Home » Congressman DeSaulnier to Host Town Hall On “Solving America’s Gun Problem”

Congressman DeSaulnier to Host Town Hall On “Solving America’s Gun Problem”


Congressman Mark DeSaulnier will host a virtual town hall meeting on gun violence prevention in America and Contra Costa on Thursday, February 25 at 3:00 p.m.

The event will be held live on Zoom and on DeSaulnier’s Facebook page.

Congressman DeSaulnier will be joined by a panel of guests, including Contra Costa District Attorney Diana Becton, Michelle Sinnott with Diablo Valley Moms Demand Action, Amanda Wilcox of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, and Dr. Garen J. Wintemute with UC Davis Violence Prevention Program.

To RSVP, submit a question, or request special accommodations, click here or call 925-933-2660.


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That’s not a town hall, that’s a stacked deck.

It’s a veritable who’s who of gun grabbers. I wonder what their preferred policy is going to be?

Democrats are utterly shameless about pushing for their desired goals as soon as they gain power. They hardly have a mandate for new gun bans, but they will go for broke anyway.

Republicans had the power for two years, and all they managed was a tax cut. God I wish we had better choices

America doesn’t have a gun problem. We have a criminal problem. And that’s because Democrats keep coming up with new ways to either let criminals out of jail, or avoid putting them there in the first place.

That is so true. How many times do you hear on the news where some scum bag was caught with a weapon and they already had multiple weapon charges all ready in there records. Sure didn’t stop them from getting another gun. But hey the democrats gun grabbing is only for us law abiding citizens

Absolutely, my thoughts exactly. Not a gun problem, it’s a criminal problem.

Chicken Little, I was thinking exactly the same thing. Because we have a criminal problem, and police departments are being defunded, citizens will need to protect themselves.

When a cop shoots someone they don’t blame the gun.

Let that sink in.

There is only one kind of gun control that works. It is called Stop and Frisk in areas where there is a lot of gun crime. Mark and those like him are in denial. They want to control the arms and ammunition of law abiding citizens. I have warned you we are on the Yellow Brick Road off to see the Wizard. You had better wake up.

Stop and frisk is a blatant violation of the 4th amendment, no matter what SCOTUS has said in the past. I don’t want the 2nd protected by trampling on the 4th.

Wage Slave
I understand you would rather see the slaughter continue. Just curious if you live in a high murder area? There are real circumstances were unordinary action has to be taken. Times when there are real problems unlike what democrats are pushing.

That is the exact same disingenuous logic of the gun grabbers. If you don’t agree to let us violate your 2A rights, you are in favor of bloodshed and murder.

The history of gun laws and bans is a history of stripping black Americans of their 2nd amendment rights. They told the white people that it would just be enforced on them, don’t worry. And here we are, all equally stripped of our rights. You think stop and frisk stops in the poor minority areas once it becomes normalized and accepted? You think it stops just at being violated on the streets? Why shouldn’t it be extended into the home? If it saves one life, right?

If you wont object to it based on it being wrong regardless of who is targeted, maybe you will when you realize you will be targeted too, sooner or later.

Wrong….proper aim is the only gun control that works IMHO. In self defense only, of course.

Wage Slave
New York City had stop and Frisk and it stopped almost all of the killings. Saved many lives. Funny thing no one came after my guns. As far as gun grabbers go I think the democrats are working on that as we write. Do you watch the ten o clock news. In the Bay Area three people were shot yesterday. In just Chicago on average more than one person a day is murdered. That doesn’t count Los Angeles, Detroit, St Louis, Flint, New York City, and about thirty other cities. Have you tried to buy ammo lately? Anyway if you don’t want your guns confiscated in the next ten years or so don’t vote for a democrat.

There isn’t a gun problem. There is a responsibility problem. 2nd Amendment at risk.

Is this an open-carry event?

Sure we can have this discussion Mark first tell me the demographics involved in gun crime in the FBI stats ….. then let’s look at the percentage of crimes that long rifles are used in compared to handguns . Last let’s go over the second amendment in the bill of rights specifically the part where it says “shall not be infringed” maybe we need to go over some rudimentary English classes with you as To test your reading comprehension as well

How about a forum on solving America’s politician problem instead?

THe only “gun problem” is that there’s too much gun control infringing on our 2A rights. I’ve never seen a gun commit a crime, so there’s no problem with guns…its the person behind it you need to worry about.

DeSaulnier is a worthless hack. Becton won’t even enforce crimes in this county…another useless person.

To anyone considering attending this….Do you really think, given the panel, that there will be any meaningful discussion/debate on this topic? The conclusion is already determined and the discussion will just be preaching to the like-minded choir. Nothing will be gained from this “town hall”.

What a Town Clown.

Why would anyone participate in this? It is a panel of bedwetters that are going to try and drum up support for banishing guns from law-abiding citizens. Discussion my…foot! If these bedwetting buffoons can demonstrate how they will get guns away from criminals, then maybe I wouldn’t need mine – but they can’t. It’s just unbelievable what society has become.

Oh sweet, Mark DeSaulnier AND Diana Becton? Talk about a dream ticket! Oh, I forgot I’m busy that night watching paint dry.

The irresponsible and the mentally ill are the ones with the gun problem. Question is how do you know about this when they purchase the gun? I have an answer for that, you don’t! There will always be a gun problem because there will always be a way for the irresponsible and the mentally ill to buy one. Whether it’s on the streets or at the store.

The “problem” I see is with politicians and lobbyists who wish to do away with those pesky rights and liberties enshrined in our Constitution and Bill of Rights.

How about getting the blackmarket gun problem taken care of before changing legal gun owners. The bad guys will always get guns. In this state you have to protect yourself. Victims have no rights.

I watched the presentation on “preventing gun violence” and the focus seemed to be preventing suicide by gun, accidents in the home where children access weapons and are harmed, mentally disturbed individuals accessing guns and doing a mass shooting.
Solutions to the issues included more training and licensing of gun owners, prohibiting individuals on terrorists lists from buying weapons, strengthening home gun storage laws, banning assault weapons, and funding community programs that provide support for vulnerable young people.
Also hailed was the reduction in juvenile hall inmates in Contra Costa County. More spending on mental health was also advocated to reduce incidents of gun violence. The panelists advocated more “red flag” laws whereby concerned relatives or friends who know that someone who owns a gun can get that gun taken away by a judge if they fear the gun owner.
There was no discussion of illegal gun possession nor law enforcement actions to reduce illegal gun possession.
There was self congratulatory discussion that California has some of the most restrictive guns and one of the lowest incidence of gun deaths per 100,000 people of the 50 states.
Congressman De Saulinier was asked if he thought additional more restrictive gun control laws were constitutional, and he replied that was up to the courts!

………banning assault weapons……..
could any of those morons define an “assault weapon”?

Could any of them explain how an “assault weapon” is any more deadly than a Ruger Mini 14?

More attacks on our rights. When we erode the rights that the framers of our constitution bestowed us, it is a slippery slope. Mao, Stalin, Hitler, Idi Amin, Pol Pot all agree…..Gun Control works!!!

Lock up the bad guys (and lose the key).

the real problem is leaders who don’t care about things like the constitution

We don’t have a gun problem you stupid jerk.Put a bullet in the head of criminals that use a gun to commit a crime we won’t have a problem anymore.And don’t try to take my guns away or you will have a problem.

if there were consequences for the criminals using the guns it might help solve the problem….why dont you try that ms Becton and mr Desaulnier??

So is this a meeting to address criminals who posses illegal weapons or law abiding citizens possessing legal firearms? The problem is that the firearms already exist in society and taking away the rights of legal gun owners literally empowers criminals even further. If this is supposed to be a constructive meeting then why are all the participants anti-gun, where are the legal gun owners representation?? This sounds extremely unfair and one sided, especially since we don’t have a gun problem (guns don’t kill people). We have a criminal and mental health problem which I don’t ever hear them talking about addressing (much harder to address). All I hear from them is go soft on criminals and harder on law abiding citizens. California is headed downhill faster than ever and it seems like the government officials are enabling it 😩 But think about it, a society that is stable needs less government interaction therefore eliminating these career politicians. How did this guy get re-elected???

That “panel” is nothing more than a handful of anti-gun hacks. Their agenda is perfectly clear, which is to disarm the public.

DeSaulnier has NEVER been interested in the facts. I’ve written/emailed him maybe 40-50 times with the documentation since he was in the CoCo BOS….and all he’s responded with is “let’s agree to disagree.”

Worthless pos and Pelosi’s waterboy.

For the record, I am NOT a “hater” – I just expect politicians to not lie and to consider the FACTS. And DeSaulnier has proven he’s incapable of telling the truth or looking at the facts.

Perhaps look at the U.S. murderers who used firearms per capita, broken out by race. Should there be a disportotionate trend, they could consider that when addressing possible gun solutions.

To solve a problem you first need to define and specify what the problem is, in your problem statement.
Your “Americas gun problem” statement does not do that… what are you specificly going to fix. Identify it. Until you do you won’t be able to fix anything.
Pull your head out, quit wasting time and leave us law abiding citizens alone.

Typo. Should read Clown hall.🤡. A government funded circus

Can we ask DA Becton how she feels like she can fine businesses trying to survive while while she’s having groups of gatherings in her own home that violate the county rules?

Democratic immunity

There needs to be an opportunity to openly discuss gun safety without losing our jobs and reputations via “wrap up smear” campaigns – (calling us “insurectionists” and “conspiracy theorists”).

US citizens are being used and abused in this manner – (in order to achieve political dominance) – designed to divide and destroy our liberty and freedom.

International funding is involved in this “campaign” – and it goes against our US Constitution.

I believe in disarming those who are fragile – and under mental and psychological duress. How we go about doing that in a healthy and legal manner needs to be determined. Weapons, drugs, and human trafficking must be immediately outlawed. Cutting foriegn funding streams towards funding these activities – might be a good start.

I see the gun issue as being the main point of contention – in that those US Citizens who refuse to get the appropriate training and gun safety equipment- are oftentimes those that are armed – and openly hostile towards those of us that do obey the law.

We must face and solve “this nations gun problem” immediately and safely – (factoring in that other nation’s are involved- and that the media has a political narrative bought and paid for by those who seek to destroy our freedom). We also need to unify against these narratives and build resiliancy among US citizens .

Fake problem in search of a solution.
How about just criminalizing criminals?

We are in the midst of a firearm crisis. No one that has any knowledge of the problem should not take it very seriously. I mean.. look at the shelves at gun stores and you can see it !!! It’s right there in front of you !!!!
There is a terrible ammo shortage and Congress needs to get on the ball and make sure that there is enough for everyone who wants it!!


Well played sir

I always thought gun control meant using both hands…

Wonder why there are no pro-gun people on the panel.
Seems to me that there should be some one that actually knows something about gun safety should be there.

They’re not interested in facts or honest discussions – only to push their one-sided views for the democrats agenda.

Mark must lie awake at night thinking that white Supremacists heavily armed with all kinds of weapons are coming for him and his colleagues.

Problem started back in 1990, when mass killers were guaranteed a period of time in a zone without guns. Isn’t interesting, remove one variable and there’s no kids killed in mass shooter attacks.

Took 31 years and dead children but they might pull it off.

Majority of mass shootings happen in gun free zones.

‘Gun-Free School Zones Act of 1990’
“Introduced in the Senate as S.3266 by
Joseph R. Biden Jr. (D-DE) on October 27, 1990

Passed the Senate on October 27, 1990 (passed voice vote) ”

It’s not a gun problem it’s a people problem!!!!!!

The last thing politicians want is to solve this issue. They never want it to be resolved because then they’ll have one less issue with which to rally their base. Same for immigration, voter ID, abortion, race relations, etc… These will never be “resolved”. They are all wedge issues to keep the middle class divided, foes towards one another, unwilling to hear the other side. If the middle class did bond as one the eliites would lose they’re privileges they enjoy. So instead they convince the middle class that privilege is an unfair problem amongst themselves.

Just remember, the elite set the playlist, the politicians do their bidding, the media tells you why to avoid unity, and that it’s a setup. Living in the USA could be so much better.

Not a single person on this panel whose lives or their families lives were saved by the second amendment!

7 presenters
60 viewers

Assume at least 5 people from each presenter’s organization is watching.

that leaves ~25 “real” people attending this town hall. Maybe a town closet would have been sufficient.

Taking guns away doesn’t make it safer against bad people, it only makes it safer for bad people…

This clown refuses to talk publicly about schools. He’s clearly deep in the union pockets.

I think we’re all on the same page that we have a politician problem. They don’t represent us, only their friends and special interest group plus their donors.

I feel finally, after this last fiasko of seeing an elderly man with dementia be fraudulently placed in the #1 puppet seat, people on both sides (lets face it, the left, they are the emotional manipulated ones) are waking up and seeing how corrupt everything really is. Believe it or not, other countries are more educated and up to date on what our government is doing than our own people. Right now, they are all laughing at the US for getting played with the Biden election. World leaders are openly making fun of ole mr. duh duh, n-word, what time is my medicine, is it time for a nap yet Joe.


Ever notice how no one, ever, as in never ever, goes from the right to the left? Think about that.

These Dms have been frothing at the mouth to enact a Canadian style gun grab law for a long time. This is all part of the grand UN vision one gov order. US gun ownership has been a thorn in the side of these plans.

Nevermind that most gun crime is done with illegal handguns.
Nevermind that new gun ownership is largely liberal female driven.

By outlawing 10rnd magazines, you effectively make every boy scout type .22 rimfire plinker rifle illegal and criminals out of the owners.

Canada enacted this law but has not been able to find a taker for the contract to manage the gun buy back program. It would cost billions to enact a buy back law in US.

Meanwhile, anyone with a 10rd magazine in their possession would be a felon.


The cost is inconsequential. We’ve blown bast the “B” word, we only use the “T” word now. Higher costs only elevate the lefts agenda.

This morning KTVU reported a man shot multiple times and killed in an Oakland Park in front of children, including his own.

How long can we keep up this mental nose job of blaming legal gun owners for all the violence? We need to get guns away from criminals and people with mental and emotional problems. Perhaps it’s really a health issue.

Well said, Commonsensenor. Any gun law that they would pass would not affect where the real gun problem is, which is with the criminals that have the illegal guns that they will never give up because they obviously don’t give a s___* about any puppet politician’s laws. And obviously dementia Joe is nothing but an illegally installed puppet. Do we need crying closets and #notmypresident hashtags? Absolutely not lowering ourselves to that level. There’s a very good reason why there is a 90 % or more increase in gun ownership when the pseudo-pandemic started; go to Big 5 on Friday mornings and ask those people why they are waiting in line 2 hours before the store actually opens. People see the lies and the reality of the situation.

Lady Gaga’s dog walker was seriously wounded by two “youth” who stole two of three French Bulldogs he was minding for the singer. I suspect the neighborhood where Lady G lives Is not seedy. Most dog walkers’ greatest fear maybe loose dogs attacking his charges. The necessity to be armed, having an armed security service escorting one, or moving about in convoys or “caravans” of other dog walkers would be a cost forced upon us by governments’ inability to protect us. Imagine if instead of dogs, the kidnappers would take a child away from its mother or babysitter. Most Americans view their dogs in particular as part of the family. Think how a babysitter,or nanny would feel to have their charges kidnapped, let alone not being shot and waking in an ICU ward.
The dog walker was pursuing his business and must be quite proud to be entrusted by Lady G with her dogs. We are very concerned about where our pets stay and who is caring for them when going on holiday. My wife calls everyday to see how they are getting on.
While this is not the first dog napping crime, it gets notoriety because of the owner.
I am sure the conversation on gun violence prevention would suggest there should have been a community outreach program for at risk youth. I am certain that had there been more restrictive laws on gun training and safety, the wayward youth would have only fired once and aimed at the man’s leg. That seems to be the advice coming from the White House! I am sure that they houligans “really needed” three Frenchies. I would suspect that some would say, isn’t Lady G’s loses covered by insurance? Also, was the dog walker an “employee ,” or an independent contractor? If the former, workers compensation would cover his health care costs, if the later, all the more reason to treat all as employees as envisioned by the state legislature.
Assuming that the shooting of the unarmed dog walker hadn’t happened, but the only crime was theft, I could see the following scenario. As purebred Frenchie pup sells for three thousand or more, they exceeded the threshold for felony theft. They cannot have charges knocked down to misdemeanors and then be redirected to a “restorative justice program.” The DA could rationalize that as the dogs were adult dogs and therefore had suffered from the rigors of a dogs life, or that as they had been neutered and no longer of value as breeding stock, their value could not be less than $1, and therefore the taking was a misdemeanor. Also as there would be no bail requirement, they would be freed to pursue life, liberty, and happiness!
Controlling gun violence is more about controlling the criminal, than the weapon. Making gun manufacturers liable for crimes like Sandyhook or Parkland would eliminate gun availability through litigation. Biden’s “buy American” would end gun imports. Result, no guns! The concept of a national gun buyback is confiscation in disguise.
Controlling gun violence is an awkward way of saying more restrictions on legal gun ownership. How many support “defund the police,” while at the same time restricting gun ownership?
The shooting at Marjorie Stoneman High in Parkland, Fla. was not just due to loose gun control, look at the circumstances cited when Sheriff Israel was removed.



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