Home » The Water Cooler – Prisons & Criminals

The Water Cooler – Prisons & Criminals


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday in the noon hour.

Do you believe our prisons should be tougher on criminals?


Talk about it….

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It’s not the prisons, it’s our bleeding heart elected officials who should be tougher. Prisons, just like the police try to do their job to the best of their ability, but are undermined by the politicians.

I agree. Bring back the three-strikes law.

Prisons? I have not idea. District attorneys, are a joke.

This is California, we are all prisoners of the democratic party!

Is that right? Did i get it right Sam, Chuckie, OG, Random??? Do i win a free dinner with Newsom at French Laundry?

Well not exactly prisoners, more like hostages.

Newsom never pays for his own dinner, so it looks like you’re buying!

Irrelevant when a bonehead gov releases convicts on an innocent public & is defended by boneheadier voters of a specific persuasion

Do you believe our prisons should be tougher on criminals?

all due respect for the mayor of claycord

yet a rigged question but yeah

as stated above it not the prisons

its the democrat leftists komi agenda driven criminal DA
who refuses to prosecute criminals
why is she still there

the people are ok with letting a DA sit on her rear and count the money
while people are being victimized
i mean a lady walking on the pier enjoying her day feeling great and happy
what does the DA do
well he is a repeat illegal wall jumper and well yeah no charges
hold on the defense was he found the gun in a bag and shot her
she was over 50 feet away and behind him
but yeah not even a manslaughter nope hes an illegal and she state so and no charges
then makes the statement that no illegal will ever go to jail she will plead them out for …lol community service …if thats not racist then nothing is

the newscum is emptying san quentin prison …..
why ….its obvious they want the water front land and he is offering us up for those criminals to create chaos just like dems love to do
creat a problem tell you to give them money and they will fix it
dem politicians have made billions off of lying straight up
and yet any dem you pass and even hint your not a dem scream and yell and spit at you

prisons are a need not a blue chip to bargain
do they need some reform i would say yes
do they need to be emptied and flood the streets with crime to allow for a land grab nope

recall the newscum and start to take back the state from political criminals
voters all legal voters need to just take a breath and realize the politicians have put us at odds to control and use us and our money

the binbiden is spending trillions on illegals and criminal hotels across the country that we and now our children will be paying for

and as stated above we are the criminals for allowing this to happen

recall the newscum and start the healing and make this state the best once again

all the shenanigan’s the dems have been doing for the last 40 years is now on us and they are implementing their plan to take away freedom in america ….

soon drones will be flying around us
our privacy and lives will not be ours much longer
best part is when they do kick off the end game all those
dem teet suckers will be the first to get nixed by cutting off funding for edd and any and all programs

lol you shout for socialism and want it so bad spouting the people will own the product and manufacturing

lol we did
we are the consumers duh in a capitalist economy we dictate prices
if we dont buy it they lower the price

in your new socialist agenda economy we pay for everything and the dems get rich ….lol

keeping the same politicians and expecting things to get better is a well known phenomenon …..insanity

now you can sheer for pelowski and binbiden

Hell yes on all points. Well put.

My plan would include 100 beds on Death Row (which would be used liberally). When inmate #101 comes in, death row inmate #1 “goes out”. This would take the incentive out of delay tactics and tendentious arguments and keep inmates and lawyers focus on the actual law and facts of the case.

Drug possession (personal quantities) needs something other than our criminal courts to fix. ANYONE selling Fentanyl anywhere in the distribution chain should get an automatic death penalty kinda like Singapore. That stuff is worse than COVID!

Well, almost anything is worse than COVID since the actual death rate is so low.

An old workmate of mine always said that every town needs just one jail cell with a front door and a back door. When the first bad guy is put in, he stays in until another bad guy is caught. The first guy goes out the back door and is shot, and the next bad guy takes his place., and he stays until the next bad guy comes in the front door. … ….. and so-on and so-on. The crime rate would go down quickly with that policy in place. Just think of all the money that would save.

@ redrazor-

“Just think of all the money that would save.”

Have you seen the price of bullets lately?

Bring back chain gangs! Breaking rocks in the hot sun.
Make the MFers work!

Why bother to be tougher when the existing laws are not enforced or followed thru!! Tougher
Tougher on criminals – like jhow?? Take away their TVs, roof over their heads, free meals, conjugal visits.??!!!

No. Prisons serve their purpose to keep people locked up who can’t follow rules and obey laws in society. Most prisons are run by the convicts. The problems as others have stated are the politicians who think they understand how to address crime and punishment. Secondly, these WOKE District Attorneys who think that incarceration is mostly wrong and the can treat criminals through therapy and rehab clinics. As reported last night on KPIX, the jail population in San Francisco is currently at 794 inmates. When the D.A. Chesa Boudin arrive into office two years ago, the jail population was at 1768. Last year San Francisco had 699 people die of drug overdoses. 17 CVS and Walgreen stores have closed or are in the process of closing due to record amounts of theft. One restaurant in the Mission was broken into 4 times in a month and two of those times by the same person who was actually arrested the week before and released. If I was a criminal, I’d live and do my business in that city. Watch what happens this Summer in our 12 largest cities.

And when they are sentenced to Life without Parole it should exactly that!

Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, Singapore all do the right thing. I am totally 100% in on on very serious punishment for crimes. There’s no consequences these days. Criminals are enabled. Bring back Old West Justice.

I have never been in prison so I don’t know how bad it is but I can imagine it is not fun. However if you do the crime you have to do the time and in my opinion that means all of the time. If you sell Fentanyl for instance you have caused the death of people. I would say that is a capitol offense. If you are a gang banger that should also get the death penalty. Where the problem is that needs to be solved is the court system and the lengthy time it takes to serve justice. Thirty years on death row is just crazy. You shouldn’t get more than six months tops.

Bring back 3 strikes no exceptions, strike down AB 47(?) no prosecution $950 and under as not fair to store owners and us tax payers who get it in the shorts to pay for the losses, prosecute young and old alike-you do the crime you do the time. Bring back law and order or people will take care of thing like in the days of the wild wild west.


(What would Jim and Artemus do?)

when laws aren’t enforced who is a criminal?

maybe just white gun owners…


Ha Ha… that is a funny question to ask on Claycord!!!!

The problem prisons face is escalating expense of operation and limited proof of doing anything other than keeping people out of the community. Their delivery of suffering is only relevant to scare people from the idea of future crime. Which is a necessary cog in a society. The problem is that there is a constantly evolving subjective metric of what is cruel and unusual. Should they suffer for years… for life. What suffering is needed to create which outcomes? Then on top of that is the debate about how a prison create incentives for inmates to motivate good behavior in the interest of safety. There’s no right answer and there’s no actual solution to crime and public safety. Just a bunch of things we currently do bc they make us feel safe. Which may be all we can ask.

All I can say is Chris Rock “Bigger and Blacker” toss salad man! YouTube that if you don’t know!

It is not the prison’s role to be “tough on criminals”. Their job is to mete out the sentence handed down to the criminal. Treat them justly and humanely as they serve their sentence.

It is the DA and our elected officials that needs to be tough and demand safe communities. Police should be given the support, training and tools they need to provide services to the public that they pay for through taxation.. Prosecute all criminal activity regardless of political affiliation, race, religion, etc.



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