Home » The Water Cooler – Has COVID-19 And The Lockdowns Affected Your Mental Health?

The Water Cooler – Has COVID-19 And The Lockdowns Affected Your Mental Health?


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Has COVID-19 and the lockdown(s) affected your mental health?


Talk about it….

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Thankfully, no.

Too busy to worry during the day, and too tired to worry at night.

Not really.

Not Really.
Didn’t visit family & friends, but got to talk to them.
Some places to visit were closed, and saved me from spending, LOL!
Had plenty to keep me busy at home and still do.

Except for wearing a mask when I enter a building, the effects of the virus and lockdowns hasn’t affected me at all. I still go about my everyday business and come and go as I please. The thought of the virus rarely enters my head, I’m too busy with other more important thoughts going on.

Not to my knowledge.

… no…. but maybe of our political leadership … or lack thereof

My mental health was never affected. My liver, on the other hand…

We traveled out of state a number of times to get a breath of freedom. The last time we left we never returned.

Thanks for following your heart and not coming back😊
I hope it catches on and we can enjoy the beautiful area and weather without all the traffic!

Yes….any other takers?

Chuckie the troll is enjoying the freedoms built in to our constitutional republic. Old Concordite is doing so only at the whim of the garbage state politicians elected by the garbage California electorate

@Rollo Tomasi

Sounds like you are ready to go also. Can we help move you along or are you already enjoying your freedoms in another state that will have its own set of problems and level of disgruntled citizenry?

Let’s try working on solutions instead of barking at the wind …….✔️🇺🇸

Oh, I’m not going anywhere anytime soon. I’ll stick around and make every effort to see this beautiful state restored to it’s former excellence before the days of single party rule.

Slight depression from losing family members. Thank god for grandchildren. They tend to keep Papa in check.

Amen, brother! They keep Ma’am Ma here grounded too, thank God.

Oh Darn!,….from Covid or other?
My Godmother, passed, but due to health, not Covid.
Neighbor from Cancer and a friend, her heart just stopped.
Brother-in-law had a stroke, but is recovering.
All in just the last 2 months.

Hi Roz…little of both. Had an Aunt and Uncle from Covid and a Cousin from Cancer.

Sorry for the loss Roz. Keep looking forward girl!!!

I don’t think it did. But when the relative that was living here for a year moved a month ago I did feel much better.

I think in someway it has affected everyone mentally. Though some won’t admit it. Not that it is has made them balmy though. The part that gets me is nothing is being done to assure that the Chinese or anyone else is not working on the next one or that we are accepting the cost in lives and money like “Oh Well”. No one is paying for this catastrophe. I don’t think it was an accident.

No one talks about sanctions against China, no one talks about how they straight up executed multiple whistleblowers and Chinese doctors who tried to warn the world, no one talks about how they completely controlled the WHO and used its radical Communist puppet head as a personal propaganda engine. No one talks about how China allowed international flights out of Wuhan in order to spread the virus, yet made it illegal for Wuhan Chinese to fly domestically within China.

China got away scott free, it’s hilarious. The whole world should be sanctioning them.

Careful anon!
You might wake up just in time to see the laughing Chinese assassin right before he pounds a chopstick into your ear & thru your brain.

The cops will find a hammer in your hand and call it suicide.


More likely they’ll call it a COVID death.


Not at all. My family and even my extended family (we didn’t let the virus separate us) still did things just had to do them slightly different. Had to be a little creative too and the pandemic has helped my kids get outside more and enjoy nature.

Overall, no. Occasional days of anger at over reach by government officials, under the guise of the meaningless phrase of “follow the science.” Frustration needing to stand in line to get into Home Depot or Trader Joe’s. Amusement at seeing somebody with nobody around them for half a mile, walking outside or alone in their car, wearing 1, or worse, 2 masks. Sympathy for all the kids who missed a landmark of growing up, whether it be graduation, prom, first year away at college. Sympathy for those who did lose their family members, and were unable to visit them. None of these impact my mental health, but they do represents mental moments.

Well, I was working, so I missed out on $15k in free government money that I and others who were working should absolutely be given retroactively. New York will even given this sum to its illegal aliens.

This large figure, which I missed out on, depresses me.

I know multiple people who just straight up quit their jobs and they still got unemployment and $15K in stimulus, even though quitting of your own volition is supposed to explicitly prohibit you from receiving unemployment whatsoever.

I agree that it has affected all of us in some way mentally. it’s whether or not you’re willing to admit it. That doesn’t mean you have mental health issues, it means you’re human — and you’ve gone from living a normal life to a life on lockdown… which is very unhealthy. It has affected some people more than others. I’m glad I don’t fall into the latter category. Things are looking up, and I look forward to having all of this behind us.

The ones that won’t admit it are mentally deficient or incapacitated..

Yes … for sure
Watching my children click their whole life away on a computer screen for a year and a half. Working so hard to give them some normalcy but lost out on their graduations and proms and education. Time with their peers.
My ten year old today asks “ why do schools think we are so dumb? “ bc his curriculum is that of first grade and he sees it without me saying a word
Churches closed for almost a year
Govt control
But doing my best to stay positive and lots of prayer
Hoping we don’t start locking down again like OR and WA
Don’t know how much more I can take

If I were in your shoes, it would have hit me hard too.
Bless you for hanging in there and being there for your kiddos.
Fingers Crossed, we are near the end of the tunnel.

@Puffandstuff come here to Texas, we are fully opened up, schools and everything. Just don’t bring any liberal politics.

I’m not one who has ever been concerned about having a case of cabin fever, but spending this much time in this close proximity to Mr. Wonderful has been a real eyeopener.

Not at all, since we moved out of Califronicate in December.

Thank you!
Enjoy your new home and thanks for returning this area to the quality we knew before so many wannabes moved in. Less traffic….. yeah!✔️🇺🇸😗

Born and raised in CA and did 40 years of careers here. Not the state I grew up in, Full of left wing liposuction wannabees like you. The ‘return to quality’ will be the influx of slums from South of the border. But take all you want and keep them away from us.

Of course not! Who doesn’t like being on restriction?

To clarify, I’m being sarcastic.

I don’t believe it has but let me ask my imaginary friend to be sure. He says nope.




Actually I am

Actually, I more fearful of the direction our government has taken.

Socialism, Communism, Totalitarianism, never work and always ends in war.

With innocent people killed and the land scorched while the elites move to a rich life in a non-extradition country.

Us too, Cellophane!
It felt like the government was pushing and testing as to how far as they could to turn us into their submissive control ….possibly for further future use…. I think the money thing was to try to get us hooked on government dependence too.



The current administration is using the Republics’ Consitution as a doormat.

I must be missing something…..
Non extradition country ?

@ Cellophane & Badge1104~
I hear you and agree on both your points.

@ Old Concordite~
If someone is moving out of California, there can be many reasons.
Jobs, Families, or cost to live here,…but are still Happy.
No need to slap someone for a change in life.

Prior to being an amateur teacher I became a professional psychiatrist. I’ve never seen people doing this bad. It’s absolutely terrible. I’ve seen more suicides completed this year than my entire career combined. Attempts have also moved from loose, showy things to far more high risk. It has particularly spiked in the last month. Something very bad is brewing and I’m putting this all on Biden and his goons at this point. They have the opportunity to turn this around for people, especially kids. And they refuse.

It was somewhat of a transition for me in the beginning. I’m a social person who looks forward to going out to lunch with my friends, I missed that. It helped to get outside and take walks, it felt like freedom.

Hell no and no one else in my family either.I think it is all political bull crap.If you have issues now you had then before.

Growing up in the country in Denmark and being an only child of older rather quiet parents, I got use to being alone from an early age. I’m very social and have always had many friends and an active social life. However, I don’t mind spending time alone. I was furloughed from Macy’s for 3 months, but still able to meet with friends now and then. The worst was not seeing my grandson born April 2020 until he was 6 month old. Since I went back to work my customers at Macy’s have kept me from feeling isolated, and of course now things are opening up, so I anticipate a more active social life. Also just visited my daughter and 2 grandchildren when my grandson turned 1,

For the most part no as we observe rules and the science involved here in this household.
Now on the other hand, some of the ill advised diatribes and political rants I have read on this site have been sketchy at times for clear thought and perhaps our mental health.

Must everything be politicized by a confirmed group making its prime agenda “anti everything” ?

Let’s all get vaccinated and put this virus 🦠 on hold or dispose of it. Thanks 🇺🇸

Sadly, I believe it affected my psychiatrist who I had been seeing for a few years, and I found out he is no longer practicing. Staff sounded very sad, stating he was on an indefinite leave of absence. But, I knew from the session before that, by his questions, that he was not so subtly hinting and directing me to move on to another doctor.

Lockdown for some reason at the time did not, that I was aware of affect my mental health anymore than it had already been affected the two years plus prior to lockdown. So much had already happened. My mind, mine at least has a switch, a way to on and off emotionally, or put the emotions in the box and take them out when needed. Otherwise one goes under. I will say at this point, as the way clears and we come more to some light if you call it that, the feeling of being alone if very present and difficult. So, I decided to reach out to my old Therapist at Kaiser and we shall see. One more thing that was not good to see today, was the neighbor at the front, has been out of their home for months now and today, I saw that all is coming down to the wire, it’s obvious they had to move. I felt empathy for them. I also felt so fortunate for what I have and how I’m more than able to manage it.

There have been changes, but I have long since learned to “roll with Life’s punches”. I’m fine with the personal-contact restrictions of masks and social distancing….. no more of a problem than driving to the right side of the road, waiting in a line, not playing music so loudly hat it bothers those around me, etc.. (And the sooner more people co-operate with health rules and vaccinations, the sooner we will win out over this virus…. possibly before very many variants have evolved.)

Though I have still not been able to travel to see our first great grandchild (who lives in Maryland), we have the blessings of the Marco Polo app videos shared by our whole extended family group of 14 people…… almost all in the Eastern Seaboard states.

And I love to garden, play piano, read, follow Claycord, etc…..and stay in touch with wonderful neighbors and friends. Sure, I do miss parties, shopping in crowds with stores fully stocked, eating out, and vacationing. But that has not affected my mental health, thank goodness.

It increased the urge to do stuff once able but on the whole, it made me grateful to be living in a single family dwelling and helped me realize that I will be happier once I move to a less populated (Liberal) county in the Sierra once the kids graduate…

No, but it has affected my liver.

I though it didn’t, except the extra rituals of washing, sanitizing and masks. But begining of April we took a vacation of sort. 5 days on a hotel and days long hikes. Being out of the house make me realize how stress and maybe slightly depressed I was. I was going to work the whole year, not working from home so it was a surprise realization.

is this a trick question? 🤦‍♀️

I decline to answer on the grounds that any response will be used by the house plant in the White House to further trample my rights protected under the second amendment.

In addition, in crisis, making quick decisions is key. No matter the level. That has always worked for me. Recognizing when I need, as a leader to seek help as well. I’m a numbers individual and watch trends, so when I spoke about the family out of their home for four months, it wasn’t sudden, it wasn’t just a “pandemic” issue, it was long coming by some irresponsible behavior on half the owner’s part. I know, as I had to take legal action to rectify as dominant owner of the easement. Have trained so many to do just this, with a sense of “urgency” for results. Made each of them leaders, not just me. Today, I took time to step back, correct my course so-to-speak when needed, do my shopping tomorrow and banking and keep it simple. Best to all.

I’m an introvert – less social pressures works for my lifestyle

No, not covid. What affects my mental health more is the idiot leftists in this state.



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