Home » Air District Encourages Reduction In Vehicle Use As Smog Season Begins

Air District Encourages Reduction In Vehicle Use As Smog Season Begins


The Bay Area’s agency overseeing regional air quality announced the beginning of Spare the Air smog season this week, encouraging residents to reduce or eliminate their commutes using personal vehicles.

Vehicles are one of the region’s largest sources of smog and greenhouse gas emissions, according to the Bay Area Air Quality Management District.

Vehicle traffic has also returned to pre-pandemic levels, according to BAAQMD officials.

“We are asking Bay Area residents to consider commute alternatives like working remotely, taking transit and walking or biking to work instead of driving alone to reduce harmful air pollution and traffic gridlock,” BAAQMD CEO Jack Broadbent said.


The district issues Spare the Air alerts when it expects unhealthy levels of ozone pollution, which can cause throat and lung irritation and congestion.

High pollution levels can also aggravate and worsen the effects of asthma, bronchitis and emphysema.

Residents are advised during Spare the Air alert periods to limit outdoor exercise in the late afternoons, when ozone pollution concentration is generally highest.

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Yup got it, will get all my shopping and vacationing done before we ALL have to stay in doors because CA is once again on FIRE. Because CA can’t get dead trees removed in a timely manner and is incapable of overseeing power utility companies.

As of end of March 2021 roughly 90,000 hazardous trees still needed to be removed from area of CAMP / Paradise Fire. That Fire was in 2018.

So Bay Area Air Quality Management District is going to lecture us on our driving habits, . . . . . . . REALLY ! ? ! ? ! ?

from bloomberg law
“California’s 2020 wildfire season thwarted the state’s fight against climate change, spewing enough carbon dioxide into the air to equal the emissions of millions of passenger vehicles driving over the course of a year.

Those roughly 9,600 fires burned nearly 4.2 million acres, killed 31 people, and emitted an estimated 112 million metric tons of carbon dioxide, according to a California Air Resources Board report released Dec. 31. The number is akin to the greenhouse gas emissions of 24.2 million passenger cars driving in a single year”

Why is it taking so long for CA to get dead trees taken out, because the state is running the program ! ! ! The home of endless email chains, red tape, rules from bureaucrats, stunningly challenged when it comes to opening a box of paper clips.

‘FIRE Biggest wildfire in Arizona history couldn’t burn Fort Apache Reservation’

Bay Area Air Quality Management District, you wanna lecture people try bureaucrats in charge of tree removal, you both probably speak the same gibberish.

You want to control greenhouse gases?? Go after the countries that contribute to the mass production of these like India, China, and Africa… For anyone interested in seeing real time pollution in the atmosphere download an app called “Ventusky”. You can look at air pollution in real time anywhere in the world at any moment. America has a very very very low output of greenhouse gases versus these other major industrial countries. If we want to address climate change it needs to start there.

There are around ten thousand jets in the air at anytime during the day in the world. They burn depending on the size about a gallon a second. Figure out how many gallons are burned on your next trip to Hawaii. 18,000 gallons. Let’s put things in perspective. Four morning flights to Hawaii are about one morning commute in the Bay area. Then we have the flights to Chicago, New York, Los Angeles, Dallas and Schiphol in Amsterdam.

Recall BAAQMD! Kidding, these people aren’t even elected. I think it’s time to disban the department. First they lecture us on burning wood, now driving cars. Go away.

The chances of me not driving my car because of some unelected bureaucrat telling me that I cannot drive it because of smog is ZERO. They can pound sand until they get the other side of the world, and I will still not listen to them.

but… bring on the polluting GAS leafnlowers! wake up and smell the toxins you breathe!

What’s a leafnlower? And what toxins does it give off?

So then were are the free or cheap reliable mass transit systems? They put it all on the public than themselves for their own incompetence. Remind them they are our employees and not their “subjects”.

Sorry, that got dashed off a little fast but “So then where are the free…” and probably “Remind them we are their employers and not their ‘subjects'” is clearer.

“Smog season” total clowns

How much will the Air District pay people to leave California (with their car)?

In the mean time, perhaps they could outlaw those gross-polluting private jets John Kerry is so fond of!

What to make a real difference? Defund BAAQMD!

A useless agency staffed with Karens telling you how to live your life.

What kind of cars do they think we’re driving? New cars barely pollute; so much so you can no longer spend “four lonely days in the brown LA haze”.

The BAAAAAAQMD should relocate to Beijing and hector the locals about their awful polluting ways!


Winds from china blow west to east, china’s pollution comes here and china is still building coal fired generation plants. ‘China’s new coal power plant capacity in 2020 more than 3 times rest of world’s – study’
reuters https://tinyurl.com/44kw9mfk

“China commissioned 38.4 GW of new coal plants last year, more than offsetting the retirements achieved in the rest of the world.

China’s new coal plants represented 76% of the global total…”

But America HAS to go green ? ? ?

obama’s war on coal . . . he wasn’t smart enough to come up with it !
A little surprise for you all from all the way beck in 2006.
YouTube https://tinyurl.com/yza9bwnp

Which companies who make campaign contributions to DEMs and other swap creatures are profiting from America going green ? ?
Are we being hosed and lied to so campaign contributors can get rich ?

Always remember this,
If you wan to understand any problem in America,
Focus on who profits from the problem.
NOT who suffers from the problem.

the illusion of suffering is an opportunity for profit

leftie/Democrat playbook

They have about 350 employees. How about we fire them all and close this up? Imagine the smog reduction and financial savings.

baaqmd is a joke!


What do the”GREENIES” say about VOLCANOS??
Does it make their heads explode?? Do they plan on plugging them?
I say sacrifice by throwing piglosi and biden in the volcanos.
It might help. It surely will save the country!

It’s another power hungry government agency with a power hungry leader . Their power only grows it never shrinks . Government doesn’t give the people freedom it squashes it .I wish people would remember that when the president comes out with his wonderful plans to create more government agencies to control more of our lives .

F*** the BAAQMD.

Time to drain the swamp of these do-nothing bureaucrats!

Reducing international travel by plane and coming down hard on bunker oil using megaships would be more effective.

So, we have gone from spare the air DAY to spare the air PERIODS? Excuse me, but we just got shafted again.

All government is theft.



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