California will wait until next month to implement recent masking guidance from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for fully vaccinated people, state officials said Monday.
State Health and Human Services Secretary Dr. Mark Ghaly said the state will begin enforcing the new CDC guidance, which permits fully vaccinated people to forego wearing a mask both indoors and outdoors in most situations, on June 15.
June 15 is also when the state plans to lift its arcane tiered reopening system, formally called the Blueprint for a Safer Economy, allowing businesses to expand back to their full indoor capacities.
“This four-week period will give Californians time to prepare for this change while we continue the relentless focus on delivering vaccines, particularly to underserved communities and those that were hard hit throughout the pandemic,” Ghaly said Monday during a media teleconference briefing.
The CDC issued its updated guidance Thursday, stating that it was safe for people who are at least two weeks past their last vaccination date to not wear a mask or practice social distancing.
California’s mask mandate requires people to wear a face covering at all times indoors or on public transit, regardless of vaccination status, unless actively eating or drinking.
Outside, state residents are not required to wear a mask or other face covering as long as they can maintain proper distance between themselves and others, regardless of vaccination status.
Ghaly argued that the state was not questioning the safety or timing of the CDC’s guidance by waiting until June 15 to lift California’s mask mandate.
Rather, state health officials plan to use the next month to determine to what extent the state will enforce some masking rules and how it will do so.
“It’s in no was saying the science or the direction by the CDC is wrong or there’s a challenge to it,” Ghaly said. “It’s really just giving ourselves across the state some additional time to have it implemented with a high degree of integrity with a continued focus on protecting the public health in mind.”
The state keeping its masking guidance in place for the next month will also apply to businesses, even if some have already announced they will adhere to the CDC’s guidance.
Between the CDC’s announcement on Thursday and Monday’s announcement by state officials, Walmart, Trader Joe’s and Costco announced they would not require fully vaccinated customers to wear a mask indoors.
“The CDC has given states a chance to guide how (the new guidelines) get implemented,” Ghaly said. “So we expect businesses in California to adhere to where the state is, and move to implement these standards and prepare for them on June 15 as opposed to now.”
After June 15, Ghaly said the state may still deem it necessary to restart the mask mandate if coronavirus cases flare up.
Local jurisdictions and businesses will also have carte blanche, more or less, to require face masks indoors or in certain situations.
More than 34.5 million vaccine doses have been administered across the state since the coronavirus vaccines first became available in mid-December.
Roughly 15.6 million state residents – 49 percent of the state’s population – are fully vaccinated, according to state vaccination data. Another 4.7 million – 15 percent of the population – have received the first dose of either of the two-dose vaccines developed by Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech.
“We continue to urge from the mountaintops, if you will, all Californians to get vaccinated to ensure that infections and hospitalization rates remain low across the state and that we can all return to those activities we love and have been missing for so long,” Ghaly said.
Please California, vote this guy out. Vote every single person in his squad out. Don’t let any of them near our kids welfare. Today they released data that 2020 saw a 25% rise in youth suicide in California. That is after a really low March-April (which is usually the height of it annually) bc everyone was home together. We had a 25% rise DESPITE people being home more and DESPITE a low spring 2020. The 2021 numbers are going to be staggeringly worse, I’m already seeing it happen.
Gavin knows this data. Ghaly knows this data. THEY DON”T CARE THAT OUR KIDS ARE KILLING THEMSELVES. They don’t care that our kids are regressing developmentally. They all care more about their debt to the teacher’s union and whatever sunk cost hell they got into.
You can’t vote him out. Your vote is outnumbered further with every passing year.
@ amateur Tracher
That’s some heartbreaking and somber info. Thank you for sharing.
@Amateur Teacher
The suicide rate had to do with Covid and being indoors a long time. Gavin had NOTHING to do with that. Every state had to lock down due to what was happening. As you even stated. That was in 2020 which saw suicide rate climb everywhere across the globe. Not just CA.
As you just stated. March and April were low right? So how can you say 2021 is going to be worse cause of what he is doing? Do the math as you’re not seeing it. I get Gavin hasn’t done the greatest but don’t blame him for what our dumb ex pres did.
@ Me
Newscum had a lot to do with this.
When he deemed it safe for schools to open (his own kids in a classroom), he did not require public schools to open. He made a choice, what was best for HIM, with HIS children, while not allowing the rest of us that choice.
He deemed who was essential, and who was not. Because of HIS decisions, many people lost jobs, work and for many, their entire family business. Can you imagine the stress this puts on the young children in those homes? He allowed this to happen, instead of allowing these small business to open with some restrictions … a salon is generally very safe with the every day, pre-pandemic precautions (mask, gloves, etc) but he deemed them unsafe. he went so far as to say that is where the first community spread came from, but he never did prove it.
He chose to ignore the CDC guidelines .. most recently, the mask requirements. Why, cause he believes they are still needed (remind me again where he got his medical license?). The impact that the constant mask wearing has on children (and adults) … yeah … that was him making that impact.
He chose to continue to changing the goal posts. Why, cause again he felt that it was right (again, where did he get his medical license?). But that constant changing of the goal posts takes the hope that people have when they see a goal post, and BREAKS it when he moves it farther and farther out.
His abuse of the California Emergency Services Act. He continued to make edicts/demands using the CA ESA, even when those edicts had nothing to do with our ongoing situation. For example, homeless in hotels now … yeah, that had EVERYTHING to do with the pandemic – NOT!
Newscum has A LOT to do with the current situation and should be held accountable for his failures.
Newcum screwed us. He bent us over and screwed us.
Trump … was bad, but our local leadership failed to even attempt to protect us. Newscum looked at this pandemic as an opportunity to expand his reach, his political clout, his reputation … and unfortunately for that fool, it backfired. How many of his own party are going to vote to recall him … I will, and so is everyone I know that is in ‘his party’. Will it work, time will only tell …
He is trying to buy his way out of this now ..
-create a bank account for undocumented poor kids.
-give Medicare to undocumented elderly
-send money to those who make under 75K a year
I pray that people can see past that, and VOTE his ‘you-know-what-out’.
@ me
Arkansas, Iowa, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, and Wyoming never did a lock down but nice diatribe.
“TrUmP wAs BaD”…please. Dude was banning travel from China on January 31st while Pelosi, Biden, and other Democrats/health officials were downplaying China virus, calling Trump a racist, and telling people to come on down to Chinatown.
Trump empowered states to do what was best for THEIR states, not his fault idiots like Cuomo, Murphy, and Whitmer were serial granny killers in the nursing homes. Cuomo whined about “wheh ah mah ventilatuhs”, then Trump got him many THOUSANDS—most which ended up as not needed—and sent a hospital ship that went virtually unused. Trump partnered with and lit a fire under private industry to develop a vaccine…you know, the vaccine many “experts” said would take 3-5 years, the same one Biden, Harris, et al. said couldn’t be trusted because of Orange Man, but then in January miraculously became the product of THEIR work and will save the world. I’m no fan of these China virus vaccines, but a s***load of people seem to love them, and they wouldn’t have happened this quickly without Trump.
@ Me it was 100% him. He is complicit in the choices to keep school. He allowed himself to be manipulated by his financial relationships with teachers unions. There has been significant litigation around people being held liable for failing to protect the well-being of children. He knows what he’s doing. He keeps doing it. And let’s not mince words here– Trump would be mirroring the DeSantis playbook if he had been re-elected. He’d have made some direct demand for the well-being of children. He always did that stuff. He did as much as he could with the information he was given about Covid. He just wasn’t going to run the country over top of the states given the heterogeneity of the Covid in localities. It’s disturbing but on brand for anti-Trump/Left/Democrat supporters to seek excuses for why people aren’t responsible for nearly 15 months of harm being directed at kids. The suffering of children so clearly doesn’t set off taboo for you people.
And who is still listening to Ghostly Ghaly or Gruesome Newscum.?
Out of everywhere I went this weekend and today, I saw probably less than 20 people wearing a mask outside. People were talking, closer than 6 feet, hanging out, sitting in the stands watching kids play sports … the whole nine yards.
I am sure that Ghostly or Gruesome will come up with some new mandate, further abusing the CA Emergency Services Act. Both are idiots who are not following the science … but their own political agendas.
Maybe we could just have Fauci and the California human services guy do rock, paper, scissors.
So the feudal lords on top of the mountains have declared a month of ‘transition’ period for people to get used to not wearing a mask…time for them to decide the punishments for not wearing after that period…and that we might have to wear them again, should cases rise—and finally, local jurisdictions and businesses are given carte blanche to decide when, where to enforce!
Perpetual confusion while not following the science to keep control is the directive.
So much for CA leadership (if you can even call it that) being committed to following the science. This is just another example, for those who still aren’t seeing it, that this is about control. The only reason Newsom is even moving forward with this reopening at all is because of the recall. He’ll do anything to get people to forget about the nightmare they’ve been living the past year while he and other government leaders live a “do as I say, not as I do” lifestyle.
Control is sticky. Once you grab it it’s hard to let go. Nobody wants to be held responsible for anything that follows a relinquishing of control.
But this is so far separated from reality. Does anybody need the CDC or the state to tell them it’s okay to go without a mask outdoors after being vaccinated?! What a joke.
So sick of all the rules and the control of lives.
Can it be over,….EVER.
We must follow rules. They are set up to protect us. Gavin Newsom is doing a phenomenal job. He has made mistakes, but nothing like the others. People are blaming him for the rules! Science is dictating the rules. I think people are rude and generally unkind these days. Everyone here loves to hate. California is beating COVID more than any other state, we need to show acknowledgement and full appreciation of our Governor. He will NOT be trashed by the opposing party either.
I hope Gavin appreciates having his own Monica. But his rules are designed to control his subjects and not the China Flu. Because the Free States are doing a much better job than states with dictators like California.
Popcorn, would you please, for once, pull you head out of Gavin’s a**?
Could you please provide evidentiary support for your assertion that California has done better than any other state? Do you realize when you write that you expose yourself as just as much a lunatic as those who claim Biden stole the election?
I don’t listen to killers. The nursing home killer has no power. His governor badge is denied pending his murder trial.
Since Gavin enjoys telling the media how he follows SCIENCE, what is the science behind a June 15th reopening? I imagine a June 14th reopening would trigger a rise in hospital admissions.
“This four-week period will give Californians time to prepare for this change…”
Do we need to practice going maskless?
Are warnings/mandates eminent about using sunscreen on faces that haven’t seen the sun in over a year?
Will we be trained to place our CDC vaccination cards in our wallets?
Do restaurants have to retrain staff on how to seat patrons indoors?
Do stores need to prepare to no longer count everyone going in and out?
Do businesses in general need to figure out how to recycle all of the plexiglass barriers and peel off those stupid social distancing stickers off of their floors?
Our radical CA and county politicians really do assume we are all idiots.
Question nothing. Just Obey
Actually they assume the rest of us are idiots: they already know the people who voted them in are idiots. That’s what makes their plan work…
“Follow the science”
The states with “Neanderthal” leadership are doing much better than the states with lockdown dictators. In Free America, Costco, Sam’s Club, and Walmart are no longer requiring masks.
So Newscum & his minions think they know better than the CDC?
I have had both shots and I am not going to comply with this RIDICULOUS mandate any longer. Enough is not only enough, but too much.
I have been to a number of stores this weekend without a mask and didn’t raise an eyebrow one.
C’mon all you folks that have had your 2nd dose, loose those silly ineffective masks. Let common sense prevail.
Folks, there are states which follow the science. Herr Newsom bin Lyin is using a woke or Ebonics form of science unlike anything taught when I was studying science at my university. I can go to Home Depot, Trader Joe’s, Kroger and Church without a mask. Perhaps a protest is in orders.
They want a month to ensure every slave and serf has time to get their shot (you are on notice) and for businesses to prep for the passport. They will tell businesses to either have a passport program at the door or be stripped of their business license (or something to that effect). Just like they forced businesses to police mask wearing in their own establishment or lose their “right” to stay open. This BS will never end.
These guys are off their stick. This is what happens to people like Newsom; money no longer stimulates him; his currency is power. It’s an addiction.
They better crank up the Dominion voting machines otherwise Newsom will be out on his ear.
Meanwhile in TEXAS, where blue state governor coordination doesn’t apply.
“Texas on Sunday recorded zero new Covid deaths for the first time since it began tracking data on the virus in March 2020 and new cases in the Lone Star State hit a 13-month low.
It comes just two months after the state reopened, drawing sharp criticism from public health officials and President Biden, who called Republican Governor Greg Abbott’s executive order lifting all restrictions ‘Neanderthal thinking.’
Despite those concerns, new infections and deaths have fallen steadily in Texas since the state reopened on March 2. ”
daily mail
@Original G
Because they still wear masks!!! Just because they open does NOT mean people stopped wearing masks. People in Texas are actually smart and care. Here in Cali. You have people like you and so many others saying “Drop The Mask, It’s Fake. We Shouldn’t Be Wearing One” Do you hear that in Texas? Hell no. You and others like you are the reason why CA stay in a mask mandate because they know once they say that a mask mandate is no more. Every drops them and they don’t care even more and think they are above everything. It’s sad how our state is now.
Btw, The Mask Mandate stopped on March 10th in Texas.
@ Me
Wow, Texas has 100% voluntary mask compliance? Who knew
I will have to tell my friend that. He moved from California, not Cali which is a city in Columbia to Hill County Tx since according to him, it is rare to see anyone in a wearing a mask.
Me, … Inside quotation marks is from daily mail article as noted.
May still wear my modified N95 masks. Hot glue thin 10mm neodymium magnets to inside of mask and to back of an old norton Anti Virus CD that mounts to front of mask. Reactions from people differ but are fun to watch. Mostly ignored by costco customers but cashiers have a good laugh. Is good to bring smiles to people’s faces.
As I stated. There is no mask mandate in Texas. But people still do wear their mask. And no. It’s not rare. I hsve family who live in Texas from the big cities to the small. And a number of friends. They still say till this day people wear mask all over the place.
And yes, We call it Cali here.
So @ ME
I have family/friends in Houston, Austin, Sugarland, and San Antonio.
They are not ALL wearing masks. Per them, as a week ago (last conversation), the majority of people are NOT wearing a mask. So maybe your contacts are in different parts of the state ..
We should be dropping the mask mandate in Cali, but you see there is a fool in charge of the state who is responsible for thousands of people who no longer have a job, who failed to protect our children!, who shipped sick prisoners into non-infected facility …
but feel free to keep believing in the deranged lunatic … that is YOUR choice. Let those of us that do not feel the mask mandate is required, have OUR CHOICE to remove them. Do not make me pay for your beliefs.
What happened to “following the science”?
Oh yeah… unless unions and politics get in the way.
I think the governor should declare June 15 as a State holiday. Just this year.
I never where a mask outside, haven’t for awhile. I’ve been double vaccinated since 4/1/21
I’ve never worn a mask outside and refuse to ever get the dreaded vaccine. Anyone who does or has ever worn a mask outside is an idiot of the first order.
didn’t expect anything less from California….
…what surprises me the most is just how many people are saying they will wear a mask anyway. They sure scared the wits out of people, didn’t they?
I’ve been going into grocery stores and hardware store without a face covering for a week now. Not once have I been asked to put a mask on. People are sick and tired of the political B.S. These masks have zero to do with protecting you or me, they are all about control and seeing how far the government can push society before they push back. Well it’s time to grow a set of balls and push for your rights. The whole CDC thing is BS they haven’t been following the science for months now.
If your afraid of unmasked people stay the F home or get the shot it’s as simple as that. Nobody is going to shame me into wearing a $0.25 Chinese paper mask for my protection or for any other reason.
Try coming up to me in a store to tell me to put on a mask, and you will be shocked when I tell you to go F yourself. These masks didn’t help a thing..
while I totally agree with you, just remember one thing:
A business has to follow such mandates or they can loose their business license. Don’t be angry with them; their stakes are high. The government has them by the balls.
I love you Duck. I truly do. I wear a mesh mask when i have to but you do it one better!
Had to wear the mask to enter the pizza joint in order to sit maskless at a table with 8 other teammates post game: hollaring, laughing and carousing.
We science’d the heck outta that one!
This pandemic should not be political but Trump and his followers made it such. Just wear a mask and get vaccinated. Play it smart until this pandemic is over.
that is correct. and here you are, making it political all by yourself.
Haha…”OrAnGe MaN bAd DiD iT.” How does that boot taste?
The way I remember it, Trump insisted the vaccine was safe and encouraged everybody to get it. Our current VP, on the other hand, said she didn’t trust it and wouldn’t take it.
@ Chicken Little
And our current president took his vaccine and then wore a mask during a Zoom meeting (to send a message).
The only message he sent to the world was “Look at me, I’m an idiot.”
Newsom leading by example again. Showing the country how, and the world, how its done.
I figure the June 15th date gives local companies time to figure out policies on how to deal with some of you above.
Lindsey Cobia thinks he’s great too.
Omg how stupid can you be? This is a virus with a 99+% recovery rate. No need to mask or be a lab rat. And my family had the virus including my elderly parents!
There is no hope!
“There is no hope!”
If by that you mean there is no hope that the virus will be eradicated and nobody will ever be infected again, you’re right – which goes to show there’s a first time for everything.
Just after time for school summer vacation, . . . . what a coincidence.
Remember this ?
‘Gavin Newsom Says He Won’t Compel Schools To Reopen If Teachers Unions Refuse To Go Back’
Lord Fauci admitted in an interview with little Georgie Snufflufagus that he continued to wear a mask indoors after being vaccinated because he didn’t want to look like he was giving mixed signals. Translation: all for show. It’s theater.
Too Bad!
I went shopping and all of the scary signage was removed… I inquired and was informed that they follow Federal gudelines. So I was the only unmasked person in the store. 🙂