Home » Congressman DeSaulnier Hails Passage Of Legislation To Prevent Gun Violence

Congressman DeSaulnier Hails Passage Of Legislation To Prevent Gun Violence


Congressman Mark DeSaulnier (CA-11) hailed passage of two bills to combat gun violence – the Bipartisan Background Checks Act (H.R. 8) and the Enhanced Background Checks Act (H.R. 1446).

Congressman DeSaulnier is a co-sponsor of both bills.

“The commonsense reforms we have made to gun laws in California are working, including universal background checks and mandatory waiting periods. And more than 90 percent of Americans support background checks on all gun sales, yet it has been over 25 years since Congress enacted a major gun safety law,” said DeSaulnier.

The Bipartisan Background Checks Act (H.R. 8) would require a background check for every firearm sale in America, closing the loophole that allows unlicensed gun sellers to make a sale without performing a background check.


The Enhanced Background Checks Act (H.R. 1446) would extend the initial background check review period from three to 10 business days, closing the “Charleston loophole” that allowed the sale of a gun that was used to kill nine people at Mother Emanuel Church in South Carolina in 2015.

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Make it illegal to commit a crime and it will all stop…. unless you’re a criminal.

BTW – We already have a 10 day waiting period in California so…. BFD

Last time I checked we had 22,000 gun laws on the books. Duh, it’s illegal to shoot someone unless it’s in self defense. Plain and simple. Leave us alone.

When you have to title a bill “Bipartisan” or describe it as “Common Sense”, it probably is neither.

If this stops the killing in inner cities I’ll kiss well I won’t tell you what I will do.
Another bad joke on the public by congress.

Never have or will care what old marky hails…

Because stiffer gun laws have such an excellent track record.

Just ask Chicago

The roadblock to success with Illinois gun laws is that adjacent states have less stringent laws that enable gun ownership for criminal behavior

That’s a common talking point from the left, but the fact is that the adjacent states with the less stringent laws don’t have the problems with gun violence that Chicago has. And it’s already against the law to buy a gun in a state other than the one of your residence, so that would just be another example of how laws don’t prevent criminals from doing anything.


Must be nice for you Mark. You sit up in Washington behind a wall with armed National guard! The rest of us are on our own and you keep wanting to take our protections.

Good stuff. The Senate is next.

So, how do background checks prevent gun violence? Common sense reforms? Ridiculous stretches, more like it. Hmmm, robbery is illegal, as is murder, armed assault, etc., yet these have still been committed, must be because they only had to wait 3 days instead of 10 days before getting their gun. This has nothing to do with gun safety, this only has to do with chipping away at the Second Amendment. More BS by DeS. I hope he is this adamant about the law when it comes to the masses crossing the border illegally into our country I somehow doubt he is concerned if they have had a universal background check.

Exactly correct Jeff.

I’m sure the criminals are quaking in their boots over this legislation. How in the world will they ever get their guns now?

The gun laws in California mainly target the law abiding gun owners not the criminals, you moron!!!

A. it’ll never pass the Senate, so you are delusional hailing anything B. the only thing legislation like this would prevent is legal gun owners from buying guns. Enforce the gun laws on the books, there’s a novel idea.

Read the full bill; both of them.

It’s not just about what he said, it’s also what’s contained in the bills that he DIDN’T mention.

Useless liar!

“…it has been over 25 years since Congress enacted a major gun safety law…”

This is mainly because outside of CA and other liberal super majorities, common sense thinkers realize that these laws do nothing except infringe on the rights of law-abiding people while further eroding our Constitution.

Gun-toting, baseball bat wielding, and machete swinging criminals are not remotely impacted by more stupid gun laws, yet our liberal politicians such as our opportunistic, grandstanding representative keep pushing them as if a bad idea will somehow become better as a “rerun.” It seems to me that Einstein defined insanity in a similar fashion.

Thanks Mark, but I’ll keep my legally purchased, properly stored, and ethically possessed firearms, lawn mowers, leaf blowers, and gasoline-powered vehicles. Please go back to focusing on your “white guilt” town halls talking about reparations in a state where slavery was always illegal.

anything this guy does will hurt more than it helps


Shall. Not. Be. Infringed.

No, it won’t.


Was my comment bad? Guess I could do a do over.

What? No guns? Ah, now I feel safe…

Yesterday I bought 500 shares of Smith and Wesson stock. These gun grabbers are good for business. The more they infringe on the second amendment the more guns people will buy.

Clearly, H.R. 8 is written to encourage the sale of NEW guns and not old, second hand guns.


Both of those bills are complete crap and still have to make it through the Senate. And they will definitely be challenged in the courts.

California gun laws mainly affect legal gun owners and not the criminals so I don’t think that’s a valid point to emphasize…

democrats don’t care about gun violence only that they look like they do for the low/no information base

if they cared they’d work on chicago, where black shot blacks in huge numbers every weekend

again, dems don’t fix problems they just try to look like they are

Desaulnier is a walking human ebola virus.

HR * makes any transfer of a firearm illegal unless done in person at a FFL dealer along with paperwork and fees.

Meaning if I bring a extra shotgun to the range and let a friend use it, we are now both felons.

If I have a varmit rifle in the truck and I let the ranch foreman drive it, we are both felons. Double felony if he knowingly drives the truck, shoots a varmit then returns it to me.

If my sister lives alone and want to borrow a gun cause shes being stalked, the minute I hand it to her we are both felons.

all of those actions carry 10K fine and possible 10 year sentence.

I cant stress enough how absolutely foul liberal democrats are. Literally the scum of the earth.

HR 8


Do we have any stats on how many gun purchases these laws have actually prevented?

News flash…criminals don’t obtain weapons legally and will not go through a background check. Why is this so difficult for some to understand??

So the criminal or mass shooter has to wait 7 more days to get the gun with this new law. Yeah, that will prevent crime. Common sense. NOT!

23,000,000 guns sold in 2020. 4,137,480 guns sold in January 2021 . The Democrat’s don’t care about saving our lives ,they are scared and trying to save their own lives. Every time they push gun control millions of guns and billions of rounds of ammunition are sold .Liberal politicians like Mark D and his comrades are responsible for putting more guns in the hands of private citizens than the NRA could ever dream of .

All gun laws are illegal. “Shall not be infringed.” What part of that is unclear to these socialist rats in government?

Stop the catch and release program for illegals. They come back in and repeat crimes. They get away with murder, literally.

If all of the laws already on the books were prosecuted to their full extent, we wouldn’t need more laws that we won’t fully uphold.

But no one ever went broke underestimating the American public, and nothing bad ever happened to people who traded their freedom for security.



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