Home » Contra Costa Supervisors Dismiss Conspiracy Claim While Approving Election Software Contract

Contra Costa Supervisors Dismiss Conspiracy Claim While Approving Election Software Contract


A three-year contract extension with SOE Software Co. for election reporting software was approved Tuesday by the Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors, waving off critics who implored the supervisors to go with a different company.

And though little or no discussion of this seemingly routine action had been anticipated, several public commenters questioned why Contra Costa County would go with a company whose parent is based in Barcelona, Spain, instead of an American company. SOE, and its parent Scytl, have also been tied to Internet election irregularity rumors.

“There are so many questions,” one woman told the supervisors. “Why not a Silicon Valley company?”

Contra Costa County signed its first contract with SOE Software Co. in 2015, three years after SOE was purchased by Scytl Secure Electronic Voting, based in Spain. Scytl has since declared bankruptcy, and the Paragon Group subsidiary Service Point Solutions acquired Scytl, including its U.S. subsidiary SOE, in October.


There have been rumors that, before the Nov. 3 presidential general election, the U.S. Army raided Scytl offices in Frankfurt, Germany, ostensibly to seize computer servers that contained evidence of voting irregularities. Several sources, including both the Army and Scytl, said that assertion is not true; the company said it doesn’t have offices or servers in Frankfurt.

On its website, Scytl denies ever providing any electronic voting machines to U.S. states, counties or cities, and stated that the company doesn’t “tabulate, tally or count votes in U.S. public elections.”

“I will not let conspiracy theories be validated here in Contra Costa,” Gioia said. “These claims have no evidence, and no basis in fact.”

Supervisor Karen Mitchoff agreed, but said contracts like the one the supervisors ultimately approved Tuesday should be more thoroughly shared on the county website ahead of their discussion at meetings.


In extending the contract through the end of 2023, the supervisors increased the overall payment limit to SOE by $200,000, to a new limit of $590,000 for web hosting and election night reporting.


Anon January 6, 2021 - 10:10 AM - 10:10 AM

LOGICAL reasons were presented to the Clown show w/ Karen Mitchoff and the only defense they could come up with is “conspiracy”.
Time to throw them out, they are unfit for duty.

The Fearless Spectator January 6, 2021 - 10:17 AM - 10:17 AM

If you ask a question, it’s a conspiracy theory. Nice.

RANDOM TASK January 6, 2021 - 10:25 AM - 10:25 AM

follow the money

seems that improprieties are not on the dem agenda

spending our money on suspect vote counting

so instead of doing work and actually satisfying the public

they and the goia went the easy way of course working as little as possible

and taking full pay for weak work efforts

wish my work was like that

yeah boss sorry i used a bum outside to put fuel in your car

to bad it was diesel he put in….. instead of gasoline

oh well i will take my pay please in full

must be nice to bake the elections in your favor and get paid to do it

Old Timer January 6, 2021 - 10:50 AM - 10:50 AM

So screw the American people again.Let’s continue to support foreign country businesses rather than American.And again our public servants tell us to basically shut up we are going to do as we see fit not what you want.Another reason to vote these asses out of office.

Yoyohop January 6, 2021 - 10:50 AM - 10:50 AM

It’s not who gets the votes, it’s who counts the votes that matters.

double dzzz January 6, 2021 - 12:18 PM - 12:18 PM

Amen !

Captain Bebops January 6, 2021 - 11:10 AM - 11:10 AM

Who runs for office these days other than opportunists and puppets? Would you run for office? Looks like they are too weak or lazy to really look into this issue so corruption continues in Contra Costa County.

Ricardoh January 6, 2021 - 11:14 AM - 11:14 AM

Why would democrats want to change anything when everything is going their way. Georgia just elected two communists to the senate. How can that be possible? Even weak republicans should have been able to beat them. The next four years are going to be hell on wheels.

sam malone January 6, 2021 - 11:27 AM - 11:27 AM

When will the citizenry be able to be heard . This is a continual BS routine that the fools that are in office-which I did not vote for-are going against what the people want.
Civil unrest by folks that care may be in the offing.

remember January 6, 2021 - 11:32 AM - 11:32 AM

so local elections will go through foreign nations?

God Help Us!

Natalie January 6, 2021 - 11:57 AM - 11:57 AM

@Fearless Spectator: The US military denied that Scytl was ever raided. Nothing about the allegations about Scytl holds true,. Our officials have no obligation to entertain conspiracy theories that have been debunked over and over again. These conspiracy theories are not harmless. Like Mitchoff had stated in a prior meeting, she gets death threats from MAGA people. Today there have been multiple bomb threats made against government buildings, while MAGA people attack police officers.

@Yoyohop: The Stalin quote was recently used by Conservatives who said that Pence should hand Trump an electoral victory. Now we have reports of gun fire inside the Capital building. When will your side be satisfied?

Rollo Tomasi January 6, 2021 - 12:56 PM - 12:56 PM


Democrats, leftists and “progressives” set the standard over the last four years protesting a free and fair election. Your side set the standard, now you can live with it.

Anon January 6, 2021 - 1:31 PM - 1:31 PM

Ohhhh! Mic Drop!

Natalie, labeling everything as “conspiracy theory” doesn’t make it so, nor does it make it go away.

bdml January 6, 2021 - 1:41 PM - 1:41 PM

Who cares what Natalie thinks. Her opinion doesn’t mean anything to anybody except herself. It’s not like she is special or better than anybody else or their opinion. By the way there were no gunshots as I watched a live broadcast. People are letting their frustration be heard just like back in June…

The Fearless Spectator January 6, 2021 - 2:32 PM - 2:32 PM

All this over one little bitty question.

remember January 6, 2021 - 4:47 PM - 4:47 PM

i respectfully disagree, if @N and others like her overreact to something than it must be the right thing to do. 🙂

God bless

Aaron January 7, 2021 - 12:05 PM - 12:05 PM

Worth noting that not a single GOP senator thought the election outcome was wrong. No one was willing to sign onto sufficient objections to challenge enough electoral votes to matter. All a big stunt to cravenly appease far right extremists. Watch two seconds of video most of those storming the Capitol were unmasked. That’s some false flag operation when you don’t even get to scooby doo level villainy. Seriously how deranged does someone have to be to believe leftists were anywhere near that mess.

Tom January 6, 2021 - 12:10 PM - 12:10 PM

Nooooo California the ONE party state no fraud or corruption there right?

redrazor January 7, 2021 - 11:38 AM - 11:38 AM

See my above post: You will be surprised to see what comes out in the next few days, about the instigators and perpetrators of this preorganized travesty.

Badger January 6, 2021 - 12:34 PM - 12:34 PM


bdml January 6, 2021 - 1:43 PM - 1:43 PM

You nailed Badger, we heard it for 4 years and it turns out Hunter was the one that should have been investigated all along!

Original G January 6, 2021 - 2:16 PM - 2:16 PM

If there’s doubt about functioning of governmental agency in the county fill out form on Contra Costa Grand Jury website.

Trucker Bug January 6, 2021 - 2:27 PM - 2:27 PM

Not sure if anyone ever checked however the last report I saw was that the concord tax increase passed by only 250 votes. Again I have not checked the results since then but very suspicious

Natalie January 6, 2021 - 4:07 PM - 4:07 PM

Measure V passed by 550 votes, not by 250 votes. Close results in small local measures are not uncommon, so it’s not at all suspicious. There were only 2 outcomes possible: either it passed or didn’t pass.

There was no organized campaign against Measure V, so it’s not surprising that Measure V passed.

Given the violence that occurred today, the conspiracy theories need to stop. Scytl didn’t conspire with Concord officials to rig the Measure V election.

Trucker Bug January 7, 2021 - 7:30 AM - 7:30 AM

@Natalie. Oh just stop it with your political propaganda already.. you’ve littered this thread with nonsense.

JAFO January 6, 2021 - 3:31 PM - 3:31 PM

@bdml: Recent media reports now confirm the death of a woman in the capital who was killed by one of “your” non-existent gun shots. Sad news.

Finnegan January 6, 2021 - 7:09 PM - 7:09 PM

Interesting that Norway and Switzerland stopped using Scytl/SOE voting system due to security / ability to alter votes undetected. Software is susceptible as seen with recent SolarWinds hack that affected more than 250 federal agencies and businesses, likely ongoing for some time. Scytl acquired the software division of Gov2U, a company partnered with the National Democratic Institute.

The Fearless Spectator January 7, 2021 - 4:55 PM - 4:55 PM

There is no room for evidence based conspiracy theories……………

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