Home » Contra Costa Health Services Updates COVID-19 Vaccine Priority List

Contra Costa Health Services Updates COVID-19 Vaccine Priority List


The COVID-19 vaccine is now available to all populations in Phase 1A and Phase 1B-Tier 1 in Contra Costa County, according to the health department.

The following is from the Contra Costa Health Department:

Eligible groups are outlined in the sections below.


At this time, Contra Costa is no longer including veterinarians and veterinarian staff in Phase 1A.

Vaccine Allocation within Phase 1A:

Tier 1

  • Acute care, psychiatric and correctional facility hospital staff
  • Staff and residents of skilled nursing facilities, residential care facilities for the elderly, and similar settings for older or medically vulnerable individuals
  • Paramedics, EMTs and others providing emergency medical services
  • Dialysis center staff

Tier 2


  • Intermediate care facilities for persons who need non-continuous nursing supervision and supportive care
  • Home health care and in-home supportive services staff
  • Community health workers, i.e. Promotoras, African American Health Conductors, CORE Team, SPIRIT workers, homeless outreach workers, etc.
  • Public health field staff
  • Primary Care clinic staff, including Federally Qualified Health Centers, Rural Health Centers, correctional facility clinics, and urgent care clinics

Tier 3

Other settings and health care workers, including:

  • Specialty clinics
  • Laboratory workers
  • Dental and other oral health clinics
  • Pharmacy staff not working in settings at higher tiers

Vaccine Allocation within Phase 1B:

Tier 1


  • Individuals age 65 and older, prioritizing those 75 years or older due to increased risk of death
    and serious illness
  • When further prioritization is needed within age groups, vaccine should preferentially be
    offered to individuals based on:
    1. Place of residence in relation to the California Health Places Index (HPI), prioritizing communities that have been disproportionally impacted by the pandemic
    2. Occupational risk of exposure
    3. Underlying medical condition or disability
  • Jail inmates and staff working inside county detention facilities who are unable mitigate their risk of exposure
  • Individuals working within the Contra Costa County Emergency Operations Center and Contra Costa Health Services Department Operations Centers

Doses may be promptly offered to people in lower priority groups when:

  • Demand subsides in the current groups
  • Doses are about to expire according to labeling instructions
  • Doses that have been thawed and would otherwise go to waste

As Contra Costa County prepared to receive initial supplies of COVID-19 vaccine, Contra Costa Health Services convened an Ethical and Equitable Allocations Committee to ensure a fair, transparent, and evidence-based approach to access during the early stages of availability. Committee participants were chosen to include stakeholders from across the county system with various backgrounds and interest, and to represent those groups that have been most impacted by the pandemic.

The Committee understands the need for flexibility as evidence emerges and medical realities change throughout the
phased distribution of COVID-19 vaccine. The recommendations from this Committee are based on the best available and most up to date scientific information along with data trends specific for our unique community. As our county moves through the phases of vaccine allocation, the Committee make-up will change to match the interests and voices of those within each group.

Ethical Framework


Contra Costa County maintains that all persons are worthy of receiving the COVID-19 vaccine, regardless
of a persons’ payer status, socioeconomic status, age, race, gender, ethnicity, national origin, sexual orientation, religious affiliation, or disability.

The Committee endorses the guidelines outlined by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Advisory Committee on Immunization practices (ACIP) and California Department of Public Health (CDPH). The ethical framework which has guided these recommendations are grounded in the fundamental commitment that the response to the current pandemic will protect and promote the public’s health and its socioeconomic well-being in the short and long term. To honor this commitment, the vaccine allocation response must promote the common good by balancing three main ethical objectives.

1. To protect the population’s health by maximizing benefit in the form of reducing mortality and serious morbidity
2. Respect individuals and groups at highest risk of health disparities
3. Protect against systemic inequality by promoting equity in access

The Committee is committed to ensuring that the most impacted areas of our community receive vaccine, while working within the state and federal framework.

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You need a crit-race/soc-jus interpreter to understand that load of gobbledygook. If you can’t explain clearly what order you are giving the vaccine and why, you are a scam artist, not a public health official. Loading your statement with in-crowd jargon is just there to signal to your peers (as well as the cancel mobs that may come for you if you don’t heel to the “equity and inclusion” racket), that you are in the annointed class, and actually makes your press release unintelligible to the average, layman, uninitiated to the new state religion. Through I suppose that is part of the reason too. You can’t be called a liar or a scammer if no one understands what you are actually doing.

I’m “essential” in food retail, but at my age, it would be criminal to give me the vaccine over an 80 year old. But I guess if I’m black or “latinx” I deserve it more. At least, that was so vaguely worded, I’m assuming that is one of their intentions.

For anyone that doesn’t understand, equity and inclusion are code words for “the people in charge are going to dole out favors to preferred groups,” supposedly to redress past and present injustices. And like any power given or taken, it will be used to reward friends, punish enemies, and keep those that wield it in positions of control.


Same garbage, different state. Remember, the d*mn CDC was pushing this at first until it got blowback. They will keep coming out of the woodwork to push this race-based garbage (and call you a white supremacist if you refuse to go along) until people push back against this kind of evil. Then they scatter like cockroaches, only to go back at it when the attention moves on.

With total democrat control of the federal government, they know there will be no push-back from the feds now, too.

California voted overwhelmingly against prop 16, but your Contra Costa health department doesn’t give a d*mn what you voted for. Supreme chancellor Anna Roth has decreed racism to be a public health crisis, and we all found out over the last year that the health department’s powers are limitless, including violating the bill of rights.

@Wage Slave~You nailed it!!! Folks, no need to read any further about this ‘equity disequilibrium.’ At the last Board of Supevisors meeting (1/21) when a constituent asked if the Supervisors had received their vaccination Karen Mitchoff said that she is 65 years old, she had just that day received hers and that her elderly mother is still waiting to get hers….unbelievable!

are you surprised that Karen took it before her elderly mother? Karen is more obviously more concerned with herself, than her mother. Karen is NOT a nice person and should not be representing anyone.

Please just take down the anger. They are basing the order on statistical analysis of what will decrease overall deaths and serious illness the most. They also have to spell it out in great detail or it would be pandemomium at the point of service. I am sure it already is pandemonium, but it would be much worse. They really have no obligation to satisfy peole that want it super easy to understand.

Memory of the polio vaccine is that it was all very orderly and well planned. There was not this controversy and haggling over who would get it and when, or even whether we would get it or not. We lined up, got the vaccine, and it was over and done with quickly.

So, if you’re a jerk and are incarcerated you can get a vaccination right away but if say, you’re a 9-1-1 dispatcher, you are not eligible.
Or if you are a law abiding person in any number of occupations you are not eligible for a priority vaccination but a loser in jail can get a priority vaccination.

I believe if you are a 9-1-1 dispatcher you fall into the “Individuals working within the Contra Costa County Emergency Operations Center” and are therefore eligible in the same tier as the incarcerated.

If giving the incarcerated the vaccine is in lieu of early release, I am all for it

I’d rather give him a vaccine and send his butt back to his cell than drop $30-40k in hospital bills to the tax payers. Think it out.

I wonder how much a syringe full of pentobarbital costs?

Why would a Sheriff’s dispatcher have any greater exposure to COVID than any other office worker? It’s not like dispatch is in the jail or out in the field. It’s a desk job.

They may be figuring they need all of their hands on deck Reason, and prefer not to run the risk of a virulent pestilence going around the Sheriff’s dispatcher’s office.

So I am law-abiding (except some freeway speeds at 75mph) … I am not the a specified demographic (not black or brown), I am a legal resident, not in a essential job as defined by the state (though my family may argue differently), and outside of the age range supplied in this letter and with all of that, you will give the vaccine to criminals (child rapist, murderers, drug dealers, etc) before I am allowed to get it ..

Yeah, seems fair, doesn’t it? I would shake my head and cry fowl, but I am no longer surprised by the stupidity in this county or state. I need out of this state. I need to got to one of the other 49 states where I am not forced to wear a mask and I can eat indoors.

Over 65 and I was able to get a vaccination date here: https://myoptumserve.com/covid19

It says if you are over 75 and in Contra Costa County, not 65?

just tried the link (thank you) and it refused me (despite being over age 65) because ‘preference for 75 or older’…

I suppose that is subject to change.

In Germany they are finding 65 and over are either getting very sick or dying from the vaccine. So they aren’t giving it to them…. Imagine that, it keeps changing.

I see that now-this county is 75. .

@ZZ, the issue is that they don’t have enough 65+ testing data for the AstraZenaca vaccine. It’s not because 65+ are getting sick and dying from the vaccine.

The German guidance is in draft form.

Only 6% of participants in the 65+ age group were included in a trial.


It’s strange. My dad had an appointment but when I just logged on it says there aren’t any appointments scheduled and that they aren’t scheduling any first or second doses at the moment. Has anyone else had the same experience?

I think his appointment is still in effect, I don’t think they are taking more under 75-not confirmed, but what I’m gathering from others.

I will pass on my shot so someone who wants it and maybe is in a different tier can have it. You’re welcome.

Unacceptable to no longer include veterinarians and veterinary staff. Veterinary teams must work in close contact with one another and have direct contact with the public daily in order to provide care to beloved pets. Veterinary staff are absolutely essential it is unacceptable to remove them from Phase A!?

I have a friend who is racially non-binary and age-non-binary however they have never been to prison. Under the “Equity instead of Equality Doctrine” does that move him/her/it to the front of the line?

So if their age were converted from decimal to binary would that make them age-trans?

Well according to the UCLA Williams institute, .7% of youth ages 13-17 identify as transgender, and .6% of adults identify as transgender, so it only seems fair that 99.4% of the population organize their laws and lives around this group. Perhaps that .6% will be enough to keep Gavin Newsom in office, as he might be a little confused also, so to speak.


the democrats know how to kill all sense of normalcy

with a steady dose of fake improvised ethnic and gender pandering

again slapping the few with praise and and leaving the rest to sleep under and overpass

the amount of over complicated speech is ridiculous and sets up a scene where they start to exclude who they feel dont apply to sjw status

or lemming mentality

every time this happens in a gov

its not good

gather together its going to be cold and anti american racism coming soon

prayers and common sense are all thats left

the demorats have left you to their agenda specific exile

Watch and Read this excellent video that came out some time ago about Fauci (the A H), and the way treated this well respected woman. He’s just another entrenched

https://bannedvids.com/doctors-in-black-plandemic/ autocrat:

Talk about over complicated.

Keep it simple.

I may have to get one, but I’ll be the last guy in line.

What in the blue hell is an African American Health Conductor???

So are the teachers going to have to wait like everyone else or will they sneak in with one of those essential things?

No mention of Law Enforcement in any of those tiers…Just another form of hate?

I find it interesting that there is no mention about people with pre-existing conditions. I am 75+ and got my vaccine but my daughter who has a suppressed immune system can’t get vaccinated. It seems that people with certain conditions just have to cross their fingers and hope they don’t get sick going into work before California gets around to them.

Everybody pre election – “I’m not going to get the Trump vaccine”
Everybody post election – “Why can’t I get the Trump vaccine?”

I’ve given up on the vaccine. Sure, I’ll take it when there is one. But I see no realistic chance of an average person like me, under 65, who is not an “essential” worker, getting the vaccine this year. Like every other aspect of life in today’s California, this is also a complete failure.

Scott & others: All you have to do is go to Diablo Valley College (DVC) any week day at 2:30 pm. (get there a bit earlier to get in line). They’ve been giving shots to ANYONE that shows up. (in priority order of age) (old folks first). Folks I’ve heard from say it was a piece of cake.

Scott B & Others, the information redrazor is feeding you is completely untrue. Our neighbors had tried doing this for two days, as we live in relatively close proximity to DVC, and they are no longer following this practice (given they had been doing it at all).

You will waste your time sitting there if you try.

You will NEED an appointment from Contra Costa Health Services. DVC is just one of the County’s sites to give prescheduled shots. It is not drop in. I put in my request over three weeks ago and just got emailed today that I could make an appointment.



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