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The Water Cooler – Grocery Shopping


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.

Today’s question:


QUESTION: Do you go to the store to do your grocery shopping, or do you order your groceries online and pick them up/have them delivered?

Talk about it.

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online and delivered

As much as I despise shopping, I always do my shopping in the store. I want to see what I’m buying and sometimes read the label. I always want to see meat and seafood before I buy it, and the same with produce. I wouldn’t trust some employee to select the best they have, they have a lot of orders to fill and are in a hurry. Another thing about shopping in person is, sometimes I find something I’ve never tried and looks good, so I may buy it to see if I like it.

Concur with the reasons stated by Dawg, above.

I agree with Dawg. I want to see what I’m buying.

I did try Walmart+ but was highly dissatisfied with their produce selections and substitutions for out-of-stock items. I canceled well before the free trial ended.

Also agree with Dawg.

Spot on (you the dawg)!

I visit the grocery as I’m healthy enough to do so, particular about my food, and don’t want others’ hands or breathing on it.

I do my own shopping. I’m not afraid to go buy groceries. When people say they get delivery because of the risk of Covid, they are just shifting whatever risk there is to someone else who is trying to make a living. Since Covid hit the Bay Area about a year ago, I’ve been out and about, i went to the gym before they were forced to close, we ate out. Since the closures, we’ve been spending time with family not in our immediate household, sharing meals with them, going on outings. I took a road trip with a couple of other family members. When out of state, we stayed in hotels and ate inside of restaurants. they were not closed in Utah.

And miracle of miracles, none of us have gotten sick.

I think shopping for food is the least of my concerns.

I go to the grocery store because I am not afraid of a virus

And that makes me afraid of you, Tomato Girl.

@ Suz~
With what Tomato Girl is saying, she is not afraid, does not mean she is not cautious and is more than likely following the ‘guidelines’. Since the virus is, they say, air bourn, just stepping outside on a windy day like today and not around anybody, are you afraid?

@Suz: that’s a “you” problem, not a Tomato Girl problem.

Fear….it’s the new brave. The COVID HOAX has really shined a light on how mentally unstable people are. Your minds are complete mush. At this point, if you are troubled by this fake virus, I feel sad for you. You need therapy. Florida has been wide open this whole time. You’re not brave because you’re scared. You’ve been played for a fool.

I do it myself and in person on Wednesdays

“Drive up and Go” from Safeway. I order online, then call when I’m in the parking lot and a clerk brings out my order and loads it in the car. Every couple of weeks I shop in person early in the morning to pick up the few items that I couldn’t get through online ordering.

It will be a few more months before vaccines are available for my age group. Until then, I’m doing my best to avoid getting the virus and spreading it to others.

PatJ, are you 100% certain that you’ve never been positive for the virus, and never spread it to anyone?

PatJ – thanks for taking percaution. Your care for others makes a difference.

Rollo, no I’m not 100% certain that I haven’t had the virus and that I haven’t spread it. However, I share my home with my family and none of us have had Covid symptoms, so I consider it unlikely.

PatJ, based on what? Do you have some insight on what percentage of the population has been infected yet remained asymptomatic? Because the experts have no idea.

Depends on what I need to purchase: fresh produce/meat/bakery, I prefer to go into store. Non-perishables, things that may be too heavy to load and unload, I’ll have delivered.

This was a good neutral question

I do my own. I do not want to pay extra to have someone do something I am perfectly capable of doing. I am close to any number of grocery stores, have basic food tastes, and enjoy selecting my own items.

The Costco shuffle about 5 – 7 weeks apart.
Rest of it comes from garden or greenhouse.

As much as I hate shopping, I do my own grocery shopping.
I have tried to do the online thing, but didnt find it worthwhile.
I am not afraid of going out. I have always been cautious with what I touch and how close I get to people. I truly appreciate all the extra cleaning at grocery stores, I hope they keep it up even after COVID settles down.

I shop online and pick them up.

We go to the store and do out own Like Dawg I like to see what I am buying especially when it comes top meat and produce

I hide under the bed with 4 masks on! My neighbors come by once a week
and give me table scraps. Wouldn’t want to catch the “virus” with 99.98 survival rate.

Old Otis~
I really know 2 people who are like that.

Do my own shopping in the stores. I really want to know what I’m getting before I buy it.

I do all my own shopping, except on Amazon. I refuse to hire people to shop and drop! (I just made that up). I have been criticized for shopping all the time. So far I am healthy and going to get my second vaccine so I will be armed by the vaccines. Shop ‘till I drop!

I order onine and have it delivered. I was doing this before COVID. I had to give Safeway up because they got too busy and I could not place an order. Raley’s is so much better than Safeway. More personal.

I shop in the late evening time…8:00ish. Very few people at that time. So easy not fighting the crowd.

I dont trust people to pick my groceries especially fresh veggies or meat. There was a period in the first three months where I really meal planned and went in person grocery shopping about once every two weeks. And I was all stupid: lining up at 5 am, washing everything when I got home etc…

But I literally have been shopping my local Safeway at least daily since July. Mask up as I’m walking in, mask off as I walk out. Im not washing stuff but I’ll still pull external packaging off and toss if applicable. Frankly thats good practice in general. Purell when I hit the car, wash hands at home upon returning first thing….all stand stuff

but Im not worried about catching Covid from passing another masked person in the aisle. Nor are the other thousands of daily patrons at the Safeways in WC obviously…

Tried online at Safeway twice, both times 10% of my order was not EXACTLY what I ordered. Also poor picks in produce. For example small bottle of veg oil,
(1 year supply), what I got was enough to last the rest of my life!



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