Home » Public Hearing Set For Downtown Pleasant Hill Apartment Proposal

Public Hearing Set For Downtown Pleasant Hill Apartment Proposal


A 189-unit apartment project proposed for construction on the south side of Pleasant Hill’s downtown will be the subject of a Feb. 9 Pleasant Hill Planning Commission public hearing.

Danville-based Blake Griggs Properties Inc. wants to build the complex — now dubbed the Downtown Cleaveland Multi-family Residential Project — on Cleaveland Road south of Crescent Plaza.

The 2.33-acre site now hosts a vacant two-story office building at one time occupied by Wells Fargo.

The project was first proposed in 2019.


Approximately 10 percent of the 189 units, ranging in size from 562 to 1,182 square feet, would be set aside for low-income residents — 5 percent for “very low” income and 5 percent for “moderate income” occupants.

The project, as proposed, includes 304 parking spaces for residents and guests, a roof deck, and an outdoor pool area. Among the several permits that would need to be granted by the city would be one to remove 33 trees from the property, three of which are designated as “protected.” Approximately 50 trees would be planted after construction is completed, should the project be approved.

The Feb. 9 public hearing begins at 6:30 p.m., and is virtual only.

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May in the 50 trees being planted they can build tree houses for the unsheltered.

I wonder who Blake Griggs Properties is paying off (contributing to re-election campaigns).

This seems like the typical submitting 189 units in the hopes that city will approve 150 units as a compromise plan. .

Maybe this will solve the shortage of traffic problem, and give the air nazis another reason to exist.

Same old, same old… TRAFFIC, PARKING, NOISE, etc.
How many affordable-rate units will be required? How many affordable-rate units will the developer actually provide?
And how much will the developer pay in total for affordable housing fees?
Does Pleasant Hill require public art?

Who in their right mind would build a apartment now

Oh that’s right follow the money

Must be a pay to play contractor

Who will get huge tax breaks and kickback of our money

Follow the money

Seems shady seeing how newscum has declared war on apartment owners

Real smelly

It is an ugly building sitting there doing nothing. Something should replace it. Hopefully the City will look at it in depth and only allow a reasonable amount of units to be built. The traffic is not bad, but can become bad if this site is planned poorly.

Stop cramming more people in here!!

I think that’s what the Miwok said too.

That is what we need in our neighborhoods!! Further destruction of quality of life that used to exist! 10% for low income and 5% for very low income.! The Demos are lining up their voter base with the influx of illegals and with Biden-Harris agenda to guarantee it!
God – when are you going to strike this Earth down???!!

So any empty ugly eyesore of a building helps with your quality of life more?

More apartments in Pleasant Hill?
Have fun with that.
Why doesn’t the Danville developer, developer land in Danville and place apartments there. It’s sorely needed. How many apartment complexes are in Danville?
Another NIMBY solution from morons.

@Andrew, An empty building does not contribute to more traffic, use our resources such as water, electricity or gas. An empty building is way better then what is being proposed.

It’s a good, infill location for apartments: easy on and off the freeway – perfect.



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