Home » Congressman DeSaulnier Introduces Suicide Prevention Assistance Act

Congressman DeSaulnier Introduces Suicide Prevention Assistance Act


Congressman Mark DeSaulnier announced the introduction of the Suicide Prevention Assistance Act, which would integrate mental health screenings as an essential part of primary care visits by establishing a new grant program at the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).

Specifically, these grants would allow for on-site mental health professionals in doctors’ offices and other primary care settings to assist when necessary, help connect patients with additional long-term mental health care, and require SAMHSA to develop best practices for screening for self-harm and suicidal ideation.

“Thirty-two years ago today, I found out that my father, a World War II Marine veteran who served his country proudly, took his own life by firearm. His story has taught me firsthand that we need to do more to help people who may not seek help. By making mental and behavioral health screenings part of a primary care visit, it will both increase access to immediate support and advance the fight to destigmatize seeking help,” said Congressman Mark DeSaulnier.

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Let’s jack up the cost of healthcare some more by adding more people.

That’s all window dressing in politics. It won’t do anything to reduce suicides in this country

I don’t necessarily think this is a bad idea (even though I am no fan of Mark DeSaulnier), but I personally will not be answering a bunch of questions from my doctor about my mental and behavioral health because I don’t consider it to be any of her business.


Are you saying that your mental and behavioral health aren’t considered in your overall health…?

I’m saying that my doctor (an MD) is not qualified to assess my mental or behavioral health. If I have any concerns about either, I will seek out a professional in that field. I wouldn’t go to a psychiatrist for a colonoscopy, either.

I agree with Chicken Little. My doctor doesn’t need to consult with a mental health counselor regarding my health. It isn’t within her purview, and it’s none of her business. Your medical records are supposed to be private and protected by law, especially something as personal as mental health counseling, and that goes for my general practitioner also, as far as I’m concerned.

Suicide is certainly bad but I would be more interested in taking people in who want to take others with them when they go.

I agree. The money would be better spent on those who aren’t planning on going alone! We are, with Obama 2.0 as represented by the Biden administration, on track to exceed Obama’s record on mass shootings. But then, Mark De Saulnier is all about Mark De Saulnier and nobody else.

anything weiner does it is waste of money no matter how noble it might seem, after all he’s the guy who passed a law lower the penalty for pedophiles

Desaulnier can get all the way effed. He’s sat by totally silent why his constituents escalated suicides in our region. He was quick to host every DEI meeting that could put his name in the papers. He is a terrible person. He should not serve another day in office. This is so tone deaf I can’t even handle him anymore.

“integrate mental health screenings as an essential part of primary care visits”

So, you go in for a sprained toe and you have to sit through a mental health evaluation? And who is paying for this? I assume he wants to use taxpayer dollars (the grant part) and probably forcing insurance companies to pay as well.

Well, my response to the mental health questions will be the same as they always are: NOYFB.

On the bright side, all those Millennials with massive student debt and psychology and social workers degrees can now quit Antifa and BLM and get real jobs. At taxpayer expense, of course.

A little late or I guess more convenient that de slacker wants to help you dentify mental illness

Will he place the drug addicted alcoholic bums where they need to be

Will he charge us abunch of money for something that I am sure somewhere just like always we are all ready paying for …you betcha

Will he hold a public paid picnic to blast out dem agendas and propaganda
Oh yeah

Will he do what ever pelosi says

Will he ever help the population as a whole by making the elections believable

We don’t have to believe
They just make it up as they go along

We are under siege allready we are just waiting for the secret police to start rounding the up

And a white politician will tell us it’s all going to be ok just get on the train

Oh der slackenburgh

May we have another cocktail that is not Maxine watered down

Is this why at a routine doctor visit, the little intern at Kaiser asks me how many alcoholic beverages do I consume weekly? Answer: Hasn’t increased or decreased since the last time you effing asked me.

Maybe Marky sees the damage being done by the Democrats in power in NY, CA, Michigan and Illinois as an example as well as nationally and he’s being proactive.

Thank you, sir

He could start with the program right there in Washington,DC. There is a tremendous amount of mental illness roaming the halls of Congress. Look what we see every day.

So the Marxists are going to try and politicize your doctor visits now?
Wow we didn’t see this one coming (wink wink)
Oh they are so clever – it’s all about your mental health …..
Soon CCHealth will be trying to use this database for their caregiving priorities?
Just a hunch….

While it is sad his father took his own life, I do not think the government should be concerning itself with administration of health care, I know they can’t help it; it has been a dream since I believe Roosevelt. A great grasp of that power grab came with o-care. Sad to see how much of our liberty is taken by these tyrants, the latest method is defining everything as “infrastructure,” or throwing money, which is nothing to these politicians, at things calling them grants (that usually have requirements attached to them). Mark, please focus on the border, see if you can convince Biden and the rest to perhaps slow the invasion, even a little. I know, the goal is to move these illegals around to permanently change the demographics (voting) of this nation.

Seems that mental illness runs in deslackers family.

For sympathy. He must have nagging feelings of unresolved guilt about it. Amazingly pathological.

Many opinions, always important to see. But what is first and foremost important in my opinion as a trained specialist in domestic violence and as an ex mediator for City Government Police Unions is paying no matter what side you are on politically, reading the first sentences of this initial post about should invoke not anger but empathy about people, taking the Congressman out of equation.

Go away deslacker-you are a waste of airspace.

Heartwarming and thoughtful comments noted here…. Not.

Maybe this jackass will stick up for his consituents and stop the rise in property taxes.

DeSaulnier has consistently been a dirty gun-grabber, and just wants more inroads for denying people their right to bear arms.

What this is actually communicating, is that people with mental health issues should not seek mental health treatment, as professionals will use the power of the state to send men with guns to your house, to take all of your guns, by force, if necessary.

If DeSaulnier could pen his name to doing this for every gun owner in the state, regardless of mental health state, history, etc., he enthusiastically would.

He seeks power, that’s it; doesn’t want an armed citizenry standing in his way.

At the rate the government is stealing our money it’s no surprise they want to take our guns away!
They act as though they are trying to save us from ourselves…..”we’re from the government and we are here to help!

It’s kinda like the movie “Mars Attacks”




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