Home » Another Shooting Under Investigation On Hwy.4 In Contra Costa County

Another Shooting Under Investigation On Hwy.4 In Contra Costa County


The California Highway Patrol is investigating a shooting incident that occurred on westbound state Highway 4 in Pittsburg Thursday night.

The incident occurred at 9:57 p.m. on the highway at Railroad Avenue, according to the CHP.

The westbound lanes of the highway were closed until just after midnight and have since reopened.


The CHP Golden Gate Division Special Investigative Unit is taking the lead in the investigation.

Additional details on the shooting were not immediately available.

This is the fourth shooting on hwy.4 within the past two weeks.

UPDATE: Two people suffered non-life-threatening gunshot wounds. This appears to be a road-rage incident, according to the CHP.


The suspects were not located.

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And it’s going to get much worse, as Governor Newsom plans to release up to 70,000 inmates from prison. Included are 20,000 drug dealers and even life sentence criminals. They will all be out this year. They’re going to be released upon an innocent society for social justice reasons. Anyone who thinks this is going to make us all safer is an idiot!

Again, an order backed by the Republican majority Supreme Court?

One justice appointment by newsum, four appointment by brown and two appointment by Arnold. No republican majority in the cesspool they call California.

Well Pat let me help you out.

The 9th Circuit Court determined that over crowding was a problem and ordered the prison population reduced. In 2011, not 2021 mind you, the SCOTUS affirmed their decision.

According the AP report entitled “76,000 California inmates now eligible for earlier releases” By Don Thompson dated May 1, 2021 the prison population of California prisons dropped from a high of 160,000 in 2006 to 117,000 in 2020 in part due to 2014 voter approved decriminalization of property and drug crimes. in 2016, voters approved allowing earlier parole for most inmates. In 2020, 21,000 more have left state prisons — with about half being held temporarily in county jails.

Meantime, officials announced in mid-April that they will close a second prison as a result of the dwindling population, fulfilling a promise made by Newsom. California Correctional Center in Susanville will close by July 2022. Officials announced last fall that Deuel Vocational Institution in Tracy, east of San Francisco, will close by this October 2021.

To make this explanation Barny style for you, the population of California prisons is no longer a problem as evidenced by the Newsom unilaterally closing two state prisons due to reduce population.

It is about closing prisons and releasing convicts above and beyond the court order.

pat, … When DEMs can’t get their way OR they think public opinion would be overwhelmingly against what they want to do, they set up a situation then a lawsuit gets filed. After a Court rules mandating what they wanted and they put out press releases saying they are being “forced” by Court order.

nothing good happens over there after dark


nice state you have set up here dem voters

citizens disarmed and criminals supplied weapons by the politicians

sounds like beruit or a satire about how life will be in the future after a marxist takeover

wonderful job

couldnt have been done better if you tried

because obviously who ever shot
it was their first offense with a weapon


Just because the Supreme Court can not find legal grounds to reverse this order does not make it right, or in the best interest of society. Newsom has made this decision on his own and he will be solely responsible for its negative effects. As badge says, anyone that thinks this will make us all safer is an idiot. As I’ve said many times, the only people that seem to be OK with this train of thought are people that have not been victimized in the past. Their opinions change rapidly when they are!

Newsom living up in El Dorado County, hmmmmm? How many of the convicts will be released up in that area?

Since WHEN are Politicians ever held accountable…….other than losing the position, but retaining lifetime benefits at taxpayers expense.
Best thing to do is hit the streets…yes, like London is currently doing.

El Dorado County is a mostly Republican county.
El Dorado County is in California’s 4th congressional district, represented by Republican Tom McClintock. In the State Assembly, the county is split between the 5th Assembly District, represented by Republican Frank Bigelow and the 6th Assembly District, represented by Republican Kevin Kiley. In the State Senate, it is in the 1st Senate District, represented by Republican Brian Dahle.

No surprise NewScum would want his blessed w****/family living there.

@Sign fro Above
“… the only people that seem to be OK with this train of thought are people that have not been victimized in the past. Their opinions change rapidly when they are!” You’re exactly right!
Also, those who have criminal family members also excuse their behavior. I used to know this woman who has a family members who uses the “revolving prison door” and said that society is at fault. It seemed to me that society is not to blind but she should be taking a closer look at why her relative has gone down such path.
I was also riding BART one day and this woman behind me was speaking loudly on the phone about how she was mad that someone in her life (significant other or relative, I forget since it happened awhile back) was arrested and was imprisoned. I turned around and looked at her because she was making me deaf with her screaming and she got mad at me for doing so and proceeded to hurl insults at me. No wonder why these people have people close to them who are in prison. It’s not society’s fault, society is too many individuals to blame for one person’s criminal behavior.

oh and a few days ago another
the newscum early release felon
walked up in broad daylight and attacked 2 women with a knife
supposed to do 25 to life
and got out in 5 years for assault with deadly weapon

and even better the news has a map of where the most people are who signed petitions to oust heir newscum

that seems like a shady move i thought voters were protected from reprisal for their votes

seems the dem media is placing targets on citizens expressing their rights and freedom do demand better than what we got stuck with

maybe an audit of the newscum election should be held

since we are finding out the machines are tailormade for fraud and used in that manner by every dem county

sunny day today in lockdown central

enjoy or at least duck and cover today

in komifornia the good citizens are the targets

sad sad sad

but at least pelosi and newcum will get richer today off of our tax money right

I think if you print a story you should have a comment section.
On this story it just shows how all of this garbage be perpetrated by democrats is wrecking the country. We all know that many people are being shot and killed in our inner cities. The attitude seems to be, “Oh Well”. Try going to the Chicago Sun Times. Read the homicide report. You can see the names and ages of the people who were alive and kicking a few days ago. All because democrats refuse to allow the police to do their job. Do you think any gun law other than Stop and Frisk will end these killing. Not a chance. In the meantime there are people right now in our inner cities that will be dead in a week or a month or a year that don’t know it’s coming.

Newsom is moving to Montana. He couldn’t care less about California.

Politicians would suggest accepting increased violence is part of the healing process. I should say they are full of it.

When elected officials and our ‘criminal justice system’ fail to prosecute crime, people (and businesses) will eventually take matters into their own hands. Some will leave California like we and many others did. Others will arm themselves and fight back.

Here’s my question: Is this government created chaos due to incompetence, or is it intentional with some kind of end-game in mind?

I knew Newsom was scum when he personally violated Proposition 8 by officiating over a gay marriage in SF City Hall. Like it or not, gay marriage was illegal in California at that point and his violation of Proposition 8 became a pattern whereby Newsom simply ignores, or in this case, violates laws he doesn’t agree with. And to add insult to injury, he violates his own edicts, like when he was eating unmasked with unrelated people in that restaurant.

Newsom is the perfect example of the worst kind of politician. He really thinks he is nobility.

And betraying his own wife and his best friend by sleeping with his best friend’s wife. What kind of man does that?

I look forward to his recall and his fading into obscurity.

What does Prop 8 have to do with shootings at Highway 4???

Besides, the weddings in San Francisco were symbolic. They didn’t violate Prop 8, because there were no official state marriage certificates involved. Prop 8 didn’t ban symbolic marriages. Still though, this has nothing to do with shootings. It’s weird that you saw a story about gun violence and immediately associated the problem with gay marriage ceremonies.

Newsom is a complete $h_thead and a cancer to our great state.

With regards to marriage (or marriage equality/inequality) I don’t see the problem; gays and lesbians should’ve, for the longest time, had the right to be just as miserable as everyone else. Should my vote give or take away the freedom of two consenting adults to freely enter into contract (marriage)? I don’t think so. And, my life isn’t affected either way, so who cares.

Back to the subject at hand, I think addressing mental illnesses should be at the forefront, ahead of the economy, climate change, racism, voter blah-blah…, and etc, etc. Oh crap! I forgot, our elected officials can’t afford to solve problems, or they will be out of a job. Those elected, string us along just enough for our votes to stay in power. It defies logic, but it’s true.

@Natalie, everyone was talking about Newsom being a creep and sometimes comments go off in different directions. It’s not weird it happens all the time.

This is the 4th shooting on Hwy.4 within several weeks. Three happened the week before last and now one more this last week. The authorities are saying they are not related. Seems fishy to me considering 2 shootings have been on Railroad; Hwy. 4; 1 on Bailey; Hwy. 4; 1on Hwy. 4 – 680 interchange. Hey. 4 is so dangerous with the speeders tailgating and driving 100 miles per hour. I’ve never seen a marked CHP car while driving on Hwy. 4. They need to stop this madness.



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