will likely travel some within the Northern part of the state along the coast and attend his son’s wedding. Most important to give back locally to the area I live. Very happy about these plans.

Just got a new RV; will travel to avoid the smoke.

Empty Nest Party!!!! 🎉 🥂

Heading home next month because who doesn’t love sweating, showering three times a day, and changing clothes four times a day? There may be some oysters and beer consumed, a lot of listening to jazz and blues in clubs, and hanging out with my family 💕

Hammock Naps 😴😴

As usual hubby and I can not agree on our Summer vacation. I’ve had my heart set on Afghanistan but he wants to go to Libya. The kids want to go to Disneyland…boring!

I’m guessing the food is better in Afghanistan. The silk road seems to have the best cuisine. Have fun!

Heading to Europe

More details please, where are you thinking of going. Curious minds want to know.

My granddaughter turns 5 the end of July, so I will definitely drive down to Pasadena (Monrovia to be exact) for the occasion. Other than that I want to take about 4 or 5 days to go somewhere to relax, preferable a place I haven’t been before. Considering Hawaii, but might want to stay in California so perhaps Mt. Lassen. I have a refund from Southwest, because I couldn’t travel last year, and I want to go away for a long week end with my daughter, no kids, just mom and daughter, we are thinking Santa Fe, I was there years ago, but my daughter has never been there and would love to go. Will also try to squeeze in a week end to Clear Lake, use to go 4 or 5 times in the summer, since the Scandinavian Club owns a cabin up there, and I have friends that lives there.

Awww…the perfect age hanne…my granddaughter just turned 6. Lovely age.

We’re already there.
Our grandbabies brought their Mommy and Daddy for a visit. I rented a cabin in the Smoky Mountains for all of our children’s families, and we’re having a great time. We spent yesterday at Dollywood, and today we’ll visit Gatlinburg’s artist colony.

I’ve been told by a reliable source that the Titanic Museum is FANTASTIC.

The Titanic is in an impressive looking building, but we didn’t have time to check it out.

First part of summer heading east to check out the Charcoal Ovens and other things in Eastern NV. Later part of summer heading to the great northwest to a Cousins Fam Bam as we had to cancel last year. We want to recreate the crazy Slovak parties out grandparents use to have. It’s amazing how our Slovak speaking skills improve immensely when we are together. Thank you to the Zetos and Zetas who taught us



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