Yes! And I’m old enough to remember when we had to in CA
Chicken Little
April 23, 2021 - 12:09 PM 12:09 PM
Yes. There is absolutely no logical argument against it. Especially the argument that black people are too poor and too stupid to get an ID. That’s utterly ridiculous.
well, I believe when you go to the bowling alley and rent shoes they actually take your id and hold it hostage until you return their shoes. also, I rented a private room to do karaoke once, they took my id and held it. so, I don’t know why its a problem to show ID to vote.
Democrats hate the idea of voter ID because it makes it harder to cheat.
April 23, 2021 - 12:14 PM 12:14 PM
This is not a trump thing, a racist thing, a woke thing, it is just if I have to show my ID to get a vaccine, or fly on plane, or many other things, then I should have to show my ID when I do one (if not the most) important thing in this country.
April 23, 2021 - 12:18 PM 12:18 PM
YES! I had to show my ID for my covid shot!
I have no idea why the Democrats oppose it. I suspect because they like to continue voter fraud in the next election, and showing an ID makes it very hard to cheat.
How is showing an ID to vote racist? Then it is also racist to show an ID for anything else that it is required. So basically everything that requires an ID is racist. STUPID ARGUMENT
People who rely on public transit and have never driven a car had no use for an ID and didn’t know you could get a non-driving ID card.
Now with Real ID this will change.
Think about your daily life with regard to credit card purchases or buying alcohol. They should ask for ID all the time but they don’t.
April 23, 2021 - 1:01 PM 1:01 PM
If no ID is needed is there anything preventing someone from voting more than once? Or is there anything preventing someone who is not a citizen from voting?
The only reason to not want ID to be shown is if you want these to happen.
The idea that requiring an ID is racist is nuts. But I’ll meet you half way. Let’s make all government issued ID’s free for all. (We pay enough in taxes, they could at least print us ID cards without an extra charge). Now once ID’s are free they will still cry that it’s racist. Because it was never about racism. They just want extra votes.
Litterally the only thing stopping someone from casting more than one ballot is signature matching. That is the sole official security in place to stop someone. Maybe a poll worker recognizes you the second or third time, and maybe they call you out on it. But they can’t ask for your ID, so what are they going to do about it? If there are names on the voter role at your precinct that you know to be inactive, dead, whatever, I can think of no way they can stop you from voting in their stead if you can do a decent job of forging their signature. And from what I have seen, they are pretty lose on how close they need it to match.
Now consider all the motor voter laws, the drive to get illegals licenses, the dragging on feet to purge dead from the roles, and I would be astounded if there isn’t some form of organized fraud, especially in the Dem machine cities. Add in universal mail-in on top of that, and it’s basically a wrap for our Republic.
April 23, 2021 - 1:16 PM 1:16 PM
NO. Voting is a constitutional right and people are not legally required to have an ID, though most people so. If the government pays for everyone to have an ID, then you have an argument.
As it stands, since we have to pay for IDs, requiring them to vote amounts to a poll tax.
I suppose the same people who want an ID to vote also won’t mind if they have to show their vaccination cards to vote or to get into any building or event? I think not.
OK, then no valid ID, no government benefits. BTW- you need a photo ID, otherwise known as a driver’s license, to drive. And at a cost of $10-12 per year, that’s hardly what I’d call a poll tax. BTW- last time I picked up tickets at the Giants Box Office…I had to present a photo ID.
The DMV reduces the I.D. fee for people on public assistance to $6 from $28 dollars and waives fees altogether if you are experiencing homelessness. It looks like to the government is technically paying for I.D.s.
You are legally required to have a SS Card which is a government issued ID. Try having a kid and filing taxes you can’t until you have a SS# for the child.
I’d be perfectly happy to have IDs provided at the taxpayer’s cost, free of charge to the recipient (with proper vetting of the individual, birth certificate and all that), in exchange for nationwide voter ID laws. I will even volunteer a nominal tax increase if its required.
Additionally, the right to bear arms is litterally a constitutionally protected right as well, and no one seems to have a problem with requiring an ID and background check to purchase one. Either we no longer need IDs to buy a gun, or we we can impose that burden on voting. Seems rather inconsistent to have it both ways.
April 23, 2021 - 1:18 PM 1:18 PM
It would make me feel much better about the validity of the process. Yes.
April 23, 2021 - 1:28 PM 1:28 PM
YES, ID’s are already required to do most anything. Since the DEM’s consider it racist to require an ID to vote, why don’t they issue them for “free” (paid by high income taxpayers). This seems to be the new solution for everything, good luck with that.
Bud E
April 23, 2021 - 1:29 PM 1:29 PM
No. there are several reasons one does not have a state issued ID, mostly because they are poor and disenfranchised.
if you asked for any kind of ID, like a state issued student university ID then I would be for that. Asking for a specific ID is anti American, everyone who can, should be able to vote without the hassle of “establishment” laws.
If you have lost your records, which many elderly people have had happen to them, then they may not be able to obtain an ID. If you were adopted and had a name change then you may not be able to obtain an ID.
Everyone’s voice should be heard, not only the ones that YOU deem are in your favor
Bed E, you make me want to throw my hands in the air and scream WHAT!!!
April 23, 2021 - 1:31 PM 1:31 PM
Absolutely. But the Dems will fight it tooth and nail as it impedes their ability to commit election fraud.
chuckie the troll
April 23, 2021 - 1:34 PM 1:34 PM
Have to show an ID to get money out of my bank, board a plane (have to show it many times), buy alcohol in many states (even though I have grey hair), when I go to the doctor’s office (to prevent fraud), etc…
I have never received welfare, WIC, Food Stamps, etc…but I imagine you need to show one for those benefits. So I see no problem in requiring people to present a (valid) ID (no Mexican Consular ‘products’, for example) when voting. This would help to keep voters and precinct workers just a little more honest.
Never Enough
April 23, 2021 - 1:43 PM 1:43 PM
Yes and I have lived in two other countries in Europe that also required it.
Tell me what you can do without an ID. Can’t get a job, can’t open any type of account, can’t rent a place, can’t drive, can’t even go to college.
State should give those without money a free ID.
April 23, 2021 - 2:11 PM 2:11 PM
YES most definitely.
hayden barsotti
April 23, 2021 - 2:22 PM 2:22 PM
Of course ID should be required. If someone is too stupid to get the free ID for such things as bank transactions, airline tickets boarding, etc., then they’re too stupid to vote.
April 23, 2021 - 2:25 PM 2:25 PM
Yes. It’s the only way to make sure that there is no stuffing the ballot box by dead people voting, and other scams.
You already have an ID in your pocket or purse, and if you don’t drive, you could get an ID only from the DMV.
As far as the unhinged left, the reason they are having a tantrum over voting rights and requiring an ID is that they want to flip Georgia, and need some sketchy votes to get it done. Nobody should be objecting to ID unless they are pulling something.
April 23, 2021 - 2:39 PM 2:39 PM
Sadly, apparently requiring an ID is racist.
Therefore, only white people can board a plane, drive a vehicle, rent a vehicle, purchase a home, buy alcohol, etc. That is really, really sad.
Calling all humanitarians –
If you have a problem with this racist country, you need to immediately assist those people attempting to enter the U.S. at the southern border. Calling all liberals to inform immigrants that the U.S. is a racist country and entering may cause you serious harm, such as receiving free medical care, voting rights, free/low cost housing, and education, and, most importantly, the liberty to perform criminal acts without prosecution.
Jeff (the other one?)
April 23, 2021 - 3:05 PM 3:05 PM
Yes, a rather basic way to limit some types of fraud. How many legal citizens in this country do not already have an ID? Required to drive a vehicle, required to buy booze, required to purchase a gun, required to board an airplane, even, as mentioned by Sam Malone, needed when getting a vaccine.
The Wizard
April 23, 2021 - 3:13 PM 3:13 PM
Yes, Yes and Hell Yes
April 23, 2021 - 3:35 PM 3:35 PM
Isn’t it weird that this is even a question. I had a neighbor tell me today she just loved Joe and Camila. I said.” Why” She said, “Because they are such kind people”. I’m thinking OMG.
Steven Powers
April 23, 2021 - 3:38 PM 3:38 PM
Bad Nombre
April 23, 2021 - 3:40 PM 3:40 PM
As long as you need to show ID to exercise other Constitutional rights (e.g. buying a firearm), I see nothing wrong with it. Of course, the purpose of a lot of gun laws is to dissuade people from exercising their 2nd Amendment right. The people most opposed to voter ID laws are often the most likely to back gun “control” and don’t see the contradiction.
You just drove the nail home with one hammer strike:
if you have to present ID to exercise your 2nd Amendment right, you should have to present it to vote.
The only people who dont believe in showing ID to vote are the ones who are want to be able to undermine said vote.
April 23, 2021 - 3:55 PM 3:55 PM
Liberal response: “Racist, bigot misogynist – no one of color would be able to vote”
Conservative response: “Makes sense, since you literally need an ID to do anything and everything, other than vote of course.
April 23, 2021 - 4:21 PM 4:21 PM
When I was still voting in person I remember being asked for ID. Drivers license or ID was good to go. My granddaughter was able to use her school ID for her first time voting. What I don’t think we need is a special ID just for voting.
By the way, the county will send a notice to the last known address if it has reason to thing you have moved requesting a return if you are still at the same address (in case they heard wrong), moved to a new address but still in the county, or moved out of the county. The only problem I have with that is if the person has moved how would the new people at that address know were the former person moved to, in or out of county?
My ex moved out of state in 2012 and hasn’t voted in Ca since, but received voting materials in his name for every election.. Just this past winter a card came to the address asking him if he moved or wanted to be removed from the voting roll. All we have to do is send it to him and get him to sign it, where ever he is. I told them more than once, when I voted –that his name should be crossed of since he doesn’t live at that address. Onve I even had a email that said he needed him to contact them with his signature to be removed from that address.
April 23, 2021 - 4:52 PM 4:52 PM
So, according the CCC voting registrar there are about 70% of the votes in this county cast by mail.
Just wondering how long do I need to show my ID to the mailbox when I drop my ballot into it?
Wow that’s simply genius like the SS number to file a tax return, or a credit card number which also is a unique number assigned to you.
Guess nobody could ever commit fraud with any of these unique numbers……
Well, I can tell you somebody did use my SS number to file fraudulent returns with the IRS and all up and down the Eastern Seaboard. It didn’t effect me very much because I owed additional tax and the IRS was happy to receive it despite the prior filed fraudulent return, but of course if I would have gotten a refund it would have been a different problem
But in the first place why are you so hell bent on a solution to a problem that simply doesn’t exist?
Remember the Presidential Advisory Commission on Voter Fraud which was disbanded in January 2018 by the President? They didn’t find voter fraud, How about the lawsuits in the last election cycle? No evidence of voter fraud big enough to influence the outcome of an election was established in front of a court. How about the Director of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency in the United States Department of Homeland Security? He didn’t find any widespread voter fraud. How about Bill Barr the AG of the Trump administration? He didn’t find any widespread voter fraud.
In the next election I’m going to make sure my dead parents cast their vote as well as my minor children. Won’t be enough fraud to make a difference, so I’m certain it will be OK with JWB.
April 23, 2021 - 5:01 PM 5:01 PM
I have never heard a cogent argument on why asking for ID for voting is not a good idea. I just don’t get it.
April 23, 2021 - 5:04 PM 5:04 PM
Yes for voter ID and ID should be required to register to vote. Further, voting registers should be purged of any registered voter who was registered to vote, but failed to vote in a previous presidential or governors election. Reregistration would be required (deceased or living out of state not eligible.)
Vote by mail can be better secured if, at the time of requesting same, the last 4 digits of the individuals SSI be required as part of a valid signature and be included with every mail in ballot signature submitted.
Bean Burner
April 23, 2021 - 5:30 PM 5:30 PM
No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
In 1967 the Supreme court applied this in Loving vs. Virginia when it struck down the law banning interracial marriage. The U.S. Supreme Court followed this with a 2015 ruling that all states must recognize same-sex unions and none may prohibit same-sex couples from marrying.
By this standard the US defines marriage as a civil right under federal law.
Not a privilege. And you need ID to marry.
Case closed.
April 23, 2021 - 6:11 PM 6:11 PM
ABSOLUTELY!!! Once upon a time you had to show ID. Anyone who wants to vote has access to either a driver’s license or state ID. To say it is racist to require an ID to vote is to imply that people of color are not capable of getting an ID which, to me, is racist. And it is down right insulting. But it is easier for politicians and liberals to cry racism than use any kind of logic.
chuckie the troll
April 23, 2021 - 6:47 PM 6:47 PM
If the Democrat Party is against it I am for it. The party of Animal Farm is the enemy of all people who support the U.S. Constitution. Voter ID is something that Stalin killed people to prevent from being implied.
April 23, 2021 - 7:23 PM 7:23 PM
Require only if the government makes it easy for citizens to get an ID and the requirements be consistent. In Texas a hunting license is valid (because they tend to vote Republican) but a photo student ID was not valid because they tend to vote Democrat. .
How is it hard to get an ID? Citizens should have no problem getting one. Photo student IDs are easily faked. Are you talking about high school or college? Because most high school students are under 18.
Are you saying that only Democrats get an education and only Republicans have guns? At least they paid for their hunting license.
One needn’t be a US citizen nor registered to vote to acquire a student photo ID. Got any other bs you’d like to peddle here?
Just me
April 23, 2021 - 8:30 PM 8:30 PM
YES!!! The excuse that people can’t afford an ID is stupid. You cannot get a job without ID, you cannot get on welfare without ID, you cannot get unemployment without ID, or mediCal or any other government assistance without an ID. You cannot rent an apartment, open a bank account, rent a room or a car, travel on a plane, or legally cross a border WITHOUT ID. It is unbelievable that California does not require ID to vote. I know provisional ballots were fed directly into the ballot tabulating machines. For some reason, there were not any special provisional ballots, the provisional voters were given a regular ballot at random and a provisional envelope. At the end of the day November 3, 2020, there were empty provisional envelopes in the blue bags. That means the ballots were put in the machine without verification that the person was a legal voter and only voting once. This happened at the church on Willow Pass Rd. The covid rules from the County did not allow for enough poll workers. There were only four and two high school kids for the 15 plus hours, less when each person took lunch breaks. It made it so easy for anti-Americans to commit fraud.
April 23, 2021 - 10:30 PM 10:30 PM
I remember the first time a voted, i was shocked i didn’t need to show an ID. So yes, I think its a great idea! The republicans would never win another election if you had to show an ID to vote. Dems would take a hit too, but not as much.
It’s a definite advantage for Democrats if felons are allowed to vote.
Bad Nombre
April 24, 2021 - 12:07 AM 12:07 AM
Wasn’t there a guy in Lafayette(?) a few (~20?) years ago that registered his dog to vote and then was found out when said dog was summoned for jury duty?
I thought when you register to vote they somehow make sure you are a legitimate citizen with an address in the USA, state and county! I guess not. Now I am truly wondering what they do and don’t require. BTW the “they” is our government! They have to know the legitimate age for sure.
Kentucky Derby
April 24, 2021 - 8:08 AM 8:08 AM
The Registrar of Voters checks signatures to deter fraud, so it doesn’t matter one way or the other if you show ID. Why do you think we sign, and they ask us at the polls if we signed? As long as the signature is a close match. If they didn’t do that, ALL states would’ve required an ID a long time ago.
April 24, 2021 - 8:55 AM 8:55 AM
YES every time or no vote
CV Grad
April 24, 2021 - 4:33 PM 4:33 PM
Absolutely you have to show an ID. Those who don’t support that are too dumb to vote
April 24, 2021 - 6:06 PM 6:06 PM
black masks work pretty much like black underwear. The Covid is there, you just don’t see it.
Yes! And I’m old enough to remember when we had to in CA
Yes. There is absolutely no logical argument against it. Especially the argument that black people are too poor and too stupid to get an ID. That’s utterly ridiculous.
well, I believe when you go to the bowling alley and rent shoes they actually take your id and hold it hostage until you return their shoes. also, I rented a private room to do karaoke once, they took my id and held it. so, I don’t know why its a problem to show ID to vote.
I mean, that’s literally a distinction between a service and a right
Democrats hate the idea of voter ID because it makes it harder to cheat.
This is not a trump thing, a racist thing, a woke thing, it is just if I have to show my ID to get a vaccine, or fly on plane, or many other things, then I should have to show my ID when I do one (if not the most) important thing in this country.
YES! I had to show my ID for my covid shot!
I have no idea why the Democrats oppose it. I suspect because they like to continue voter fraud in the next election, and showing an ID makes it very hard to cheat.
Of course!
That is a no brainer. Why of course. The most important thing in America…whats the big deal of even questioning it?
The only reason I can see for this even being questioned is if you are trying to steal an election.
Yes. Had to for Covid shot. Must show ID to vote or you are not allowed to bote.
Had to show my photo ID for the first vaccine, then my photo ID and vaccination card for the second one. Must be systemic racism.
This is all well and good. However, are they requiring that the undocumented immigrants do the same for the vaccination or so forth?? NO!
You believe ID should be required to vote? Apparently, CNN would consider you all racists then. Consider me one as well!
How is showing an ID to vote racist? Then it is also racist to show an ID for anything else that it is required. So basically everything that requires an ID is racist. STUPID ARGUMENT
Absolutely positively YES!
You need an I.D. To do anything. Third world countries require I.D. To vote.
The DemoRats have equated I.D. As racist. Crazy
Wake up people
… absolutely… used to be that way too!
100% yes, or maybe a fingerprint if they dont have ID. I dont see how you can function in society these days with no ID.
People who rely on public transit and have never driven a car had no use for an ID and didn’t know you could get a non-driving ID card.
Now with Real ID this will change.
Think about your daily life with regard to credit card purchases or buying alcohol. They should ask for ID all the time but they don’t.
If no ID is needed is there anything preventing someone from voting more than once? Or is there anything preventing someone who is not a citizen from voting?
The only reason to not want ID to be shown is if you want these to happen.
The idea that requiring an ID is racist is nuts. But I’ll meet you half way. Let’s make all government issued ID’s free for all. (We pay enough in taxes, they could at least print us ID cards without an extra charge). Now once ID’s are free they will still cry that it’s racist. Because it was never about racism. They just want extra votes.
Litterally the only thing stopping someone from casting more than one ballot is signature matching. That is the sole official security in place to stop someone. Maybe a poll worker recognizes you the second or third time, and maybe they call you out on it. But they can’t ask for your ID, so what are they going to do about it? If there are names on the voter role at your precinct that you know to be inactive, dead, whatever, I can think of no way they can stop you from voting in their stead if you can do a decent job of forging their signature. And from what I have seen, they are pretty lose on how close they need it to match.
Now consider all the motor voter laws, the drive to get illegals licenses, the dragging on feet to purge dead from the roles, and I would be astounded if there isn’t some form of organized fraud, especially in the Dem machine cities. Add in universal mail-in on top of that, and it’s basically a wrap for our Republic.
NO. Voting is a constitutional right and people are not legally required to have an ID, though most people so. If the government pays for everyone to have an ID, then you have an argument.
As it stands, since we have to pay for IDs, requiring them to vote amounts to a poll tax.
I suppose the same people who want an ID to vote also won’t mind if they have to show their vaccination cards to vote or to get into any building or event? I think not.
OK, then no valid ID, no government benefits. BTW- you need a photo ID, otherwise known as a driver’s license, to drive. And at a cost of $10-12 per year, that’s hardly what I’d call a poll tax. BTW- last time I picked up tickets at the Giants Box Office…I had to present a photo ID.
Got you!
MLB requires you to prove you been vaccinated (or had a recent negative test) to enter ball parks.
Constitutional rights are for citizens. How do you prove that? Show an ID. Your argument is STUPID.
There’s always a fermented banana in the bunch!
94521 – Dig this!
The DMV reduces the I.D. fee for people on public assistance to $6 from $28 dollars and waives fees altogether if you are experiencing homelessness. It looks like to the government is technically paying for I.D.s.
You are legally required to have a SS Card which is a government issued ID. Try having a kid and filing taxes you can’t until you have a SS# for the child.
I’d be perfectly happy to have IDs provided at the taxpayer’s cost, free of charge to the recipient (with proper vetting of the individual, birth certificate and all that), in exchange for nationwide voter ID laws. I will even volunteer a nominal tax increase if its required.
Additionally, the right to bear arms is litterally a constitutionally protected right as well, and no one seems to have a problem with requiring an ID and background check to purchase one. Either we no longer need IDs to buy a gun, or we we can impose that burden on voting. Seems rather inconsistent to have it both ways.
It would make me feel much better about the validity of the process. Yes.
YES, ID’s are already required to do most anything. Since the DEM’s consider it racist to require an ID to vote, why don’t they issue them for “free” (paid by high income taxpayers). This seems to be the new solution for everything, good luck with that.
No. there are several reasons one does not have a state issued ID, mostly because they are poor and disenfranchised.
if you asked for any kind of ID, like a state issued student university ID then I would be for that. Asking for a specific ID is anti American, everyone who can, should be able to vote without the hassle of “establishment” laws.
If you have lost your records, which many elderly people have had happen to them, then they may not be able to obtain an ID. If you were adopted and had a name change then you may not be able to obtain an ID.
Everyone’s voice should be heard, not only the ones that YOU deem are in your favor
Student IDs are issued to non US citizens as well as those not registered to vote.
Everyone’s voice who is eligible to vote should be heard. How do we establish that?
Bed E, you make me want to throw my hands in the air and scream WHAT!!!
Absolutely. But the Dems will fight it tooth and nail as it impedes their ability to commit election fraud.
Have to show an ID to get money out of my bank, board a plane (have to show it many times), buy alcohol in many states (even though I have grey hair), when I go to the doctor’s office (to prevent fraud), etc…
I have never received welfare, WIC, Food Stamps, etc…but I imagine you need to show one for those benefits. So I see no problem in requiring people to present a (valid) ID (no Mexican Consular ‘products’, for example) when voting. This would help to keep voters and precinct workers just a little more honest.
Yes and I have lived in two other countries in Europe that also required it.
Tell me what you can do without an ID. Can’t get a job, can’t open any type of account, can’t rent a place, can’t drive, can’t even go to college.
State should give those without money a free ID.
YES most definitely.
Of course ID should be required. If someone is too stupid to get the free ID for such things as bank transactions, airline tickets boarding, etc., then they’re too stupid to vote.
Yes. It’s the only way to make sure that there is no stuffing the ballot box by dead people voting, and other scams.
You already have an ID in your pocket or purse, and if you don’t drive, you could get an ID only from the DMV.
As far as the unhinged left, the reason they are having a tantrum over voting rights and requiring an ID is that they want to flip Georgia, and need some sketchy votes to get it done. Nobody should be objecting to ID unless they are pulling something.
Sadly, apparently requiring an ID is racist.
Therefore, only white people can board a plane, drive a vehicle, rent a vehicle, purchase a home, buy alcohol, etc. That is really, really sad.
Calling all humanitarians –
If you have a problem with this racist country, you need to immediately assist those people attempting to enter the U.S. at the southern border. Calling all liberals to inform immigrants that the U.S. is a racist country and entering may cause you serious harm, such as receiving free medical care, voting rights, free/low cost housing, and education, and, most importantly, the liberty to perform criminal acts without prosecution.
Yes, a rather basic way to limit some types of fraud. How many legal citizens in this country do not already have an ID? Required to drive a vehicle, required to buy booze, required to purchase a gun, required to board an airplane, even, as mentioned by Sam Malone, needed when getting a vaccine.
Yes, Yes and Hell Yes
Isn’t it weird that this is even a question. I had a neighbor tell me today she just loved Joe and Camila. I said.” Why” She said, “Because they are such kind people”. I’m thinking OMG.
As long as you need to show ID to exercise other Constitutional rights (e.g. buying a firearm), I see nothing wrong with it. Of course, the purpose of a lot of gun laws is to dissuade people from exercising their 2nd Amendment right. The people most opposed to voter ID laws are often the most likely to back gun “control” and don’t see the contradiction.
You just drove the nail home with one hammer strike:
if you have to present ID to exercise your 2nd Amendment right, you should have to present it to vote.
The only people who dont believe in showing ID to vote are the ones who are want to be able to undermine said vote.
Liberal response: “Racist, bigot misogynist – no one of color would be able to vote”
Conservative response: “Makes sense, since you literally need an ID to do anything and everything, other than vote of course.
When I was still voting in person I remember being asked for ID. Drivers license or ID was good to go. My granddaughter was able to use her school ID for her first time voting. What I don’t think we need is a special ID just for voting.
By the way, the county will send a notice to the last known address if it has reason to thing you have moved requesting a return if you are still at the same address (in case they heard wrong), moved to a new address but still in the county, or moved out of the county. The only problem I have with that is if the person has moved how would the new people at that address know were the former person moved to, in or out of county?
My ex moved out of state in 2012 and hasn’t voted in Ca since, but received voting materials in his name for every election.. Just this past winter a card came to the address asking him if he moved or wanted to be removed from the voting roll. All we have to do is send it to him and get him to sign it, where ever he is. I told them more than once, when I voted –that his name should be crossed of since he doesn’t live at that address. Onve I even had a email that said he needed him to contact them with his signature to be removed from that address.
So, according the CCC voting registrar there are about 70% of the votes in this county cast by mail.
Just wondering how long do I need to show my ID to the mailbox when I drop my ballot into it?
Wow that’s simply genius like the SS number to file a tax return, or a credit card number which also is a unique number assigned to you.
Guess nobody could ever commit fraud with any of these unique numbers……
Well, I can tell you somebody did use my SS number to file fraudulent returns with the IRS and all up and down the Eastern Seaboard. It didn’t effect me very much because I owed additional tax and the IRS was happy to receive it despite the prior filed fraudulent return, but of course if I would have gotten a refund it would have been a different problem
But in the first place why are you so hell bent on a solution to a problem that simply doesn’t exist?
Remember the Presidential Advisory Commission on Voter Fraud which was disbanded in January 2018 by the President? They didn’t find voter fraud, How about the lawsuits in the last election cycle? No evidence of voter fraud big enough to influence the outcome of an election was established in front of a court. How about the Director of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency in the United States Department of Homeland Security? He didn’t find any widespread voter fraud. How about Bill Barr the AG of the Trump administration? He didn’t find any widespread voter fraud.
How about Goodwin? Did Goodwin find any voter fraud?
In the next election I’m going to make sure my dead parents cast their vote as well as my minor children. Won’t be enough fraud to make a difference, so I’m certain it will be OK with JWB.
I have never heard a cogent argument on why asking for ID for voting is not a good idea. I just don’t get it.
Yes for voter ID and ID should be required to register to vote. Further, voting registers should be purged of any registered voter who was registered to vote, but failed to vote in a previous presidential or governors election. Reregistration would be required (deceased or living out of state not eligible.)
Vote by mail can be better secured if, at the time of requesting same, the last 4 digits of the individuals SSI be required as part of a valid signature and be included with every mail in ballot signature submitted.
No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
In 1967 the Supreme court applied this in Loving vs. Virginia when it struck down the law banning interracial marriage. The U.S. Supreme Court followed this with a 2015 ruling that all states must recognize same-sex unions and none may prohibit same-sex couples from marrying.
By this standard the US defines marriage as a civil right under federal law.
Not a privilege. And you need ID to marry.
Case closed.
ABSOLUTELY!!! Once upon a time you had to show ID. Anyone who wants to vote has access to either a driver’s license or state ID. To say it is racist to require an ID to vote is to imply that people of color are not capable of getting an ID which, to me, is racist. And it is down right insulting. But it is easier for politicians and liberals to cry racism than use any kind of logic.
If the Democrat Party is against it I am for it. The party of Animal Farm is the enemy of all people who support the U.S. Constitution. Voter ID is something that Stalin killed people to prevent from being implied.
Require only if the government makes it easy for citizens to get an ID and the requirements be consistent. In Texas a hunting license is valid (because they tend to vote Republican) but a photo student ID was not valid because they tend to vote Democrat. .
How is it hard to get an ID? Citizens should have no problem getting one. Photo student IDs are easily faked. Are you talking about high school or college? Because most high school students are under 18.
Are you saying that only Democrats get an education and only Republicans have guns? At least they paid for their hunting license.
Nice try:
One needn’t be a US citizen nor registered to vote to acquire a student photo ID. Got any other bs you’d like to peddle here?
YES!!! The excuse that people can’t afford an ID is stupid. You cannot get a job without ID, you cannot get on welfare without ID, you cannot get unemployment without ID, or mediCal or any other government assistance without an ID. You cannot rent an apartment, open a bank account, rent a room or a car, travel on a plane, or legally cross a border WITHOUT ID. It is unbelievable that California does not require ID to vote. I know provisional ballots were fed directly into the ballot tabulating machines. For some reason, there were not any special provisional ballots, the provisional voters were given a regular ballot at random and a provisional envelope. At the end of the day November 3, 2020, there were empty provisional envelopes in the blue bags. That means the ballots were put in the machine without verification that the person was a legal voter and only voting once. This happened at the church on Willow Pass Rd. The covid rules from the County did not allow for enough poll workers. There were only four and two high school kids for the 15 plus hours, less when each person took lunch breaks. It made it so easy for anti-Americans to commit fraud.
I remember the first time a voted, i was shocked i didn’t need to show an ID. So yes, I think its a great idea! The republicans would never win another election if you had to show an ID to vote. Dems would take a hit too, but not as much.
It’s a definite advantage for Democrats if felons are allowed to vote.
Wasn’t there a guy in Lafayette(?) a few (~20?) years ago that registered his dog to vote and then was found out when said dog was summoned for jury duty?
Dog’s are people too!
I thought when you register to vote they somehow make sure you are a legitimate citizen with an address in the USA, state and county! I guess not. Now I am truly wondering what they do and don’t require. BTW the “they” is our government! They have to know the legitimate age for sure.
The Registrar of Voters checks signatures to deter fraud, so it doesn’t matter one way or the other if you show ID. Why do you think we sign, and they ask us at the polls if we signed? As long as the signature is a close match. If they didn’t do that, ALL states would’ve required an ID a long time ago.
YES every time or no vote
Absolutely you have to show an ID. Those who don’t support that are too dumb to vote
black masks work pretty much like black underwear. The Covid is there, you just don’t see it.