Most Contra Costa County libraries will open their doors to the public, with limited occupancy, for “Grab & Go Service” on Monday or Tuesday, according to the Contra Costa Library website.
Visitors will be asked to limit their stay to one hour or less and to abide by COVID-19 safety protocols such as wearing masks and social distancing.
Services available at the reopened libraries will include computer use for an hour or less, browsing, reference and account help, holds pick-up, check out and returns, and copies and printing.
Services that will not be available include chairs and tables for reading and studying, meeting rooms and in-person events. At this time, book donations are not being accepted, and newspapers are only available online.
Visitors over the age of 2 will be asked to wear a face covering or mask that covers both the mouth and nose. Hand sanitizer will be available at the entrances, cleaning wipes will be offered to visitors to sanitize surfaces and seating will be limited to select computers to encourage social distancing.
Toys and other high-touch play items have been removed.
Visitors wishing to reserve computer time can call their community library starting today.
Other safety enhancements include Plexiglass barriers at service desks, increased air intake to HVAC systems and enhanced cleaning of doorknobs, door push bars and elevator buttons.
Because of their small size, the libraries at Crockett and Rodeo will keep their doors closed to visitors, maintaining their “Front Door Service” established during the pandemic. “Front Door Service” will end at reopened libraries, but virtual programming will continue.
The Pinole Library and Ygnacio Valley Library are currently serving as COVID-19 testing sites and are scheduled to reopen later this year.
The Antioch Library will open its doors to the public June 1.
For more information, visit
Why are there limitations on the library, but not Bourbon Walnut Creek.
Huge crowds inside and out and smoking on street, when it’s illegal in Downtown. Trouble just waiting to happen there and right across the street from the Popo.
I’m against the libraries opening up. COVID-19 is everywhere. We need to shelter in place. Where are all those Contact Tracers Gavin promised us?
Transients love to hang out in the library. People check books out, take them home sneeze and slobber in them and then return for you to check out.
What’s not to like?