Home » Contra Costa County Moving Into The Orange Tier

Contra Costa County Moving Into The Orange Tier


The State of California announced today that Contra Costa County will be able to move into the less restrictive Orange Tier of the State’s Blueprint for a Safer Economy on Wednesday, April 7.

Contra Costa County currently has a COVID case-rate of 4.9 cases per 100,000 people and an overall testing-rate positivity of 1.8% (and 3% for the health equity metric). COVID-related hospitalizations are down to their lowest point since October. Meanwhile, nearly 500,000 county residents are at least partially vaccinated.

It has been five months since the last time the county qualified for the Orange Tier.

“This is great news for our community,” said Diane Burgis, chair of the Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors. “The last few months have been difficult for everyone and it’s nice to see us make more progress in the fight against COVID.”


Contra Costa Health Officer Dr. Chris Farnitano said people should not let down their guard yet. He noted that case rates have plateaued recently, suggesting a slowdown in the recovery. “We are still in a pandemic and people should continue to act accordingly: Keep wearing masks in public and get vaccinated as soon as you can. I still strongly recommend people to avoid most indoor activities with people outside of their own household until they are fully vaccinated,” Dr. Farnitano said.

Last week, Contra Costa extended vaccine eligibility to everyone ages 16 and over who lives, works or goes to school in the county. Currently, people between the ages of 16-49 must schedule appointments through Contra Costa Health Services at cchealth.org/coronavirus or by calling 833-829-2626. Other healthcare providers, including the state’s MyTurn system, do not yet offer vaccine to people below the age of 50.

Starting Wednesday, April 7 several business sectors and community services can reopen or expand capacity:

-Amusement parks: Overall park capacity and indoor capacity will be limited to 25%, including indoor dining.


-Bars: Outdoors with modifications; no meals required to be served

-Breweries, Distilleries, and Wineries: Indoors at 25% maximum capacity or 100 people, whichever is fewer; no meals required to be served

-Family entertainment centers: Indoors for naturally distanced activities like bowling, escape rooms, and billiards; 25% maximum capacity

-Gyms, fitness centers and studios (including at hotels): 25% maximum capacity and indoor pools are permitted; Indoor hot tubs, saunas, and steam rooms continue to be closed


-Movie Theaters: 50% maximum capacity or 200 people, whichever is fewer encouraged

-Outdoor sports and live performances with fans/attendees: Up to 33% and with advanced reservations only. Concession sales will be primarily in-seat (no concourse sales). Designated indoor seated dining area capacity will be limited to 25%. Attendance will be limited to in-state spectators and guests must attest their reserved seats are only for one household.

-Places of worship: 50% maximum capacity

-Restaurants: 50% maximum capacity or 200 people, whichever is fewer


-Retail: Open indoors with modifications and food courts permitted with indoor dining restrictions

Contra Costa County must remain in the Orange Tier for at least three weeks before moving into the next, less restrictive yellow tier.

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BUT, But, but, . . . .

“The State will move Contra Costa County to the “Orange Tier” once the following three criteria have been met for two consecutive weeks:
CASE RATE: 1.0 – 3.9 daily new cases (per 100k) (currently 5.9)”

So What, ah, numerical goals swept away because . . . .
Warm weather is here and people would be upset if “amusements” were not available? OR is it people are already blatantly ignoring restrictions?
Feel free to add your own guesses . . . .

As Liberals would call it, making up your own rules to fit your agenda.

Starts with an R, ends with an L and has an ECAL in the middle.

Too little. Too late. RECALL NEWSOM!


Don’t you mean:

starts with an “R”
ends with an “L”
has “ECTA” in the middle?

I like that better. Time to recall Newsom.

ygnacio lol pretty sure that passes the sniff test, but I’m not gonna be the one to check

I’m sure this has a lot to do with the recall, yes.

But you can make a good case that the “tiers” need to respond to the new reality on the ground: tons of people are getting vaccinated. Once the majority of adults are vaccinated (and the vast majority of adults over 50), there’s far less justification for any restrictions. So as vaccinated percentage rises, case rate matters less. In that sense this is a rational move, in general. (But also a political one, for sure.)

Just stop it all.

This virus has been a fraud since day one.

It’s time to stop it all now.

Take your drivel and tell it to the hundreds of thousands who have DIED of the virus. Wear a face covering, get vaccinated, and do your part in protecting others as well as yourself.

The Masked


You can wear a face mask, gloves. get the vaccine and do anything else you want.

I refuse to buy into this crooked scheme of a health emergency.

I’m not denying that the virus was a bad one, the overreaction and subsequent lies of and by the government is the crime.

The time to end the charade is now.

Your name has been here all of COVID. Who do you work for? It’s clear you are here for one reason. The narrative you push is alway the same. Who do you work for? Who pays you for projecting this info?

@Masked, I’ll be happy to as soon we’re shown who died “of” Covid rather than “with” Covid.

If you get shot and die you will usually not be declared in the medical examiner’s report to have died “of” getting shot. Your death was due to loss of blood, blunt force trauma, etc. COVID-19 is similar to getting shot. It weakens the body and for some people it’s to the point that they die “of” something that’ll be listed on the medical examiner’s report.

It either case, a direct and clear way to communicate the cause of death is that the person was shot and died or had a serious case of COVID-19 and died.

What changed was the number of vaccinations in the “least healthy communities” quartile. When the state reached 2 million vaccinations in the lowest quartile, we moved into the red tier. Now that the state has reached 4 million vaccine doses in this group, we’ve been moved into the orange tier.

Hopefully, the 20-somethings will get vaccinated in significant numbers, since they are the group that have accounted for the most infections during the pandemic.

Young adults have more contacts than older adults. Another way of looking at it is that they have generated a lot of immunity in their age cohort already. Even if only 40% or so of them get vaxxed the level of immunity in that age group will be quite high.

570,000 deaths in the US and 31 million cases and counting just in the US… but yes it’s a hoax! You can just fake numbers and deaths and it’s all a hoax.. oh wait.. 570,000 families have been effected and yet you spoiled brats that have been lucky enough not to get it think it’s a hoax. Open your eyes and accept reality, they aren’t against you.. they are only trying to help you!!!!

with all the people who were shot, crashed their car, or had actual life threaten illnesses and were diagnosed as a covid fatality it is amazing it isn’t higher. with hospitals getting paid extra to say it is covid, well…

That’s funny chris. You are truly gifted. Your reality is false. I would be careful with those strong beliefs. They may come back to haunt you in the future. COVID has been a HOAX from day one. Most people understand that now. Rants like that are starting to sound like the lunatics you see walking around screaming at the sky. Prime candidate for the insane asylum.

One question tho. How many people die regularly in a year? It’s very easy to fool people when they are ignorant. Not so much when they know how to reason. Your post was funny tho

Sam, wow… just wow.. how self centered can you be? You know all this is to protect the high risk and others, I assume you aren’t getting the vaccine based on your reply. I hope you and your family don’t get and then get sick and then it’s too late. Do you believe seat belts don’t save lives? Because this kind of same thinking is why the US has had so many cases and deaths. It’s truly baffling how Americans can be so self centered and this thing has destroyed this country yet other countries understand science and do what their told but because they have to because they care about others and listen to science. I truly hope you don’t have to ever deal with this or any other illness for that matter, karma is real.

Yep Chris, this is a real virus.

But nope, I do not believe all 570K deaths were FROM covid. I also do not believe there were 31 Million cases. As each case was not diagnosed the same way, kinda hard to make that assumption. You know about the word ‘assumption’, right?

Now, can you tell me what happened to the flu deaths in 2020/21 season? Or other causes …

And if you think that the idiot in charge of our Health Department, or our stupid governor are here to help you, I have some ocean front property to sell you in Arizona.

Parent: Well… the flu season was very little because people were forever to wear masks!!! And GUESS WHAT… that stop germs from spreading and kept flu almost nonexistent. Hmm science.. who knew?!


Seat belts were made law because people did Not have insurance and government / hospitals were left with the bills. I know you want to believe in the benevolence of government, Chris……but it’s NOT reality.

Next, You DO NOT isolate the healthy but you Quarantine the SICK.

Finally, NOBODY is Stopping these so called immune compromised individuals from QUARANTINING.

I owe you nothing. It’s every man for himself out here. You ain’t figured it out yet? Get a clue square, nobody cares about you. COVID HOAX is the least of your worries if you’re this naive. Half a million is nothing in a country of 350,000,000. How many babies were born in the same time? I’ll answer that for you, 3.8 million in the US. How many people actually die every year in this country? Answer the question guy. COVID IS FAKE. Your reality is fake. Grow up.

lock yourself in your home, get all your food delivered, and stay on the government payroll, enjoy!

for everyone else, enjoy life again!!

Anyone remember the terror alert color levels we used to have after 9/11? This is kinda like that.

Yes, good comparison. In both cases several things apply:

1. There is a real threat – terrorism was and is real; COVID has killed a lot of people.

2. But there’s also a lot of overreaction and security theater. In some cases the reaction is worse than the problem it was meant to address. (e.g., Iraq War, school closures)

3. Government powers asserted during the emergency phase, where unknowns are high and the public tolerates novel action by government, tend to last long after that phase is over.

We still have a lot of the Patriot Act stuff, security-state apparatus, the NSA. We still have entanglements in the Middle East that date back to the reaction to 9/11. From the pandemic, we are already seeing Biden trying to build on the stimulus bill precedent to inaugurate a totally new era of government spending and activity. We’re likely to see governors trying to hold on to their emergency powers to enact long-lasting policy changes that they want anyway. For example, think of Newsom talking about a progressive future coming out of this, etc. We see the Democratic party trying to hold on to pandemic-justified changes to voting procedures (ease of absentee voting; early voting; ballot boxes) as the new baseline.

Basically anytime someone says “we can’t go back to the pre-pandemic normal”, that should be interpreted as “I don’t want to give up the powers that the pandemic has granted to me or the politicians I like.”

I’d like to add one more item to Led’s excellent comments.

4. It’s a bipartisan issue. George W. Bush got the 9/11 train rolling. Obama and succeeding administrations have done nothing to roll back the changes that started under the Bush administration. Among other things, Bush greatly expanded the power of the presidency via executive orders. The legislature and courts did not push back. Obama and then Trump fully took advantage of this. For decades some people had desired a national identity card. There had always been largely bipartisan push-back on privacy and government intrusion grounds. Real-ID was implemented under Bush and support for it continued under Obama and Trump. 100% of the 9/11 hijackers will continue to be allowed to fly as they had passports.

Gavin saw his polls.

Forcing people to wear masks has nothing to do with health

It’s all about seeing who is gullible and a follower and who is not.

Yeah business that make you wear masks to enter, I’m so glad they do and I hope the refuse you anytime you try to enter. It’s not that hard to wear a damn mask. You have to wear it for the little time you are in the business yet all the workers there have to wear it for 8 hours a day. Think of others and not yourself.

The workers shouldn’t have to wear it, either. How about thinking of them rather than fetishizing the erosion of personal liberties and long term health complications from the inhilation of a chemical mask cocktail and oxygen deprivation?

out here in Texas we have removed the mask mandate and all things are good here. Your are just spouting liberal talking point. Pull our head out of the liberal cesspool and try thinking for yourself for once.

take childish guilt trips elsewhere, protect yourself and let everyone else do what they think they need to do

Chris, you are a funny dude.

I want to congratulate you for following the prescribed diatribe to the letter.

Excellent job, pal.

“has nothing to do with health”

I wouldn’t say that, but it’s definitely questionable whether a statewide mandate is necessary or even helpful. There was so much doomcasting when Texas removed its statewide mandate: cases and hospitalizations and deaths all continue to go down. Its almost like these mandates have far less effect than the politicians and public health officials want to believe…

Stop with this flu mask comparison. Nobody is getting the flu since nobody is going anywhere! People are not going to work, kids are not going to school, people are not in dining areas. Let’s take these dumb ideas further… every flu season we should go in lock down cause people die from flu related complications every year. Stop the non-sense.

So Newsolini your backside twitching as you see your poll numbers going down the tank??

So all of a sudden you are opening up California even though they are saying there is a surge again???

Guess you only care about your own political ambitions. . . which is so evident since day 1.

I left California 3/19/2020 and haven’t been able to visit or see family out there since. The desolate ride out 24 through Orinda and across the bridge that day were disturbing. Here in South Dakota we never had a mandate nor mandated closings, our governor said who am I to tell you your business isn’t essential, I have and do go to work everyday without a mask, work with the public, stop for a beer at any local pub on my way home at least twice a week, no mask or distancing. What’s happening to everyone there under king Newscum is a crime, hope he’s impeached quickly. Always planned on returning to live but finally decided it’s time to sell my house there and never look back.
PS: I’m typing this whole enjoying a wonderful breakfast without a mask at a packed local cafe in Rapid City.

After 2 weeks of flattening the curve, about damn time…

We haven’t met the criteria and we still move into orange? And, no one had the flu this year?

That is correct. And the new double mutant variant is wild on the loose. You now need triple masking while indoor dining and you will be good. Medical masks show how serious you take it. But if you really want to one up your neighbors you would wear a plastic bag on your head.



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