Home » COVID-19 Daily Update From The Contra Costa County Health Dept.

COVID-19 Daily Update From The Contra Costa County Health Dept.


Contra Costa County COVID-19 data as of Sunday Jan.24, 2021.

All information is from the Contra Costa County Health Dept.:

  • Total cases (since March) – 54,951
  • Recovered cases – 48,635
  • Deaths – 489
  • Total active confirmed cases – 5,827
  • One person under 30 years old has died (19-30 age range)
  • 230 deaths in Contra Costa County nursing homes.
  • There are currently 64 active COVID-19 outbreaks in Contra Costa nursing homes

Contra Costa County COVID-19 Hospital Data:

  • COVID-19 patients currently hospitalized – 248
  • Occupied ICU beds –  137 (54 COVID patients)
  • Available ICU beds – 26 (5.3%) (Bay Area region is 23.4%, according to the State of CA; Contra Costa County says Bay Area region is 2.5%)
  • Available ventilators – 163



Contra Costa County COVID-19 data as of Saturday Jan.23, 2021.

All information is from the Contra Costa County Health Dept.:

  • Total cases (since March) – 54,416
  • Recovered cases – 48,077
  • Deaths – 487
  • Total active confirmed cases – 5,852
  • One person under 30 years old has died (19-30 age range)
  • 228 deaths in Contra Costa County nursing homes.
  • There are currently 66 active COVID-19 outbreaks in Contra Costa nursing homes

Contra Costa County COVID-19 Hospital Data:

  • COVID-19 patients currently hospitalized – 258
  • Occupied ICU beds –  146 (57 COVID patients)
  • Available ICU beds – 20 (2.1%) (Bay Area region is 23.4%, according to the State of CA; Contra Costa County says Bay Area region is 1.5%)
  • Available ventilators – 157
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The positivity rate is starting to drop. I’ve seen more people wearing masks and it’s possible that more people getting vaccinated is also factoring into the drop. Thus, while the number of tests is holding steady at about 7200 per day the number of new cases is dropping.

The hospital and ICU numbers are starting to drop from the peaks set in early January.

The number of deaths reported per week also dropped. Note the table below lists when the deaths were reported and not when they occurred. As deaths from December are still being certified and then reported it seems to make more sense to use the reported date for now. In a couple of months the numbers will have settled down enough to report on them.

Week ending  Deaths
12/06/2020    6
12/13/2020   12
12/20/2020   19
12/27/2020   23
01/03/2021   26
01/10/2021   45
01/17/2021   57
01/24/2021   39

If you have 137 icu beds occupied and 26 beds available how does that mean only 5.3% available? Am I missing something you have 163 beds total and 26 available means you have 16% available. I’m confused???



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