The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.
Today’s question:
Following the lead of the Oakland School District, he Hayward school district this week voted to take all school resource officers off campuses. “After a national reckoning on issues of racial injustice and policing practices, we owed it to our community to pause and have in-depth conversations about the impact of police officers on our campuses,” Superintendent Matt Wayne said.
QUESTION: Do you think all high schools should have at least one school resource officer on campus?
Talk about it!
“Following the lead of the Oakland School District”… said no rational person ever.
Are the school sites safer with SRO’s? Probably.
Are students building positive relationships with law enforcement by having SRO”s on campus? Absolutely.
Please, keep the SRO’s on our campuses!
Kids NEED the SRO’s on campus. Do the Oakland and Hayward districts not care about the many students who feel safer, and actually are? Decisions like this are totally absurd!
Racial injustice???? haHaHaHA
The police were there to protect. Why do you think they were placed there in the first place?? There was a need due to violent behavior. Let’s see what happens next.
What about personal accountability??? Don’t break the law and you will have no problems or if you come in contact with police cooperate. This is what should be taught.
The VICTIM MENTALITY is destroying this country. We all had the same opportunities during the last administration. I’m not so sure with this administration, let’s see what happens.
I look forward to the screeching about the police not being there after the next school shooting.
Personally, I don’t care. If you want to teach kids that cops are brutal Slave catchers working for the white supremacy patriarchy, I just don’t care anymore. Your kids, go for it. But I absolutely don’t want to hear a word about the cops taking too long to get there next time something awful and tragic happens at one of those schools.
i love people chopping off their ear to save face
tear down history
tear down freedom
tear down safe schooling
tear down sanity
this is the demorats sjw agenda
and YES you voted for it
thats the best part right
oooohhhh…i mean left dont want to be censored for being a free american
ahhhh demorat utopia is great right
just the waft of bummage and crime flowing through the air
and yes we are in the realm of oaktown is what sets the bar
whats next only 4 months of school a year
There are some students that have behavioral problems and can be disruptive. God forbid if a teacher puts their hands on a student. The SROs provide both a derterrent and safety net between other student and staff. When a kid shows up under the influence and is prone to fighting, most teachers do not have the training to deal with these outbreaks other than their quick wits.Removing SROs is another woke idea from the rejects on the Left.
just in
‘US citizen has no right to free speech?’ State Dept spokesperson for biden
unless they are a sjw platform
Fine, no campus police. And out of respect for the fight against racial injustice, police should no longer respond to campus 911 calls.
From a woke standpoint, the increase in campus homicide will be more than offset by the increase in equity.
You said it! I agree with you 100%!
And yes, the liberal social engineers don’t mind sacrificing a few souls on alter of their altar of their cause. Stupid!!!!
And after the next school shooting, parents and the media will be wailing about the lack of/delay in police response.
Yes – it makes perfect sense! Let these miscreants shoot it out and the problem would be reduced/eliminated!
Ratings for newscast will be a “dog-eat-dog” scramble to be first on reporting and having the miscreant’s single parent and Burris on the screen decrying injustice, racial profiling, etc.
I had a niece who was enrolled at Deer Valley and she couldn’t wait to graduate fast enough AND bail out of Antioch!!
The victim(s) were always revealed that he/she were “wonderful, honest, hard-working” kid(s)! BS!!!
“Sounds like a great idea!!!”
– Every private school in the greater Bay Area
Tuition is about to increase thanks to a further surge in private school demand
I know the parent’s of students at Las Lomas last year were really happy when the school officer stopped a school shooting .
Remember how he received medals of honor and all the positive press about him?
Oh wait there wasn’t any.
Kid’s aren’t in person school anyways so who cares. All the schools care about is money money money
wow now the state is following the guidance of oaktown
isnt every exit flooded with bum camps and druggies
and the corrupt bart board
seems the new norm will be corruption and anti america from now on
followed with a steady dose of sjw law
tearing down history and repeating it at the same time
germany comes to mind twice
well at least there will be no one to blame for the fall out but the demorats
the voters and politicians are dive bombing freedom of americans daily
‘US citizen has no right to free speech?’ State Dept spokesperson
and aoc thinks crossing the boarder illegally is in fact legal …go figure
a dem without a clue much like the rest pro china a profiting off of handing us over to communist socialist china
Alameda county should stock up on cadaver bags.
‘Gun-Free School Zones Act of 1990’
“Introduced in the Senate as S.3266 by Joseph R. Biden Jr. (D-DE)
on October 27, 1990
Passed the Senate on October 27, 1990 (passed voice vote) ”
Majority of mass shootings happen in gun free zones.
Ultra left or Ultra right, a bad idea is still a bad idea. I don’t have young children any more but do have grand and great-grands in schools. Considering the increasing violence all over, even in schools, reducing/eliminating officers in ALL schools is bad idea.
I worked at a local high school and our resource officer was the best. She established a good rapport with the students and brought a sense of security and calm to the campus. She Also relieved the administrators workload by assisting with investigations and additional yard supervision. They aren’t just there for school fights. That is the administrators responsibility. Campus supervisors aren’t even allowed to break up a fight. The police do not get involved in these matters unless the student or his parent want charges made.
Why are kids back at school in Florida and not California?
Bc they have a governor that isn’t playing a political dictator
ID, TX, CO have been in school since Aug as well
Campus Supervisors are usually the ones that break up the fights because they are always around the student’s supervising. Administrators are usually in their office.
The reason SRO”S were put on school campuses is because of the gangs that started around 25 years ago and the gangs are still continuing to cause trouble in our schools.
simply put just part of the lefts/dems narrative:
use the race card to get whatever they want
pretty sad those folks are falling for these lies, then again generations of blacks have been raised to believe they are victim, so they think they are.
thank obama for stirring up this pot
God Help Us!
Yes!! Why are they termed “Resource Officers”??
They should provide a squad with a platoon on call!
Totally agree!!! In light of the lax discipline minds of parents these days and that of elected officials SRO’s need to stay!!!
SRO’s are needed. Not having them at the schools are putting the teachers and students in great danger. No SRO’s equals to more danger. Who do they want to bring in? Rent a security guard who won’t do anything and just stand there?
When I was a young man attending high school at YVHS (along with about 4000 other students ) we had “Para Professionals” who kinda acted as deputies around the campus. They would look for trouble makers cutting class, smoking, etc. I remember one, nicknamed “Marty the Narc”
We sure kept her busy.
Just wait till the next teacher gets beaten up by an “underserved” student.
My father was a high school administrator and he was there before SRO and after SRO were brought in. He said that no way should a school not have one or more SRO-absolutely essential. When I told him about Hayward and Oakland his reply was simple ” Hayward and Oakland school boards shouldn’t be allowed to buy a paper clip much less talk about school safety. If boards don’t want SRO then board members should act as safety officers” Then he described what Hayward and Oakland board members should do with their heads and stalked off – And he worked for an upper end district for almost 50 years.
Good! Law enforcement are the biggest welfare queens in this state.
Education funds should be used to educate, not incarcerate.
End the Law Enforcement Industrial Complex now!
uh, yeah….good luck with that.