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COVID-19 Daily Update From The Contra Costa County Health Dept.


Contra Costa County COVID-19 data as of Saturday Feb.20, 2021.

All information is from the Contra Costa County Health Dept.:

  • Total cases (since March) – 61,469
  • Recovered cases – 58,867
  • Deaths – 654
  • Total active confirmed cases – 1,948
  • Nursing home deaths – 296
  • 21 active outbreaks in nursing homes

Contra Costa County COVID-19 Hospital Data:

  • Patients currently hospitalized – 84
  • Occupied ICU beds –  125
  • Available ICU beds – 35

The State will move Contra Costa County to the “Red Tier” once the following three criteria have been met for two consecutive weeks:


  • Case Rate: Less than 7 new cases per 100,000 residents – (currently 14.8)
  • Positivity Rate: Less than 8% of tests countywide are positive – (currently 4.1%)
  • Equity Metric: Less than 8% of tests for residents of the lowest quartile of the Healthy Places Index census tracts are positive – (currently 6.3%)

K-6 School Reopening:

Contra Costa County is currently in the Purple Tier. Schools may not reopen for grades 7-12 while in the Purple Tier. K-6 school may reopen for in-person instruction in the Purple Tier if the adjusted case rate has been less than 25 per 100,000 population (currently 13.8) per day for at least 5 consecutive days (schools can now reopen) and the school has an approved COVID Safety Plan. Local school officials will decide whether and when to reopen once these criteria are met.

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Perfect timing.

Johns Hopkins expert says COVID-19 pandemic could end by April

Lol. As if no one expected COVID-19 would become a non-issue once Biden was “elected.”

Funny how all the experts like Fauci and others have stated that if we end the pandemic. It won’t be until the end of summer or up to Christmas.

I wonder what happened to our “normal” flu season numbers? Could it be remotely possible that our “normal” flu season numbers are fudged into these questionable numbers (once again)? Dr. Fauci? Paging Dr. Fauci! Hello? Bueller?

psst…it’s over folks.

Or (and just hear me out here), it could be because everyone is wearing a mask, staying at home, washing their hands, and not spreading the flu…

NAH… thats just crazy… it must be what you said…

So the masks and hand washing prevent them from spreading the flu but don’t prevent them from spreading Covid?? Interesting.

At Eras
How can you work so hard to be so ignorant?

Yeah. They already admitted that flu and pneumonia was all rolled into the covid numbers.

In my opinion the flu and stomach flu was usually spread through elementary age kids, that’s how it spread so fast through families. Most adults that don’t have elementary age kids or deal with people regularly who have elementary age kids typically didn’t get the flu or stoch flu as much as those that do. I never got it until I had elementary age kids. Even now I have 4 kids, 3 are in hs 1 in elementary, it always started with him, the elementary age one. Every year, well except this year of course.

Ok, lets handle these one at a time…

@Cracky – Yes, mostly because of the progression of the viruses.

Flu – catch the virus, get sick and show symptoms, then contagious.
Covid – catch the virus, get contagious, start showing symptoms.

In case you don’t understand the difference, with the flu you get sick and stay home/wear a mask while you’re contagious, but with covid you spread it around for almost 2 weeks before you know you have it. Now with people staying home, washing their hands and wearing a mask that protects others from their contagion, the numbers went down. Frankly its the covid deniers that throw parties and spread it around their unmasked friends that drove this thing. Oh and the annual flu vaccine helped kill anything that popped up. Simple science, no spitty, no spready.

I have to work hard to get to your level, it doesn’t come that easy for everyone.


Did you just compare Covid to the Flu? That’s funny. You do understand that the flu doesn’t transmit as easy right? You can catch covid 5x easier. Lets no put those 2 in the same category.

And yes, wearing a mask and washing your hands CAN and DOES prevent illnesses.

@Oh Please

Actually they didn’t admit that. They even went on live TV and clearly stated that was false. Don’t spread lies.

Flu numbers were added to covid numbers as of November according to the cdc’s website. Just go there and search PIC ( pneumonia, influenza and covid). All flu-like illnesses were put together.

Masks, vaccinations, distancing, etc. all helped curb flu, which is far far less contagious.

Or are you just stirring the pot?

The COVID political hoax is over. It was always going to just go away. 90% of people are now understanding this. The 10% of people you see still wearing masks have a mental condition. How can you work so hard at being so ignorant?

You gonna use the same line in two different posts?

Also, you know who the only people making this a a political issue are? People that can’t be inconvenienced to do something simple that involves taking others into consideration.

Yes, the virus will eventually (essentially) vanish, thats how vaccination works. We will see occasional; cases pop up, but it will not be much of a problem.

Lastly, where did you get your numbers? Cause I think they’re way off and made up.

Covid was used by the democrats to to defeat a president . So anyone that says it is not political is lying, delusional or they came from another planet . If people would use their brains they would see how the democrats and the fool in the Whitehouse are using the Covid to suck more money out of our household incomes to fund their pet projects . Look for yourselves ,look where the money is really going don’t believe mainstream media.

It’s interesting how people seem to think they’re someone special because “they are taking others into consideration”. That is how the psychological operation is played.

When I see someone approaching and masking up I actually feel insulted. Are they sick? Do they actually believe they are protecting me? If the latter, I haven’t had one symptom since this whole circus began. And BTW this happens in outdoor areas where there is plenty of room for “social distancing”. I fear for the mental state of those who have bought into this operation. I wear masks only where they are definitely required like shopping at the local stores.

I think we all take others into consideration everyday. We don’t run stop signs. We stop at crosswalks when people are in them. We don’t cut in line. Yada, yada, yada. We don’t feel we are anyone special just doing common courtesy.

But this is *not* a pandemic at a 99+% survival rate. They just kept moving the goal posts to try to keep us under control as if we’re all back in school and they are the hall monitors. We weren’t born yesterday.

@Captain Bebops
Only gonna cover one thing here cause I’m short of time today…
pandemic [panˈdemik] – (of a disease) prevalent over a whole country or the world.

plague [pleyg] – an epidemic disease that causes high mortality; pestilence.

You guys seem to mix pandemic with high mortality rate, but that is not the definition (see above), it just means it is a disease that is spreading everywhere.

Quit linking the two and spreading hate just because we a)quickly found a way to battle it and keep the deaths lower, and b)had enough people that cared to try and keep the spread rates low enough that the hospitals didn’t have to pick who lives and who dies.

Yes I will continue to ask the same question when I deserves you be asked.

Your analogy about the difference between plague and pandemic is irrelevant when at the beginning of this HOAX we we shown propaganda of chinese falling over in the street dead and told 50 million Americans will die. From the proven fraudulent Lancet reports to the tic tick nurses, this is has been a complete HOAX. You working so hard defending the HOAX is why you are ignorant. I wouldn’t wear a mask ever, I don’t care about any of this or anyone. If you’re believe in the COVID HOAX you have mental issues that need attention.

@ERas, the active word in that definition is “prevalent”. At less than 1% the covid “pandemic” is far from prevalent.

The definition of “prevalent” includes widespread — so yes, covid is prevalent. It’s around the world. And yes — it’s a pandemic. The level of ignorance.

The amount of denial and pure idiocy on here is astounding. You think its a hoax? Prove it. Go down to the hospital, go to the covid ward and see for your damned self, you would change your tune REALLY FAST… But you won’t do that because you’re afraid and unwilling to accept the actual truth. And before you say anything, yes, I have seen it for myself, so shut up.

Wear a mask, wash your nasty hands and stay away from people. EASY.

Maybe ERas has a mask fetish and gets off seeing people in masks. That might explain those who are obsessed about mask wearing even when not necessary. 😉

@ERas, without looking it up can you explain the role of the autonomic nervous system in regards to Covid-19?

“Wear a mask, wash your nasty hands and stay away from people. EASY.”

Exactly. EASY. You stay the f**k away from me. I’m easy to spot – I’m the one not wearing a mask.

Wow, REALLY!?!?

More people have died in Contra Costa County from the FLU!!
But the County does NOT keep record of flu deaths for those over 65….HOW CONVENIENT.
But you’re all just “Following Orders” though, right?
Where have we heard such a statement before in History??

I cannot find current daily death rates on the CCHealth site. According to the reporting here, on 2/10 there were 580 deaths in the county and today, 10 days later, there are 654 reported deaths. That is more than a 10% increase in Covid-19 deaths in as many days. 30 of the 74 deaths were in LTCF.

I find this alarming. I wish there was a way to find consistently reported data. Worldometer does reflect the current and yesterday’s numbers, but then they disappear.

After a fashion I found it. Looked like no on had died in the last seven or eight days according to the chart. However it seems like usual they have up to date stats for everything daily except for deaths which makes no sense. So they call a hospital for what beds and vents are being used but the hospitals can’t tell them who died from covid that day or yesterday. One of those mysteries.

Deaths first need to be confirmed as COVID-19 and certified by the medical examiner before they get reported. That’s why there has always been a delay and why there are zero reported deaths from Feb 10th to present.

Here are the dates of deaths for the 32 deaths that were reported in the last week for both community and LTCF:

Date        Com  LTCF  Total
12/29/2020    1     1      2
01/04/2021          1      1
01/07/2021          1      1
01/16/2021          1      1
01/18/2021    1            1
01/20/2021    1     1      2
01/21/2021    1            1
01/22/2021    1     2      3
01/27/2021          1      1
01/28/2021    1            1
01/29/2021    2            2
01/30/2021    1     1      2
02/01/2021    1     1      2
02/02/2021    2            2
02/03/2021          2      2
02/05/2021    1     1      2
02/06/2021    1     1      2
02/07/2021    2            2
02/08/2021    1            1
02/09/2021          1      1
Total        17    15     32

On average, there is a 27 day delay to confirm, certify, and then report a death with the range being 12 to 54 days from the death to when it was reported.

Travel between China, Southeast Asia, and Australia took a sharp decline over the past year. If you look at the names of the flu strains covered by the flu shots, those areas are where the strains are usually first identified. Australia had a very weak flu season this past summer (their winter). The international travel restrictions kept what flu they had out of the US.

More people got flu shots this year, and many people changed their behavior to limit their chances of getting Covid-19. In-office tests for flu eliminate the chance of doctors mistaking flu for Covid-19.

So, finally, the steps taken to reduce Covid-19 infections also caused the sharp drop in the seasonal flu activity in the US this winter.

Keep lying to yourself.

MDUSD is dragging their feet. The teacher’s union is afraid to go back because so many of them are over 40. The parents want in class teaching again. Oakley School District board members were busted for insulting and bullying parents and thus were forced to step down. FYI, 40% of MDUSD board meetings are conducted in private. What do they say behind closed doors? Do they sheet all over parents too? Demand transparency! Publicize all meetings like San Francisco. No secrets please. Demand MDUSD school board chief, lefty Cherise Khaund for transparency. Demand the reason why MDUSD teachers are purposely dragging their feet in returning back to in-class teaching. Piedmont, Saratoga, and San Ramon school districts already have solid plans and are already in-class!

The “educators” and board of the MDUSD seem to forget that they work for the taxpayers of the district and provide a service which can also be provided for via private contractors. Due to the massive bribes paid to elected officials, in the form of campaign contributions by their unions, they seem to think that they don’t have to play by the same rules that everyone else does.
All conditions for opening K-6 are met, the CDC says that vaccination is not required for teachers to return to classrooms and the MDEA holds our children and the local economy hostage as a bargaining.
Teachers, rise up and tell your union to stop dragging their heels. The best way to get the message across is to withhold dues and cut off the source of their power.



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