Home » BART Now Accepting Proposals For Reuse Of Decommissioned Train Cars

BART Now Accepting Proposals For Reuse Of Decommissioned Train Cars


BART began accepting proposals this week to reuse some of its legacy train cars after they’ve been decommissioned, the transit agency said Tuesday.

BART is in the process of exchanging its fleet of old train cars for new, upgraded cars with features like modular seating and better air flow. Eventually, the agency’s entire fleet of some 700 train cars will be replaced.

Many of the cars, some of which have been in service since BART’s launch in the 1970s, will be dismantled and recycled, but members of the public now have the chance to propose converting some of the cars into museum exhibits, restaurants, training tools for law enforcement and public safety officials and a BART merchandise store.


According to BART officials, applicants who have their proposals chosen must pay the costs of transporting the car from BART’s property to its new location, crane rental to offload it as well as other expenses like labor.

Projects must also not cost BART money once the train car is prepared to be delivered. Transportation costs are estimated between $8,000 and $10,000 per car, according to the agency.

Applications for proposal pre-qualification can be found at https://www.bart.gov/about/projects/legacy.

Applications must be submitted by March 12 at 5 p.m.


Final awards of proposal are expected to be delivered in December. The cars would then be delivered to their new owners in the first quarter of 2022.


remember January 20, 2021 - 2:01 PM - 2:01 PM

looks like something out of mad max, which is pretty much how things are going on our freeways these days

Superstitious Aloysius January 20, 2021 - 2:16 PM - 2:16 PM

Ah. I can see it now. “The World’s Largest, Fastest & Heaviest Mobile Urine Specimen Cup.”

Wait! I have another idea – Since they’re already being used as public restrooms, why don’t we just place a few strategically around SF and let them continue to be used for the same purpose. You wouldn’t even need to put up signs – everyone would already know what they’re for!

You’re welcome.

foonman January 20, 2021 - 8:17 PM - 8:17 PM

You forgot to mention most of those using them do not realize they’re not on a moving train…..

The Observer January 20, 2021 - 2:44 PM - 2:44 PM

Use them for housing the homeless. The homeless have been pretty much living in the BART cars for years and would feel right at home.

ilovepopcorn January 20, 2021 - 3:25 PM - 3:25 PM

Good idea.

Badge1104 January 20, 2021 - 4:13 PM - 4:13 PM


The Professor January 20, 2021 - 4:31 PM - 4:31 PM

@ Observer-
I completely agree with you.

The can install them inside of Rossmoor’s gates. You can make some new friends.

George January 20, 2021 - 8:03 PM - 8:03 PM

GREAT IDEA! Could be part or Project Roomkey.

WC Resident January 20, 2021 - 2:55 PM - 2:55 PM

They should be left on the streets as homeless shelters as that’s how they have been used for the last 20 years.

Badge1104 January 20, 2021 - 4:14 PM - 4:14 PM


RANDOM TASK January 20, 2021 - 3:09 PM - 3:09 PM

hey newscum

there you go

your bum hotels just waiting for you to use your own money to rid us of your sanctuary failure

most of the bums allready use them as drug dens now

so the transition will be nominal

strep up

this is the way to show your fo the people and not just stealing our money

and living la vida democrat

ConcordRez January 20, 2021 - 3:16 PM - 3:16 PM

It would be nice if they could be fitted with showers, bathrooms, nursing stations, and resource information booths for those whose mental illness or other issues result in leaving them homeless

remember January 20, 2021 - 3:29 PM - 3:29 PM
The Fearless Spectator January 20, 2021 - 9:53 PM - 9:53 PM

The recall effort has surpassed 1.25M signatures, and is now averaging 90K signatures per week. If that pace can be maintained there could be as many as 1.9M (1.5M needed to recall) by March 17.

If you haven’t yet, please sign the recall. We have no use for this guy.

WCreaker January 20, 2021 - 3:38 PM - 3:38 PM

BART cars are of a unique breed. Use a rail gauge that is of a size not really used in the US. Will make it hard to send one off to say the Rail Museum in Rio Vista to run on their track.

Plinko January 20, 2021 - 3:43 PM - 3:43 PM

Bart never ceases to amaze me. They actually think someone will pay 10k for a urine/feces infested dumpster on wheels? LOL! So out of touch. Unbelievable.

94519 January 20, 2021 - 4:16 PM - 4:16 PM

Upcycle to toilet, showers and laundry facilities.

create a labyrinth/maze.

Weld together as neighborhood sign for “rrRROOCKridge”….(you know how to say that)

Make a tiny home village.

nytemuvr January 20, 2021 - 4:40 PM - 4:40 PM

There’s your “injection sites” right there.

Ricardoh January 20, 2021 - 9:23 PM - 9:23 PM

Someone could start a chain of diners like they have in Long Island. Put two together and call them (Bart’s Diners) I used to like to eat in diners sixty years ago when I was back there for a couple of months.
Converting them to homeless shelters is a good idea.

Bob January 20, 2021 - 10:58 PM - 10:58 PM

BART merchandise shop???

Go home, you’re drunk….

The Mamba January 21, 2021 - 7:01 AM - 7:01 AM

BART police should use them for training since they’ve never actually been inside them before.

sam malone January 21, 2021 - 8:06 AM - 8:06 AM

I agree with the idea of just leaving them out there for the homeless to continue to destroy and vandalize-it would just be another day in the liberal radical lives of our governing officials.

But with one caveat-have all of the liberal politicos from Pelosi, Feinstein, Schiff, Stalwell, Newsom, Schaff, Breed, Becton – you get what I am going for-give up their homes and property to the homeless. These politicos are such bleeding hearts they should first set an example and give up their acquired wealth from being in office including their homes, salaries, Cadillac health care benefits-that us hard working over taxed citizens are constantly being gouged to death to cover their foolish spending sprees on our backs.

Thank you for letting me vent.

RANDOM TASK January 21, 2021 - 8:43 AM - 8:43 AM

no they dont go in them

but they do get verbally assaulted on the platforms

and yes in this great sanctuary state

that is not accepted and is inflammatory and hurts feelings

so they are afforded the same rights as the whining democrat’s

but great joke and appreciated

also the restaurant is funny as well

bart as a public transit unfortunately is not a joke

as this plan to have their junk removed is a joke we paid for those trains

they are profiting off of our tax money

they will not put that money to riders

but bonuses and slush funds

way to go bart just when you are looking down and wasting our money

you put up a democrat scheme to steal more tax money

crooks and cooked books thats the democrat way

PH_Dad January 21, 2021 - 8:43 AM - 8:43 AM

String some together in Berkeley and call them “Armpiercer”. Could be a reality show about homeless drug addicts and the elite liberals that support their behavior as long as they don’t revolt.

Pulse January 21, 2021 - 3:21 PM - 3:21 PM

The BART car picture is a second generation car from around 1995. most of the fleet from 1955 are still running.
no way will they replace the older cars in are life time.
BART will never again be like it once was. World class.
BART IS THE ONLY transit agency in the country to have elected county officials making discussions. Its the reason the cars are toilets for the homeless.

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