In the wake of deadly rioting at the U.S. Capitol earlier this month, two Bay Area members of Congress announced Thursday the introduction of a bill titled the “No Congressional Gun Loophole Act” to prevent members of Congress and their staff from having firearms on the grounds of the Capitol.
Under current law, members of the public may not possess firearms on the Capitol grounds, but members of Congress are excepted under regulations with the Capitol Police. The bill, introduced by Jared Huffman, D-San Rafael, and Jackie Speier, D-San Francisco/San Mateo, would override that exception.
A bill with substantially the same language was introduced in December but was not adopted before the end of the legislative session.
The reintroduced bill has attracted more than two dozen co-sponsors to date, all Democrats. Huffman predicts that after recent events like the Jan. 6 violence at the Capitol, the bill will have a better chance of passage than the original.
The regulations that permit members of Congress to have guns at the Capital go back more than 50 years.
The regulations do not allow guns in the Senate or House chambers. Metal detectors have recently been installed at the entrance to the House chambers and Speaker Nancy Pelosi has announced an intent to impose fines for those who try to avoid them.
Paranoid cowards
Can’t have a Border fence but there’ll be a fence with armed guards to isolate that little out of touch bubble, that is congress.
Time is long past due for congressional term limits.
“Term limits would cure both senility and seniority
both terrible legislative diseases.”
— Harry S. Truman
I could not have said it better…agree wholeheartedly…
Well of course they should be banned. It’s a shame that Trump Party insanity makes such a proposal necessary.
The Capitol Police shouldn’t be allowed to carry them, either. That’s the only way for those poor snowflakes to truly be safe.
Pelosi and AOC are worried Sen Cruz is going to shoot them.
Bay Area “reps” need to be arrested and charged with sedition.
Bay Area “reps” are the exact reason we have a constitution.
Imagine that, lawmakers telling other law makers they want to break the constitution and they are not arrested.
Where is our sheriff?
Who’s keeping the order here?
I don’t give a damn who it is. If they work against our rights they should be perp walked.
I donate to the coco county sheriff every year. They need to step up the protection against the real domestic threat, the “reps”
Agreed 100%. We cannot solve anything until we remove the problems causing it.
and so it begins, pay heed all of you who believe in the Constitution. so begins the end of the country as it was founded, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. as it has been said:
first they came for the bad guys, i did nothing
then they came for my neighbors, i did nothing
then they cam for me
God help us!
Well of course they should be banned. What a shame that Trump Party insanity makes such a bill necessary.
Speaking of insanity have you checked out the demobrats in the last month.
Just because you keep repeating a ridiculous statement over and over doesn’t make it less silly . But it does show what is inside the liberal mind.
“Let’s see. We don’t feel safe in Congress, so let’s take away our means of self-defense.” Our lawmakers obviously aren’t that bright. Maybe, just to be absolutely sure they’re safe, they should also disarm the Capitol Police.
Good they want to take ours away take there’s first.No one else can carry a gun or knife in a court or government building.What gives them the right.Pompous a— holes.
So, because of the riots, you want to dis-arm people?!!!!
Should be renamed “The Assistance to Armed Rioters Act”.
Be sure and disarm capitol police, too, while you’re at it. If you are afraid of your fellow congressmen and senators, you should be afraid of the capitol police as well. Nancy and AOC can have hot cocoa and cookies available in case some nut smuggles in a gun. Wondering if these two fools have security at their homes. Yes, that means armed guards! But that’s ok, right?
Not going to happen, many, even politicians, feel undressed without at least one or more guns on hand – or in hand.
Congress does not need a Dan White style murder of a congressman or senator. I’m surprised the banning of handguns in the Capitol Building is not already in place.
I’m not a gun guy, but the Dan White event was 42 years ago.
The level of paranoia in this administration should be of concern. They don’t even trust the National Guard yet the Iran Nuke deal is peachy. Gee, which is more dangerous………
@The Fearless Spectator,
Actually, the Iran “deal” was more like we tell you what guns and ammo you can have and we will send people to watch where you store your weapons and ammo. Do you want that here?
Bad Nombre ~ Your analogy is wayyyyy off base…. comparing American citizen’s right to keep handguns and rifles for self protection, to nuclear weapons and missile systems possessed by the Iran… the number one sponsor of terrorism on Earth that has vowed to “Destroy Israel and drive them into the sea” ? Iran, where they chant “Death to America” ?
What kind of nutcase logic is that?
@The Fearless Spectator…I don’t think they really are that paranoid. They merely want a distraction from what the administration is doing all while making conservatives look bad. IMHO
Fearless Spectator. Yes, the Moscone Milk murders were four decades ago. But SF City Hall and many other city halls throughout the country as well as schools and courtrooms check for weapons at the door. But apparently this security feature was not implemented at the Capitol Bldg. Kinda odd, don’t you think?
@Dr. Jellyfinger,
I agree that it is wrong to compare personal rights with national rights, the former being far more important. It is also misleading to compare 2nd Amendment rights with rights under the NPT (which are for peaceful purpose unrelated to defense). My point is that the “Iran Nuke deal” took away (or traded away) rights in exchange for other tangible benefits (e.g. return of seized assets, sanctions relief, etc.). Democrats seem to love taking away rights … but here they don’t seem to be willing to even negotiate it.
Does the name Dan White ring a bell?
What about too many Face Lifts ?
Does the name David Bailey ring a bell?
Asking for a friend
Democrats are so paranoid about guns because they know so many people are mad at them for one reason or another. They know they are doing things that are wrong and they’re afraid someone is going to get even with them over it.
What they remember but never admit is that a crazed lefty nearly killed Rep. Steve Scalise and other Republicans at a baseball practice in 2017. The shooter was hoping for a massacre, but apparently wasn’t a good enough shot. He would have succeeded if there hadn’t been an armed team of 3 Capitol Police Officers there. Scalise was the House Majority Whip and had a permanent armed security detail. It took those 3 and the 3 Alexandria police that responded at least a 10 minute shoot out to finally take the guy down. Four victims were shot, two critically with extensive wounds that leave lifelong problems.
How can the sponsors of this bill be so sure that a rogue elected representative might be a real threat, but no armed Capitol police officer ever will be?
Why not let the president settle this,
That should have been a “well, DUH!” awhile ago, but you know the GOP (so paranoid).
Wait, Democrats think everybody is going to shoot each other if a couple of people are allowed to carry guns in congress, but it’s the GOP that’s so paranoid? That’s pretty funny. Thanks for the laugh.
The glory of the Republican Party has descended into hooligans, racists, conspiracy nuts, anarchists, and people who believe in alien laser rays.
Steve, including all those Bible loving deplorables eating at Olive Garden when they’re not shopping at Walmart.
AOC thinks Ted Cruz is trying to kill her. The wall around the White House was put there by the conspiracy nuts and fearful anarchists.
Progressive left Socialists believe they can justify any lie or atrocity in the name of their screwed up concept. Karl Marx, Stalin, Mao Zedong, and Pol Pot make good looking models.
I understand banning them in the chamber, but they shouldn’t eliminate the exception to carry them elsewhere on the grounds. Anyone barricaded in a Capitol office while the marauders were trying to break down the doors would understand the need to have a weapon in the office. Nancy Pelosi even told the story of her terrified staff huddling under a table for hours in a locked room in her office while the invaders rifled her outer office.
The mob trying to violently force their way into the House Chamber stopped immediately when the first person breached through a broken window and was shot by a Capitol police officer. The rest of them realized they didn’t want to die for this. If there hadn’t been armed officers present, I hate to think what would have happened as the mob mentality raged. There can’t be armed officers in every one of the hundreds of offices in the Capitol, so don’t take away their last line of defense.