Caltrans called on Bay Area residents this week to give input on potential locations to improve walking and biking infrastructure and establish long-distance bicycle corridors.
Residents can give feedback on the draft Bay Area Pedestrian Plan, which will help guide future projects and improvements to the state’s pedestrian-centric infrastructure.
The pedestrian plan survey can be found at Responses must be submitted by Feb. 5.
Bay Area residents can also submit responses to a survey on public opinion of long-distance bicycle highways that could be constructed along the nearly 1,400 miles of state highway in the Bay Area as well as other roadways and trails.
The bike highway survey can be found at Survey responses will be accepted through the end of February.
I love this idea. I also love the idea of local grow farms for organic veg and fruit. It could run by those transitioning back into society, in exchange.for room and board, education, life skill training and of court drug testing. Also walking trails, separated from the cyclists. Pod living. So many options rather than ugly boxed dwellings.
It doesn’t fit the Agenda 2030 narrative.
You’ll be eating worms and factory GMO “produce”.
Organic and backyard Victory Gardens will be deemed as dangerous.
You can’t say “Victory Garden” anymore, as it’s not inclusive.
Further, certain types of produce are now considered racist.
And beyond GMOs, the meat industry examples of Memphis Meat and Mosa Meat will be growing meat in nutrient buckets using cells harvested from cows. One public relations piece says they can grow 50,000 patties for hamburgers from a sesame seed sized sample from a cow, and the cow is not harmed. I saw a video yesterday where they were growing steaks using this method and artificially growing fat with the meat in stripes to try and make it appear as real meat. Yuck.
@To Do List Oh, striped beef. How exciting!
I’m starting to see more incidents of people riding gas powered motorcycles on the bicycle trails.
There are also quite a few electric bikes that look like motorcycles with pedals.
Both are often driven at 25 MPH or faster despite a 15MPH speed limit on the trails.
Yep! They were designed to allow average joes to have the speed and range of skilled cyclists. What that means is a bunch of people on the roads and paths with poor handling and awareness. VERY dangerous.
People been motorcycling the hills and trails since forever. there is often evidence of it in Lime Ridge. And they used to be able to ride on dirt all the way from Oakland to Antioch…
I knew they were going to abuse the safety rules! The vehicles are as you said clearly are going way too fast. The park district is responsible for enforcing that and they could care less. Someone will get killed or badly injured and there will be expensive law suits. Sick of people just doing whatever the hell they want.
We can blow money on this with all the pandemic problems, potholes that need fixing, roads that need repaving, freeways that need widening?
Very good point WC. They can start by slashing salaries and perks for any government worker making more than $200,000.00 yearly. That should free up some money as compensation for what was stolen from the tax payers. Raise taxes for salaries? No! Slash salaries for payback to the tax payers and victims of Covid19. Middle income and impoverished excluded of course!
how about try doing your jobs first
like traffic and maintaining the bridges
why is it public funded services are now expanding their reach into our pockets
do your job
stop trying to be politicians and goading approval for stupid projects
a bike highway
yeah hundreds of millions for about say 500 people and thats a high given number
it makes absolutely no sense when schools are not open the gov is slamming wine and slapping citizens …youve scared everyone into hermits
and politicians are going to ride the covid train for at least the next 4 years
and actually leave it on the books so to speak as no dem ever stops the money train ……
be it taxes or deaths to put money in their pockets …..
the democrats have opened pandoras box and we get to be the canaries
stupid bart wants to be artisits and now cal trans wants to be city planers
just stop before we the people do away with unions all together
the teachers union
which is just fake teachers taking union money to implement more money for the unions at our expense
the children are used as bargaining chips constantly
be it tax increases or now even teachers doing their jobs
More then 500 people will be using it soon. The chinafication of california. We are literally a society in decline.
With Biden already killing the energy sector, those who still have a job will find it difficult to afford gas. So I suggest that those of you who remain in the Bay Area make sure there is a good bike path from your home to your place of employment.
I love how our gas taxes get diverted from actually building and maintaining the roads, and instead fund BART, bike paths, buses, etc…But there is light at the end of the tunnel: this is my last month to live in California. So long and thanks for all the fish!
Where are you moving to? I’m looking to getting out of here as well, and would really like to hear any and all ideas.
@MikeT just throw a dart at a map and you’ll likely end up in a better place than CA will be in 5 years. Good luck!
Iron Horse really is a best in class example in many ways:
– Straight
– Flat
– Parallels a major thoroughfare
It falls off in that it crosses too many streets, is poorly maintained, does not have access to drinking water (major problem), and does not guide people to local resources at intersections (small problem).
And it is not really suitable for bikes as there are too many pedestrians who get upset when you whiz past them on your bike.
” too many pedestrians who get upset when you whiz past them on your bike”
As they should. Pedestrians always have the right of way, and bicyclists using the Iron Horse Trail should be courteous and safe. Too many bicyclists “whiz past” joggers and walkers, sometimes within inches, just because they can’t be inconvenienced to move over to the opposite side of the trail. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve almost been hit by bicyclists riding two abreast because they didn’t feel like giving up their position in the middle of the trail.
” too many pedestrians who get upset when you whiz past them on your bike”
As they should. Pedestrians always have the right of way, and bicyclists using the Iron Horse Trail should be courteous and safe. Too many bicyclists “whiz past” joggers and walkers, sometimes within inches, just because they can’t be inconvenienced to move over to the opposite side of the trail. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve almost been hit by bicyclists riding two abreast because they didn’t feel like giving up their position in the middle of the trail. for them to slow down or move over.
All part of the BS climate change.
Let it be solely funded by taxes & fees on bicycles and on an annual bicycle registration fee.
Let the users of these bike highways pay for their creation.
It would be tough to fund anything that way, since such programs have been tried before and have tended to generate net losses.
One thing that is abundantly clear is that the government sucks at helping the homeless. We literally have to help them ourselves. No matter how much money they get from us to fix the roads, the roads never get fixed. It’s time we reach out ourselves and fix our own city. Then hold the city and county to account for the things they are designed to do. All our tax dollars go to stupid money drain pet projects. The will never fix the roads until the homeless are off the streets. The homeless will never be off the streets as long as we expect the government to help. The government is limited in its effectiveness when it comes to a lot of things. It’s time to define what their protocols and capabilities are. Then limit them.
But yeah bike Soon to be bike cops writing tickets..california
Will the younger generation get interested in this? I don’t see kids riding bikes in the neighborhood or around the city.
We don’t have enough problems on the roads? Wobbly drivers and wobbly bikes on the same roads in towns and cities. They want them both on the freeway at the same time too?
Time to break out all that colorful confusing paint !
This is absolutely insane. We keep making more bike lanes around the city of Concord but where are all the bikes? I see very few. Please stop this madness and fix the roads first, then maybe we can talk about luxuries like ‘bycycle freeways’. Pure lunacy.
I always thought there should be bikeways for the cycling enthusiasts and paid for with bike licenses. Getting them off the streets where they are often a hazard especially weekend cyclists who often go down a one way street the wrong direction in the bike lane not thinking (which is something they probably do all the time) that no motorist is going to expect them coming the wrong way at a blind corner.
Though I appreciate the health benefits of cycling bikes are not all that practical in our hilly region. Bikeways could smooth that out a bit.
My first thought – the high speed railroad disaster.
Rather than finding new ways to spend money, how about taking care /maintaining the issues we have- roads, schools, etc. etc. etc.
Yep. As of now, cycling enthusiasts are all about “sharing” – meaning that car drivers should pay for their pleasure through gas taxes, license fees, and what not. That is, until pedestrians come in the way – then “sharing” is off (see the comment from “stoptheinsanity” above).
May be it’s time to put on big boy/gal pants and PAY for your own bikeways. Whether it’s through bike licenses, charitable organizations, or even private bikeways for paying users.
Whatever works. No more meddling pedestrians, no more insane car drivers – just the sheer bicycle paradise.
@CB – you are aware that roads are paid by state taxes…that we al pay? hahaha, should we talk about that one driver blah blah blah…there are bad cyclists, bad drivers, this is looking to rectify it.
I’d be willing to pay a rational license fee if it went to upkeep arteries like the proposed.
NAPA WINE trail is a great example of this type of artery. They just need to make it off limits to walkers or create a parallel lane for pedestrians physically separated from the cyclists.
Currently bikes are allowed and expected to cycle on Highway 4 between Port Chicago and WIllow Pass as there is no alternative route. But no cyclists actually do this as it would be suicide. This is the type of place where a parallel cycle route would be useful.
I just made a similar comment. Please do the survey and let CalTrans know. With enough feedback they may consider building a lane along Hwy 4 which could give accessibility to the Iron Horse Trail and N. Concord BART. Maybe even to Martinez. It’s sorely needed.
Not quite no cyclists! My wife and I did it a couple weekends ago and were fine. Bruce “Ole” Ohlson of Pittsburg also bicycles that stretch of Hwy 4 shoulder frequently. But yes, almost none.
Yes, get those dangerous road bikers off the streets. Cant stand those guys running red lights everywhere, I almost ran over a few in the last year
There are tons of mountain bikers around, what we really need is mountain bike singletrack bike parks around, so we have a nice place to ride away from all the hikers.
Love it especially creating a thruway that allows for high speed as I want to hit my cadence at about 25-30 mph…and not have to stop for every cross street or worry about pedestrians.
A true artery.
I’d love if it connected to regional trail systems allowing me to say leave my house and ride to AUBURN or NAPA then hit the firetrails…brings the bikepacking or touring back into the realm ~
where I’m not worrying about being plowed into by a distracted driver like the van that killed the CEO of Sports Basement in Vegas last month…
The gas tax money should go for roads where motor vehicles operate, if that’s part of the discussion.
Isn’t there an uncompleted bullet train laying around somewhere? Kill it or finish it; focus on finishing projects first.
The roads for cars are in horrible shape.
Now they want to build roads for bikes that will be in horrible shape.
The government can’t do anything right, why let them get more things to foul up?
I’d rather see dedicated motorcycle lanes. I believe many more people would ride motorcycles longer distances if they didn’t have to compete with cars. This would have a meaningful impact on reducing freeway traffic. I also believe building 1400 miles of bicycle lanes will benefit the recreational bicycle rider, but do nothing to relieve traffic.
Sacramento’s American River Trail requires walkers to use the left side of the trail. Meaning they can see cyclists approaching. It’s awesome and no surprises for the pedestrians. It is truly a bike trail that permits pedestrians.