Home » The Water Cooler – What Is The Weirdest Thing A Guest / Roommate Has Done At Your House?

The Water Cooler – What Is The Weirdest Thing A Guest / Roommate Has Done At Your House?


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday in the noon hour.

QUESTION: What is the weirdest thing a guest/roommate has done at your house?


Talk about it….

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Back in my college days, a Pastor who was visiting for Alumni week brought some of his church members to check out the school.
He talked us into allowing one of the church members to stay with us on the couch.

Around midnight, the quietness of the apartment was no more as this guy snored like I’ve never heard before.
Roommate & I got up to scope things out…..expecting this to be some type of practical joke.
Nope, it was the way this guy slept. TV snoring doesn’t compare to this guy’s snore.

The following year – we refused his stay.

Had a roommate ONCE that would pee in his empty soda cans and leave them for several days. GROSS! Needless to say that was short lived.

I had a renter that kept a bucket of urine in his bedroom. I kicked him out as soon as I found out.

@Simonpure and . I wonder if that weird and nasty roommate and renter could be the same person.

Weird people are not allowed in my house.

Yup, because then there’d be one too many in the house 😉 KIDDING

After a house party we couldnt find a wall clock, figured it got broke and thrown away or something, well a week later we found it in the oven, unbroken, good thing I checked the over before we turned it on, otherwise we would of had a melted clock. Good times with Moses.

I’ve had a couple of guests who have very politely asked if I could move a clock out of the room or out of a guest bedroom. I learned that some people are very sensitive to the constant ticking (tik-tok) of clocks. Most of my clocks are gone now…but if I’m ever missing a clock, I will check the oven first 🙂

Had a guest go through our refrigerator and start throwing things out. None of it was expired. Strange. Who does that?

This is awesome… I wouldn’t know if I should be mad or if I should thank him for cleaning out my fridge.

Years ago I had a roommate. I was gone on vacation for a couple of weeks and when I returned, the house smelled of death and was full of flies, hundreds of them. I thought for sure the roommate was somewhere in the house dead. I looked in his room, no dead body, I looked all over the house, still no dead body. Then I walked into the kitchen and found a half cooked turkey in the oven crawling with maggots. I took the smelly bird outside, then I took the vacuum cleaner and sucked up all the flies.
When I was done cleaning, I discovered the roommate had stolen my Canon camera and photography equipment, my VCR, and rare coin collection was gone too. I reported it to the police and a couple of days later they found my camera and VCR at the pawn shop that used to be on Salvio St. According to the law, a pawnbroker buys items in good faith, believing the items are not stolen. In order for me to get them back, I had to pay the pawnbroker the money he put up for them. The roommate was later found and arrested, and was ordered to pay restitution, which I never received, so the court ripped me off too.
Lesson learned; I don’t trust anybody until they have proven themselves honorable and have earned my trust. To this day, although I’m not cynical, I remain skeptical of most people except for very old friends.

I would have lost my lunch Dawg

When I was young maybe the sixth grade my sister started dating an Army sergeant. He was invited to one of my mother’s fantastic Sunday afternoon dinners. We didn’t even know him. During the middle of dinner he got up and walked to the insight living room shook his leg and farted came back to the table and sat down like nothing happened.
About a year latter he and my sister married. They had three kids. He rose pretty high in the Army from which he retired. I forgot to mention this happen in Novato and he was from Brooklyn NY. The way I figure it is only a New Yorker has the guts to mark his territory like that.

The other day I was doing some work with some colleagues when some guests came through the front door.

I sat at my desk and took an envelope. Another relieved himself on the carpet.

What a disaster. I called my property manager but he didn’t seem concerned.

I was playing video games at a buddy’s place late one night when his roommate comes out of the bedroom, gets a drink from the fridge, then stands near me watching the screen for about ten minutes before I notice he hasn’t made a sound.

Hes sound asleep

When I was a teenager, in the evening I’d be in the living room watching TV and my little sister (she was 7 at the time) would get up out of her bed, walk into the living room, sit on my lap and wrap her arms around me.
She was sound asleep.
Now that she is an adult, she no longer sleepwalks.

My ex-brother in-law was visiting. At the time he was about 15-16. He got ahold of some dental floss, cleaned his teeth, and left the floss draped over the switch on a lamp in my family room. I can still see it there. I wanted to wring his little neck.

Freshman year at Davis and I had a roommate who would randomly light his farts on fire with a lighter. The first time it happened, it was pretty funny. A bunch of us were drinking/smoking in the room when Tom suddenly got very serious and emphatically told us to turn off the lights. I jumped up and hit the switch and when I turned around, Tom was lying on the couch, lighter in hand, and his legs behind his ears like a porn star (underwear on!). He flicked his Bic and a smallish blue flame erupted. We all had a good laugh as nobody had ever seen that before.

But it became a habit anytime Tom wanted attention and we pretty much tuned him out.

Shortly before the year was over, Tom and I had a falling out. I was in my upper bunk and he was in his bunk. He kept calling me to look down and I wouldn’t, telling him I didn’t want to see him light a fart. He promised that he wouldn’t. Well, he lit up as soon as I looked, cackling like a crazy man at how he “got me”. I didn’t say anything as I watched the cotton dingleberries on his tighty-whiteys continue to burn. It didn’t take Tom long to figure out that he actually set his underwear on fire. He never tried that stunt again.

Another thing he did that was really weird happened because of Bruce Springsteen. Tom would play Bruce on his boombox, curl around it in a fetal position and suck his thumb. He was really an oddball.

Did he end up in the state legislature?

Back in my Navy days, we invited a shipmate and his wife for dinner. During dinner, she disappeared into the bathroom for almost an hour. When she came out, we discovered that she had rearranged the medicine cabinet and linen closet.

OCD…I have that problem but would not go that far in someone else’s home.

I think she had CDO. That’s like OCD, but in proper alphabetical order.

Yep, guilt here too of CDO,…Oh, OCD,..LOL!
Plus a bit of ADD too. Have to read some things 3 times before I get it.


When I was a single sailor and became eligible for BAQ, the same shipmate who later married our OCD guest invited me to move into a house he was renting with a former sailor. It was a three bedroom, one bath house on a dirt road on the outskirts of Charleston, but the rent was right. By the time I moved in, they had already converted the dining room into a motorcycle workshop. After I moved in, the former sailor decided to get a puppy. I can state with a great deal of certainty, that a Saint Bernard puppy can leave huge mountains of evidence of being untrained.

Back in the days, 1976, one of my Hubby’s roommate, known as “Bo’, his nickname. and was DVC mascot “Little Viking”. Well, one day we came home and the glass of the shower, the kind with the metal grid running through it was cracked and bowing out. Well, Bo said it broke while trying some sex act positions, and we asked, was this with a girl from DVC,….He said, no, he was by himself.

Talk about risky behavior!😂

I had no idea it was OK to say “pusspedoes” on Claycord… had I only known!

My roommate got really drunk and pissed on my brand new plasma tv one time. It was really weird.

Our daughter’s boyfriend had a flat tire in front of our house so he jacked up his car and took off the wheel. Then he left for the weekend leaving his car on the jack in front of our house. My wife tried to convince me not to be angry, because the guy was a computer science major and therefore unfamiliar with certain elements of the human experience.

Had memorial for relative at my home. One of the guest attending the memorial asked if they could have deceased relatives punched lunch cards and coupons.

My roommate had gf drama all of the time. He kicked her out and needed a roommate for bills so I moved in. Well they got back together and she decided to key my car and he denied she did it but it was another day of their fighting and nothing else added up… so he had cameras installed on the front door and INSIDE of the house. Their drama and the cameras had enough for me to move out promptly. He was calling me saying he was crying over it… sorry buddy you’re weird.

This lady moved in and stayed until she made me say “I Do”….. 36 years later, she still hasn’t left……

This woman moved in and stayed until she made me say “I Do”…… 36 years later she hasn’t left yet…..



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