Home » Contra Costa: Free Dental Clinic For Uninsured To Open In June

Contra Costa: Free Dental Clinic For Uninsured To Open In June


Free dental care will be available in June for residents of Contra Costa County who do not have dental insurance.

The clinic is provided by a collaboration of two charitable organizations, Dentists on Wheels and St. Vincent de Paul of Contra Costa County. Construction of the facility, which will include three dental chairs for clients, is expected to be completed in the coming weeks in Pittsburg at the St. Vincent de Paul Family Resource Center at 2210 Gladstone Drive.

The clinic, to be staffed by volunteer dentists, will be able to treat most patients’ needs, from screenings, cleanings and check-ups to fillings, crowns, extractions and dentures.

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so it is free to use, who pays for it to stay open and be staffed?

The clinic is provided by a collaboration of two charitable organizations, Dentists on Wheels and St. Vincent de Paul of Contra Costa County. Construction of the facility, which will include three dental chairs for clients, is expected to be completed in the coming weeks in Pittsburg at the St. Vincent de Paul Family Resource Center at 2210 Gladstone Drive.

The clinic, to be staffed by volunteer dentists, will be able to treat most patients’ needs, from screenings, cleanings and check-ups to fillings, crowns, extractions and dentures.

One of my pet peeves; the use of the word “free”. No, it is not free. Someone has to pay at some point!!

Volunteers and charitable donations.

Our magnanimous out-going Governor is using the Federal funding to underwrite this! Instead of directing the Federal funding to help laid-off workers and struggling businesses he is using, as in all cases with Demos, to fund “pork-barrel” favors!!.

It’s almost like you didn’t read the article but needed to respond anyway…

Did you read the article? 🤣

there is no such thing as a free lunch, a point lost on those who don’t listen

You aren’t paying for it unless you made a donation to the two charities listed in the article.

Why be so grumpy that poor people are getting vital dental care?

This has been going on for some time even before the pandemic. People lost the ability to pay for dental care. Some dental plans that insurance companies issue don’t cover well. Medicare for all needs to cover dental too. There are just some things the government should be doing with our taxes instead of blowing up things in other parts of the world for the benefit of the oligarchy.

These services will be paid for by charitable donations…AND government grants. You can bet on that.

@remember – It says “clinic is provided by a collaboration of two charitable organizations, Dentists on Wheels and St. Vincent de Paul of Contra Costa County”.

As you put it, “a point lost” for those who can’t read. I guess 2 points in your case. Oof.

So, do y’all have any evidence that Dentists on Wheels and St. Vincent de Paul of Contra Costa County are not getting government funds for this project, or are you just assuming?

necesito limpieza gracias

Free housing
Free cell phones
Free EBT cards
Free Heathcare
Free welfare
Free dental care….

No incentive to work. The socialists are winning the votes. People vote for who gives them the most free stuff. At the costs of the schmucks who continue to work.

God bless the volunteers that freely give their time and skill to those less fortunate. Charity not funded by the government is true charity.

Charitable organizations frequently receive government funding or resources. There is nothing in the article telling us where Dentists on Wheels and St. Vincent de Paul of Contra Costa County are getting their support.

Seniors will flock to this given Medicare does nothing for Dental, my guess appointments will be tough

There may be rioting, looting and blocking of freeways if you follow the BLM methodology…

It pays the be poor and irresponsible.

Last comment was in the wrong column. It should go in the ticket one.

While I’m okay with this, we can’t just keep giving everything away . We will pay a much higher price in the end.

Who would trust a free dental; clinic for their healthcare?
Probably use the same unsterilized instruments on transients and drug users and disease ridden and then on you PASS!

Ok, where in the article did it say this was for “poor people?” It says for Contra Costa residents with no insurance. I work in a dental office and there are MANY people in this county with good paying jobs who don’t have dental insurance. Are they going to screen the patients and base treatment on their income? I am curious how this is going to play out.

What about the people who work full time and have dental benefits that only allocate a $1,500 annual benefit, but have at least $10K in needed dental work? 🧐 Maybe better to decline the coverage?

What percentage of those on the chair will be illegal aliens? 20%? 50%?

Free housing, free food, free welfare cash with no obligation to spend it on essentials and not drugs, free phone, free dental care.

Why the hell do I go to work at all?



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