The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday in the noon hour.
QUESTION: Where did you go for your honeymoon? If you’re not married, where would you want to go if/when you do get married?
Talk about it….
A place called Sorenson’s in the Tahoe area.
great snow shoeing too!
Couldn’t afford a honeymoon.
And if we had the money, we would have put it toward purchasing a home.
The Seychelles.
… absolute paradise.
Been married 40 years in and we never did take a honeymoon. Perhaps kawaii someday.
We had the wedding and honeymoon all rolled up into one. I married my high school sweetheart and we eloped. Because we were 17 at the time, we couldn’t get married in California without our parents permission, and we knew they would never approve at such a young age. We eloped to Idaho because the legal age at that time was 16 and we were married in Couer d’Alene. It’s a nice small town on a beautiful lake, so we decided to stay for awhile and see the sights. We didn’t tell anyone that we just got married, but because it’s a small town, news of our wedding traveled quickly. For desert the hotel served us a small wedding cake and because we were from San Francisco, the band played “I Left My Heart In San Francisco.” It was the most memorable time of my life. My wife is gone now, cancer took her at the age of 35, I’ll never forget how beautiful she was..
True love is so precious – I’m sorry for your loss, Dawg.
Dawg, That is so sad, and to die so young, tragedy. Hope you found a new love. I know you have mentioned your children and perhaps grandchildren, hope they have given your life meaning.
@ Dawg~
What a cute beautiful story. Sorry for your loss.
Very heartfelt…it’s like love story movie with sad ending Dawg. Sorry you had to go through that.
I’m so sorry for your loss.
What a wonderful story, thanks for sharing that.
All the good ones go early, she must have been a special person…
All we can do is appreciate everything we have had. Life is too short and so fragile.
Thank you everyone for your heartfelt reply. In my story I forgot to mention how wonderful the people of Couer d’Alene, Idaho were. They bent over backwards to make our wedding a memorable one. A total stranger who happened to be a photographer for the local newspaper even volunteered to take pictures at his own expense, and to be a witness at our wedding.
As an incarcerated inmate at San Quentin, we had a small but amazing wedding at the beach followed immediately by an all inclusive honeymoon in Maui, compliments of the CA taxpayers. I am so happy to be an honored guest of the state. My only complaint is that we really wanted to spend time on Honolulu but we were told that we could only visit one island. We are working on annulment paperwork so we can remarry and pick a new destination.
Make sure you collect unemployment and stimulus checks too!
(pork chop money).
Carmel – best honeymoon I ever had!
Leads to the question. How many have you had?
Ha ha!
Just kidding, Ricardoh!
There was only one – and we’re still going strong after 39 years.
The Caribbean. We had never been, and out of all the great vacations we’ve taken, there is something about a honeymoon that you never forget. We were young, and I’m glad we saved for a memorable vacation. Hopeless romantics…
Andalucia region of Spain…loved evert minute of it, minus the food!
Big bear, then D’land 40 yrs ago.
The French Laundry during a Pandemic.
I married my ex husband in my native Denmark, even though l had ljved in the US for several years. We honeymooned on a picturesque Danish lsland in the Baltic sea, Bornholm, it is located between the coast of Poland and Sweden. It is closer to Sweden than Denmark and the population speak with a dialect that sounds more Swedish than Danish. We teasingly call them the half Swedes.
I not only know where Bornholm Island is, I have a photo of it that I took in August 1973 on a drive from Ystad to Simrishamn Sweden. We spent the whole summer going all over Europe and stayed with friends in Ystad for 5 nights.
We had a large, formal church wedding in Raleigh, NC, where I had lived since I was 3.
We flew to San Francisco the next day. During the next week, my husband (a native Californian) showed me all the tourist sights for part of each day; but early each morning, we would drive to Berkeley and have fun apartment hunting.
Clayden, You must be one of the few American’s that knows about Bornholm. Yes travelling in Europe back then was fun. The summer of 1966, after living in Iceland for 3 months, my friends and I hitchhiked (we took a ship from Reykjavik to Edinburg, then we hitchhiked from there through England went from Dover to Calais, to Paris, then Luxembourg, Belgium, Holland, Northern Germany to our native Denmark. We stayed at youth hostel, the adventure of a lifetime. 4 months later I came to the US.
We went to Fiji. Absolutely beautiful islands and genuinely nice people.
Disneyland/Mexican Riviera Cruise (package deal).
We couldn’t agree on either North Korea or Somalia, so our family surprised us with a R/T airfare on TWA to Hawaii. One of the Flight Attendants overheard my wife talking about the reception from the previous night so she informed the Captain who made an announcement over the PA and everyone clapped and cheered. Another Flight Attendant brought us a bottle of chilled champagne. Yeah, that’s what it was like to fly before 9/11 and people who could handle their booze. Best 10 days of our lives. No money, no cares, no problems.
Local hotel, not sure they believed we were married earlier in the day. No real honeymoon.
Camped for a week in Yosemite high country, Tanaya Lake, late September, lucky we didn’t have any snow or cold temps until the last night, still go there to celebrate anniversary after 36 years
We did a ~3,500 mile road trip in 9 days in 1971; we camped part of it. Highlights included Disneyland, Grand Canyon, Durango Colorado, Colorado Springs (including the Garden of the Gods and USAF Academy), Denver, then back to the Bay Area via Cheyenne and Salt Lake City. We were both self supporting full time college students, so no fancy hotels. We managed to spend the summer of 1973 (11 weeks) in Europe a semester before I graduated, a year before my wife. We’ll celebrate our 50th next month.
We went to The Madonna Inn, San Luis Obispo Ca, then onto Pismo Beach Ca.
Hong Kong, Rome, Barcelona, and Ibiza
Married @ CalNeva, HMed @ Jackson Hole-Yellowstone
Carmel and Malibu. If I was ever married again, my ideal would be my partner and I heading to a beautiful mountain cabin, (don’t ski) but into fall, so the weather would be changing a bit. Wood fireplace burning, small cozy town nearby with restaurants and wine for what’s just right. Never been to Paris, but not sure I’m ready to venture there. Since I hadn’t thought about this til this post, love hiking boots, as long as it’s not too high to walk, hair blowing in the wind.
Mad me immediately think of Nevada City, California, area.
New Passamaquoddy, Mars
Poundtown. 😜
I’m pretty independent, so not likely.
aka Lynn Beltrano- but I will always be an independent woman, so….
In 1977, Honeymoon night at a crappy little hotel/truck stop, since Hubby did not book a place ahead. The rest of the week Disneyland, Knotts Berry Farm and a few other places. Oh, his parents and older brother came down and joined us on the outings,….Really!!
@Roz, my husband to be did the same thing. Did not bother to book us a room. We went to Napa for a few days and spent hours looking for a place to stay.
The housekeeping tents at Curry Co. in Yosemite Valley.
Have stayed there several times. Love Yosemite, really liked the small wooden cabins. Went there many Memorial Days with the Scandinavian Club, often had my daughter along, we would on Saturday and Sundays often had brunch at the Ahwahnee.
Married in Feb.’82 and spent honeymoon at the Timber Cove in on the N. coast of Calif………very stormy year and lots of flooding everywhere.
Married 1970. Went to Disneyland and San Diego Zoo, and quick day visit to Tijuana. Still happily married.
Tijuana was a lot of fun in the 70’s.