Home » The Water Cooler – Do You Recycle?

The Water Cooler – Do You Recycle?


The “Water Cooler Chat” is a feature on where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you will talk about it.

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.

Today’s question:


Do you recycle, or do you just throw everything in the trash?

Talk about it….

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Absolutely 100% recycle.

But, of COURSE!!

Yes, but it is surprising how much is really recyclable and how or not.
No paper or plastic labels on cans, glass or plastics,….no (waxy) coating meaning, containers, like milk cartons, beer & cereal boxes, etc. So much more if you check MDRR website. Since it’s a small amount we put in recycle tote, we only put the tote out once a month. Then there is toxic (hazard) waste we take to recycle when we need to, and surprised on what is toxic too,…like make-up, shampoo, who knew!…the full list is on the website.

I save aluminum, glass, and plastic in separate cans then take them to the recycling center whenever they fill up.

Other recyclables are separated from trash an placed into the recycle bin that is picked up weekly.

Same here!

We do that too. My wife takes all the bottles/cans from her work too. We usually get around $175 for a truck full of it. Not bad considering it really doesn’t take much effort. Just keep them all in bags on the side of the house until there’s enough to do a run.

If we didn’t recycle we’d need a second trash bin!

Great point!

Yes we recycle..but only in our recycle trash cans.

Previously, we could take our aluminum cans to recycling centers & even to Safeway store…which all have disappeared.

Wave~There is one out in Oakley. I think it’s called Delta Scrap and Salvage. My son saves my beer cans and that’s where he goes. But yeah…they are becoming a thing of the past.

.. yes – everything I can

Yes, but since they are more selective about what goes into the recycle bin I got a larger garbage bin.

My sister calls me a militant recycler

Yes, we recycle as much as we can. It’s sad how much MDRR won’t take like glossy cardboard, some plastic etc. We’re not sure how much of this is an MDRR restriction only. It seems like other counties, towns states, are very inconsistent with what they will and will not recycle. It is sad that the United States has not developed a better collection & recycling system. I get that it’s a cost issue, but it would seem that that could be solved. In my humble opinion, there is a lot of free/low cost labor out there that could be taken advantage of (prisoners, welfare recipients, etc).

Most i just throw out, they are so selective of what they take nowadays it takes too much time to read their requirements. Or if im feeling nice I just throw it in the bin and let them sort it out.

My go-to solution: “When In Doubt ….. Throw It Out”.

I put items in the recycling bin, not sure that necessarily means they will be recycled though since China stopped taking our garbage.

Not since I did some research and found out how much of that stuff ends up in toxic processing facilities (I use the term loosely) in China…and now much of it actually gets burned because even China can’t make a profit off of it.

Used motor oil down the storm drain and batteries in the trash. I try to do my part.

Same for me! Concrete and bricks in the blue can also. Feels good to be such a tree hugger!

Here’s a question; “How much money do you think garbage companies collect from recyclable cans & bottles that people cannot collect because recycling centers have all but been eliminated?”

When my father started out as a garbageman back in 1928 in Oakland, he had to climb into the back of the (horse drawn) wagon every block and separate the 4 Recyclable Items: Rags, Paper, Cans, and Bottles.
Then on the way to the dumps (down at Jack London Square) they made 2 stops! One at the “Bottle Works” (also for cans), and one at the Rag Works (also for paper). Then they turned around and headed for the next neighborhood or back to the “Barn” in West Oakland. Who says all these Recycling Ideas are part of our “Modern World” ?!?! There’s really nothing new under the sun…. just Recycled Ideas.

I do but why are we paying for a recycling bin on top of recycling?

It’s a joke how picky the curbside recycle folks have become, years ago they opened their brand new state of the art recycling center, flaunting how well it’s automated equipment can sort out all kinds of materials, showing off how we dont need to separate things, NOW , we can hardly put anything in their blue container, even though many items have the recycle logo on them….. what a waste of money if we cant use it for what it is meant for….. to get stuff out of landfill

Recycling is great and I’m glad so many commenters are onboard. I’d like to remind everyone that they first and best arrow is “reduce”. Consume less single use items and the world will be better off.

I separate my cans and drinking bottles for my housekeeper who cashes them in somewhere in Antioch, I believe. I put cardboard, newspaper and other items in the blue Concord Disposal recycle toter.



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