Home » COVID-19 Vaccine Clinics To Open At Contra Costa County Schools

COVID-19 Vaccine Clinics To Open At Contra Costa County Schools


Public school campuses across Contra Costa County will host free COVID-19 vaccine clinics beginning next week for anyone 12 and over.

County-operated clinics in Contra Costa no longer require appointments. Appointments are available for patients who want them on the CCHS appointment page or by calling 1-833-829-2626.

The following school-based vaccine clinics are currently scheduled from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Clinic dates and locations are subject to change.

  • May 18-22: Antioch Middle, Concord High.
  • May 25-May 29: Edna Hill Middle (Brentwood), Pinole Valley High (Pinole), Pittsburg High, Ygnacio Valley High (Concord)
  • June 1-June 5: Acalanes High (Lafayette), Dallas Ranch Middle (Antioch), Freedom High (Oakley)**, Iron Horse Middle (San Ramon), Kennedy High (Richmond), Mt. Diablo High (Concord)
  • June 8-June 12: Antioch Middle, California High (San Ramon), Concord High, De Anza High (Richmond), Las Lomas High (Walnut Creek), Liberty High (Brentwood)
  • June 15-June 19: Dougherty Valley High (San Ramon), Edna Hill Middle (Brentwood), Pinole Valley High (Pinole), Pittsburg High, Ygnacio Valley High (Concord)
  • June 22-June 26: Acalanes High (Lafayette), Dallas Ranch Middle (Antioch), Freedom High (Oakley)**, San Ramon Valley (Danville), Mt. Diablo High (Concord), Kennedy High (Richmond)
  • June 29-July 3: De Anza High (Richmond), California High (San Ramon), Las Lomas High (Walnut Creek), Liberty High (Brentwood)
  • July 6-10: Dougherty Valley High (San Ramon)

Patients younger than 18 do require consent from a parent or guardian to get vaccinated.


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Guaranteed A’s on all your subjects if you get the vaccine!
Come on down!!

Right! With all the ridiculous incentives businesses are giving out to vaccinated people, wouldn’t doubt schools would say that!

What if, what if, what if??
The anti-vaxxers are getting increasingly shrill. 271 million shots have been given in the US so far and serious side-effects have been minimal. The primary effect, however, is a dramatic reduction in cases, hospitalizations and deaths.

I’m fully vaccinated, so why should I care if anyone else gets vaccinated? I guess I’m selfish for wanting to get us out of the Orange Tier, past the Yellow Tier, and back to where we were in 2019. I’m hoping we can soon relegate this pandemic to the history books and move on with our lives.


But why are we still caring about this colored tier system when everyone who wants a vaccine can get one, about 70% of people over 12 (!) in this county have been given at least one shot of the vaccine, and cases are super duper low. They aren’t going to go to zero, but this just isn’t a big collective health threat anymore. It’s a risk for people who have decided not to get vaccinated. It’s no longer a risk to overwhelm or seriously stretch our health case system – at least not in this county.


What evidence do you have that any serious side effects of the vaccine will manifest in the short period of time since the first vaccinations?

The blanketing of jabbing just about anyone with this trial vaccine can’t lead to anything good. Why don’t we see any data on the jab thus far? You think MSM and the technocrats are gonna let anyone know of anything negative with the jab ? I’ll sit this out and watch what happens to the lab rats 6 months, 1 year, 2 years and beyond

So far the vaccine messes with women’s cycle, gives you lymph nodes and now messes with your mammograms. I’m with ya, I am waiting on more science with this vaccine. But hey, the more people that get the vaccine, the more you and I don’t have too!

Have you stopped to think about what you would do if the results of this trial vaccine really do turn very negative. Let’s say for arguments sake that it is realized that anyone who received the vaccine will succumb to pancreatic cancer, or some other terminal illness. Will you volunteer to become a backhoe operator to bury the dead by the billions? Will you become a farmer so you can produce food for those who were ‘smart enough’ to avoid the jab? Will you go to work in a power plant so the rest of humanity can live with electricity? Hate to be the bearer of bad news but if it does turn out that the vaccines should not have ever been used you too will be screwed.

@stoptheinsanity, oh yes, we’ve been thinking about it. Nifty new money making idea: cleaner bots. Those will be going around picking up the dead. They’re been more like drones with EMTs manning the controls to determine if there are still any living among the dead and send rescue if that is the case. More stuff will be automated and those alive can focus on stuff they like to do. Stuff no human should be doing will be done by bots.

Or at least it might make a good sci-fi movie scenario. 😉


“Gives you lymph nodes” shows that you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. Please don’t weigh in if you are this ignorant

Regarding mammograms and the vaccine: your immune system ramps up after the vaccine which is normal. In so doing, your lymph nodes can swell. It’s normal. It’s not dangerous or unusual. The swelling goes back down. The only consideration is you tell the mammogram scheduler that you’ve had the vaccine and they they give you an appointment in a few weeks. It’s not something horrifying.

There are more adverse events reported to VAERS in the last five months than there were in the last three years combined. This increase is from the COVID-19 unapproved vaccines.
This info from Pfizer says, “The Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine is a vaccine and MAY prevent you from getting COVID-19. There is NO U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) APPROVED vaccine to PREVENT COVID-19.”
It also leaves out adverse events such as Guillain Barre Syndrome, SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine-Induced Immune Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia (blood clots), and Bells Palsy.
You are more at risk for blood clots if you are on birth control or take other medicines that can cause blood clots.

The VAERS website cautions against trying to interpret the data without considering that these incident reports are unverified. There could be false reports, reports of psychosomatic symptoms, reports of symptoms that aren’t necessarily attributed to a vaccine.

There are many incident reports for mild symptoms that dissipate, like headaches, a mild sense of tiredness, sensation of being chilly, etc. These are known effects, and for the vast majority of people go away after a couple of days.

Of course there are more incident reports this year, given how many people are getting vaccinated. This is mass vaccination effort larger than anything in recent history. How many people got a shot of any kind in prior years? Or how many people bother reporting side effects of something like a flu shot? Many people feel a bit off after getting a flu shot, but they don’t report it.

Nurses ask people if they are on birth control or are taking any other medications. They ask questions to try to determine if a person is at risk for blod clots. They don’t give people shots without first asking medical questions.

Hilarious, the China virus fear-porn freaks have been screaming for over a year about how many people have died and ignored the blatant skewing of death count in regards to deaths WITH the virus being lumped in with FROM it…but NOW they have all these doubts about the HUNDRED OF THOUSANDS reports of adverse side effects from the vaccines. And that would be the vaccines that less than a year ago only started going into peoples’ arms in expedited trials, and then just a few months ago started getting rolled out to the general public…on a non-approved, emergency use basis.

@Raiderette, “…gives you lymph nodes.” you do realize that your body already has lymph nodes, don’t you? The other two things you mention as side effects are TEMPORARY.

Be responsible, don’t rely on others who are vaccinated to protect you. Get vaccinated.

There are more deaths and serious side effects from this one gene therapy shot then all other vaccines combined over the last 15 years. I’ve done my research and find that there is absolutely no reason to get an experimental shot for something that I have over 99% chance of surviving and that’s without any medical intervention. It’s 100% treatable the problem is the doctors don’t want to treat anybody until they’re extremely ill hydroxychloroquine ivermectin that cocktail has saved many lives it seems to me that the experimental gene therapy shot is much more dangerous for me than if I were to actually get the Chinese flu

Nothing in Pleasant Hill? lol Typical.



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