The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.
Today’s question:
Which country is the gravest threat to global security? Syria, North Korea, China, Russia, Iran or the United States?
Talk about it….
Secret societies, shadow governments and their lap dogs who push their Garbage propaganda known as the mainstream media.
Our current president and his administration. No leadership at home and weak abroad.
The US is the enforcer of peace because we are equipped and manned to do so. However, the current administration probably doesn’t have the will or resolve to do so.
George Soros,
Bill Gates
Joe Biden/Kamala Harris
George Soros
Amen to that Silva. That is exactly what I think as well.
It ain’t Putin. Without a doubt it is China. Also guys like Fauci who ended up paying for enhancing a virus that kills people. He denies it but facts say he is lying. That type of experimenting has to stop before those idiots kill all of us.
China, Iran, and Russia in that order
All of them!
The People’s Republic of China
The greatest threat to our country is right here in the USA. It is posted by the stolen election believers, vaccine doubters and other similar folks, like flat earthers and those who wear aluminum foil hats.
@Clay, so we should just believe everything the tv tells us? Granted, I do not believe the election was stolen; however, going along with what the media says is more dangerous then thinking for yourself.
Blah blah blah…January 6😱…lol cry more lib. Arizona, Pennsylvania, Michigan all federally disqualified. Sorry you can’t have 4G modems attached to your voting machines. Sorry you can’t change the voting machines after the election via this federally illegal internet connection.
The greatest threat to our country are NPCs like this, who think we can’t question the horse crap we are fed.
An American president perceived by the world thru his words or actions as inexperienced (harris) or weak and indecisive. As evidence current world turmoil since 20 January 2021, by the usual cast of bad characters.
Happened when jimmy The Wimp carter was president.
The media platforms that continue to manipulate and steer the populace in whatever direction they see fit for their own benefit and the benefit of their supporters. This is why we have weak leaders and useless politicians. A very dangerous situation we’ve created with the so called freedom of the press. I wish they would revert back to just reporting the news and the truthful facts and stay out of politics and fear mongering.
Even when there were more objective journalist such as Walter Cronkite, Peter Jennings etc. there were also opinion journalists as well. Even back then I heard people complain that Cronkite, Jennings Brokaw were to the left, but of course there were also right leaning journalist. The so called freedom of press allows for Fox News, CNN and others, are you seriously suggesting we should not have freedom of the press? What should we have then, I’m sure you would not want whoever is President to decide what gets reported.
Fox News, Newsmax OANN. Definitely nailed it.
You can have both. Just make media/news ACCOUNTABLE. Not this stupid cat and mouse game they play where they know damn well they are lying 90% of the time, and we play this game like it’s ok. You people make things so complicated. It’s not this difficult to figure out. It’s not all or nothing. Hit them with fines, pull licenses, zero tolerance for presenting “news” that’s inaccurate. Make them think before the publish some BS. That is what they used to to.
Whoever is President (Yes even Trump) it is not the United States, although the US has made mistakes in foreign policies, I believe we are more a force for good. North Korea is dangerous and their leader unpredictable and bellicose, however I don’t think they have the money and manpower to be a real threat. I believe same as other’s have said China, Iran and Russia, not sure in what order, but most likely China because it is a huge country with a big population.
I’m kind of horrified that some think those of another political party is more of a threat to their own country than the above mentioned countries. Does that mean you favor a dictatorship?
Oh hanne how wrong you are. The US is a threat. This country makes promises to local if they help us we will do things for them like bring them and their families here and they will be made citizens and we do not follow through. Just as the interpreters in Afghanistan, Iraq and Vietnam. We go into countries and try to force our way of life on populations that don’t want it. We bomb the heck out of countries, send in troops, create a mess and just leave. Look at what this country has done to Afghanistan and Iraq.
We can no longer blame our actions on the WWII hangover from victory. As much as I hate seeing what is going on in Ukraine and the latest Israel/Palestine conflict we need to stay the hell out of it. If we don’t we will have our fannies handed to us. We need to fix our homeland before trying to fix someone elses
No it means were realistic.
China. Just wait.
China is the biggest risk for global security. And while its not one of the choices, the US liberal media gets a [dis]honorable mention for pushing their political propaganda instead of reporting news.
The fourth estate.
those who believe the ends justifies the means
Globally? It is 100% China. Russia is content to let its enemies destory them selves and Iran and NK are small potoaos, more like to enflame a regional conflict rather that a global shakedown.
I expect China to make a move in the South China Sea in the next two years…
Internally? Leftist progressives which absolutely mirror 1930s Germany with their focus on university students, revisionist history and the antifa strong arm.
IMO, these actions will lead to a Nation with a weakened fortitude, unprepared to address a global threat like an invasion of Taiwan or a large scale attack on S.Korea.
remember we are talking about a hysterical demographic that hoarded TP and curled up screaming in the fetal position on the canal trail when passed by a maskless jogger.
Bean Burner, your last sentence says it all.
Biden/Harris and all the people running that show(rice/Obama, etc) …also… China, Iran.. Possibly…. the host with the crazy hair from Ancient Aliens.
Of the world? I would say China. China is making moves/has moved around the world to gain control of resources, in Africa, South America (Venezuela), Arctic region, etc.. Soon, they will make a more definitive claim to own the South China Seas. They began building manmade islands/bases in 2014, tried, unsuccessfully, to claim US had no right to sail through; we showed them differently with the past 2 administrations. Right now, unfortunately, there is tremendous weakness in the WH, House and Senate, perhaps the weakest we have seen. Jinping knows it, and I would not be surprised if he takes advantage of that. Same with Taiwan. They have global domination desires, and have been moving toward that for decades. I do not think they will get there (maybe that is more hope), but there will be significant turmoil as they try.
Jeff (the other one)
You are correct. China has managed to get on the road to dominance without any military moves. Domination economically is a very brillaint move. And while everyone is complaining about China almost everything bought is this country is Chinese made. Americans what lots of things at a cheap price vs quality that cost more money. And that is why most American owned companies have moved manufacturing to China or buy all their parts from China to assemble here. A Chevy or Ford might be assembled here but the parts come from China.
China. It was the Chinese Communist government that unleashed a virus onto the world. China wants world dominance, Russia isn’t any more of a threat today than it was at the end of the Cold War. Iran is more of a threat to the Middle East than it is to the world, and Syria is mostly a threat to Israel. North Korea likes to bluff by talking tough and flexing it’s muscles once in a while, when in reality they want to be left alone.
Soros, Gates, Fauci, Klaus Schwab, Xie Xie (Zuckerberg begged him for permission to name his son that, Xie Xie declined), Ted Turner, Oprah (yes really), whichever Rockefellers / Rothschilds are alive, Obama, Clintons, John Brennan, heads of all big pharma….all the usual suspects pretty much.
Who’s ready for Nuremberg the sequel?
Didn’t we just bring back firing squads?
Didn’t we just bring back firing squads?
Where do you get your information Zuckerberg has 2 daughters. You seem to have a problem with wealthy people such as the Rockefellers, who for the most part are/were republicans, although more middle of the road than todays republicans. Oprah really, she has no political power she is just a very wealthy entertainer. Clinton and Obama are both ex president, they don’t have the power they had when they were in power.
Yes firing squads AND public hangings are back for you limp wristed libs who don’t really keep up on your government happenings. It’s gonna be a hot summer. Especially with the actual treason and all..keep pumping January 6th while the audio and video is dropping 😂😂😂😂 Cry more libs
I get that you don’t care for Israel, however they are not a big enough country to be a threat to the worlds security, nor do they have the ambition to be a world power, mostly they just want to live in peace in their own homeland, which has been theirs since 1948.
In the ancient days, we will return with no delay
Picking up the bounty and the spoils on our way
We’ve been traveling from state to state
And them don’t understand what they say
3,000 years with no place to be
And they want me to give up my milk and honey
Don’t you see? It’s not about the land or the sea
Not the country but the dwelling of his majesty
People! All of us.
Joe Biden the puppet and his handlers that pull his strings.
Our public school system and colleges . They are dumbing down our kids and filling their minds with liberal socialist garbage . Why do you think such a high percentage of college graduates vote democrat .Because they are smarter right? Yea right.
This is a new army recruitment video. It is one of a number of cartoons aimed at mental midgets. We are in trouble.
Are you suggesting that our nation’s military would resort to emotionally manipulative propaganda, clearly designed to appeal to impressionable youth, for the purposes of recruitment?
The people operating Biden’s puppet strings.
It wouldn’t be Obama pulling the strings, would it?
In a way, the Internet.
The government and media.
Xi Jinping, the Communist Chinese Party Chairman. He has undermined whatever honesty and integrity Democrats and the Liberal Media Complex ever possessed. Reminds me of pre-war Nazi Germany.
China and the US including everyone who buys China products supports their efforts. Need to stop buying China goods and bring back manufacturing to the US.
Biden/Harris and our government who is ineffective and is running our country into the ground, BTW, this includes Soros, the over the top OAC and her leftist-entitlement crowd, Newsom, Becton, the totally leftist media…need we list all of them.
I am so sad for our country and the fools who follow them. Pray for enlightenment and the mid term elections to turn this around.
If your pocketbook is not feeling the drain from Biden and his handlers you are one of the few.
While Putin might be a military threat, governments that rely soley on military will eventually fail, But China, well that’s another story. For 40+ years they have been making economic moves and those will prove to be successful for a long time to come.
Japan is the best example of this. The military imperialism of the 1930’s and 40’s failed but the post war economic moves have been brilliant and sustainable,
China and Russia. The hacking they are doing and willing to do will create even more trouble for the world.
Certainly China.
I will agree with Joe Biden the biggest threat to the US is domestic terrorism. And the largest contributor is George Soros.
You said it all! World has only had more violence since Trump/Putin
China is only a threat because our country allows them to be a threat. Both Republicans and Democrats are ignoring the problem.
For example: Americans of their own volition are selling farm land to companies with ties to the Chinese government.
Smithfield Food was sold to a Chinese company. They own over 146,000 acres of farmland in the US. The sale should have raised red flags, but was allowed to take place. According to rural Georgians, this sale has hurt their economy. Wealth is being extracted from the state, and wired back to China.
Even in Texas, real estate moguls with direct ties to the Chinese government own well over 130,000 acres of West Texas, and keep buying up more. This started when Obama was President, continued when Trump was President, and is still continuing with Biden as President.
Our country’s intelligence agencies have been loudly warning about land being sold to Chinese companies, but to no avail.
Ohio has a strict ban against selling land to foreign entities. Land in Ohio must be sold to Americans, full stop, no exceptions. The governments of other states should learn from Ohio.
Wow intriguing position Natalie. Good job