The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.
Today’s question:
QUESTION: How long will you continue to wear a face covering in public once the mask mandate is over in Contra Costa County? Will you stop immediately, or will you keep wearing it for a while?
Talk about it!
Until I’m comfortable that I won’t get the virus (new or old version) from someone else.
Face coverings don’t stop viruses. The only thing you are accomplishing is breathing in your exhaled air, bacteria, viruses, etc.
Stop spreading Fake News. Here’s an article from John Hopkins that states that studies show that wearing a mask can block 65% to 85% of particles. https://hub.jhu.edu/2020/08/24/masks-protect-wearer-and-others/
To answer the question, I will likely take it off as I should have the vaccine by then. However, going forward, if I’m not feeling well I will do as other Asian countries do and wear masks. This isn’t to protect myself but to protect others.
Unlike deniers, I will post articles from trusted sources.
I can keep going on, I’m sure your sources will be facebook, youtube posts, and sites nobody has ever heard of that say they don’t work.
Asian countries also have vending machines that sell used panties, so there’s that…
@Rollo, what’s your point? America has strip joints with full on buffets.
Pyrrhus, You Fail to understand Nano particles.
Chain link fences don’t stop BBs.
Pyrrhus, the point is you seem to thing Asian countries are some kind of model to follow. No thanks, we’re culturally different, and our country was founded on ENTIRELY different principals.
If I still live in CoCo County when the mask mandate is lifted, I will stop wearing a face covering immediately. Even after all these months I still get panic attacks when I wear one. I can’t tolerate them for more than 20 minutes or so. Makes for really efficient shopping, though.
You should go to therapy for that.
@ Reason – that’s not necessary. Not wearing a mask solves the problem.
Read and watch this excellent video to see what Dr. Fauci (the jerk) and other Autocrats like him are really like; and how they treated this highly regarded lady of science. Shocking:
@Chuckie’s Wife, Anxiety attacks are so difficult to live with. The attacks take a toll on your body and mind. I am so sorry your having to deal with this.
I highly recommend redrazor’s video above for a more realistic explanation of what has been going on, and a common sense approach explained by doctors as to why what has been recommended, enforced really, is not stopping the virus. In fact, it could be making it worse. It is the first thing I’ve heard since January or February about COVID-19 that makes any sense.
Oh here we go with Judy Mikovits again. She is not a respected virologist and hasn’t published anything in almost 10 years. She is antivax and has been discredited time and time again. Here’s an article from Science that goes over the video and why it’s bogus.
But you know, you’d rather follow a single rogue scientist that isn’t respected instead of the majority of researchers, doctors, and scientists that are actually acclaimed.
“bUt yOu KnOw, yOu’d rAtHeR FoOloW a SiNgLe rOuGe ScInTeSt tHaT iSn’ ReSpeCtEd“
🤡dr. fauci enters the room
I will wear my KN95 only until we have herd immunity from the vaccines! That is recommended by the healthcare experts! To respect their expertise is your own protection and others. Not a time to be the usual proud people that think their personal rights are being removed by the evil government. So pathetic.
Good enough. You do you, I’ll do me.
So you are afraid of the virus but you aren’t afraid of hurting our environment with your KN95 mask? You have mentioned that you live in the Rossmor area so clearly you’re old enough to not care about our environment. How do you not know we are in this mess due to our environment? Supposedly the virus came from bats. How about we treat our planet and animals with respect. Something you aren’t doing but you want folks to wear a mask 24.7. 🙄
Once the mandate is lifted, I will stop wearing a mask. Hopefully by then I’ve been vaccinated. I religiously hand sanitize, wash hands, etc. and I am anti-social anyway so that is a great way to avoid getting sick!
Stop immediately, but I don’t think it will end anytime soon. Biden signed a mandate requiring masks in buildings and land controlled by the federal government.
The Left is having too much fun controlling our lives, and Dr Fauci is a lying self centered quack.
Dawg – See my link from my above post!
redrazor, Interesting and informative video, but not surprising. I’ve been saying all along that I’ve never trusted Dr Fauci, that it’s all about the money and Big Pharma.
The second I can, it’s gone.
umm … you mean I was not supposed to have stopped already? LOL!
I will immediately stop. Currently I do not put my mask on until I am about to walk in a building. I do not wear it in parking lots or walking through my neighborhood … nor am I the guy I saw the other day driving a convertible with the top down, windows down … wearing a mask.
I sanitize and wash my hands when I get home and after shopping, I usually sanitze my hands when I get back in my car.
Our Founding Father are no doubt tossing over in their graves seeing comments like this. For a virus that 99% won’t kill you?
Also, vaccines don’t provide herd immunity. Herd immunity was coined when a certain % of the population has gotten a disease. Those the push vaccines DISTORTED the original meaning to fit their narrative, which is using fear to get everyone vaccinated.
Prescription: Turn off CNN/mainstream media, open a book about natural medicine, develop some critical thinking skills and learn some things.
Good luck with your vaccines!
It’s not the % of people that get the disease its the % of people that have antibodies to fight the disease. That’s like saying we only reached herd immunization from Polio because most of us got sick from it. The truth is we were vaccinated with a weakened or dead forms of the virus so our bodies can create antibodies. This is what causes herd immunization, not everyone getting sick.
Please stop sharing misinformation as it’s dangerous to the public.
Gee Pyhrrus, if only you hade a blog of your own where you could moderate as you see fit and decide for yourself which information people should consume. Just think…comrade.
Typical response from the right. Better to live in a right wing fantasy than reality. 400k dead means nothing until it personally impacts them.
sUrE tHiNg dR pYrRuS🤡 cOmInG rIGhT uP, DoUbLe MaSks fOr EvErYoNe🤡🤡👌🏽 tOO MaNy dEaDiEs nO BuEnO
Yes 400k dead (out of how many people in the U.S) from Covid but how many people have died within the last year due to other issues? Let me give you some examples, heart disease, cancer, drug overdoses, suicides, brain tumors, hiking, swimming in the ocean, airplanes, etc. Need more? Death is a part of life and if people don’t want to comply, well then there are consequences.
Ok this is interesting. How many people need to die from something in a year for us to care about it?
Drunk drivers kill about 10,000 people a year, can we stop caring about driving under the influence? Why do 10,000 dead people mean everyone else has their personal freedoms restricted?
cAnT aRgUeS En GoOd fAiPh🤡 CoV Es rEelZ. mAsThK uP eRrErYbOdIEs🤡🤡 pCr tEsT rEaL, hYdRoXyChloRiQuNe fAkE. 🤡🌎
Typical response from the left. Do what the government says, because only the best and brightest get elected to public office – and then in turn only appoint the best and brightest unelected advisors.
Freedom isn’t free, nor is it safe.
wow did not think i would see a bunch of dems cheering for masks
by the way now you have to wear 2 lol
until the end of the year they say
will you do that as well
as stand on your head an spit bb’s
lemmings please
your pandering to the scam
they will never declare a heard immunity
stop falling for lies and catch words like rACISM AND bad white man and heard immunity
you will live better lives for it
As long as wearing a mask continues to prevent the spread of COVID I am comfortable wearing one. I prioritize compassion, it’s not especially political.
I’m not fully against masks. For instance I think people like chuq should be forced to wear 5 masks for the rest of his life. People who don’t care about the lives of others don’t get to have an opinion. For everyone else, remove your nasty face mask and breathe. The COVID HOAX IS OVER
as soon as they lift it….only wear one now where its required to do so, I work for the fed and we barely wear them on the job an no one has contracted the corona virus…politicians only wear a mask to virtue signal and politicize it
I would stop right away. I think they have become dangerous since it blocks my vision going down stairs. Truly a nuisance to me.
i don,t wear one at all only in stores.. its time to pay attention
Immediately. We have been wearing them with a mandates is April 22 last year and it’s obviously haven’t done a whole lot. The problem is, some companies may still require them in their store if you want to shop there
I will not waste another moment wearing one when that happens. They are too constricting and annoying. I only wear them now where they are absolutely required. I wear effective ones not the fashion accessory kind seem more for psychological effect.
I wear one in stores. I refuse to wear one when I am on a walk driving my car, or peacefully protesting.
BTW- having just returned from a cross-country trip, I can tell you that I ate and slept in 5 different states where dine-in was available, Churches were open, and wearing masks was not a religious rite.
My guess is that large sections of this nation will simply ignore Joe ‘China Syndrome’ Biden and chose freedom.
Masks are BS. Always have been.
All medical doctors recommend masks to stop the spread. Your attitude is held by too many so this virus keeps spreading.
This virus will continue to spread with or without masks. It’s not going anywhere.
@Doh And people like you can’t see what’s really happening to society with this hoax.
it is bs
saw an undocumented family in the grocery store not wearing masks, but i assume it is racist to ask them to leave.
As soon as that is lifted. I already only cover my mouth, leave my nose free so I can breathe. I only wear them because I cannot enter establishments without.
Maybe when it’s lifted we’ll go back to the days when only ANTIFA cowards wore masks in public.
It is not cowardice to wear a mask to do one’s part to slow the spread of the disease. The anti mask attitude spread by Trump has played a substantial role in where we are now. Not wearing a mask does not indicate bravery, it indicates stupidity and concern for how one appears over the well being of those around him/her.
@ Gary
Wearing a mask without the full understanding of why does not show bravery either. Nor does it mean you are following the science.
Not wearing a mask does not mean you support Trump.
Sometimes Gary, people choose to wear or not wear a mask based on their acceptance of the risk factors. Some people are not comfortable driving over 65mph on the speed limit; whereas others are comfortable at 90mph. Some are comfortable climbing a ladder to a second story roof and some are concerned when climbing a step stool. In both of those scenarios, it comes down to the acceptance of personal and community risk.
I do not wear a mask unless I am in a business. Why, simply because I am a relatively healthy individual, minus some annual allergies. I wash my hands regularly. I do not go out when I am sick. I accept the risk that I may catch something out there in the wild world. I also believe I minimize the risk of me spreading any contagions to people based on my own self-check of my health and grooming habits.
All of a sudden we hear wear two or three, “layers”, masks.
Got back to work after days off, was told 3 – 5 coworkers are now Covid positive. An surprise, surprise they are ones who’ve been wearing cloth masks.
IF there were enough N95 masks for everyone infection rate would be much lower.
When the mandate ends, my plan is to invite all my friends for a huge party where we hug, kiss, and have a bonfire watching all of our masks burn.
Since we’ve got long hair, barber shop ban, wear a baseball cap with hair obscuring your ears plus a mask.
Makes facial recognition just about useless.
For almost a year now we have watched politics trump science and data. Therefore I have little confidence in whatever announcements are sold to us. However I am comfortable without a mask when the mandate is lifted as my distance precautions are reliable.
My larger concerns are that we don’t know how long the vaccine is effective, and I am hearing from friends who describe being quite ill after their second shot. We should know more about that.
Probably immediately
Definitely positively NOT gonna wear a fear mask when mandate is lifted.. if the leftists ever lift it
I will stop wearing a mask when out in public when enough people have been vaccinated such that the spread of the disease is very lmited.
Hey Gary; hope you got to see the video I posted an hour ago: I think you will think about the “Plandemic” differently after see that one!?!?
Check it out:
I only put on the mask just before I walk into a store that requires one.
Other than that, I never wear one, period.
If they lift the ban, I’ll burn the one I have, on a spare the air day.
I will stop wearing the mask when the mandate is finished. I will however wear a mask when I must be out in public and not feeling well ie: a doctor’s appointment. I still refuse to wear one outside on trails or in a park when Im more than 10 feet away from people-complete insanity next to the fools who wear one driving in a car by themselves.
ugh again people
spewing the lies of demorats does not make it real
its a virus and will be here forever
wearing a mask does not make it go away …wow on that notion
if you bunkered for 10 years
you would come out to the virus still here
wearing a mask or handkerchief or thin piece of cloth only made you obedient to china and demorats
by the way those same demorats sent sick elderly back to their retirement homes to infect everyone there
so following their logic is not only stupid but could ultimately kill you
you cant hide from a virus or cure it with a mask
you need to be exposed to it so your immune system can learn it and fight it …..example ….common cold and flu
yes people die from flu
people die in vehicle collisions to but we dont wear bubble wrap do we
eat right and build up your immune system
or suffer down the road after you decide to take your face trap off
and get a dose of the mutated virus
listening to politicians and doing their bidding is not going to help you
they are beholding to china and not you ….lol
if you dont know that by now then your far worse off than covid ever will be
stop being lemmings and read and dig up info
dont listen to the media they are bought and paid for or demorat agenda hollics either way they care even less about you than newscum or fakechi
you can only trust yourself …dont be a canary in a mine shaft to appease politicians and their safety through your life medical trials
I don’t wear one now……….#Liberalsdonothingbutlie
Honestly I have yet to wear a mask in public so far and since I don’t shop in person for anything I don’t see myself ever wearing one. I drive, get gas, walk the dog on local trails, bike ride, and so on without one.
It is what it is, and myself and entire family has not worn masks yet and we are just fine.
And now I heard that Fauci guy recommends wearing 2 masks? Geez get over the bs already man.
I never have and never will wear the mask. Time to wake up people. You have been taken for a ride. The COVID HOAX was a conspiracy against you and your best interests. Watch dictator joe rule without the consent of the people, just like gavin.
So a HOAX took 3 of my family members in 2 weeks. I wish you well.
Sam thinks we’re spinning tall tales when we mention our families’ losses to COVID-19.
It is truly sad that you wish to politicize the deaths & losses so
many have experienced over the last year. I have had many students lose parents, grandparents and even siblings to this deadly disease. Two weeks ago a good friend lost their mother and uncle within days of each other to Covid.
You’re trivialization of others’ loses says more about you and others that feel the same way you do then those of us who take it seriously based on our personal experiences. And I hate to say it, but it doesn’t make Claycord look all that good either. This used to be a real community and now it is evident that civility is almost gone here.
I’m pretty sure my comments won’t make it through the moderators which is also a shame. It seems like the Mayor is not as accepting of criticism that does not agree with the right wing discourse that has come to dominate the discussions here.
Simonpure, I can only just begin to imagine what you and your family are going through. I am so sorry for your loss.
Sam, I know I can speak for Simonpure when I say how we SO wish we were lying. I honestly hope you or no one you care about loses a struggle with this wretched illness. It would be a hideous way to understand how real it is. But then maybe you would still be able to believe it’s a hoax. I’ve tried not to judge you for it, but the way you speak to people who have offered others useful and possibly life saving information, and people who’ve told you they have recently lost family members says to me there is something seriously wrong with you. I too wish you well.
I didn’t make anything political. Your political leaders did. But not to worry you can clear it all up and prove me wrong. All you need to do is reconcile the fraudulent PCR testing that has given 96% false positive COVEED results for the last year. WHO changed the way labs test on inauguration day. The SHARP DECLINE IN COVEED HAS FOLLOWED, as expected. Now, you explain that to me and many others here. I’ll be waiting. AS FOR NOW, NOBODY HAS DIED FROM COVID HOAX. Prove me wrong or just keep throwing emotional gaslighting. I really don’t care, do you?
Hmm…I know of 8 people who tested positive for either the virus or antibodies, and not one of them even needed medical attention.
RT that is actually great news and I’m really happy that they didn’t get the serious symptoms. Unfortunately that is not the case with everyone that comes in contact with the virus.
Sam- own your stuff! YOU are politicizing the conversation with your conspiracy nonsense. The original question posed was how long would you wear it after the mandate ended. I’m so sick of peoples’ insensitive comments. And no. I won’t scroll past, I like to know how people feel about the issues. That is completely different than saying these people and their loved ones were duped into believing a hoax.
Duped 100%
Did you have a response about the PCR test that has been giving false positives for the last year? Probably around 400,000 false positives due to running tests at 40 cycles?
I’m afraid it’s you spouting conspiracy if you can’t show me the data on masks. I do know Facebook just admitted they conspired scare people about Hydroxychloroquine.
Do you have anything useful? Your emotions are not my problem, you should talk to a therapist.
Sam –
Your ‘facts’ about the PCR testing are totally bogus.. multiple non-partisan sites have researched the claim and report it as false. The ‘false positive’ rate you THINK is proof actually comes from the instruction manual written for labs and the technicians handling the samples.
Your facebook claim can’t be verified.. cite your source.
No.. you aren’t responsible for other peoples’ emotions but decent GOOD people don’t respond to other peoples’ loses by claiming emotional gaslighting. Here’s the definition for you so you can use it correctly next time:
Gaslighting is a form of psychological manipulation in which a person or a group covertly sows seeds of doubt in a targeted individual or group, making them question their own memory, perception, or judgment. Wikipedia
How about you provide some sources for the claims you make…
“The ‘false positive’ rate you THINK is proof actually comes from the instruction manual written for labs and the technicians handling the samples.” = gaslighting per your definition
“Your facebook claim can’t be verified” = gaslighting per your definition
Gaslighting is a form of psychological manipulation in which a person or a group covertly sows seeds of doubt in a targeted individual or group, making them question their own memory, perception, or judgment. Wikipedia
This is 1 random “source” out of 125 results on google. It supports my position 100%. On the other hand you provided nothing but your emotions and opinion while attacking me with the “conspiracy” label.
Do you really think I care about your feelings? I will never wear a mask and will never believe anyone died of the COVID HOAX. Now put up or shut up
Hey Sam I took a look at your app. Maybe you should read the other articles there that don’t fit your Hoax narrative. You are trolling. Wear a mask or don’t, I don’t care about your feelings. Deny it all you want, it’s real.
Silva & Simonpure and to anyone else who has lost someone, I am very sorry for your loses and I’m sending love and healing your way.
What’s that? You’re folding like a cheap suit? By the way, you calling a website an “app” in a lame linguistic play to discredit the validity of my ABSOLUTE 100% PROOF, and then withdrawing from the argument while still gaslighting is so democrat boomer karen. Get a new shtick.
Susan I., Thank you.
Only wear a mask in stores. Will stop as soon as possible. My granddaughter on the other hand freaks out if people are not wearing a mask. What have we done to the youth in our community?
When, sometime in the future, Contra Costa County says it no longer mandates mask wearing, then I would stop wearing a mask immediately. Currently I am quite used to wearing a mask at my workplace, Monday thru Friday. I happily wear a mask when I go into the grocery store. I know that the pandemic is a temporary situation. So I gladly wear the mask over my mouth and nose to protect myself from Covid-19 virus floating in the air in enclosed spaces. I believe it is real. Please note that if you don’t cover your nose, the mask is useless. You either are breathing in virus or potentially breathing out virus.
Blue Skies, Thank you!
I agree that it truly important to do our best to save ourselves and one another……. and to STOP the pandemic!
As soon as it isn’t mandatory, the face coverings will be retired.
For all the people in this city that think masks will kill them-
I often wear a 6300 dust mask while dealing with paint and sawdust particles for sometimes up to 3 hours at a time and I’ve never had one problem concerning being scared of the mask or being unable to breathe.
A thin dollar store face mask is barely anything, suck it up and wear one at least to make other people feel safe when you cough and hack in public.
I even know people with athsma and breathing conditions that are perfectly fine wearing a mask, so dont feel like you can use that as an excuse.
When enough reputable sources that I trust convince me there’s no longer any value to me or anyone else if I wear them I’ll stop, but going forward I may consider wearing them again if I think I could be shedding a communicable contagion that way. They say it really helps in countries where that is a standard practice, and it couldn’t hurt. I’ve been accustomed to wearing industrial masks and air filters for so long, the little folds of light fabric are barely noticeable for me. Breathing fewer particulates and slightly cleaner air generally helps with my asthma and helps me feel better, so I kind of like wearing the cute little masks anyway.
Yes indeed! And I actually love having the mask keep me a bit warmer when I’m fanning in and out from the cold, wet weather.
They are a lot less uncomfortable than is wrapping a wool scarf round and round your nose and mouth!
Antler, that’s another advantage I also noticed recently, as I had to have a walk in the icy cold of an early morning, my face and nose stayed warm and toasty.
Is unfortunate so many blindly accept info from those “in charge” and don’t bother to do their own research.
“… coronavirus is about 0.12 microns in diameter and N95 (masks) protect down to 0.1 microns, with 95% efficiency, …”
Most articles out there talk in terms of “percent”, while neglecting to mention particle size cloth masks are capable of stopping.
A false sense of security . . . .
‘Cloth masks are NOT enough to stop the spread of Covid-19 without social distancing
WHY aren’t their enough N95 masks for all CA residents ?
An why now all of a sudden are those supposedly knowledgeable pushing multiple mask layers ? ? ? ?
Too bad cuomo and newsom were so focused on destructive hyper partisan rhetoric against Trump. To the point of both of them calling into question FDA approval decision making. Some even suggested they might have been trying to delay vaccines until after November election.
Wearing multi-layered masks or two masks surely couldn’t HURT anyone!
To address the cost factor of doing that, consider folding a Kleenex tissue and wearing it under your regular mask…. instant three layers!
After last weeks fear mongering I figured you would take a break. yet here you are trying to normalize the mask. lol. What’s your deal? Americans will never wear the stupid useless mask. Give it up already, the COVID HOAX is over, joe is the man, we’re not doing the mask thing
After I heard about the multi mask idea I thought about doing a cartoon of a 5 mask solution with masks covering the mouth, the eyes and ears.
Begs the question, how many masks required to be 100% effective? You’ll smother to death, but at least it won’t be COVID. That said, since you would have died trying to avoid the Coronavirus, it will be officially a COVID related death.
Did my walk around the corner at Diablo Vista and realized I hadn’t taken my mask. No one was around. I knew I would distance is they were. So, answer is right away. Done with them.
Now if I could.. I think the are a waste and cause more harm than good.
This study done in 2015 showed that cloth masks did not stop the flu. It was the only study on cloth masks until 2020.
Stop wearing immediately we have been wearing them for far too long and the results are the same either way.
Of course I will. I don’t want to catch the virus nor do I want to spread it.
Noting the anti-mask posts here. Shameful.
🤡oF cOuRsE i WiLl 🤡 mY mAsThK HiDeS mY mEtH mOuTh jUtH LiKtH hUnTeRs. sHamFul🤡
Be sure to steer of me. I’m easy to spot – I’m the one not wearing a mask.
@Silva…you are a very kind individual. Thank you!!!
It takes one to know one, Simonpure.
This you guys? Asking for a friend