Walk-in COVID-19 vaccinations are now available at all Contra Costa County-run vaccination sites, county officials announced Friday.
Vaccinations are available to everyone age 16 and up, regardless of whether they live or work in the county.
The county’s ample vaccine supply also allows recipients a choice of the one-dose vaccine developed by Johnson & Johnson’s pharmaceutical subsidiary Janssen or the two-dose vaccines developed by Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech.
“We are doing everything we can to remove barriers and make it as convenient and easy as possible for people to get vaccinated,” Board of Supervisors Chair Diane Burgis said. “Vaccines don’t just protect your health — they give peace of mind and let us be with our friend and families without worrying.”
More than 1.15 million vaccine doses have been administered countywide as of Friday morning, and 71.5 percent of eligible county residents have received at least one dose.
Contra Costa Health Services operates more than a dozen vaccination clinics across the county, with both weekend and evening availability.
People are advised to visit https://covidvaccine.cchealth.org or call (833) 829-2626 to schedule a vaccination appointment in advance.
Up-to-date county vaccination data is also available at https://www.coronavirus.cchealth.org/vaccine-dashboard.
Who is paying for all this?
How much are the drug companies making per dose?
What politicians have taking contributions from pfizer and j&j?
What politicians and government employees own stock in these companies?
Knowing the answers to these questions will tell you everything. Transparency matters.
Hey Comrade Sam. You must be one of those socialists who doesn’t believe in capitalism. Of course the drug companies are going to make money off their vaccines. They are for-profit companies, in business to make a profit for their owners. That’s the way things work here in the West where we believe in capitalism. That’s why they were willing to invest their money in developing the vaccines.
How much are they making? I did a little research for you. Astra-Zeneca and Johnson and Johnson have committed to not profiting from their vaccines while the pandemic is raging. They’ll make up for if after the vaccines have rolled out and the situation isn’t so desperate. Pfizer made no such commitment and is making a bundle by selling to rich companies like the US. President Trump negotiated us a good deal with Operation Warp Speed (Thank you, President Trump!), and Biden is following in his footsteps. The US is paying $19.50 per dose of the Pfizer vaccine. Israel is paying $30. These are bargain prices for a newly developed vaccine and on a par with what we pay for the flu vaccine. Moderna is also making a profit from their vaccine, which is their only product to market.
Who pays for it? Well of course we all do one way or another, through taxes and insurance premiums. There are no free lunches in this world. What else would you expect? Oh I forgot, Comrade Sam. You believe in “From each according to his ability. To each according to his needs.” Well this ain’t a Communist country, buddy.
What politicians have been taking contributions from the drug companies? They’re big corporations, so they spread their money around to politicians from both parties. Google it and you can find the info.
What politicians own stock in the drug companies? I don’t know. If you’re curious, you can research it at opensecrets.org. Pretty sure the info is all there. All you have to do is look.
So if you don’t believe in the Big Pharma produced Covid vaccines, why don’t you move someplace where there’s no danger of you getting one anytime soon. How about India or Brazil? Then drop us all a line and tell us how much you appreciate living in a Covid vaccine-free society.
“Comrade Sam” …buddy you have no clue who you’re talking to. You sure said a whole lot without saying anything at all. COVID is a HOAX from the gate. My point went over your head.
For the record it appears “El D” is perfectly comfortable with the government and big pharma working together to bilk the American taxpayers and push product for a fake pandemic.
I’m the farthest thing from a communist, socialist, marxist, leftist you will ever find. Capitalism is the only way. This is not free market my friend. This is corporate fascism…With a mask mandate
In fact after re-reading your post, I think your a straight shill. A lib attempting to pass yourself off as a free market conservative and push vaccines. Good luck with your blue hair dye. Cry more lib
COVID is not a hoax. How would you explain the current health crisis in India?
@ Chuq
Sam won’t explain the public health crisis in India because a rational and reasonable explanation would shatter his fragile world view.
Just look how sensitive he is to being called “comrade”
“buddy you have no clue who you’re talking to” – ooh, tough guy over here. I think we may have clue, Sam.
“Good luck with your blue hair dye. Cry more lib” – assuming a profile of someone who disagrees with him rather than consider that there may be rational people that think his opinions are wrong
If you’re old enough to remember getting your vaccines back in the 50’s and 60’s with sugar cubes and shots and your reading this then your still alive. For those that are younger get your vaccine now so you can talk about it 60 years from now.
Sure, get it if you’re elderly and/or have underlying conditions. If you’re somewhere around 25-60 yrs old and healthy? Educate yourself on this experimental vaccine and make the decision you think best for you. But healthy young adults and especially KIDS? Explain why, given their EXTREMELY low risk, they should be injected with an—I repeat—EXPERIMENTAL “vaccine” which there is ZERO data on long-term effects given it’s only been in the pipeline for mere months.
I keep hearing people tout this “well it’s 95% effective” when almost none of those people understand what that “95%” REALLY means…it’s RELATIVE Risk Reduction, which can be very misleading and for the patient is not as helpful in decision-making as ABSOLUTE Risk Reduction. For instance, Pfizer is only .7% (yes, LESS than 1%) ARR, i.e. it’s BARELY offers more “protection” than being unvaccinated, which the latter cohort has no risk of the various side-effects many thousands of people have experienced with these vaccines. Gee, I WONDER why all the politicians and medical/health professionals pimping these vaccines don’t tout the ARR,..”hey everyone, go get your job, it reduces risk by 1%!!!”
@lol, the Covid vaccines are approved by the FDA for emergency use along with some Covid treatments The FDA has an entire webpage devoted to an emergency use explanation. Stop with the lies and get vaccinated.
@ Pete
The efficacy rates are literally a comparison of a placebo group (unvaxxed) vs a vaccinated group. And they have proven to be ~95% effective at preventing severe COVID-19. So when you say that a vaccine barely offers more protection than being unvaccinated, that is flat out wrong.
Also, the screeching of “eXPeErIMeNtAL” is getting very tired – an emergency use authorization does not mean that a drug is in an experimental development phase.
Additionally, Pfizer will be applying for full FDA approval in the very near future. I assume that when full approval is granted, you will no longer consider the vaccine “experimental”?
Everyone has had enough of it. IT’S ENOUGH.
You know who you are….Quit being a COWARD & Control Freak and do the right thing.
Doing the right thing at the moment involves wearing a thin piece of fabric to protect others.
@Eye Roll
It’s a sneeze guard… but anti-maskers are out here acting like they’re martyrs for being asked not to mouth breathe on others
You can be sued for pushing the vaccine. Lawsuits have begun.
I don’t think the polio vaccine (yes, i recall getting mine- a sugar cube) was FDA (or whatever they had then) approved in the US, but the disease has basically, since those vaccinations, been eradicated.
It’s not a vaccine. It’s an injection full of synthetic proteins and nanobots that affect your DNA. Anyone interested in approaching this issue from a critical thinking perspective may wish to watch this:
https://www.globalresearch.ca/doctors-agree covid-19-injections-bioweapons discuss-what-do-about-it/5743619
“critical thinking perspective” L O L