Home » Contra Costa Extends COVID-19 Vaccine Eligibility To Teachers, Grocery Workers

Contra Costa Extends COVID-19 Vaccine Eligibility To Teachers, Grocery Workers


Teachers, grocery workers and other frontline workers who live in Contra Costa County can now sign up to receive the COVID-19 vaccine.

Contra Costa Health Services (CCHS) today updated its eligibility policy for COVID-19 vaccine to extend vaccination eligibility to residents who work in the education and childcare sector, food and agriculture workers, and emergency services workers as defined by Phase 1B of California’s vaccination plan.

“We are committed to protecting all of our educators by ensuring they can access the COVID-19 vaccine,” said Diane Burgis, chair of the Contra Costa Board of Supervisors. “It is critical that we prioritize the health and well being of all the essential workers who have cared for us and our families throughout the pandemic.”


Residents in these groups, as well as county residents who are 65 years and older who have not yet been vaccinated, can sign up to access state and federal sites through MyTurn (myturn.ca.gov) or by calling 1-833-422-4255.

Essential workers and residents 65 years and older can also request immunization appointments through CCHS and join the county waiting list for COVID-19 vaccine. However, due to a temporary reduction in vaccine supply from the state, all appointments at county sites are filled through the next two weeks at least.

People who need to cancel an existing appointment or who received a first dose of vaccine through CCHS and need to make a second-dose appointment should call 1-833-829-2626.

For more information about Contra Costa’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic including information about COVID-19 vaccine eligibility and appointments, visit cchealth.org/coronavirus.


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thank God we live in a county that makes good decisions like putting racism being a public health crisis as a priority

Until teachers return to the classroom, there is no reason to move them to the front of the vaccine line. Now if they are providing babysitting (see Oakley school board meeting) then that might be another matter.

Teachers shouldn’t be in the class room with kids until they get the vaccine.

Well if us teachers didn’t get vaccinated then how do you expect us to ever go back into school quicker.

According to you, some teachers have been doing for months what they shouldn’t have been doing? GOOD FOR THEM!!!

Danielle- private school teachers are not vaccinated . Nor are preschool teachers. They are i the classroom. Your point is invalid.

You should already be back in the classroom teaching. If grocery store workers and others can be out there … you can.

How do you expect to get teachers back into classrooms? Try withholding their pay check until they return. Very simple!!!

@oh.please, private schools have a MUCH smaller class size. Same w preschools. 25-30 kids to a room won’t work unless the teachers are vaccinated. Also private schools have few (if any) Special Ed Programs. They have to send their SP Ed students to the public schools for testing.


Perfect! About time! They need and deserve it to enable them to get back to their jobs.

Do you know, does this include substitutes as well? I would love to go back but not w/out being vaccinated. And I am sure there are more than a few teachers/aids that don’t want to return yet.

Then find another line of work like installing solar panels or coding.

I put my name in and got the message that they will call me. I guess that means they don’t want me to call them.

Nope. Public schools won’t go back in person. You do know you can still spread the virus and get the virus aftet the jab. AND there’s a mutated virus lurking in the dark…
The fear will continue.

I’ve been in a classroom with half a dozen kids every day since October. I can’t wait to get the vaccine, but not having it isn’t going to keep me out.

@a teacher~
Hat Off to You and God Bless You!
Hope you get the vaccine soon,… 🙂

@a teacher
What Roz said. 🙂

I’m all for teachers being prioritized for the vaccine IF they are going to go back to the classroom and teach. If not, they can wait in line like the rest of us.

Who wants to bet that even after all the teachers have been vaccinated they still will find reasons not to return to the classroom?

I’m sure you are right.

But let’s remember there are some districts that are open in-person. As well as many private schools and childcare facilities. Those people have a good case for getting vaccine access, all things considered. (Though really I would be in favor of a strictly age-based system once health care and elder care workers are taken care of.)

There are already K-6 teachers in the county who are doing in-person teaching. It started last week, I believe.

Umm, no. My wife is anxious to get back into the classroom. Safely! The vaccine will give her approximately 90% protection. Along w other precautions, this can be accomplished.

Good for the grocery store workers getting prioritized. They absolutely deserve it. They have been on the frontline for the entire pandemic. Can you imagine if they acted like teachers and refused to work until vaccinated? We would all be in a mess then.

BORbeiliver you are so right!

Thank goodness they need their vaccines. I just got my first Pfizer second due 3/8. Then about two weeks after the second vaccine I understand you are then protected 95 % from the Covid/19 virus. Both of my brothers refuse to get the shots and my sister-in-law her daughter her husband and their kids no vaccines, and they won’t even give one shot to my dad who is 97 but he doesn’t go anywhere I just can’t believe people are like that. They are in medical field too. 🤦‍♀️ Oh well. Perhaps they’ll change their mind one day.

You just took the first human RNA “vaccine” ever approved, and it got ram rodded through in less than a year’s time.

The company has been relieved of all legal liability should this RNA “vaccine” cause damage to your health.

Hope it works out for you.

@Ilovepopcorn….Maybe, just maybe your relatives, being in the medical field, have more insight into the vaccine than you do…just a rational thought on my part.

Just ’cause they are in the “medical field” doesn’t mean much. FWIW it’s not Doctors who are foregoing the vaccine, it’s the techs and aides.

Great. The 23 year old at Safeway who is at very low risk of serious Covid gets the shot ahead of us 55+s who could have serious complications.. Recall Newsom.

Not everyone who works at Safeway is young. I see quite a few older people stocking produce or shelves, in the bakery, and at the checkout.

Phillresident, I totally agree. Think how many 64 year olds are out there having to wait until the very last group (bunched with “everyone else”) at the tail end? Ridiculous!

I’m over 65 and I’m still waiting for the vaccine. Has anyone that has Kaiser received a shot from Contra Costa County or is the county waiting for Kaiser to administer it?

@ anon – get on the CVS list. I’m 67, on Kaiser too, but went with CVS. Had my 1st shot a week ago. Keep trying for the appt. as rare vacancies open up in all kinds of close-by towns. No one will see you until they have the vax though.

As I’ve said many times before; Kaiser $ucks. I wouldn’t let them touch me. Way to many comebacks and botched diagnosis, etc, etc.

Imagine being a teacher, getting paid high 5 or low 6 figures to sit around at home while you drink wine, doing less work than you ever have before, and laughing about it the whole time.

Then imagine you cut in line for the vaccine, in front of people who actually go outside and work for a living! And then, imagine further, you STILL refuse to actually go back to work, because there will always be another excuse, like scary African or UK strains!

Teachers have it made, I should have gotten into the field.

Wow, I must have missed the memo where I get to sit at home drinking wine and not working. I’d love to know what you are basing this interesting opinion on. Every teacher I know is putting in more hours this year than ever before. It’s very disheartening to have the ignorant rail about what teachers are doing and going through when they clearly have no knowledge of the situation. By the way, there is a shortage of teachers nationwide. When can we expect you?

Teachers do not make anywhere near your estimates though they should.

I think the teachers’ unions are behaving disgracefully and outrageously.

But it’s not because teachers are having an easy time of it. Actually teaching online is a huge hassle. It also doesn’t really work, esp. for young kids, and requires the kids to be simultaneously homeschooled if they are going to get anything out of it. [Not to mention emotional, psychological and social effects…] Teachers are probably still working hard if not harder. It’s not about that – it’s about how much value that work is delivering. Very little.

Where on earth do you get your salary figures? Your work hours numbers? With all due respect, this “information” is completely wrong. My kids are also teachers and they are working more hours, not less, and none of them earn even close to “six” figures. No wine on the job either.
—Retired teacher

Not to mention all the money they are not spending on gas to commute to there jobs, and not spending money on “work clothes” etc. etc.

When asked if she agreed with the CDC on teachers going back to work pre-vaccine, Kamala took the fifth while tap dancing.
There’s your answer; school’s ain’t opening any time soon. Once every teacher in the US has been vaccinated, the goal post will move again, new strain, systemic racism, planet Mercury is in retrograde……they’ll invent something.

Shows the power of the teachers union.

Discussion should be separated into those at high risk and low risk. High risk need the vaccine first, low risk can resume with precautions.

That is what other groups (financial, grocery) have done with minimal disruption.

I understand grocery store employees and teachers getting the vaccine but there are other people who had to go to work as well to make sure we could all still live comfortably and be taken care of. There are so many people who go to work everyday and expose themselves just like teachers and grocery store clerks who should be able to get the vaccine too. My hubby’s job supports food manufacturers, hospitals, government agencies, refineries etc. We need to recognize the risk all of those people who have been put at risk because they have essential jobs. They deserve the vaccine too.

A little too late don’t you think? Grocery workers have been deemed essential and have been knee deep in this situation coming on a year, the teachers can go pound sand they could care less about the children. The union needs to be abolished and any teacher refusing to return can look to install solar panel or learn coding…I wouldn’t let my child anywhere near a public teacher at this point they don’t care and only consider themselves glorified babysitters.

Are all of you looking forward to having your DNA altered all for a virus that will 99% NOT (YES, NOT!) kill you?

SMH at the lack of critical thinking skills.

I guess Darwinism is alive and well.

It doesn’t alter your DNA. But other than that, great comment!

The teacher shouldn’t go to the head of the line comments don’t understand the logistics. Even with Pfizer it would be six weeks before someone is fully protected if they had their first shot today. there’s a 21 day minimum wait before the second shot then another wait before the shots are fully effective. With Moderna add another two weeks to the process as it’s 28 days between shots……



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