The “Water Cooler Chat” is a feature on CLAYCORD.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you will talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.
Today’s question:
The city of Elk Grove (near Sacramento) recently made headlines after they decided to give $20 gift cards to homeless people every time the homeless people clean up their camps.
QUESTION: Should cities pay homeless people to clean up their camps?
Talk about it….
where will the money come from?
Sounds like a great plan! Let’s also pay felons not to felonize. Perverts not to perv. Child predators not to predatate. On and on.
Yup. Lets do this!
If a city lets homeless stay somewhere they should furnish them with portable toilets and garbage cans and tell them to keep it clean or get moved out. Should also pick up their trash weekly. Not sure how illegal aliens find a home but the homeless can’t. The whole thing makes no sense.
I think because illegal aliens are generally hardworking, not mentally deranged drug addicts. Not always, but generally.
Lie number 562 illegal aliens are generally hardworking. Especially the gang members and drug dealers and runners and 50% of our prison population. So why pay attention to the deranged drug addicted single mothers out there trying to survive and raise a couple of children.
illegals generally come here to try to build a better life – cant really blame them. 100% of the homeless you see under freeways and in tents along sidewalks are hard drug and /or alcohol addicts – cant help them unless they want to change. The homeless with kids arent as visible and they are where any resources should be going. But we should supply the homeless encampments with trash bags and regular pickup just for everybodys health and safety – but pay them ? No.
if illegal aliens were hard working they wouldn’t be here they’d be back home being hard working.yes, yes, bla, bla, bla our founding fathers fought for this country, why can’t the illegal aliens?
ever wonder why mexico exports it’s poor?
@DBcoob you should ashamed to have the simple logic of “cant’ really blame them.” Why do you not break into Luxembourg, an objectively far richer nation than your own, falsify documents, pass yourself as a citizen or legal worker, take up valuable living space, hospital space, tax payer money? You don’t do this because it’s WRONG, it’s despicable, and every illegal alien in America should be made to feel rotten for the horrible harm they’ve done to this country.
American famililes cannot find reasonably priced homes, in large part, due to 30+ MILLION illegal aliens in this country, who have no right to be here!
@Anon OMG…REALLY??? I can’t afford to buy a house because ILLEGALS are somehow living there already? Jeezus, you don’t have a single CLUE.
The Bay Area is home to the largest tech corporations in the world. Those companies provide legal work visas to foreign engineers and pay them close to six-figure salaries (cheaper than what they’re ACTUALLY worth, but if an immigrant will take a $70K job when an American wants $100K, it’s a deal). Now THEY can afford to outbid me on a house. Other LEGAL residents from certain parts of the world come here to buy investment properties. THEY, too, can afford to outbid me.
WHAT IF…these corporations invested in our own community, granted more scholarships to Americans wanting to become engineers, actually hired US citizens first. WHAT IF…the requirement for buying property in CA was that the owner had to live 50% of the time in ANY PART of the entire United States?
Until then, blame the illegals, I guess…
anon- if the living conditions here were like some of these countries south of the border you bet your a** i would be on my way to Luxembourg . Luckily i hit the lottery and was born here. Im not advocating for open borders but I understand why they come. I may be simple but Im not ashamed.
Ricardoh, remember,
Pretend the US economy collapsed & gangs were roaming the streets, breaking into homes, stealing and murdering the owners. What would you do? Maybe you decide to take your 2 year old son the Canada for refuge. Canada takes your son and send you back. That’s America today.
Only if the city will pay me when I clean my home….It’s only fair.
That’s true. They should all pitch in and hire a maid.
That is like asking them to pay for us to clean our yard, doesnt make sense. The city should kick them out since it is not a legal camping area.
Why are law-abiding citizens punished for not obeying the law or not following city ordinances re: keeping your house and yard cleaned up, but homeless people and illegal aliens can do whatever they want? Something is very twisted here in CA.
illegal aliens can do what they want? Illegal Immigrants commit less crime (also less likely to report crime) than others because they fear being deported.
Everyone complains about the homeless, but what do we do about it? I guess we could do what other cities/states do and make it someone else’s problem by shipping them off to somewhere else or harassing them to leave. However, that is not a solution and for the Christians out there, against the teachings of the bible.
Whoever gives to the poor will not want, but he who hides his eyes will get many a curse.” Proverbs 28:27
“Illegal Immigrants commit less crime”
Support for that assertion?
“(also less likely to report crime)”
Then how do you know they commit less crime?
As a Christian I do believe that in order to walk in the footsteps of Christ and follow his teachings I personally need to be kind to my neighbor and help the less fortunate.
The “good Christian”, and “remember what your good book says” arguments that some people use to support the expansion of government programs are bunk and should be disregarded. Those arguments say more about the person making the argument than anything else.
Yes, to lead a bountiful full life, Jesus would say to help the homeless. But, would Jesus want us to help the homeless at the tip of a Roman spear? Of course not. Charity is only genuine if it is done personally from the heart. Charity through government is not charity at all, it is hypocritical at best.
There is a fine line between help and enabling. All the resources are there, if you have ever read any of my previous posts.
VERY well said, JRocks, and I agree completely.
Although I am not a Christian, I share a similar moral belief. Compassion must come from our hearts, whereas compulsory “charity” is more likely to harden them.
These $20 gift cards will end up being sold on Craigslist or directly outside of businesses at a discounted rate for cash. The cash will be spent on more drugs/alcohol. The toughest or most senior members of the camp will force or manipulate others into cleaning for them, then collect the cards in bulk to increase the selling value. Terrible idea.
@Pyrrhus, Well, you’ve introduced a whole new topic (crime) that I didn’t even mention. I am talking about the homeless setting up camps where camping is not permitted (against city ordinances) and then being paid with taxpayer dollars to clean it up whereas I get cited by the city if I let the trees and shrubs on the corner of our lot get overgrown.
Also, by definition every illegal alien is breaking the law, what with being here illegally and all.
Giving from the heart is a teaching. However, remember the story of Ananias and Sapphira. The early Church agreed that they would sell their property and share their wealth to help those less unfortunate. Ananias and Sapphira withheld a portion out of their greed and were cursed with death for being disloyal to the commandment from the Church leadership. This is forced giving, but because of the other members faith they obediently followed even if they wouldn’t normally have given as much.
Anyways, enough with the biblical debate. Everyone complains about the homeless but never offers realistic solutions to the root of the problem. It’s either lets bus them over to somewhere else or drive them out and make it someone else’s problem.
My proposed solution would be first to have universal healthcare that includes a high focus on mental health and mental health facilities. Have these facilities highly regulated and monitored so we don’t have a repeat of what happened in the past. Have designated housing/areas where homeless are allowed to sleep or camp. Anyone found sleeping outside that area is forced to go there. Those areas need to be safe and secure to avoid any violence. Violence, stealing, destruction of property, other crime, and harassment from the homeless should not be tolerated and should be an automatic enrollment into a program, mental institution, or prosecution for their crime . However, there needs to be an emphasis on drug rehab, mental health, and in the case of prison rehabilitation vs punishment. My solution costs money. However, it would clean up the streets, force people to get help, and tackle mental sicknesses. It doesn’t coddle the homeless to let them do what they want but it is humanitarian to treat them as people and give them the help they need.
Makes as much (moronic) sense as paying criminals not to commit crimes…coming next
Paying them…. no because then you get the situation into a “let’s make a mess so City will keep paying us” behavior. Can’t see as it would hurt for City to talk with them and to provide bags and pick-up service, though.
ahhhh ricardoh
you are the first to be observant that illegals are not on the streets
because the dems like newscum pushed out legal americans
and gave section 8 to illegals
so we are paying for them to live while citizens with children are on the streets
they get free housing and food and money
then they work under the counter grabbing more cash
as well as not claiming they are married when they come
so the mom gets more money from welfare for every child they have together
and yes no one checks or is worried about it becuse we are paying not the gov or the gov paper pushers or the inspectors
just like the billions of dollars that went missing from edd
not one person indicted or even asked a question
the governor brushed it aside and pelosi clapped
but at least you voted for biden and your dead relatives
so more to come …err ….less for us to come
maybe we should cross the boarder then come back illegally and claim the bounty that this state provides ….but not to citizens
again no illegals living on the streets
lots of college kids though ….
how is that indoctrination working for them …lol
if you read a book about how this state is run and how american citizens are being treated ….you would not believe it could happen
it happens dailey and twice on sundays
It is all to further change the already changed demographics of California and now the rest of the states. Illegal aliens eventually become democrat voters. Somehow the old ones here haven’t figured out that the new ones lower the wages of the old ones. It is called democrat propaganda. Keep telling the lies often enough and they are believed. It will be a cold day somewhere before another Republican gets elected throughout California.
If it’s a gift of public funds, then no. If a charity is supporting it, why not?
Gift cards are useless. They can use them to buy liquor or exchange for dope! Where would funds for this idiotic idea will be coming from??!
Bully for the city of Elk Grove! (sarcasm!!)
Absolutely…just like banks should pay bank robbers to clean out their vaults. Only in California.
Why dont we give them bibs and feed them as well as make their bed and tie their shoes for them. They are adults for crying out loud. Looks like we expect more from children than the homeless. I am all for helping them but I would expect they help themselves as well.
First off portable toilets to prevent disease outbreak and garbage roll off box.
Having public employees or paid contractors do homeless encampment clean up would cost mush more than a voucher system.
Liberal bureaucrats and politicians are far too quick to throw your tax dollars at problems. Provide homeless with limited resources and see how they do.
The classical issue with furnishing public restrooms in this context is they become places to shoot up or fornicate in.
Yes. And they should pay me to clean up my yard.
We should raise the minimum wage for homeless cleaners. They cannot afford to live here on their current salaries.
Wait until the state realizes that they won’t work hard. Plus they’ll demand cash only. More liberal naivety.
It amaze’s Me that some of the folks making negative comments here on this posts are the same ones who recently donated to the recent homeless drive one kind woman on this website put together, food warm clothes blankets Sounds like wishy washy double mindedness to Me Yes pay them when they clean up and do things properly. You have to help them to rebuild some self esteem starting with the small things A lot are dealing with mental health issues so just like a kid receiving an allowance for job well done same thing here in a lot of ways many of them mentally are like children. People stop gowning emotionally at whatever age they start using drugs and alcohol many of the homeless population started using at 8 and 9 yrs old even younger for some so emotionally that’s where they are stuck at I am not making excuses here for them just trying to shed a little more light so We can all have a better understanding of what We are dealing with here. Thanks for Your time concerning this issue
please bill this person for any moneys paid to the homeless
They should get them a bus ticket and make sure they go back to the city or state that they was last listed as there residence. Seems some come in for this bleeding heart hand outs from other areas
Most people who are suffering from the devastating effects of homelessness in Concord…
…where born, raised, and graduated from High School, in…
Be the change.
Bus Ticket!! Get them a plane ticket to any place 1500 miles away and drive them to the airport.
unless more people see they don’t have to work, and they tell two friends and they tell two friends and so on
hmmm. if they pay me to keep my place clean, why not?
I think it is an excellent idea as long as it does not become just another bureaucratic rip off. Why not give it a try and see how it works? Yes, some of the homeless are pretty far gone but the ones who are capable of contributing to order and cleanliness should be given an incentive. Portapotties and trash containers would be great. Have any of you ever hit a rough patch in your life? These people are still humans and should be given a hand up. All your mean spirited, smart aleck solutions are not solutions. California found money to buy motels to put up criminals so why not give this a try? It is easy to demean these people while helping the obscenely wealthy get wealthier…eg Jeff Bezos
@trail momma White, If that’s what you believe, then why not take matters into your own hands. Go to the encampments give the homeless your money then get back to us.
… no! ..pat them to clean up their own mess?! They will keep making messes to keep getting paid! …. only in Cali
well nothing can be done about illegals or so called homeless
unless you repeal legalized theft and actually put people in jail
and rid the state of fraud and corruption by yes well the democrats
Wow, the CA method is to not solve a problem but just perpetuate it with illogical approaches. The “pat themselves on the back group” feels good about it for a while but have done nothing to make a difference for the long term. Give a person a fish, you feed them for a day; teach them to fish, you’ll feed them for life! What a gross misuse of taxpayer funds…
Perhaps those with no homes and/or means of earning money could be employed by picking up trash along the sides of the road. Heaven knows there is plenty of it. The Olivera Road off ramp alone would provide someone a steady income.
Imagine throwing trash and garbage and filthy all over your lawn until it reeks and stinks, and the whole neighborhood hates you for it, and it’s been like 3 weeks now.
Now imagine the government comes along and pays you money to clean up your mess.
We’re living it, ladies.
That wont happen if you own or rent a place then in that instance they will fine you to pick it up yourself. But if your homeless and trashing tax payers public property making a mess I guess they want to pay you to clean up and provide a dumpster and trash bags free of charge… Such BS !
horrible plan they will purposely throw trash around then say pay me to clean it up this is beyond stupidity.
We are providing illegal immigrants free transportation from the border to get hotel lodging, 1200 cash envelopes and plane tickets to the inner states where they want future votes then signing them up to get the third stimulus check along with other free welfare programs but we cant even help the homeless people that are AMERICAN citizens already here.
Why should they-as they are the entitlement crowd and us fools who obey the law and are over taxed hand them everything thanks to all the liberals and democrats people vote in (of which I can proudly say I am not one of that group). The folks voted in after this election will let any Tom, Dick or Harrietta into the country to vote illegally, have no vehicle insurance, get paid under the table while sucking us dry on benefits and welfare the moment their feet hit US soil.
Our forefathers must be doing cartwheels in their graves.
The liberal democrats answer to every problem their failed policies create .Throw tax payer money at it so they can maintain the problem and use at election time . They do this all the time and the simple thinking voters in California keep voting them in office . I hope sanity returns to California soon .
Just today the state of California wants to solve 75 percent of the homelessness. It will be interesting to see how this can be achieved. I think you cannot just throw the addicts in a house and say ok now your have a place to live! I cannot see this happening. Crazy.
Gavin Newsom doesn’t want to save the homeless. He wants to hide the homeless. He has no interest in solutions, just appearances.
While he doesn’t have much chance of becoming Governor, Kevin Faulconer put a decent dent in San Diego homelessness. There are multiple published articles on how he did it. He said, “We must punish crime, not ignore it. We must end suffering, not condone it. We must reduce homelessness, not promote it”. That mantra drove their decision making.
Camping is illegal in the city so interview each of the unhoused to find out what the problem is and refer them to the proper program and follow up.
We could just call it infrastructure.
Clean up your own mess.
Please do not call say illegal aliens, they are called “undocumented”
thank you
You may call them anything you like, but they’re still defined as illegal aliens!
Although, undocumented illegal aliens is also appropriate.
…..and they’re still criminals!