When the ‘science’ tells us… I thought we’re taking the vaccines to get back to normal, which means no masks. My worry… the next flu season they tell us to shut down and implement a mask mandate cause people die from complications from the flu….
Yes, this dry run was all that they needed to see what the population will allow them to get away with. The people failed.
When should it be lifted? There NEVER should have been one. And Fauci is a Fraud and a Fool.
Look at the 4,500 attendees at the Tulsa convention last weekend.
Going forward – People need to Shout Down the brown shirt mask enforcers.
Need to reward people, this overly risk adverse approach keeping people in fear is no good! Saw survey there everyone over estimated chances of being hospitalized, even 28% of Republican leaning thought over 50% chance of going to hospital if got Covid (is really 1 – 5%)
This virus is airborne. That is how it spreads. Even Trump admitted that privately during the recorded interview with Bob Woodward on 2/7/2020; though publicly Trump said otherwise and his echo chamber repeated it. Masks work. There are many videos demonstrating the science.
I’ll stop wearing my mask when I get a sense that most people are behaving as if this virus is real and the spread diminishes down to almost zero.
This morning: Rupert Murdoch’s The New York Post spent weeks fearmongering about vaccines. Now it’s telling people to ‘GET VAXXED'”
You’re free to conduct your life as you see fit – choose your own level of risk aversion, safety, government dependence, etc – while the rest of do the same. Isn’t that GREAT?!?!?!?!?
Doh: It depends on which story you believe. However, this virus has introduced something different. Whether or not truth can be decerned.
There are some constants: DNA splicing (GMO’s), political gerimandering, lies/fraud, scaring the public, teaching systemic oppression, gangster culture seeking a toehold, cost of living speed climing, elites sneering at American middle-class, reckless migration, double standard with select groups, increased rioting, vandalism, murder.
Go with reputable sources because we still have people who are dying of Covid-19.
Whether it’s advisable to wear masks outdoors isn’t black and white, and should be based on a variety of factors such as vaccination status and community transmission rates.
“If you’re vaccinated and not in a vulnerable category, it’s probably fine not to wear a mask outdoors,” Linsey Marr, an expert on the airborne transmission of viruses at Virginia Tech, told CNN in an email.
For unvaccinated people, Marr recommends masks in situations when people are clustered closely together, like in a bar, a crowd or a line.
“If you’re unvaccinated and constantly passing by people close enough that you can reach out and touch them, then you should wear a mask,” Marr told CNN.
“The real question you need to try to answer is, what is the likelihood I’m going to breathe in someone else’s air? That’s basically it. The number of people, type of setting and what is the overall viral spread in their community.”
April 21, 2021 - 2:08 PM 2:08 PM
I didn’t know there was a mandate for wearing one outdoors. So sure, I guess.
April 21, 2021 - 2:11 PM 2:11 PM
Yesterday. Outdoor masking is just theater and a way for people to get angry and judgmental at each other. Transmission outdoors is rare and never happens through transient or casual contact.
Just the same woke fokes that so desperately need to publicize their woke virtues, these wearer of Masks. The same beautiful self-back-patters that need the “in this household we believe…..” signs stuck in their lawn before the boxes are unpacked. Your new neighbors “They enjoy the smell of their own farts” as South Park once again pegged them.
Has anyone else read the study from Stanford that was just released about the physical and psychological dangers of masks?
You can’t find it in the MSM but it’s there.
I highly recommend reading it.
There are at least three studies that have concluded that there is no evidence that masks are effective at preventing the transmission of CV-19. The Stanford study uses a lot of information that is or was available on the CDC’s website. As far as I know, there have been no studies showing that masks are effective in preventing the transmission of this virus.
By the way, if you need HCQ, please visit aflds . org for a consultation.
It would be even more effective if everybody wore a plastic bag over their head, but we have to draw the line somewhere. It’s great that to some people, stopping the spread of COVId is the single driving factor in their lives, but some people want to balance it with other concerns.
April 21, 2021 - 2:19 PM 2:19 PM
Now. Wear them if you want to but mandate should be lifted.
April 21, 2021 - 2:26 PM 2:26 PM
I will continue wearing my mask for awhile. People are getting vaccinated and numbers are low buts it is not difficult for me to continue wearing the mask in most situations. I may not wear it outside walking with friends who have been vaccinated but will wear it when at the store.
That is your choice and I respect it. Doesn’t mean I should be required to wear one (and I don’t when I’m outside).
idiots everywhere
April 21, 2021 - 2:31 PM 2:31 PM
Who knew there was a Outdoor Mask Mandate? This is like when they lifted the Stay at Home order. I think it is pretty clear nobody is getting Covid walking down the street.
Who knew, not I. I get wearing a mask outside in a crowd, but out on the trails or in open space is ridiculous. The powers that be will not relent until cases go to zero.
Original G
April 21, 2021 - 2:31 PM 2:31 PM
Given coronavirus size is about 0.12 microns in diameter, N95 (masks) protect down to 0.1 microns, with 95% efficiency. When cloth masks are talked about, if you’ve noticed, they almost never mention filtering ability in microns. Filtering ability usually only expressed in percent. An the so called authorities have come out saying wear two masks . . . .
My opinion, cloth masks or non N95 masks are similar to using chicken wire to stop mosquitos.
Hey Rose you seem really angry and uptight … relax we are all just trying to figure stuff out. Don’t take things personal.
For the record I have family members that received a positive for Covid -19 and had been experiencing symptoms all survived and all faithfully wore masks outside of their homes.
Except that viruses don’t float around on their own. They’re in a droplet of some sort, so the analogy quickly becomes a tennis ball and a wire fence.
Clearly mandates are needed when the simple act of wearing a mask (comfortable ones are available) to protect lives becomes something people argue over.
April 21, 2021 - 2:32 PM 2:32 PM
We should go the Florida way. Wear one if you feel the need otherwise don’t. I don’t need officials to keep me healthy or save, got that covered.
Old Timer
April 21, 2021 - 2:58 PM 2:58 PM
Do what you want I’m still wearing mine.
April 21, 2021 - 3:01 PM 3:01 PM
Whenever it fits the Liberal agenda is when.
April 21, 2021 - 3:02 PM 3:02 PM
Now. If those that still want to wear them fine. But this can’t be going on forever.
Tomato Girl
April 21, 2021 - 3:06 PM 3:06 PM
Yesterday, 6 months ago , a year ago, it’s all about mask shaming at this point though I do enjoy getting the stink eye when I’m outside not wearing my fear mask.
April 21, 2021 - 3:33 PM 3:33 PM
because they are not experts
just democrat appointed yes people
like WHO is is owned by the Chinese
and fauchi who actually told dems to wear 2 maybe 3 masks and they do lol
so if masks work then why do we need more than 1
if masks dont work why are we wearing them
you see the hypocrisy and idiocy are combined and you are following them
April 21, 2021 - 3:37 PM 3:37 PM
So yeah,
Rutherford would not lift the mandate or even discuss until we get close to herd immunity. Wow, fear much Rutherford? Sorry, when other states are doing it successfully, we cannot. Hmm, so you expect me to wear my mask when no one is around me for 15 feet, but it is okay for me to sit down and eat indoors with someone without my mask … Are you the idiot the feeds the info to Gruesome?
As for me, around here, I thought mask mandate was already lifted outside. Very few people I see walking around are wearing a mask. I will not wear one, unless I go inside a business. I really want to go to a PHBA game, the organization that is making the center fielder wear a mask on the field, and just watch so their little field marshal can call me out on it .. I don’t have a kid there, so what are they going to do when I am at a public park without my mask on.
Soon to be ex-Californian
April 21, 2021 - 3:38 PM 3:38 PM
Health experts are conflicted?
I think what I learnt is that most “Health Experts” are not really experts.
They are inconsistent, often herding towards politically expedient talking points.
Hayden Barsotti
April 21, 2021 - 3:39 PM 3:39 PM
It should be now!!! Wear them if you feel comfortable, but don’t make them mandatory.
April 21, 2021 - 4:14 PM 4:14 PM
There’s an outside mask mandate? No wonder I see so many covidiots wearing them. The worst is out in our open spaces seeing people jump off the trail (into where the rattlesnakes lay), grasping their mask in complete fear when us normal people go by.
Wake up people, the covid bug is ONE THOUSAND TIMES SMALLER than your mask filtering abilities. Fact check that, I dare you.
One of the best places locally to see the freak-out jump off the trail is Lafayette Reservoir…it’s hilarious, I always give them at least a chuckle, or a more pointed response if they say something to me.
I had a lady on the Shell Ridge Open Space Mt Diablo trail literally curl up like a pillbug and cry out ” It only works if we all do it!” when I rode by on my bike on the opposite side of the 15′ wide trail.
That was amazing and I know she was not happy when I burst out laughing.
I did the courtesy gaiter pull up for a while then just stopped. Now I dont even bother with the gaiter.
I’d estimate that 40% of trail users are maskless out there currently…
April 21, 2021 - 4:17 PM 4:17 PM
it makes absolutely no sense whatsoever to wear a mask outdoors.
April 21, 2021 - 4:37 PM 4:37 PM
I’ve found the mask to be helpful in reducing my allergy reactions when outside. So I guess I’ll say: Most of the time in the future.
April 21, 2021 - 4:43 PM 4:43 PM
There should never have been a mandate in the first place. Cheap masks that just about everybody uses are worthless, and do not block a tiny virus. None of the so-called experts have convinced me that they help stop the spread of COVID 19. In all the talk I’ve heard about how everybody should wear a mask, how come nobody ever said anything about men with beards? A man with a beard cannot achieve a tight enough fit to keep tiny particles from entering or escaping from his mouth or nose, and yet, they aren’t suggesting men should shave their beards. I recently did business with a muffler shop and the owner was not wearing a mask, nor was he demanding that I should wear a mask. Oh, what a relief, I almost forgot how nice it felt.
Don’t touch your face before washing your hands, it’s that simple.
Fauci and his minions are grandstanding quacks.
Aunt Barbara
April 21, 2021 - 4:49 PM 4:49 PM
The mask is a good way to see who is a Dem and avoid
I didn’t even know there was an outdoor mask mandate.
April 21, 2021 - 4:56 PM 4:56 PM
I’m not even sure what the terms of the mandate are for outdoors, but it definitely says, at least, everyone is supposed to wear a mask when unable to stay distanced – even outside.
Time for this to go. Way past time. It doesn’t spread outdoors unless you get in each other’s face and talk for a while close together.
A few days ago a dude asked me to make my kids wear masks outdoors, on a windy evening, because they were on a playground. (Not close to other kids,btw.) It’s ridiculous how much fear goes into far-fetched scenarios. You don’t spread respiratory illnesses by casual contact in the vast rushing mass of air outdoors.
April 21, 2021 - 4:58 PM 4:58 PM
There should not be a mandate for wearing masks outdoors. That is just fear mongering coming from the MSM leftists.
April 21, 2021 - 4:59 PM 4:59 PM
not that i believe in the covid-spriracy but has anyone looked at the labels on the masks you are buying? i am told they all say not for medical use, or at least they did until just recently and now they say for novetity use only.
thank goodness it is a naveltity virus… LOL
chuckie the troll
April 21, 2021 - 5:21 PM 5:21 PM
I never got on the mask outside or shelter in place orders.
April 21, 2021 - 5:42 PM 5:42 PM
Many people don’t want the “mask mandate” lifted. The mask allows them to hide behind the useless little rags on their faces. No eye contact, and heaven forbid they should feel forced to partake in any form of decent, human interaction
April 21, 2021 - 5:48 PM 5:48 PM
I don’t wear a mask outside so they can lift the mandate whenever they want.
April 21, 2021 - 5:51 PM 5:51 PM
I don’t wear masks outdoors or indoors, it makes no sense at all!
Yves Harlowe
April 21, 2021 - 6:04 PM 6:04 PM
When was there a mandate to wear a mask outdoors? I’ve never worn one when outside, unless I couldn’t avoid a crowd. There’s no reason to wear one outside. The only time I wear a mask outside is when the air quality is horrendously bad from smoke, and then i wear an N95 with a valve.
April 21, 2021 - 6:22 PM 6:22 PM
It’s long past time to end this entire scam and eliminate the communist left wing. Need to take America back.
“And the things that we fear are a weapon to be held against us” …. Lyrics by Neil Peart of Rush
April 21, 2021 - 6:26 PM 6:26 PM
Remember Ted Nugent. He didn’t believe in masks or COVID-19.
“Well the first time that I got it
I was just 10 years old
I got it from some kitty next door
Well I went and seen the doctor
And he gave me the cure
I think I got it some more!”
“It’s nothin’ dangerous
I feel no pain
I got to cha-cha change
You know you got it
When your’e goin’ insane
It makes a grown man cry, cry”
As opposed to the left’s newly canonized George Floyd, who robbed a woman at gunpoint in front of her children, knowingly passed counterfeit money, and made a habit of ingesting lethal amounts of drugs in hopes of avoiding drug charges upon arrest? Look it up.
Non sequiturs are easy. You should try harder.
April 21, 2021 - 7:36 PM 7:36 PM
From what I have seen outdoors people have already made their choice, that being to go mask less.
Pete V.
April 21, 2021 - 7:40 PM 7:40 PM
Imagine being a person in good health and wearing a mask outside…actually I don’t have to imagine, I see you morons every day. Oh well, like this video says, “biking with a mask, not weird at all…only 14 more years to flatten the curve.” https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=WtVLQYs66Hc
I 100% support indoor mask mandate, but think it’s past time to lift the outdoor requirement. I think in a couple months we cam lift the indoor mandate, too. Make masks recommended, but not required. Everyone would be happy then.
The first couple of masked drivers that I saw caused me to wonder why they wore masks in their vehicle also. These drivers are concerned about other passengers, that may enter the vehicle later. Concern is a noun.
April 21, 2021 - 8:54 PM 8:54 PM
Texas lifted their mask mandate over 3 weeks ago, before the game where 38,000 were in attendance. Their average case rate is way down..Masks are not doing a thing now, other than government control.
April 21, 2021 - 10:08 PM 10:08 PM
The only time I wore a mask outside was when we had all the fires and the sky was orange. Other then that, never have worn it outside and I wait to put it in when I’m in the store and it comes off as soon as I’m leaving.
April 22, 2021 - 5:21 AM 5:21 AM
I just read the other day that the state of Oregon is going full time masking until further notice. I guess that is what you can expect from a state that has Jerry Browns sister as its governor
Of course the Antifa State is going all-in for masking.
April 22, 2021 - 5:55 AM 5:55 AM
This highlights the division on the left and right, which, in my opinion, is one of the biggest hurdles that this country faces. Non-mask, non-vaccine right criticizes the pro-mask, pro-vaccine left and visa-versa. When in reality, you are both wrong. The dem & repub parties are both pieces of crap. I’m sure I have over-simplified this, but the basis is true. Vote libertarian!
It’s not D vs R…it’s hive mind zombies who screech “FOLLOW THE SCIENCE!!!” while doing anything but, versus people who believe in freedom, have common frickin sense, and recognize the dystopian disconnect of usurping liberties over a “pandemic” with a >99% survival rate.
April 22, 2021 - 6:10 AM 6:10 AM
… only wear one when I go into a store because they say it’s required… minute I leave it comes off
On the way out…because they can only kick you out anyway.
April 22, 2021 - 6:56 AM 6:56 AM
Was hiking in Briones down an exposed ridge trail…wind gusting about 25-30mph…and a youngish woman was hiking uphill. As she rushed past, she clutched her mask to her face as though she was in dire peril. Now whether she has always been a lunatic (to think any germ could pass between 2 people 10’ apart…outdoors…in 30 mph wind), I don’t know. To me, it is more likely representative of how people have been brainwashed over the past year+ to the extent that all logic and commonsense is gone.
April 22, 2021 - 6:58 AM 6:58 AM
When the China Virus first became news, the so-called experts became ignorant political puppets.
For the most part, they are mere political puppets still today.
The mask mandate was like the shutdowns, useless political manipulation of the masses to inject fear and maintain a fearful state of mind in the society.
Trump’s greatest failure in office was following the advice of Fauci. He gave America’s freedoms away under the guise of a health care crisis.
The face mask mandate should have never been enacted.
It should have ended many months ago.
It should end now.
WC Resident
April 22, 2021 - 7:27 AM 7:27 AM
There is no outdoor mask mandate and there never was one. The mask wearing is if you are to be within six feet of someone that’s from outside of your immediate household.
I’m still waiting for studies showing that vaccination greatly reduces the chances of getting COVID-19 and also greatly reduces the chances of getting a serious incident of the disease. There have been studies that have thrown out numbers about vaccination but have not then compared those numbers to the same for unvaccinated people. The math is not easy as we are in a period where the numbers of vaccinated are greatly increasing every day and COVID-19 takes a few days to get noticed. Once you have a time range, let’s say the month of March 2021, and the case, hospitalization, and death rates for the vaccinated vs. unvaccinated we can then see if and by how much vaccination is making a difference. That’s the science that should drive mask wearing policy or advice.
But as it stands organizations follow CYA principles to require masks outdoors – like on playgrounds at parks, kids running in cross country and track practice (I kid you not), on trails in state and regional parks. And then the zealots go around policing his and harassing people who realize that outdoor transient proximity is not a risk.
Social existence would improve if a public statement removing outdoor mask guidance were made by the feds and the state. It would encourage localities and organizations to change their policies on it, and would give the public space back to the public, out of the hands of the Karens who are policing it currently.
“I’m still waiting for studies showing that vaccination greatly reduces the chances of getting COVID-19 and also greatly reduces the chances of getting a serious incident of the disease. There have been studies that have thrown out numbers about vaccination but have not then compared those numbers to the same for unvaccinated people. ”
I don’t get what you mean. Isn’t that exactly what the Phase III studies were? Some got vaccine, some got placebo, track the symptomatic infections in each group, track hospitalizations and deaths in each group. That’s what they did.
The Professor
April 22, 2021 - 8:06 AM 8:06 AM
This stupid mandate should never have been put in place.
If a mask is so successful and Fauci recommends wearing at least two masks, then why not just tie a plastic bag around your neck? 100% Covid safety achieved.
Ever The Optimist
April 22, 2021 - 8:06 AM 8:06 AM
Bravery…just something to consider….
It breaks my heart to see how afraid and consequently controlled so many folks in the Bay Area still are, although so many are continuing to awaken using updated facts and data. Makes we wonder how many actually research or get news from outside of California/America. Y’all might be surprised at what you learn outside the Bay Area prescribed and heavily controlled narrative.
Like so many, we left Concord/Clayton for Texas well over a year ago. My Bay Area friends are shocked to learn that Texans (and many other states) have been living life as normal since June 2020, just masks inside some big stores like Costco, but only for people 10+. Most do avoid close contact with other so we don’t get sneezed on, but that’s easy enough. Young kids under 10 don’t wear masks, anywhere. Most folks don’t wear masks outside unless they have a vulnerability like age or a health condition, although right now, hardly any older folks wear a mask at all because a bunch chose to get vaccinated.
Since last summer, most folks agree wearing masks outside is illogical and unnecessary, but they do respect those who want to wear a mask, it’s a personal choice (no shaming either way). Kids have been back in school full time since last August and we’ve been celebrating with town festivals, fairs, sports, camps, etc. Businesses has been fully open for a long time as well as churches, mosques, etc. Masks indoors have been formally dropped two months ago. Like most states, we’ve moved on long ago and find it deeply sad to see how so many in Cali have no idea of what’s going on outside of their area, and are sadly in prisons of their own minds. They seem super reluctant to consider news/data outside of what they have been unconsciously consuming for so long.
For those hesitant and/or conflicted, I encourage you to stretch yourself a bit and research news and data outside of California/America. Consider MULTIPLE sources and decide for yourself using diverse, updated research. Lean into courage and help bring folks with you, be brave so you don’t miss anymore of living a full life.
Like so many, we celebrated July 4th with family and friends last year like normal, will do it again this year too, but this year we won’t be afraid to hang out both inside and out. Life is short, don’t miss out on the most precious of memories with family and friends, especially their smiles.
After all, we are the home of the brave, right? Give yourself permission to be brave, if you are healthy and chose to get the vaccine (again, a personal choice), be one of the first to shed the mask and signal to others the courage they may need to not fear societal mask shaming that seems to be so prevalent there. It may hard to see it now for some, but if some humble themselves and pan back, they may be able to better see the lifelong damage that the masks are truly doing to society and humanity.
“Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the assessment that something else is more important than fear.” – Franklin D. Roosevelt
We have control! I can berate you for not wearing a mask! I am powerful and I make my voice heard! (Except your mask is blocking the sound)
Quit the charade and mind your own business while breathing the clean outdoor air!
john g
April 22, 2021 - 8:34 AM 8:34 AM
It should be lifted, there have been numerous studies that it cannot transmit in outdoor spaces since there’s unlimited ventilation.
Jeff (the other one?)
April 22, 2021 - 9:22 AM 9:22 AM
Did not know there was an outdoor requirement. Did not wear a mask outside, as there is no reason. Wearing them indoors is of little benefit as well, much like the 6 feet separation distance, even if just statistically, where in CCC, about 5% of the population tested positive, without understanding what percentage was 80+ years of age. I am/was one of those who kept my nose uncovered, lowered the mask if nobody around, etc. I kept it on my face more to meet the requirement of the private business owner,who had to mandate (ahhh, liberty) by order of the government. I did not want them to be penalized. Now, if these shops still require them once our oh so wise and benevolent elected (or appointed) “representatives” finally permit adults to resume unmasked life, then I will take my patronage elsewhere.
April 22, 2021 - 9:48 AM 9:48 AM
Keep them on – it’s easier to talk to people this way.
Watch for hearing aids falling off, though.
April 22, 2021 - 10:23 AM 10:23 AM
posted above
The dem & repub parties are both pieces of crap. I’m sure I have over-simplified this, but the basis is true. Vote libertarian!
uuuhhh are you not aware the machines make the votes for us …….
most votes by a huge margin ever …ever in this country
and not one audit performed
you know why
the newscum and biden in january were pushing for double and triple masking ( again how asinine )
then the people got enough signatures to recall the newscum
first they tried to discredit the signtures as being sloppy
but then realized they are from registered voters very easy to verify
so as to not shoot themsleves or bring about the irony of the machines electing a potus they digressed
but what happened next was astonishing
wait what the state and the newscum changed to rules again to fit the narrative …..
all of a sudden restaurants and wineries not affiliated with the governor could open with the new science that the state approved lol
insert smug dem voter face here
oh wait now disneyland can open
oh wait the tier system was changed by the newscum science
it was a hoax and control tactic that was given to them by the chinese and as they ( dem politicians ) take chinese money they had to implement it
so the machines could be used and voting rules changed to further indemnify america and its people to chinese control just ask lebron who he supports
the science proves that the so called bat virus lol particle size is barely blocked by a n95 mask
yet the state said you could use a bandanna and be safe
i am not an educated person as in i did not attend a pro china communist college
but blocking a virus with a bandana should have been the first sign using common sense that their science was based off of nothing
so yeah keep believing that a cold virus is like the plague
and your pets and the trees and your amazon packages will infect you
we are not a third world country
we are america where freedom of speech is in our constitution
but freedom of choice is now not allowed by the media or government unless it follows a democrat agenda
funny how target and walmart and costco and grocery stores where all open
with millions touching surfaces and closer than 6 feet and longer than 15 minutes on site and newscum at the french laundry
but small business was shut down and forced out
insert smooshed bewildered dem voter face here …..
LL Cool J
April 22, 2021 - 10:48 AM 10:48 AM
April 22, 2021 - 4:13 PM 4:13 PM
Yes there is a mandate to wear masks outside if you are less than 6 feet from a person. We need to wear a mask until we reach heard immunity!
Why? There is no science to support wearing masks at all. If you’re a germaphobe or have allergies, then go ahead and wear an n95 mask to protect YOURSELF. The rest of us like to breathe fresh air, smell the flowers and drink/eat without having to manage our muzzle.
April 22, 2021 - 8:41 PM 8:41 PM
Ok Claycord.com, which parameter did my comment violate?
April 22, 2021 - 11:04 PM 11:04 PM
We need to take our masks off and sent them to Newsom and tell him to shove them where the sun doesn’t shine.
Do you know how many people die EVERY year of cigarette related illnesses. That number is almost 500 thousand, EVERY year. 41 thousand from second hand smoke. EVERY year.
I don’t see politicians on TV every day saying we need to put the cigarette company’s out of business, they are killing almost 500 thousands people EVERY year. Where are the politicians.
Mask wearing isn’t about Covid it about power, power over the people.
April 22, 2021 - 11:28 PM 11:28 PM
When I’m out for my walk I don’t wear a mask. I’ve had both vaccines. I generally don’t go in heavily populated areas. If I happen to run into someone I will give them space, or cross the street.
Rex Hotchkiss
April 25, 2021 - 12:18 PM 12:18 PM
Remember getting vaccinated means after tour body has time to build killer cells you will be immune, not after the shot. Give it a couple months after the shots are done, before we stop the masks.
“experts” LOL
you mean fouci, the liar?
When the ‘science’ tells us… I thought we’re taking the vaccines to get back to normal, which means no masks. My worry… the next flu season they tell us to shut down and implement a mask mandate cause people die from complications from the flu….
Yes, this dry run was all that they needed to see what the population will allow them to get away with. The people failed.
When should it be lifted? There NEVER should have been one. And Fauci is a Fraud and a Fool.
Look at the 4,500 attendees at the Tulsa convention last weekend.
Going forward – People need to Shout Down the brown shirt mask enforcers.
Need to reward people, this overly risk adverse approach keeping people in fear is no good! Saw survey there everyone over estimated chances of being hospitalized, even 28% of Republican leaning thought over 50% chance of going to hospital if got Covid (is really 1 – 5%)
This virus is airborne. That is how it spreads. Even Trump admitted that privately during the recorded interview with Bob Woodward on 2/7/2020; though publicly Trump said otherwise and his echo chamber repeated it. Masks work. There are many videos demonstrating the science.
I’ll stop wearing my mask when I get a sense that most people are behaving as if this virus is real and the spread diminishes down to almost zero.
This morning: Rupert Murdoch’s The New York Post spent weeks fearmongering about vaccines. Now it’s telling people to ‘GET VAXXED'”
You’re free to conduct your life as you see fit – choose your own level of risk aversion, safety, government dependence, etc – while the rest of do the same. Isn’t that GREAT?!?!?!?!?
Doh: It depends on which story you believe. However, this virus has introduced something different. Whether or not truth can be decerned.
There are some constants: DNA splicing (GMO’s), political gerimandering, lies/fraud, scaring the public, teaching systemic oppression, gangster culture seeking a toehold, cost of living speed climing, elites sneering at American middle-class, reckless migration, double standard with select groups, increased rioting, vandalism, murder.
Is the converging of all this a coincidence?
Go with reputable sources because we still have people who are dying of Covid-19.
Whether it’s advisable to wear masks outdoors isn’t black and white, and should be based on a variety of factors such as vaccination status and community transmission rates.
“If you’re vaccinated and not in a vulnerable category, it’s probably fine not to wear a mask outdoors,” Linsey Marr, an expert on the airborne transmission of viruses at Virginia Tech, told CNN in an email.
For unvaccinated people, Marr recommends masks in situations when people are clustered closely together, like in a bar, a crowd or a line.
“If you’re unvaccinated and constantly passing by people close enough that you can reach out and touch them, then you should wear a mask,” Marr told CNN.
“The real question you need to try to answer is, what is the likelihood I’m going to breathe in someone else’s air? That’s basically it. The number of people, type of setting and what is the overall viral spread in their community.”
I didn’t know there was a mandate for wearing one outdoors. So sure, I guess.
Yesterday. Outdoor masking is just theater and a way for people to get angry and judgmental at each other. Transmission outdoors is rare and never happens through transient or casual contact.
Just the same woke fokes that so desperately need to publicize their woke virtues, these wearer of Masks. The same beautiful self-back-patters that need the “in this household we believe…..” signs stuck in their lawn before the boxes are unpacked. Your new neighbors “They enjoy the smell of their own farts” as South Park once again pegged them.
Has anyone else read the study from Stanford that was just released about the physical and psychological dangers of masks?
You can’t find it in the MSM but it’s there.
I highly recommend reading it.
Yes, I saw and read the Stanford study on masks. Of course, FB proceeds to say it untrue. So FB, Stanford University is now lying?
Stanford study
There are at least three studies that have concluded that there is no evidence that masks are effective at preventing the transmission of CV-19. The Stanford study uses a lot of information that is or was available on the CDC’s website. As far as I know, there have been no studies showing that masks are effective in preventing the transmission of this virus.
By the way, if you need HCQ, please visit aflds . org for a consultation.
It would be even more effective if everybody wore a plastic bag over their head, but we have to draw the line somewhere. It’s great that to some people, stopping the spread of COVId is the single driving factor in their lives, but some people want to balance it with other concerns.
Now. Wear them if you want to but mandate should be lifted.
I will continue wearing my mask for awhile. People are getting vaccinated and numbers are low buts it is not difficult for me to continue wearing the mask in most situations. I may not wear it outside walking with friends who have been vaccinated but will wear it when at the store.
That is your choice and I respect it. Doesn’t mean I should be required to wear one (and I don’t when I’m outside).
Who knew there was a Outdoor Mask Mandate? This is like when they lifted the Stay at Home order. I think it is pretty clear nobody is getting Covid walking down the street.
Who knew, not I. I get wearing a mask outside in a crowd, but out on the trails or in open space is ridiculous. The powers that be will not relent until cases go to zero.
Given coronavirus size is about 0.12 microns in diameter, N95 (masks) protect down to 0.1 microns, with 95% efficiency. When cloth masks are talked about, if you’ve noticed, they almost never mention filtering ability in microns. Filtering ability usually only expressed in percent. An the so called authorities have come out saying wear two masks . . . .
My opinion, cloth masks or non N95 masks are similar to using chicken wire to stop mosquitos.
Nailed it!
That’s why flu season was the best its ever been. Because masks, hand washing and six feet apart don’t work 🙄
Hey Rose you seem really angry and uptight … relax we are all just trying to figure stuff out. Don’t take things personal.
For the record I have family members that received a positive for Covid -19 and had been experiencing symptoms all survived and all faithfully wore masks outside of their homes.
Yes Rose, I’m sure the low flu stats had nothing to do with people cowering in their homes and keeping their children out of schools. Geez…
Except that viruses don’t float around on their own. They’re in a droplet of some sort, so the analogy quickly becomes a tennis ball and a wire fence.
Clearly mandates are needed when the simple act of wearing a mask (comfortable ones are available) to protect lives becomes something people argue over.
We should go the Florida way. Wear one if you feel the need otherwise don’t. I don’t need officials to keep me healthy or save, got that covered.
Do what you want I’m still wearing mine.
Whenever it fits the Liberal agenda is when.
Now. If those that still want to wear them fine. But this can’t be going on forever.
Yesterday, 6 months ago , a year ago, it’s all about mask shaming at this point though I do enjoy getting the stink eye when I’m outside not wearing my fear mask.
because they are not experts
just democrat appointed yes people
like WHO is is owned by the Chinese
and fauchi who actually told dems to wear 2 maybe 3 masks and they do lol
so if masks work then why do we need more than 1
if masks dont work why are we wearing them
you see the hypocrisy and idiocy are combined and you are following them
So yeah,
Rutherford would not lift the mandate or even discuss until we get close to herd immunity. Wow, fear much Rutherford? Sorry, when other states are doing it successfully, we cannot. Hmm, so you expect me to wear my mask when no one is around me for 15 feet, but it is okay for me to sit down and eat indoors with someone without my mask … Are you the idiot the feeds the info to Gruesome?
As for me, around here, I thought mask mandate was already lifted outside. Very few people I see walking around are wearing a mask. I will not wear one, unless I go inside a business. I really want to go to a PHBA game, the organization that is making the center fielder wear a mask on the field, and just watch so their little field marshal can call me out on it .. I don’t have a kid there, so what are they going to do when I am at a public park without my mask on.
Health experts are conflicted?
I think what I learnt is that most “Health Experts” are not really experts.
They are inconsistent, often herding towards politically expedient talking points.
It should be now!!! Wear them if you feel comfortable, but don’t make them mandatory.
There’s an outside mask mandate? No wonder I see so many covidiots wearing them. The worst is out in our open spaces seeing people jump off the trail (into where the rattlesnakes lay), grasping their mask in complete fear when us normal people go by.
Wake up people, the covid bug is ONE THOUSAND TIMES SMALLER than your mask filtering abilities. Fact check that, I dare you.
One of the best places locally to see the freak-out jump off the trail is Lafayette Reservoir…it’s hilarious, I always give them at least a chuckle, or a more pointed response if they say something to me.
I had a lady on the Shell Ridge Open Space Mt Diablo trail literally curl up like a pillbug and cry out ” It only works if we all do it!” when I rode by on my bike on the opposite side of the 15′ wide trail.
That was amazing and I know she was not happy when I burst out laughing.
I did the courtesy gaiter pull up for a while then just stopped. Now I dont even bother with the gaiter.
I’d estimate that 40% of trail users are maskless out there currently…
it makes absolutely no sense whatsoever to wear a mask outdoors.
I’ve found the mask to be helpful in reducing my allergy reactions when outside. So I guess I’ll say: Most of the time in the future.
There should never have been a mandate in the first place. Cheap masks that just about everybody uses are worthless, and do not block a tiny virus. None of the so-called experts have convinced me that they help stop the spread of COVID 19. In all the talk I’ve heard about how everybody should wear a mask, how come nobody ever said anything about men with beards? A man with a beard cannot achieve a tight enough fit to keep tiny particles from entering or escaping from his mouth or nose, and yet, they aren’t suggesting men should shave their beards. I recently did business with a muffler shop and the owner was not wearing a mask, nor was he demanding that I should wear a mask. Oh, what a relief, I almost forgot how nice it felt.
Don’t touch your face before washing your hands, it’s that simple.
Fauci and his minions are grandstanding quacks.
The mask is a good way to see who is a Dem and avoid
No mask helps identify the mouth breathers, too.
I didn’t even know there was an outdoor mask mandate.
I’m not even sure what the terms of the mandate are for outdoors, but it definitely says, at least, everyone is supposed to wear a mask when unable to stay distanced – even outside.
Time for this to go. Way past time. It doesn’t spread outdoors unless you get in each other’s face and talk for a while close together.
A few days ago a dude asked me to make my kids wear masks outdoors, on a windy evening, because they were on a playground. (Not close to other kids,btw.) It’s ridiculous how much fear goes into far-fetched scenarios. You don’t spread respiratory illnesses by casual contact in the vast rushing mass of air outdoors.
There should not be a mandate for wearing masks outdoors. That is just fear mongering coming from the MSM leftists.
not that i believe in the covid-spriracy but has anyone looked at the labels on the masks you are buying? i am told they all say not for medical use, or at least they did until just recently and now they say for novetity use only.
thank goodness it is a naveltity virus… LOL
I never got on the mask outside or shelter in place orders.
Many people don’t want the “mask mandate” lifted. The mask allows them to hide behind the useless little rags on their faces. No eye contact, and heaven forbid they should feel forced to partake in any form of decent, human interaction
I don’t wear a mask outside so they can lift the mandate whenever they want.
I don’t wear masks outdoors or indoors, it makes no sense at all!
When was there a mandate to wear a mask outdoors? I’ve never worn one when outside, unless I couldn’t avoid a crowd. There’s no reason to wear one outside. The only time I wear a mask outside is when the air quality is horrendously bad from smoke, and then i wear an N95 with a valve.
It’s long past time to end this entire scam and eliminate the communist left wing. Need to take America back.
“And the things that we fear are a weapon to be held against us” …. Lyrics by Neil Peart of Rush
Remember Ted Nugent. He didn’t believe in masks or COVID-19.
and yet at 72 years of age he still lives…
When reached for comment Ted said:
“Well the first time that I got it
I was just 10 years old
I got it from some kitty next door
Well I went and seen the doctor
And he gave me the cure
I think I got it some more!”
“It’s nothin’ dangerous
I feel no pain
I got to cha-cha change
You know you got it
When your’e goin’ insane
It makes a grown man cry, cry”
Did Ted pass away?
Has he said he contracted it while not wearing a mask outside? If not, what does this have to do with the subject at hand?
As opposed to the left’s newly canonized George Floyd, who robbed a woman at gunpoint in front of her children, knowingly passed counterfeit money, and made a habit of ingesting lethal amounts of drugs in hopes of avoiding drug charges upon arrest? Look it up.
Non sequiturs are easy. You should try harder.
From what I have seen outdoors people have already made their choice, that being to go mask less.
Imagine being a person in good health and wearing a mask outside…actually I don’t have to imagine, I see you morons every day. Oh well, like this video says, “biking with a mask, not weird at all…only 14 more years to flatten the curve.”
Nailed it ! @ Obamavirus!
I 100% support indoor mask mandate, but think it’s past time to lift the outdoor requirement. I think in a couple months we cam lift the indoor mandate, too. Make masks recommended, but not required. Everyone would be happy then.
My daughter and I were sitting outside at a restaurant in Walnut Creek counting the people driving alone with a mask on. It was good for a laugh.
The first couple of masked drivers that I saw caused me to wonder why they wore masks in their vehicle also. These drivers are concerned about other passengers, that may enter the vehicle later. Concern is a noun.
Texas lifted their mask mandate over 3 weeks ago, before the game where 38,000 were in attendance. Their average case rate is way down..Masks are not doing a thing now, other than government control.
The only time I wore a mask outside was when we had all the fires and the sky was orange. Other then that, never have worn it outside and I wait to put it in when I’m in the store and it comes off as soon as I’m leaving.
I just read the other day that the state of Oregon is going full time masking until further notice. I guess that is what you can expect from a state that has Jerry Browns sister as its governor
Of course the Antifa State is going all-in for masking.
This highlights the division on the left and right, which, in my opinion, is one of the biggest hurdles that this country faces. Non-mask, non-vaccine right criticizes the pro-mask, pro-vaccine left and visa-versa. When in reality, you are both wrong. The dem & repub parties are both pieces of crap. I’m sure I have over-simplified this, but the basis is true. Vote libertarian!
It’s not D vs R…it’s hive mind zombies who screech “FOLLOW THE SCIENCE!!!” while doing anything but, versus people who believe in freedom, have common frickin sense, and recognize the dystopian disconnect of usurping liberties over a “pandemic” with a >99% survival rate.
… only wear one when I go into a store because they say it’s required… minute I leave it comes off
On the way out…because they can only kick you out anyway.
Was hiking in Briones down an exposed ridge trail…wind gusting about 25-30mph…and a youngish woman was hiking uphill. As she rushed past, she clutched her mask to her face as though she was in dire peril. Now whether she has always been a lunatic (to think any germ could pass between 2 people 10’ apart…outdoors…in 30 mph wind), I don’t know. To me, it is more likely representative of how people have been brainwashed over the past year+ to the extent that all logic and commonsense is gone.
When the China Virus first became news, the so-called experts became ignorant political puppets.
For the most part, they are mere political puppets still today.
The mask mandate was like the shutdowns, useless political manipulation of the masses to inject fear and maintain a fearful state of mind in the society.
Trump’s greatest failure in office was following the advice of Fauci. He gave America’s freedoms away under the guise of a health care crisis.
The face mask mandate should have never been enacted.
It should have ended many months ago.
It should end now.
There is no outdoor mask mandate and there never was one. The mask wearing is if you are to be within six feet of someone that’s from outside of your immediate household.
I’m still waiting for studies showing that vaccination greatly reduces the chances of getting COVID-19 and also greatly reduces the chances of getting a serious incident of the disease. There have been studies that have thrown out numbers about vaccination but have not then compared those numbers to the same for unvaccinated people. The math is not easy as we are in a period where the numbers of vaccinated are greatly increasing every day and COVID-19 takes a few days to get noticed. Once you have a time range, let’s say the month of March 2021, and the case, hospitalization, and death rates for the vaccinated vs. unvaccinated we can then see if and by how much vaccination is making a difference. That’s the science that should drive mask wearing policy or advice.
But as it stands organizations follow CYA principles to require masks outdoors – like on playgrounds at parks, kids running in cross country and track practice (I kid you not), on trails in state and regional parks. And then the zealots go around policing his and harassing people who realize that outdoor transient proximity is not a risk.
Social existence would improve if a public statement removing outdoor mask guidance were made by the feds and the state. It would encourage localities and organizations to change their policies on it, and would give the public space back to the public, out of the hands of the Karens who are policing it currently.
“I’m still waiting for studies showing that vaccination greatly reduces the chances of getting COVID-19 and also greatly reduces the chances of getting a serious incident of the disease. There have been studies that have thrown out numbers about vaccination but have not then compared those numbers to the same for unvaccinated people. ”
I don’t get what you mean. Isn’t that exactly what the Phase III studies were? Some got vaccine, some got placebo, track the symptomatic infections in each group, track hospitalizations and deaths in each group. That’s what they did.
This stupid mandate should never have been put in place.
If a mask is so successful and Fauci recommends wearing at least two masks, then why not just tie a plastic bag around your neck? 100% Covid safety achieved.
Bravery…just something to consider….
It breaks my heart to see how afraid and consequently controlled so many folks in the Bay Area still are, although so many are continuing to awaken using updated facts and data. Makes we wonder how many actually research or get news from outside of California/America. Y’all might be surprised at what you learn outside the Bay Area prescribed and heavily controlled narrative.
Like so many, we left Concord/Clayton for Texas well over a year ago. My Bay Area friends are shocked to learn that Texans (and many other states) have been living life as normal since June 2020, just masks inside some big stores like Costco, but only for people 10+. Most do avoid close contact with other so we don’t get sneezed on, but that’s easy enough. Young kids under 10 don’t wear masks, anywhere. Most folks don’t wear masks outside unless they have a vulnerability like age or a health condition, although right now, hardly any older folks wear a mask at all because a bunch chose to get vaccinated.
Since last summer, most folks agree wearing masks outside is illogical and unnecessary, but they do respect those who want to wear a mask, it’s a personal choice (no shaming either way). Kids have been back in school full time since last August and we’ve been celebrating with town festivals, fairs, sports, camps, etc. Businesses has been fully open for a long time as well as churches, mosques, etc. Masks indoors have been formally dropped two months ago. Like most states, we’ve moved on long ago and find it deeply sad to see how so many in Cali have no idea of what’s going on outside of their area, and are sadly in prisons of their own minds. They seem super reluctant to consider news/data outside of what they have been unconsciously consuming for so long.
For those hesitant and/or conflicted, I encourage you to stretch yourself a bit and research news and data outside of California/America. Consider MULTIPLE sources and decide for yourself using diverse, updated research. Lean into courage and help bring folks with you, be brave so you don’t miss anymore of living a full life.
Like so many, we celebrated July 4th with family and friends last year like normal, will do it again this year too, but this year we won’t be afraid to hang out both inside and out. Life is short, don’t miss out on the most precious of memories with family and friends, especially their smiles.
After all, we are the home of the brave, right? Give yourself permission to be brave, if you are healthy and chose to get the vaccine (again, a personal choice), be one of the first to shed the mask and signal to others the courage they may need to not fear societal mask shaming that seems to be so prevalent there. It may hard to see it now for some, but if some humble themselves and pan back, they may be able to better see the lifelong damage that the masks are truly doing to society and humanity.
“Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the assessment that something else is more important than fear.” – Franklin D. Roosevelt
It seems FDR was right about at least one thing.
We have control! I can berate you for not wearing a mask! I am powerful and I make my voice heard! (Except your mask is blocking the sound)
Quit the charade and mind your own business while breathing the clean outdoor air!
It should be lifted, there have been numerous studies that it cannot transmit in outdoor spaces since there’s unlimited ventilation.
Did not know there was an outdoor requirement. Did not wear a mask outside, as there is no reason. Wearing them indoors is of little benefit as well, much like the 6 feet separation distance, even if just statistically, where in CCC, about 5% of the population tested positive, without understanding what percentage was 80+ years of age. I am/was one of those who kept my nose uncovered, lowered the mask if nobody around, etc. I kept it on my face more to meet the requirement of the private business owner,who had to mandate (ahhh, liberty) by order of the government. I did not want them to be penalized. Now, if these shops still require them once our oh so wise and benevolent elected (or appointed) “representatives” finally permit adults to resume unmasked life, then I will take my patronage elsewhere.
Keep them on – it’s easier to talk to people this way.
Watch for hearing aids falling off, though.
posted above
The dem & repub parties are both pieces of crap. I’m sure I have over-simplified this, but the basis is true. Vote libertarian!
uuuhhh are you not aware the machines make the votes for us …….
most votes by a huge margin ever …ever in this country
and not one audit performed
you know why
the newscum and biden in january were pushing for double and triple masking ( again how asinine )
then the people got enough signatures to recall the newscum
first they tried to discredit the signtures as being sloppy
but then realized they are from registered voters very easy to verify
so as to not shoot themsleves or bring about the irony of the machines electing a potus they digressed
but what happened next was astonishing
wait what the state and the newscum changed to rules again to fit the narrative …..
all of a sudden restaurants and wineries not affiliated with the governor could open with the new science that the state approved lol
insert smug dem voter face here
oh wait now disneyland can open
oh wait the tier system was changed by the newscum science
it was a hoax and control tactic that was given to them by the chinese and as they ( dem politicians ) take chinese money they had to implement it
so the machines could be used and voting rules changed to further indemnify america and its people to chinese control just ask lebron who he supports
the science proves that the so called bat virus lol particle size is barely blocked by a n95 mask
yet the state said you could use a bandanna and be safe
i am not an educated person as in i did not attend a pro china communist college
but blocking a virus with a bandana should have been the first sign using common sense that their science was based off of nothing
so yeah keep believing that a cold virus is like the plague
and your pets and the trees and your amazon packages will infect you
we are not a third world country
we are america where freedom of speech is in our constitution
but freedom of choice is now not allowed by the media or government unless it follows a democrat agenda
funny how target and walmart and costco and grocery stores where all open
with millions touching surfaces and closer than 6 feet and longer than 15 minutes on site and newscum at the french laundry
but small business was shut down and forced out
insert smooshed bewildered dem voter face here …..
Yes there is a mandate to wear masks outside if you are less than 6 feet from a person. We need to wear a mask until we reach heard immunity!
Why? There is no science to support wearing masks at all. If you’re a germaphobe or have allergies, then go ahead and wear an n95 mask to protect YOURSELF. The rest of us like to breathe fresh air, smell the flowers and drink/eat without having to manage our muzzle.
Ok Claycord.com, which parameter did my comment violate?
We need to take our masks off and sent them to Newsom and tell him to shove them where the sun doesn’t shine.
Do you know how many people die EVERY year of cigarette related illnesses. That number is almost 500 thousand, EVERY year. 41 thousand from second hand smoke. EVERY year.
I don’t see politicians on TV every day saying we need to put the cigarette company’s out of business, they are killing almost 500 thousands people EVERY year. Where are the politicians.
Mask wearing isn’t about Covid it about power, power over the people.
When I’m out for my walk I don’t wear a mask. I’ve had both vaccines. I generally don’t go in heavily populated areas. If I happen to run into someone I will give them space, or cross the street.
Remember getting vaccinated means after tour body has time to build killer cells you will be immune, not after the shot. Give it a couple months after the shots are done, before we stop the masks.