The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday in the noon hour.
QUESTION: What company do you use for vehicle insurance, and about how much per month do you pay for you/your family? Also, are you happy with their service or are you looking to switch?
Talk about it….
USAA…they are the BEST and would not consider switching to any other. If you qualify, I would HIGHLY recommend you look into getting your insurance through them.
Not near records today.
But NEVER a problem.
Use AAA for emergencies….. super!
Bristol West, which is part of Foremost, which is part of Farmers, which is owned by Zurich Insurance Group, and I don’t make monthly payments. By making monthly payments they will charge interest, so I pay $478.00 for a full year in advance and save $132.00. I never get tickets, not because I’m a goody-two-shoes, but because I’ve been lucky and haven’t been caught for anything yet. And I’ve never been in an accident where it was my fault.
I can’t say that I’m happy with their service because I have never filed a claim, so I’ve never used them. Insurance in my opinion is a waste of money.
The way USAA has been in the last several years, I would not be surprised if they farmed out their insurance offerings to be managed by a third party. I find they are increasingly merely a contractor brokering the services of subcontractors.
…. I’ve had recent experience with 2 large insurance providers and found them both adequate – but….. the problem is the archaic Calif insurance laws … and the collusion between body shops and the insurance companies. Taking a damaged vehicle to a body shop for an estimate the first question they ask is who is paying for it? The private party or the insurance company? If / when you say insurance company they’ll give you a quote and then add on charges to the very end – an open ticket much higher than if you pay for it…. Insurance companies and body shops have both told me that is what they do… whereas if you are paying for it… they give you a quote but are then much more definitive about what could be any extra work…. not an open ticket like with insurance companies. That’s one reason our rates are so high… The salvaged vehicle laws in this state are as bad….
Randy: Your comment is not at all accurate. 1st: the reason most body shops will ask that question right away is because 90% of the customers have no clue how much repairing a vehicle might actually be. The “who is paying for it” question is if they are going customer pay, you then educate them on the potential cost of the repairs as most customers are not aware of the different claims with insurance either, such as collision versus comprehensive and fault versus non fault etc.
customer pay estimates are actually not usually cheaper then insurance estimates and no shop adds on extra charges at the end to make it higher. Almost all the multiple shop organizations are contracted with the insurance company and give them a discounted rate in turn for the hopes of more customers. that is also another reason why the shop would ask who is paying, if in fact it is insurance they may or may not be contracted with that insurance company. That insurance company might require them to write the estimate is a different database, their could be different photograph requirements etc etc etc….. then some insurance companies will only write the estimate and the body shop uses that estimate as a baseline and supplements from that point if additional damage is found. the extra work comment is also not true, I have yet to find a body shop that is utilizing X-Ray vision to be able to give a complete and locked in quote for repairs when inspecting a vehicle for collision damage, even the most minor of impacts could have hidden damage or while taking a car apart for repairs you could come across parts that are potentially one time use only. collusion between bodyshops and insurance companies is a pretty bold statement and just not factual.. good effort to spread false news though………
…. claycordcreek Mike… not from what the insurance agents and boody shop emps told me “off the record” … but whatever
State Farm because I’m an idiot.
AAA for car, home, and life. New location is convenient to Claycord at 2971 Ygnacio Valley Road in Walnut Creek in the same strip mall as Rocco’s and Whole Foods. COVID precautions and plenty of free parking.
Glad to hear you’re with AAA Insurance and have had good experiences. We are, too. Bundle everything and never have a worry. And yes, that new office is very convenient! Disclaimer: Hubby works for them and it’s a great company. Have done a LOT go help the community (clean up My Diablo, the marine museum in SF, wash/repair camping gear for inner city disadvantaged youth.) Really good smart people. Go CSAA / AAA!
My Dad was an agent for State Farm, so it’s in my blood. I’ve got auto, life and home with them and have never had a problem. State Farm rewards loyalty, so other companies can’t touch my rates for equivalent coverage. On the 40th anniversary with the company, I got a letter from their president that the only way that I could lose coverage would be non-payment of premiums.
So Claycord.com is paying bills using Water Cooler to gather marketing research? 😀
I have had State Farm for years. Being a safe driver and done go much of anyplace but local I save a lot of money. When I look into other companies their rate is about the same or higher. My beef with SF is they send out the bill about two weeks before just like credit card companies do. But I also split the payment. Then they send out that bill a month and a half ahead. Why? Maybe to collect extra fees if late? Most people might forget to pay with the bill send that far in advance. OK, I have their app so send me a reminder a couple weeks in advance but they don’t even do that.
AAA. Always easy to deal with when accidents.
It’s all about the policy…
Would Transformers buy life insurance … or car insurance?
I used to have 21st Century. When my husband died unexpectedly, they raised my rate because now I was a single women. Yeah, I was definitely out dancing the night away and driving recklessly instead of taking care of my two teenage children. Dropped 21st Century as soon as was possible.
GEICO. Thought of switching (cuz others CLAIM they can save me $$$), but I stay cuz its cheaper.
Same here. Had Farmers for years and heard so many people tell me that Geico was cheaper so I called Geico and saved $1K a year on auto and home. Farmers raised their rates every single renewal.
Been with State Farm, from the time I started driving at 16 y/o on my Father’s insurance, then for my car at 19 y/o. and so on. Also have house insurance with State Farm too. Our agent just retired and I don’t like the ‘new kid’ agent, who took over. Might look for another agent but stay with State Farm. We pay every 6 month for 2 older vehicles, so breaks down is $77 a month, for both.
Farmers. For decades. I’ve been happy with them overall. . I would like to shop around but that involves getting all the policies together so I can compare apples to apples against another company. And that, my friends, will probably never happen. I know myself.
$50 / month for both 11 year old Toyota & 24 year old Toyotas. Metromile.
The good hands ripped me off!
Find a broker.
USAA for the last 41 years. 2 newer vehicles and one old classic car, full coverage on all. $158 a month. I pay for six months at a time.
Mercury Insurance, through my broker Insurance Agent 2000, located in Concord.
Hagerty $254 per year….full coverage, car is 52 years old & only drive a few thousand miles a year… always garaged, never raced.
AAA, about $160 and we both haven’t had any violations in years and drive 10 year old cars.
none this is a socialist state
you pay for meh
Popcorn – stick to the question instead of pushing your own liberal opinion.
Re-read the question and follow directions.
Or is that too foreign a concept for you libs?
Wawanesa Insurance. Had AAA for about 5 years, switched to Wawanesa to save $.