Contra Costa County COVID-19 data as of Saturday Feb.6, 2021.
All information is from the Contra Costa County Health Dept.:
- Total cases (since March) – 58,839
- Recovered cases – 55,145
- Deaths – 559
- Total active confirmed cases – 3,135
- Nursing home deaths – 258
- 52 active outbreaks in nursing homes
Contra Costa County COVID-19 Hospital Data:
- Patients currently hospitalized – 166
- Occupied ICU beds – 121
- Available ICU beds – 44
The State will move Contra Costa County to the “Red Tier” once the following three criteria have been met for two consecutive weeks:
- Case Rate: Less than 7 new cases per 100,000 residents – (currently 24.8)
- Positivity Rate: Less than 8% of tests countywide are positive – (currently 6.0%)
- Equity Metric: Less than 8% of tests for residents of the lowest quartile of the Healthy Places Index census tracts are positive – (currently 8.7%)
K-6 School Reopening:
Contra Costa County is currently in the Purple Tier. Schools may not reopen for grades 7-12 while in the Purple Tier. K-6 school may reopen for in-person instruction in the Purple Tier if the adjusted case rate has been less than 25 per 100,000 population (currently 23.7) per day for at least 5 consecutive days and the school has an approved COVID Safety Plan. Local school officials will decide whether and when to reopen once these criteria are met.
Appears they are incentivizing, by their stated goals, people to not get tested and not report infections.
That was Trumps plan. No tests = No cases = No virus =The COVID HOAX. But sure wear that mask dorks. You look like an idiot
Amazing that almost a year in and there are still anti-maskers like you.
What evidence about mask efficacy could make you change your mind about wearing one? What is the threshold for you?
@ Fat Cat – what evidence do you have that your wearing a mask will keep you from getting the Wuhan Flu?
The Fat Cat, last time it was mentioned that I’m aware of Sam was (and still is apparently) calling COVID a hoax, and when we mention we’ve lost relatives to this “hoax” Sam calls us liars.
@ Fact Check
There is an abundance of information that indicates that wearing masks is beneficial in slowing the spread of COVID-19.
Here’s a couple:
does anyone really believe this stats?
I am fed up with the Far-Left tiers developed by Gavin bin Lyin. They are responsible for more tears than the coronavirus itself. Absolute power is a frightening and dangerous thing to behold. I am leaving for greener pastures in less than 3 weeks. Good luck.
Lies lies lies
@Tomato Girl—reminds me of the 80’s song by Thompson Twins…”Lies, lies, lies, yeah, they’re going getcha…they won’t forgetcha!”