Home » Newsom’s Proposed Budget Would Give $600 Stimulus Checks To Low-Income Residents

Newsom’s Proposed Budget Would Give $600 Stimulus Checks To Low-Income Residents


Low-income residents in California could receive $600 stimulus payments as part of the state’s 2021-2022 budget, Gov. Gavin Newsom said Wednesday.

The “Golden State Stimulus” payments would be dispersed to 2019 taxpayers who received an earned income tax credit from the state and 2020 taxpayers who have Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers.

Residents with an annual income of $30,000 or less are eligible for the tax credit, while ITIN taxpayers include people like undocumented residents who were not eligible for federal stimulus payments.

“Through the Golden State Stimulus, Californians who have been impacted by this pandemic will get help to provide for their families and keep a roof over their heads,” Newsom said in a statement.


The governor is also seeking in his proposed budget to extend the state’s moratorium on evictions during the pandemic, which is set to expire Jan. 31.

Under the moratorium via Assembly Bill 3088, residents who have lost income because of the pandemic and pay at least one quarter of their monthly rent cannot be evicted for missed payments.

In addition, the state would use the $2.6 billion it received in federal stimulus money to support renters and homeowners who are at risk of being evicted.

Newsom is expected to unveil his full budget proposal Friday.


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How do you live in California and make less than $30k a year?

You game the system, get all government freebies and sell drugs on the side/get paid under the table. These are the precise people we should NOT be giving this money to.

@Oh, please
Nailed it 💯. It’s literally a way of life for some people. Under-employed sell drugs, have kids, try not to make too much money. It’s a California thing that has been trending for years. Why would these people do real work when uncle gavin is buying the food and obama is paying the phone bill

By the taxes we pay. I need to claim more dependents on my tax return.

Pastors with patronage allowances, students with too many roommates, partially retired individuals who own their homes, shift workers and part timers with no car, anyone who lives more than four hours from a major metro is paying a third the rent. The per capita income is like ~$36000 or something. It’s not that weird.

instead of buying people’s loyalty how about just opening the economy? or does low icu bed availability during cold and flu season scare us?


Then how would dems get actual votes (aside from their fraud)?

So illegal aliens, people who are in this country, and therefore the state, illegally will get money taken from we producers/earners. My my my is Gavin generous with other people’s money. I would rather that money go to the (once free) citizens who have lost their livelihoods due to the shutdown of society.

@ Jeff-I agree with you! Illegals should not be getting my tax dollars. This is absurd, just like Assembly Bill 60 that allows driver’s licenses to be issued to those that cannot document their legal status in this state—perhaps this is how they will distribute these checks?

Yes, the “carefully worded” eligibility criteria would include illegals.
Why do these leftists continually allow and endorse illegal immigrants to steal resources from rightful US residents?
Answer: Anything and everything to maintain power.

Not only do illegal immigrants get this benefit they get many more. They get IN STATE tuition, while Joe citizen from AZ pays out of state tuition to attend our state universities. Why does someone who breaks the law get the benefits of a CA resident and is treated better then a resident applying form AZ? Shouldn’t they be charged the same as someone from China who couldn’t walk across our borders?

@Fed Up

I did not know that, thank you for informing us. Puts me off my lunch, mate!

So now he’s going to give even more of our tax dollars to illegal aliens?

How about using the $2.6b to get this vaccine distributed in cali and put into arms? Get everyone back to work faster, safer and healthier.

Agree 100%

Love how he gets that tax money to the illegals every way he can. Recall Scumbag Newsom!

The people this excludes if I am reading this correctly are the elderly (retired) and the people on disability. Those that don’t make enough to have to file taxes. They do not qualify for Earned Income Tax Credit because the income is not considered earned income. You must also have a qualifying child to get the credit which most elderly won’t have. The ITIN definition states that it is just for filing taxes and that they are not entitled to Social Security, Stimulus payments, or other benefits. I guess, I will not be getting the stimulus payment since I only get disability payments.

Notice this: “… taxpayers who have Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers… ITIN taxpayers include people like undocumented residents who were not eligible for federal stimulus payments.” Also notice: “ The “Golden State Stimulus” payments would be dispersed to 2019 taxpayers who received an earned income tax credit from the state…” In other words, there is money to help illegals but there’s no money to help citizens. People who receive Social Security payments, seniors disabled, veterans, are being left out from getting this financial aid because they don’t file taxes since they can’t work so they can’t file taxes.

Get those votes, Gavin…. Better hurry recall is getting closer

These stimulus checks are another iteration of the people who think they are helping the person begging on the streets by giving them change. It is arrogant and demeaning to think that little throwaway amounts of money will fix people’s problems. Really shows how little politicians think of us. It’s like that scene in the most recent Mad Max where they dude releases just we enough water to feed their thirst but keep them asking for more. Disgusting.

please don’t fall for this trick on the part of the political elites. gavin needs to be recalled, then maybe we can open up the economy and each of us can get back to our jobs, or a job and once again enjoy the American dream rather than the misery that will come from being dependent on the government.

May God bless us all!


Hopefully the employees at Plumpjack are 1st to receive this buyoff.

This stimulus will only help lazy people who do not want to work at a full-time job, young workers who live at home with their parents, And people who are stupid enough to have kids without having a stable career.

I know a lot of people who make less than $30,000 a year, and they show up for work everyday. And I thank them every time I buy food or gasoline.

Aunt Barbara, does your last name begin with an ‘L’. And are you a Carondelet grad? My brother thinks he knows you.

It is morally contemptible that illegal aliens should be given huge sums of taxypayer money.

how else will the left keep control if they are bribing illegal aliens to vote for them, felonies, minors, pets?

Sorry folks….

You can’t gloss over this one. Read the printed text of the statement… the monies go to full citizens not the dead end rhetoric that the anti government load so many here fall prey to as far as political tirades.

Be well. –
Wear a mask and vaccinate

Thank you 🇺🇸

Mr. Concordite: According to KPIX channel 5, CBS SF Bayarea published on their website Jan. 6, the money is also going to those with low income including those with ITIN numbers, which, and I quote from them, “Residents with an annual income of $30,000 or less are eligible for the tax credit, while ITIN taxpayers include people like undocumented residents who were not eligible for federal stimulus payments.” So, it seems the local CBS station is saying illegals get our money.


“ITIN taxpayers include people like undocumented residents who were not eligible for federal stimulus payments.”

Taxpayer money is going to illegal alien criminals. This is a factual feature of this budget. It is disgusting.

Well GN you will pass out other people’s money yet low-income housing is still being reserved for people with high income especially here in Pleasant Hill/Concord.

Economists are clear, putting money into the hands of low income families means that money immediately goes back into our economy.

When did our wealthy permanent class of rulers come up with the idea that $600 was a substantial sum of money?

Yep – Give the suckers just enough money to keep them alive, enslaved, and voting for you. The year 2020 will go down as the great turning point in world history. Welcome to the plantation slaves.

As a Sr. citizen, I wonder why people on disbility and SS would be ignored, yet illegals would get the $600. The same reason why the nursing homes weren’t protected more from the virus? Look at the death rates for the virus for Concord, Walnut Creek, Pleasant Hill, etc, at the long term facilities. I realize these people probably had multiple health issues, but I feel like they would like to get rid of the old and infirmed with a virus designed to weed out the old and infirmed.

@Max~Your last sentence got my attention as I, too, have been thinking the same. The baby boomers’ (56-74 year olds) parents are the majority of nursing home residents…this could be an accelerated mechanism of transferring wealth to them as they are retiring now and are a generation lacking in retirement savings. Remember, they were hit hard in the financial crisis of 2008 and now this Covid-19. I read that 45% of retiring Boomers have no retirement savings, thus are, or will be, living off of Social Security benefits alone. You brought up many good points in your commentary…

“Low income” is literally just code word for any non white person or illegal immigrant. How any white person could support the Democrats or Republicans for that matter is beyond me…

and no trump supporters, which as we learned yesterday can be determined by going to Italy to check the votes


So where is Newsolini going to get these funds from-oh yes he has the slush fund for parties at French Laundry. Get him and these losers out of office now.

Recall Newsom and sign the darn petition. Remember to cross out 2020 and enter 2021 at the bottom of the form or they will bounce your petition. Must be mailed in and not done on line.

We are already dealing with the huge impact of fraud with the EDD. Let’s end his reign.

He is only pandering to those who will vote for him and are living off the Nanny mentality.

To really invest in the economy, the best use of this money is to donate it to the recall Gavin effort.

I am confused by why they would take into consideration your income in 2019 when the Covid shut down impact occurred in 2020. I made very good money in 2019, but right around $30,000 in 2020 with 3 months of income and 9 months of unemployment. I guess I made more if you consider the gov’t stimulus, which means I am still hurting, but received too much income in 2020 to qualify.

Oh, I am also one of the 1.4 million tagged with Unemployment Fraud and have not received any assistance since right after Christmas. I also happened to have signed the Newsome recall and I would like to find out if there is any correlation between signing the petition and suddenly having Unemployment payment issues.

Wow! I didn’t put that together but we just signed and for some reason my stimulus and my husband’s unemployment are “pending “, and have been for a week since we sent the recall in…..scary!

That is a bad idea. We as Californians need that money in our budget to shore up small businesses due to the pandemic.

Other than giving money to consumers what is a good way to directly help small businesses specifically without a huge giveaway to big business? I’m asking sincerely. It seems tough to direct the money in a way that people don’t take advantage.

open the economy, cold and flu season will be over soon

Shades of Rome…

Newsom’s leadership as Governor has been a disaster to all Californians.
1) 5 billion to China for masks that never showed….
2) poor management of the Covid crisis.
3) poor management of all the wildfires that P.G.&E. caused.
4) continuing to spend our ever growing taxes on his special interest causes.
5) hypocritical behavior at the French laundry with his cronies…

Let’s face it, Newsom can’t find his own rear end with both hands.

The recall has crossed $1M, time to finish this.

Oh boy!

Casino here I come.

I love Gavin Newsom and everything he does!



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