The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.
Today’s question….
QUESTION: Do you answer your door when somebody knocks on the door or rings the doorbell, or do you just ignore it?
Talk about it….
I just look out window to see if it’s a neighbor. Usually it’s just a delivery. Solicitors usually walk briskly away once they hear the loud bark from the dog.
If I’m not expecting anybody I will ignore them. Sometimes I will look at them through the window and tell them, ” what ever you are selling, I don’t want any, go away.” If they persist, I will repeat, “go away,” then I will go about my business doing what ever I was doing before I was so rudely interrupted.
We ask “Who is it?” and if we don’t know the person, we say “Sorry, we don’t open the door for people we don’t know.” Pretty easy, never had a problem.
It’s become fairly unusual for anybody to ever knock or ring, actually
I see we have advanced from leaving our front door open or unlocked to checking out anyone who approaches our front door. Now that’s progress.
Don’t get many people who just ring the bell. If it is a delivery they might ring once, but by the time I check they are usually back in the delivery vehicle.
Last time someone rang the bell, it was mid morning, and I didn’t expect anyone. Because often work late, I’m not a morning person, so weren’t really presentable. Put on a robe and asked who it was, it was Concord police, they had some questions about a disturbance in the neighborhood the night before, of course I opened the door. I can usually see the person from the window, if it is someone that looks like they are selling something, especially religion I do not open the door.
I had Cops banging on my door and I just told them they had the wrong address and they left. That’s when I was staying in Pittsburg.
If the Police had a warrant, they will come in, uninvited.
Some still believe you have to talk to the Police, voluntarily.
Having said that, I would talk to them if it was not about me, LOL.
If anyone is interested, watch a video on YT called “Don’t talk to the Police”. It a recording of a law professor during a law class. Extremely informative…
I definitely open my door for cops, I never had a reason not to. Once when I did they asked if they could walk through my house instead of having to climb over or bust through my gate to collect a loaded gun someone they were chasing ditched in my backyard. I had rather they’d found it than my little kid who played out there a lot. I don’t know how I’d feel about it if they were banging on it though, I’ve never had that happen. I might ask why they were banging, I suppose. I usually answer the door anyway, after I take a look at the person, but I don’t know why I bother since I’m going to open it anyway.
Depends if it is a process server …
I live too far off the road and the dogs keep anyone from even thinking about it.
I look through the peep hole or window, if its someone i know id open it. If not I cock my shotgun loudly that i keep by the door and task what they want through the door, most times they just leave.
I really enjoyed the New World Order people when they came around. (Yes they exist and have brochures). I asked one if they wanted someone In some 3rd worked dump telling them what they could and couldn’t do in the US and haven’t seen them since.
Have a window near the door. Have a sign that pretty much says I don’t do anything at the door. People who ring the bell anyhow can see me pointing to the sign. It also says friend, neighbors, family are welcome. I don’t get many unknowns anymore.
Same Here for Us.
Sebastian Manescalco on the subject
Knock, knock. Who’s there? Lettuce. Lettuce who? Lettuce in, it’s cold out here!
In the last few years, we’ve gotten in the habit of not answering the door. It’s well posted “No Solicitors”, which “some” actually read. If they can’t read, I don’t think I want to do business with them anyway. If I need something, I know where to get it.
Didn’t our police chief tell us a few years ago to not answer our doors?
No. I have tow cameras on the front of my house. If I don’t know them, no door answering.
Two (2) cameras. Fat finger typing !
We have a security gate which keeps the riff raff and solicitors on the street. We also have security cameras and motion sensor lights around the property.
I didn’t answer at all one time-didn’t recognize the woman. After a few rings, she started walking towards the back of my house – uh oh. My big dog barked once and she turned and walked back towards the road. Bold.
I have two no-solicitor signs before anyone gets to the front door, where I have another sign saying what I charge to listen to solicitors message. About 20 yrs ago I unhooked the power wires to my door bell and a ‘knock-bell broken’ sigh next to door bell button. Also have a nice peep hole in door.
I used to work a lot of nights and slept during the day.
To this day it still keeps most away except the solar sales people that don’t seem to be able to read.
If you were not invited more on as no one will respond to you.
Yes, I do. Even if it’s 1am like it has been a couple of times. Because I live in a community and care about other people. Because I am horrified by the attitudes of people who treat those they don’t personally know as enemies and threats.
If they’re selling something I don’t want? I just say so. Like a rational adult. I’ve met neighbors, exchanged information with people, accepted compliments on my garden, and once I had the privilege and opportunity to help someone who had been in an accident in the middle of the night and was so desperate they rang a complete stranger’s doorbell, hoping that it might be someone kind, and not someone who would meet them with guns and barking dogs.
Think about what sort of community *you* want to live in. It won’t be that sort of community unless you make it so with your own actions and attitudes.
The top 2/3 of my door is glass, so I can easily see who’s there. And they can easily see (and hear) my 3-hound alarm system.