Home » Contra Costa County Receiving 1,000 COVID-19 Requests Per Hour

Contra Costa County Receiving 1,000 COVID-19 Requests Per Hour


Contra Costa Health Services has received roughly 1,000 vaccination requests per hour since expanding COVID-19 vaccine eligibility Thursday to all residents 65 and older, county officials said Friday.

While the county and its partners expect to administer an average of 3,600 vaccine doses per day by the end of next week, according to the county’s deputy health officer and COVID-19 operations chief Dr. Ori Tzvieli, demand is still far outpacing supply.

“We want the vaccine to keep flowing,” Tzvieli said Friday during a briefing on the county’s vaccination efforts. “We’re ready for that and we’re hoping that’ll be the case.”

Roughly 36,000 vaccine doses have been administered in the county since the vaccines became available in December.


However, appointment wait times at county-run vaccination sites are still roughly one week, according to Tzvieli and Contra Costa Health Services director Anna Roth.

Vaccinations at public and private health care facilities are also plodding along for now.

In addition to the lack of doses, Tzvieli said the county must also increase its number of health care workers that are trained to administer vaccines and monitor patients for 15 minutes after administration for allergic reactions.

Roth said the county has partnered with pharmacy technicians at Safeway and Rite Aid as well as fire agencies and paramedics across the county to help administer vaccines.


“All this is being built while we’re facing the largest surge of the pandemic, which is already our stretching our limited resources,” Tzvieli said.

The county has looked into eventually establishing a mass-vaccination site like those that have opened or are expected to open at Los Angeles’ Dodger Stadium, San Diego’s Petco Park and Sacramento’s Cal Expo.

While the details of a large-scale vaccination site are still being ironed out, Tzvieli said doing so boils down to the number of available doses and that the county has prioritized having as many of its partners offer vaccinations first.

“We do feel that when we have enough vaccine to be able to pull off one of those sites, we would like to do that,” he said. “It’s all about supply. If I had an extra 20,000 doses, I would arrange those in a jiffy but I just don’t have those right now.”

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What could go wrong ??


Bill Gates is not only the world’s largest vaccine producer, but he also controls the “Fact Checkers” that report on vaccine safety.

Nothing suspicious about that.


I don’t believe there are enough people employed by the county to answer 1000 requests an hour be it by phone or email.

I think they are pulling numbers out of a hat.

Much like the balance of their reporting.

@cellophane – considering it’s done via an electronic form, normal healthcare providers aren’t set up yet to administer the vaccine, and pent up demand for a vaccine, 1,000 per hour is not unbelievable. As indicated on their conference call a couple days ago, the phone center is being worked on and will be ready in the coming weeks so that people who don’t have computer access can call to schedule. The transparency is there. What motivation do people have to make this stuff up?

As someone who answers the current phone numbers we are doing nothing but telling people they have called the wrong number. Patients needing doctor appointments can’t get through. The Advice Nurses, Financial Councilors and the doctor’s staff are getting endless calls with 2-3 hour hold times. It is exhausting, frustrating, and emotionally draining.

“Most intelligent people are running from this poisonous injections”?
That is a big LOL at you.
Your claim is the exact opposite. Most people running from this vaccine are those fooled by poor reporting and gossip stories.

I wish they had reported something less vague than “1000 per hour.” Is that the maximum rate in some unspecified 60 minute period or the average rate over some unspecified period?

How do you even get an appointment to get a vaccine

Contact your health care provider. They should be able to answer all your questions. Or search Contra Costa County Vaccine?

If you are 65+ or fall into any of the following fields you can fill out the application here: https://forms.microsoft.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=3tkgKC3cY0OGJvKwA0OMRRd1QfIVjtpAkM-cYiio35ZUM0hIWVpaOTJHSDBTM0ZLSU5SNUM3NEo0OCQlQCN0PWcu

It takes them 2 – 5 days to email you back. Once they do you can choose the location for the shot.

My employer said if we wanted to get the vaccine we could go to CVS, Walgreens, Safeway, etc. Why aren’t others doing that? My coworker went to DVC and got her shot. It only took her and hour and a half so I don’t understand why people are waiting on the phone for hours on end just to get an appt. Bottom line I guess it must be nice to have all that time to wait.


What if my health care provider is in Alameda County (while I live in Contra Costa)?

Thank you, K!!!

too bad we don’t have a competition governor who cares about someone other than himself



completely agree

God bless

My husband and I signed the petition and it is ready to be mailed off on Tuesday. You know who should challenge Newsom, the ex San Diego mayor! He seems pretty smart and has common sense.

Wishful thinking here. See my dentist next week in Walnut Creek. Wish I could get the shot. Am 61, so… have to be patient…

Know the Dentist’s are set up to give them yet I’m sure. Just glad things are looking better for getting the shots sooner. I have a lot of Medical Insurance fortunately and admit I’ve been getting pretty down about all of this at this point. Need some positive news.

So in 4 days everyone in Concord (on average) will have called, and in a couple of months the entire county will have done so. Well, my +86 year old mom in a LTCF get her first dose. I won’t be eligible until I move out of state. I rank behind politicians, pro athletes, felons, the homeless, all of the ‘essential’ workers, teachers who only do distance learning, etc…

You forgot to to mention the smokers too! How pathetic that they get to get there shot before a lot of other people.

Man, if only they knew beforehand that there would be a vaccine that lots of people would need, and could have planned in advance!


This afternoon I got email from John Muir Health telling me to log in and make an appointment for the Covid shot. Very simple. Answered a few questions and was given a chart to choose a time on Jan 29. Appointment confirmed.

“Hey, get your vaccine here while they’re hot!” A great line for a ball park vendor.

It’s funny, I was just thinking this past week how president Trump in the summertime said that there would be a vaccine available possibly by election time…but by the end of the year. All the “experts” and the media jumped on him saying that that was impossible. Even Dr fauci said that it could not happen until mid next year at the earliest. Kamala Harris said that she would never take such a vaccine that Trump was behind.
Well it ends up that Trump was right.

Even a blind squirrel finds a nut every once in a while…


we won’t have to suffer under bijen biden for long, heels up harris will 25th him herself so she can be what hillary failed at, the first worthless president, well 2nd i guess if you count alheimer joe

God bless

Oh let’s not rewrite history Aunt Barbara. Trump said many demonstrably false things about COVID. It turns out voters preferred someone who took the situation seriously.

@Badge1104 – It’s possible that Dr Fauci and experts are right. We have no idea if what they are injecting into people will work as a vaccine for most of them. These vaccines are based on new and untested technology. Both vaccines are being distributed under emergency use authorization.

While mRNA technology has been around for a while there has never been a successful mRNA vaccine. One issue is that mRNA cells are very fragile and prone to disintegrating which makes them useless. To date, not a single mRNA vaccine has pass the full set of tests and evaluation that a new drug is normally put through.

Trump can claim he eliminated the red tape and that’s why the vaccines were available in record time. Sometimes you can get away with cutting corners but most of time, having checks and balances in a system is a good thing.

In watching injections performed on television, many of the people doing the injecting look to me very unprofessional. I’m seeing needles bend, and “churning “of the syringe while in the patient’s arm. Almost reminds me of military boot camp. There were 2 or 3 pairs of Corpsmen, filling syringes and sticking us 6 shots in less than 5 seconds, using both hands. They could do a squad of 60 men in a few minutes. We were pretty sore that night and got more sticks the next day.

Can confirm that their are already doses in refrigeration at unnamed retailers, just waiting for the bureaucracy to get untangled. Not enough for demand, yet, not even close. But it’s a shame that there isn’t a more efficient way to do this. A significant number of people could have already gotten the shot if the bureaucracy could just release some control.

Desantis got attacked by the media for delegating distribution to the hospitals, leading to lines. But at least the shots are going rapidly into arms in Florida, and not sitting in storage waiting for bureaucrats to figure out the just-right way to distribute them, meaning the way that will cover their butts from criticism the most effectively.

Asked previously, how many layer of management are involved in distribution once state gets doses ?

“… last week, when Santa Clara County asked for 100,000 doses to ramp up vaccine distribution, the state offered only a fraction of that amount: 6,000 doses.

The disconnect between the county’s request and the state’s response underscores the largest and most mystifying problem in California’s badly fumbled immunization rollout: How can California simultaneously have not enough vaccine to meet demand while so many doses remain unused?

California has among the lower rates of vaccine administration in the country, with only 38% of the 3.1 million doses delivered to the state actually being given so far — leaving close to 2 million doses apparently stored in freezers and awaiting recipients.”


An they’ve had what, 10 months to get a stream lined plan in place.

It’s almost like all of our state institutions are a sclerotic mess, serving to employ people with good salaries and exceptional job security and benefits … and completely sucking at their actual purpose of serving the public. CalTrans, BART, CalFire, PG&E, SoCal Edison, all the public schools, the CalPERS pension fund… the list goes on and on. No CA state institution can respond effectively and efficiently to a new emergent situation. CYA, red tape, too many veto points for any decision, overpowered public sector unions, etc.


the dems tell us to panic, shelter in place, fear for our lives then leave us without the medicine they claim we need to live?


On Friday another 700 people died in California due to COVID 19 but yet California has only given out 1/3 of the 3.5million vaccine doses it has received so far. This is unacceptable!


Yep prob will not want my family taking the new vaccine unless that’s what they really strive for, which everyone is welcome to do. I just think 9 months on a virus is very fast, not saying vaccines dont work but this has been the quickest time in history for a vaccine…. I guess all we can say is let’s see!!!

IF the despicable Dems had spent 1/10th as much time & energy prepping to distribute the vaccine as they had on persecuting Orange Bad Man, maybe we’d be able to get those doses sitting in freezers around the state into the arms of the elderly.

After next week the shots will be rolling out so Newsom can blame Trump/ Feds for the hold up.
Biden’s our hero! He made it happen!

My second shot is set up for Feb 17.

from above post

and TY

Now we suffer under a feeble old codger with many brain issues, on parkinson’s meds and ativan addictions.
Only God can help us now,

my question is …who in their right minds would vote for an obvious scam artist

who voted for biden
old people with like minded illnesses

most of the actors guild and colleges and media and unemployed


what showed you he was right to run the country ???

can a dem voter or even a closet dem or a socialist propogandists

tell us why you handed the country over to someone who wont even know he and his cronies scammed an election to undermine and take away the freedoms of the people

(not my reasons, i didn’t vote for him)

he told us that he’d pay off our student debt:


promise broken

I have dined-in more times during the past 3 weeks than in the previous year! I am going to need to return to Kleptofornia and go on a diet.

care to tell us where you went? sorry if you already did, i am a recovering liberal so my memory ain’t what it should be 🙂

God bless

exactly what i thought

apparently no body actually voted for him

welcome to corruption at the 3rd world level

politicians enslaving us to socialism

cool, if covid didn’t kill them, one of the vaccine rounds will

3,500 shots a week? Some hospitals are doing 6,000 a day. Our government never had a pandemic plan in place and our leadership has no idea how to distribute the vaccines. I don’t normally agree with Willy Brown but like he said we had a plan in place for polio vaccines how come we are not using that plan. Every school multipurpose/Gym becomes a vaccine clinic. I remember as a kid standing in line in the cafeteria to get our shot.

We need leadership not Newsom

I agree,. They could also pull the medical students out of school temporarily and have them help with giving the vaccine.

so every 6 months of your life you will need a vaccine shot

my question
when is the class action suit against china going to start

I have a feeling the distribution of the vaccine will dramatically improve by Thursday will all media outlets providing glowing reports of our Democratic Comrades.

And now.. the top ten…
1) 5 billion dollars to China for masks that never arrived….
2) mismanagement of the corona crisis…
3) poor management of the wildfires caused by P.G&E.
4) sending new prisoners to San Quentin infecting others…
5) then letting 50% of them out amongst us…
6) closing businesses, restaurants, and wineries except for his own in Napa.
7) non distribution of the corona Vaccines we have had for months….
8) spending Tens of billions of our tax dollars on his own personal interests…
9) high taxes causing companies like Oracle & Tesla to leave Ca….
10) Never taking consideration of the very people who pay for all of this….



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