Home » Contra Costa County Updates COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution Plan

Contra Costa County Updates COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution Plan


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So basically the old people who are dying from it get it last. Oh well !!

How do you read that?
They are listed first.

I think this looks like a very reasonable schedule.

They are in Phase 1b the third tear. I would think you would vaccinate the people who are dying from it before younger people who will get covid but recover from it.

We elderly will become eligible for the vaccine when the schedule reaches tier 1C. I am in that age group, but I agree ENTIRELY with the plan exactly as outlined.

Additionally, I would prefer that all parents of minor children receive the vaccine before I do.

Then ongoing, perhaps for a very long time, we need to:
Get vaccinated.
AND wear masks.
AND socially distance.

We either buckle down right now or we’ll perhaps never bring this pandemic to a close.

The people in the age groups who are dying from it should get it first.

The gov’t officials/healthcare workers & any others in the first phase- that do not wear masks, social distance, go to parties should not get the vaccine first. Check social media, it’s a slap in the face they get it first yet ‘hang out’ as if everything is normal.

Imagine a world where AOC gets vaccine priority over your grandmother

It doesn’t list politicians, so they would be in the last group unless they have other issues. If your grandmother is under 65, isn’t working in a field listed, and doesn’t have any health issues, then yes, she would be in the last group too.

Debbi-AOC has already had her shot. She is so special she went to the front of the line. She posted a picture of herself getting it.

@ Debbi

AOC – a member of the United States Congress along with every other member of Congress, all 542 members were consider essential and were offered Covid-19 vaccinations ahead of their constituents. .

Politicians are not on a list because the list doesn’t apply to them.

Source: ABC News

Well now at least one prominent political cartoonist has taken note of the situation and did a pretty good job of portraying it in his most recent cartoon.


AOC was selfish to take the vaccine. She could have scored political points if she stood aside for higher risk people. And I don’t think any of the politicians are essential. I

Why are you attacking AOC and not the GOP COVID deniers that received the vaccine like Senators like Rubio and Ernst? At least AOC is following doctor’s orders and showing that she trusts the science and isn’t an idiot GOP member that likes to go maskless and spread diseases like rats. You guys are just made that she is an intelligent outspoken woman that doesn’t take crap from dear Leader. You people want a person to pull themselves up from their bootstraps, she did exactly that. Yet, you will make fun of her for working as a bartender, for doing a silly dance video in college. Do I agree with everything she says? No. Does she make mistakes? Of course. However, there is no doubt that she loves the people she represents and that she loves America.

Lastly, I have no problem with our elected officials receiving the vaccine. They are supposed to set an example for the rest of us. They are also our elected officials that are supposed to represent their constituents. What good would they be if they died from the virus?

We’re already living in that world.

What makes you think they are actually getting the real vaccine on camera? We are lied to so much why should we believe that little video demonstration?

As for Sandy Cortez, her socialist agenda “Trumps” any interest she has in science. Same with the rest of the odd squad.

They had to make sure the criminals in jail got theirs before the health care workers and old people in homes. I am furious about it.

It doesn’t say that. Residents of long term care facilities are in the first group.

I heard on the news that prisoners in 2 different prisons in Ca got vaccinations. I’m furious too!

Healthcare workers in those facilities received it, not those incarcerated UNLESS they are in high risk groups.

The way it reads to me is healthcare & LTC workers 1st; followed by seniors and then other healthcare and essential workers; with the least vulnerable population last. Which makes sense. Let’s go!

also, I had to look up ‘promotaros’ (from list above). It refers to Latin healthcare workers. Makes sense again.

So 16-74 High Risk (meaning it tends to be more fatal for them) are some of the last people to get it (after anyone that works in infrastructure, government, or tax revue generated businesses).

Nice prioritization there health department/.Gov.

Mike, both John’s Hopkins and Duke University medical centers have determined that the highest risk age group is anyone 60 OR ABOVE.

It seems to me that the plan is solid.

Once we get the shot, are we immune to the virus or we won’t know until a couple of years from now when they are still testing the vaccine.

So far in studies looks like vaccine antibodies last about 3 months. So at this time looking like it will be an annual shot same as flu. That is until time passes (usually 10 years traditionally for any new vaccine before coming to market)and we actually have longer term data to see what this new type of technological vaccine really does on and for those who can and choose to get a vaccinated.


What about immediate family members of health care workers? I am 69 and my wife is a RN

From what I understand you will go in line with the other essential workers.

This is a solid plan and some on here would complain no matter what it said. So many on here don’t even believe in Covid so why do you even care if it’s just a “Hoax” anyway.

Nice straw man. Who says the virus is a hoax? What is a hoax is the in perpetuity lockdown that has put California in no better shape than most other states that have schools widely open, restaurants open and having kids being kids. But I guess the one good thing is that California politicians have exposed what it is like to truly live under a progressive utopia and anyone with any work flexibility and a functioning brain to get out while you are still allowed.

I agree that front line medical professionals and those high risk patients should be the first to be vaccinated. But I do think childcare workers should absolutely be the next in line way before public school teachers who have been doing online instruction. Those of us in the childcare field have been at risk of secondary exposure because we have been the constant here for our essential workers’ children. There is no working from home for us.

I agree with you . Teachers who have been sitting behind their computers are not currently at risk of either catching Covid or spreading it. Once the Mt. Diablo USD has a date for reopening, then the teachers could be considered for vaccination. Private school teachers, on the other hand, who have already been teaching students IN the classroom, should be prioritized before their public school counterparts who are teaching virtually.
Also, to put virtual teachers into the same category as our police members who risk their lives everyday and are out in the community is disheartening to say the least! They are at very high risk for catching Covid and after the horrendous year they have had of little support from the public, the very least we could do, would be to also prioritize our men and women in blue.

I agree with both of you! Childcare workers and teachers already doing in-person teaching should be in line before public school teachers with no contact with children.

Did I miss where it tells when anyone under 16 gets vaccinated?

The Pfizer vaccine wasn’t tested on children. I hope they’ll do some actually safety testing before giving it widely to children. It’s a bit of an ethical conundrum to test new vaccines on children when you don’t know if it’s safe for them yet.

‘actual’, not ‘actually’

This is a very good example of how socialized healthcare is executed. Limited supply with access dictated by the government, leading to long waits for necessary care.

I got an email from the VA saying they had already started giving shot to front-line health workers and residents of Veteran Homes. My doctor seems to think high-risk veterans will be able to start getting shot mid-February.

Is the reasons the Covid numbers are so high because Flu cases are now being added to the Covid numbers?
One scientist has been doing his own offline testing, discovering COVID strains to appear quite similar to those of the common flu.


I have been wondering this same thing. Where are the general flu deaths compared to specifically Covid deaths. If they are combining, that is misleading. It should be reported weather deaths are Covid related, or directly from Covid, or from other flu’s.



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