The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.
Today’s question:
QUESTION: Will you get your child the COVID-19 vaccination when it’s approved for kids?
Talk about it….
My child is an adult and she has already made up her mind about the vaccine. Like me, she doesn’t trust and believe everything they are telling us. And like me, she will wait and see what, if any, long term effects there may be.
Thank you for raising a critical thinker. The world needs a LOT more of them.
Yes, I’ll be trying to get an appointment the second that California says they’re available.
Feel sorry for your kid being that a young healthy immune system will do it’s job it is designed to do better than any vaccine will do.
@bdml. First, why do you assume my kid has a healthy immune system? Secondly, even if they don’t get sick, they can still be a carrier and infect others and the vaccine has been shown to significantly reduce the chances of passing the virus on. Finally, do you realize that there have been 1.18 billion doses of vaccine administered since vaccinations began? In all that time, despite some very alarmist headlines, there have been zero deaths that can be definitively linked to the vaccine. Meanwhile, there have been 3.2 million deaths due to Covid since the pandemic began. So I will do everything I can to protect my family and those around me, even if it’s slightly inconvenient.
@BC, I still don’t see how all of that adds up. Yes, kids can pass it on but if all adults who want the vaccine have it, then who are you protecting by preventing that hypothetical transmission? As to “deaths definitively linked to the vaccine,” it takes a while to definitively link something to a vaccine. Any serious side effects are rare – I think we know that at this point – but so is serious Covid in kids.
I mean, a healthy teenager could walk into a vaccine clinic, get my shot, and die from a massive stroke ten minutes later and it still wouldn’t be “definitively established” that it was vaccine-related until a rather lengthy investigation happened.
@BC. Perfect. Thank you!
Well, I suppose if you’re comfortable with less than a year being long enough to determine long term effects, knock yourself out.
children have like zero chance of dyeing from this virus and natural immunity is better than the vaccines immunity which will require you to get yearly/multiple shots. The vaccine does not stop you from getting covid it just eases its symptoms so they are not severe and it does not stop you from spreading it still. So go ahead and inject poison into your child so some elite can profit off it.
“natural immunity is better than the vaccines immunity” – CITATION NEEDED
“The vaccine does not stop you from getting covid it just eases its symptoms so they are not severe and it does not stop you from spreading it still.” – This has not been definitely determined, and in fact, early data suggests that some level of transmission prevention may be achieved through vaccination.
“Poison” – Please just stop, while you’re behind. You anti-vaxxers sound even more uneducated when you fall back to this inane rhetoric
Hell no!! This is still an experimental drug that is being tested on everyone. That’s why it take several years to certify by the FDA to make sure a new drug does what it is supposed to do without effects.
These are safe vaccines. If you are not getting your vaccines that is fine, it is your decision, however: please stay away from us, and by all means wear your mask and practice the protocols. You do not have the right to infect the rest of us. Please reconsider by using your common sense instead of being fearful.
Pfizer will be filing for full approval this month. I assume once it receives full FDA approval you will no longer deem it experimental (which is not what the emergency use authorization it is currently qualified for means in the first place).
“If you are not getting your vaccines that is fine, it is your decision, however: please stay away from us…”
No problem. Just stay holed up in your house. Everybody wins.
Actually popcorn, you know they’re safe BASED ON WHAT???
BTW, keep your shedded spike protein self away from US. You do not have a right to poison us with your toxins.
@ Common Sense, you know why I’m not going to have my kids get the COVID shot (they are fully vaccinated with the other shots) because I want more science with this vaccine and something inside is saying to me to just wait so I’m using my common sense and I’m going to wait.
Common sense… sarcasm? I hope ?
Well most of the answers so far confirm why I rarely read Claycord comments any longer. There are many drugs out there that can cause worse side effects and I’ll bet you won’t hesitate to take them if prescribed. Alcohol and tobacco consumption are a leading cause of disease and death..but many of you probably partake. Good luck and wear your masks people…
Currently, no coronavirus vaccine is fully approved by the FDA, but three were given emergency use authorization by the agency.Apr 14, 2021
Big difference between prescription drugs is just that.
I don’t smoke, take any medications, or drink….So there !
You’re right…..you fit in better at twitter & buzzfeed with your double Tinfoil mask.
We’re talking about kids here, Neighbor. The bar that has to be cleared is higher if you’re talking about giving something to healthy children, and rightly so.
Absolutely agree.
And many of the same people who loudly decry vaccination also rant and rave about the continued shelter in place restrictions.
It’s quite frustrating.
Sure, when Congress reverses the 1986 Vaccine liability act and big pharma is accountable.
Until then…..NOPE.
I only have grandchildren that are young I doubt they will get the vaccine. They have been going to school and participating in a lot of sports. Kids their age are not getting sick.
not really children, but they have been vaccinated.
I agree with @Neighbor. Further, it is not true, as @unforgiven has suggested, that there is zero chance of children “dying”. But, you can not argue with those that hold fast to misinformation, they appear to be unwilling or unable to consider another point of view.
@Anne. So exactly how many children under 16 have died of covid in this country of 350 million plus? Most children that get covid have very minimal to no symptoms so why would you want to give an experimental vaccine to someone at low to no risk? This isn’t the polio vaccine that prevented deaths in children. Don’t believe everything you hear from those in power that seeks any crisis they can latch onto to transform this country.
@Former Californian. 277 children under the age of 17 have died in the US since the pandemic began. Here’s a better question: How many children contracted Covid, did not die but are now facing years of ongoing health conditions? Children now represent 22.4% of all new Covid cases in the US. Your point about children being at low risk is only accurate when you look at deaths, but if you step back and look at the long-term outlook for Covid survivors, the picture is far less rosy.
Well, it’s also not true that there is zero danger to taking the vaccine. The question is the risk-benefit ratio, how well it is known at this point, and what your risk tolerance is for that benefit.
BC makes a good point that it is not just death that is an important outcome here. But as far as I can tell the data on long-term sequelae are a big fat mess, and there is of course basically no data on long-term side effects of the vaccines.
Yes, and latest data shows “Children Now Account for 22% of New US COVID Cases”. see link below.
Children don’t have the same “co-morbidiy” risks as older adults, but they can have medical complications of the virus just the same and spread it. Especially thanks to the development of Covid variants because adults allow them to spread by not getting vaccinated. The virus is ready and waiting for those not vaccinated.
Over 246 Million vaccine doses administered in the US alone, and hospitalization rates declining is more than enough proof of safety and efficacy. J&J’s 6 cases of ill effects, out of 6.8 Million doses caused the pause to re-examine data. Hardly irresponsible. And those ill effects are treatable.
Even still, Pziefer plans to request official use permit, not just emergency use permit to satisfy the concern of designation.
Your numbers on the blood clot complications are outdated: it’s more than 6 cases. It takes a while for good data on rare complications to emerge – we don’t have that kind of data specifically for kids. And depending on how that clusters by age, it is not obvious that the risk-benefit ratio is favorable for kids. Not obvious at all.
According to the all knowing CDC there were 186 deaths of children durning the 2018/2019 flu season for but yet there was no peer pressure or government pressure for kids to get the flu vaccine, and that’s one season not a year plus like this has been going on. So taking these (more than likely overly inflated for political reasons) numbers at face value Why?
This is classic fearmongering by NPR with that headline: children account for 22% of new Covid cases, oh no! Must be the variants! Sounds bad! Maybe schools should be closed!
But that’s what we should *expect* as adults get vaccinated in large numbers: adult cases should relatively go down. So here’s an alternate way of putting it: “Amid cratering Covid numbers, the change in age pattern of Covid cases shows spectacular effectiveness of vaccines, reduces deaths and hospitalizations dramatically.”
The interview itself is pretty good: the doc makes a lot of key distinctions and clarifies what we know and what we don’t. He also makes the basic point that we would expect the kids’ percentage of cases to go up because, yeah, vaccination works and adults are getting vaccinated.
The other key point he makes, for the purposes of this conversation, is that kids are not drivers of the epidemic, but numbers in kids reflect community spread in their area. Which suggests to me that if we get a lot of adults vaccinated, maybe kids don’t need to be… that’s what is suggested by the situation in Israel and the UK right now too.
@CommonSense, do you avoid eating GMO foods or seek them out to eat? mRNA is not a miracle but a lab experiment.
I guess it depends on what our teacher’s union overlords tell us is required for them to feel safe.
Good one!
My children and grand children are all adults. What they decide for their children is up to them. I got mine because I like to hug people.
Judging from the comments here, we’re in for a bad fall. Ugggggh.
I guess unless the bad cases, ruinous inflammatory responses, deaths don’t happen to anyone you know, they’re not real?
God and your natural immune response? Seriously? God also gave you a brain to use and the ability for people to help each other. Too bad so many are too selfish.
Judging from your comment you should stay inside…and if you do venture out, wear minimum 3 masks, 10 would be better.
Arrogance and name calling is a defense mechanism to help a person cope with feelings of inferiority and inadequacy.
Don’t paint with such a broad brush. Just because the vaccine makes sense for adults doesn’t mean it makes sense for kids. Even very rare side effects would complicate that risk-benefit ratio, given how small Covid risk is for kids.
Jolene, I decided to get a vaccine, my choice alone. But I do believe that every individual has the right to make their own decision. And yes Jolene I know two people who have died from this pandemic, both by suicide. One was an adult and one was a 14 year old child. Nobody wants to talk about these deaths caused by our nazi governor and equally nazi and evil teachers unions. So stay home in fear and the rest of will continue with our lives as we see fit. Good day!
@ Captain Bebops, it is a miracle that some brilliant minds came together and through experiment after experiment using the scientific method developed this gift. And thanks to the greatest President of all time, Donald J. Trump and operation Warp Speed, it’s here and now. God Bless America!
Hmm, well they’re in an age bracket with only like a 99.99996% survival rate, kids don’t easily get it and are not significant vectors to spread it, so yeah I should probably run out and jab them with an experimental “vaccine” with unknown mid- to long-term effects that isn’t REALLY a vaccine and doesn’t make one immune.
I made sure my child got one of each… just to be sure
I’m not going to have my kids get it, though I got it myself. The justification for giving it to kids is basically that it will help protect older people. But older people can get vaccinated, so… not clear why kids have to take one for the team when adults can protect themselves.
There’s a lot of panicking about variants, but the reality is that none of the variants so far evade vaccine-based immunity. There’s a lot of fearmongering about kids being vectors, but the reality is that kids spread it less than adults do. There’s fearmongering about needing to get to herd immunity, but that’s goalpost-shifting *and* not informed by other countries’ experience: we don’t need perfect herd immunity, we need to stop Covid from being a big public health threat. And Israel’s data right now suggest that vaccinating the vast majority of adults is sufficient to drive spread down to near zero, without vaccinating kids. (And they have more kids as a percentage of the population than we do.)
These are three utterly qualified, non-crazy experts (in public health, epidemiology, and mathematics in biology, respectively) who are skeptical that an Emergency Use Authorization of the Covid vaccines is appropriate for kids. I’m not certain they are right, but it’s a serious case that they make.
Money quote:
“Unlike for adults, the rarity of severe COVID-19 outcomes for children means that trials cannot demonstrate that the balance of the benefits of vaccination against the potential adverse effects are favorable to the children themselves. In short, given the rarity of severe clinical courses and limited clarity of risks, the criteria for Emergency Use Authorization do not appear to be met for children.”
As far as the 12-15 year old vaccine trial is concerned, it is still totally possible that rare side effects could occur in certain subgroups. It’s totally possible that, e.g., girls in the 12-15 year range might have a 1 in 100,000 occurrence of life-threatening blood clots, like the CVT associated with the J&J and Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccines. 1 in 100,000 isn’t a big number, but compared to the very very low risk of serious negative outcomes from Covid, it’s actually not a trivial risk. The balance tips further if we can get Covid to very low levels just by vaccinating adults, because then a given kid’s likelihood of getting infected goes way down. If infections are rare and bad outcomes for kids are super-rare, it becomes harder to justify even very rare bad vaccine outcomes.
If I still had young children, yes I would definitely get them vaccinated. Better safe then sorry.
YES. Absolutely.
I would. My adult son had a vaccine and I believe and hope his children will be vaccinated too.
Pfizer on Tuesday reported $3.46 billion in first-quarter vaccine sales (Yes, you read that correct $3.46 BILLION in just 3 months!)
I am trying to get him vaccinated, but when they hit their 30’s they can become uncooperative!
Oh hell no. The young have nearly zero risk. Why inject them with an experimental treatment that we have no clue as to its side effects down the road? It literally blows my mind that anyone can think this is a good idea or even remotely necessary.
Plus my family had covid. Not a big deal at all, just like it is for 99+% of folks.
This scamdemic has been politicized, monitized, and used as the biggest power grab in the history of the world. And most people it seems have fallen for it.