The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidance said those who attend large Super Bowl watch parties should avoid “chanting or cheering” and avoid going to the restroom during “high-traffic times,” according to a report by Reuters.
QUESTION: Do you plan to go to or host a Super Bowl party?
How about farting, belching, or burping? Are those allowed?
If you comply with the CDC directives do you get a gold star and a lollipop?
I don’t give a rats a** what the CDC says!!
Your response is exactly what is so predictable. Do what you want regardless of the spread of COVID-19 virus. Way to go!
From sex to football… we’re so lucky to have the Nanny State.
Everyone will do what they want. Very typical of our culture unfortunately. You can bet people will die and spread COVID! Another surge will be all over the place. Then we have to close up again. Morons.
No problem, we can just call it a ” mistake”, just like Newsom did.
@Ilovepopcorn..…A dead body can spread the Covid? I guess I should stop stepping over all the dead bodies lying in the street everywhere.
Yes Marie-Antoinette, people will do what they want. Freedom is dangerous. The Bill of Rights is by it’s very nature seditious and rebellious.
As much as you might like it, we peasants have freedoms. We do not yet live in a totalitarian society were the Rossmor elites controls our every thought and movement at bayonet point.
Suck it up Buttercup.
PS. We will not be going into another lockdown. Your BFF Newsom can read opinion polls just like us peasants. He knows that he cannot afford anymore negativity if he hopes to survive the recall.
Technically, wouldn’t referring to them as “Rossmor elites” be considered oxymoronic?”
Uh, haven’t you noticed yet @ILovePopcorn? The CoronApocalypse is over. It was used to scare everyone into submission such that the economy would crash, mail-in ballots would be introduced, and the great people’s uprising would be quashed. This isn’t just the Dems who were complicit in all this; it is all of our “rulers” both D and R alike who needed to get Trump out of office. They will NEVER allow another Trump-type to be elected.
Actually Ilovepopcorn, it is very typical of a FREE People. We have been battling this virus and doing what the nanny state dictates and recommends for nearly a year. Look where it has gotten us. It is time to take matters in our own hands, just as our predecessors did.
Luckily you wont get sick Popcorn – cause you’ll be holed up, typing away…
Just finished a round of disc golf and am whippin’ up some guac…
Like Lady GaGa at the inauguration with her singing outside with no mask? It’s ok for them to throw parties but not us little people. It’s all our fault. We’re bad! 🙁
Lady Caca sang at the inauguration?
Well… I guess that makes sense… even to a camo clad, beer swigging, truck driving deplorable like me.
@I love popcorn
You stay in your little space and fear the big bad virus while the rest of us will live our lives without fear. Spare us your self righteous dribble
Solution- Golf clap and a stadium pal.
get stuffed fauci!
Lets follow, Fearless Leader ! ! !
“Biden left town after just over two weeks in office. The trip comes as he continues to urge Americans to wear masks and take other precautions to get the pandemic under control – and the Centers for Disease Control explicitly warns against travel.”
He went home, just under 2 hrs away by car, but he has a private jet. For us, that would be driving Concord to San Jose. In non-pandemic times, he took the train.
Well, at least he didn’t leave town to go play golf.
As he was leaving he was heard saying “I keeps a private jet!”
I am not attending or hosting anything sport connected.
I’ve never understood the fanaticism of sports fans.
I hope they all have a great time.
Hosting one! Only 20 people confirmed, hopefully more show up. Don’t worry all of us haven’t listened to any order yet so I am sure by now we have all contracted the deadly virus, but will never know as testing for the sniffles is not required.
I spit out my drink when I read this….hilarious until realizing the completely nuttiness of this.
…and no, no super bowl party for my
And do not wrestle with a lolipop in your mouth, dont eat yellow snow, dont pick up a rattlesnake and dont play chicken with a freight train. Wow, never knew we needed people to direct our lives.
No, but I still think this request is just dumb….so micro-manager…Let people make their own choices and take risks as they see fit. Or no risks, your choice!
They also warn if you don’t eat all your vegetables you won’t get dessert. The CDC reminds me of my mom RIP haha.
Thanks for the advice mom…
We haven’t watched sports all year, so no gathering(s).
Great day to be working in the Yard and enjoying the sun.
Hope the rest enjoy the game, and their team wins,… 🙂
I don’t do sports on TV. Go in person when I can. So usually I go shopping but can’t really do that the way I want these days.
There shouldn’t be groups of more than a few anyway. Best way is to Zoom party or Google meet.
Why shouldn’t there be groups of more that a few? If people are comfortable then it is none of any body’s business how many people are in a group.
No party & I may not watch the game.
Over 3,000 deaths per day since early January. You rebels keep on spreading.
Stay home in your hole with your mask on and believe you’re safe. You do you, I’ll do me.
keg stands and shot gunning beers is approved though so there is that
and then there is chain smoking so their mouths will be closed anyways
but yes abide by chinas rules of no cheering for american sports
or supporting hong kong or freedoms not granted by a communist socialist ruler ….newscum cums to mind
by the way what does he identify as ……
so we can cheer and laugh later tomorrow
a pompous donkey comes to mind …..
if the politics dont help us all ….you must recall
I plan on taking a knee then will turn off the tv. Couldn’t be better!!!
And don’t go to church, far too dangerous
This has to be one of the most neglected super bowl of all. People I’ve asked don’t even know who’s playing! I’ll be home doing things other than watching the game. Hopefully if the weather is as nice as it was today it will be something outside!
NFL began losing me a while ago, then when the kneeling began, that ended any interest I had. I do not miss it, either. Wouldn’t stop me from going to a SB party, to visit with friends, but I really don’t know anybody that is into the NFL.
LMAO! Funniest thing I’ve heard all week! Thank you for sharing this Claycord!! Football was mine and my dads thing but since he passed away (and no not from Covid) I don’t even care much for football anymore so no super bowl for me.
I’m gonna howl while I dance the Moonwalk.
Superbowl?…I couldn’t care less, when is the first F1 race of the season?
I’m sure you can find it on the upcoming broadcast schedule. Or not.
Our family will be hosting our annual Superbowl party. We invited 23 people. If you are not feeling well, stay home otherwise enjoy the game with family and friends. Homemade pizza and craft beer will be flowing at our place. May the best team win. The CDC (Communist Dictators & Control) can kiss my …..
“No Chanting Or Cheering During The Big Game” You gotta be kidding me!
Best day of the entire year to go shopping at COSTCO.
(except this year I don’t need anything right now…. dang)
It’s supposed to be a lovely day, so I’ll be outside playing with flowers.
Don’t care for American style of football anyway, so……
I suggest the CDC stop breathing, to stop the spread of BS.
I gave up watching professional sports when it became political. They won’t receive any of my money or my time. The same with Social media.
Life is a series of choices, and this one has been liberating. Much more time for projects that benefit my family.
No football party in this house. And not because of the CDC. I stopped watching professional sports a few years ago and never looked back. It is going to be a beautiful day today. Get outside and live. Have the neighborhood children play a touch football game in the park. Oh wait, not allowed.
So many nannies, curled up in a ball glaring at their neighbors who are out living…
Meanwhile, INDIA has hit herd immunity with a 56% antibody rate. Economy is full open. Minimal mask use outside of main cities. Large hospital Covid patients down to under ten vs 100 or more in NOV. Their current NATIONAL case rate is equal to the state of NY.
And they didnt vaccinate a whit. Its all easily googled as reported in the SF Chronicle and Washington Post.
Health officials are baffled…
I will not watch professional sports as long as they engage in far-Left political theater. I am doing my own small part to demonetize and cancel them.
Not watching football because a couple players were kneeling during the national anthem is like not going outside because there’s a few bad people out there. You were never football fans then face it lol.
A few players? Really? And it is so much more than just the kneeling.
I played football in high school, so I was definitely a football fan. I had my favorite teams and players. Over time, professional football seems to have done its best to try to alienate its fans, or at least me with teams changing cities, multi-millionaire players demanding to listen about their victimization, and such. I just lost interest, or more accurately, they purposely killed my interest. I am not watching the Superbowl to make some kind of political statement, but because I have no empathy for the teams or behavior.
Principles matter and it is a charge I can easily live with.
I never understood fandom for multi-billion dollar businesses.
What motivates people to fly in a plane across the country to wear over priced merchandise in order to serve as walking billboards for multi-billion dollar corporations with multi-millionaire employees, and get into heated discussions, even kill one another over which overpaid employee (player) or overvalued business (“team”) is best.
I just do not get it but to each their own
I’ll start it off early,
Before anyone suggests it.
NO, the Monday after StuporBowl should NOT be a “Holiday”.
Just make the so called big game on a Saturday = problem solved.
Haven’t watched a game in 2 years, not going to start now
I am boycotting professional sports because of their political theatrics and their hypocritical stand of social equality when they are the most grossly overpaid prima donnas in this nation.
You just gotta watch this 5 min video clip: “Nancy’s Wall” One of the best done in quite a while ….. and so right-on.
I haven’t watched a Super Bowl for many years. I keep telling folks that I don’t follow professional sports. But the fact is that I do like SEC football, so there’s always that!
And how many people are in the stands at the super bowl?There is no pandemic.It’s all bull s—t.
My uncle played for the Oakland Raiders and Denver Broncos in the 60’s, back when it was considered sports. They acted like athletes. They did not mix politics with the game and did not act like hot dogs (Colin Kaper-whats his name and Cam Newton) after a great play. No silly dancing in the end zone and rarely if ever saw taunting. So Schmee, it goes way beyond if your a fan or not. The game sucks eggs now, plain and simple.
What a bunch of f’n BS. I couldn’t give a rats ass about the Superbowl this year but to impose such prohibitions reeks of dictatorship.
People need to start waking up.
Quit watching NBA basketball many years ago. Now it’s the ChiCom’s sport of choice and Lebron James is their poster.child. Of course, we all know that Labron is a Phi Beta Kappa intellectually.He might even be a ChiCom Honorary Citizen
Checked out the opening ceremony with the Black National Anthem into Super Bowl Sunday and wanted to puke I quit going to Super Bowl gatherings years ago: I want to see the game and not sit around with a bunch of people eating, drinking,and talking and don’t even know who the hell is playing. So. I have my own food and drink when I want it, don’t have to talk to anyone, and if they continue to play the Black National Anthem they can shove NFL football up their collective butts and I will stick with baseball.
Up Yours Commie Slime!
What the hell is “Black National Anthem”??!!! Is it a corruption of a African tribal chant??
Just curious because no one we know watches sports anymore, was there any little spoiled boys in tights on their knees?
Thank God for all of you wonderful awake people not falling for the plandemic anymore. As for the rest of you, I will keep praying for you to awaken. Unfortunately, by the time you accept your red pill, it will a large suppository. Choose your timeline. Live in fear or live in freedom as the founding fathers of this country intended.
The last Super Bowl party I attended (I actually hosted it) was Super Bowl XXIV in 1984 and the last football game I watched on TV was Super Bowl XXIV in 1990. I have not watched an NFL game in 31 years and have no desire to watch one now. The butchering of our National Anthem, the behavior of the players on and off the field, and the policies of the NFL convinced me early in life that I’m not their target demographic.
The NBA is even worse. The last NBA game I watched was in 1973 or 1974 when my dad got courtside seats to a Lakers game. We were sitting next to the LA and Hollywood elite lol. Just your average middle-class folks. My dad got the tickets as a gratuity from a legal firm. He threw some business their way and they were apparently thankful.
Now you have LeBron James and the NBA shilling for genocidal Chinese communists.
The world is upside-down.
Wow. You hosted a party for Super Bowl XXIV in 1984, then watched the same Super Bowl on TV in 1990? Quite the tape delay…
@Rollo Tomasi LOL. Serves me right for trying to save keystrokes with a cut-and-paste.