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COVID-19 Daily Update From The Contra Costa County Health Dept.


Contra Costa County COVID-19 data as of Wednesday Jan.27, 2021.

All information is from the Contra Costa County Health Dept.:

  • Total cases (since March) – 55,835
  • Recovered cases – 50,286
  • Deaths – 507
  • Total active confirmed cases – 5,042
  • Nursing home deaths – 239
  • There are currently 66 active COVID-19 outbreaks in Contra Costa nursing homes

Contra Costa County COVID-19 Hospital Data:

  • COVID-19 patients currently hospitalized – 222
  • Occupied ICU beds –  147 (60 COVID patients)
  • Available ICU beds – 19

The State will move Contra Costa County to the “Red Tier” once the following three criteria have been met for two consecutive weeks:


  • Case Rate: Less than 7 new cases per 100,000 residents – (currently 40.7%)
  • Positivity Rate: Less than 8% of tests countywide are positive – (currently 8.8%)
  • Equity Metric: Less than 8% of tests for residents of the lowest quartile of the Healthy Places Index census tracts are positive – (currently 13.5%)


Contra Costa County COVID-19 data as of Tuesday Jan.26, 2021.

All information is from the Contra Costa County Health Dept.:

  • Total cases (since March) – 55,593
  • Recovered cases – 49,683
  • Deaths – 492
  • Total active confirmed cases – 5,418
  • One person under 30 years old has died (19-30 age range)
  • 232 deaths in Contra Costa County nursing homes.
  • There are currently 67 active COVID-19 outbreaks in Contra Costa nursing homes

Contra Costa County COVID-19 Hospital Data:


  • COVID-19 patients currently hospitalized – 224
  • Occupied ICU beds –  147 (61 COVID patients)
  • Available ICU beds – 19 (0.5%) (Bay Area region is 8.2%, according to the State of CA; Contra Costa County says Bay Area region is 3.8%)
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I’m a little confused on the case rate to get to red tier, are we at 40.7 new cases per 100,000, needing to get down to 7? Just wondering how the percentage plays in.
Also, are we currently at 12.9% ICU capacity? The state site doesn’t list the Bay Area region’s capacity any more, is that because the stay at home order was lifted?

Equity Metric: Less than 8% of tests for residents of the lowest quartile of the Healthy Places Index census tracts are positive – (currently 13.5%)
Don’t know what this gibberish means but it sounds like reverse discrimination.


I’m with you trying to figure out the Equity Metric.
I was gonna call a Rocket Scientist but I don’t
know any. My know it all brother-in-law is always
bragging about his G.E.D. I guess I’ll check with him.

so if a person is counted each time they test positive as new case, and every illegal alien that comes through joe’s new opening (please let your mind wonder here for a while), doesn’t that mean those numbers are grossly overstated?

asking for the rational members of the electorate

So why did we shut back down again? Oh wait… It’s because Democrats used covid as a political move for the election. Makes sense. Honestly the worst people.

So why did the UK shut down again and stay shut down so far? There isn’t an election in sight. The Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, is the Conservative Party leader. There’s a very good chance the shutdown there is about the surge in corona virus cases, just like here. Fortunately, our cases are going down now and, hopefully, will continue to go down for the foreseeable future.

..Brexit enters the chat

Are you really this uninformed? The EU has been trying to stop the will of the people for years. COVIDHOAX is a multi purpose political hoax.

There are millions of people that unfortunately are clueless concerning political connections in the world like @The Observer.
Double up those BS masks now!

@The Observer. Here’s a short Covid political timeline:

April 2, 2020: At a Covid press briefing, Gov. Newsom said: “There is opportunity for reimagining a progressive era as it pertains to capitalism.”

Nov 14, 2020: A Judge ruled Gov. Newsom overstepped his authority with an executive order that used Covid as an excuse to gave all California voters mail-in ballots for the 2020 election.

Since Jan 20, 2021: New Biden Administration immigration policies will increase Covid cases–especially in the border cities.

Jan 28, 2021: San Diego’s former mayor, Republican Kevin Falconer, may run, if Gov. Newsom is recalled.

I don’t get how you can look at a pandemic and say oh it’s a hoax they’re lying. I’ve lost family members and friends. Wear your mask along with that dunce cap

never let a good virus go to waste…



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