Home » USPS Sends Notice Of Delivery Service Impacts Due To COVID-19

USPS Sends Notice Of Delivery Service Impacts Due To COVID-19


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I will not comment on my opinions about USPS as a whole, but the Postal Carriers are working their butts off to get the mail delivered. My carrier told me he is working 6 days a week. If you can, let your carrier know that you appreciate their work. Write them a note of thanks and give them a gift if you can. Let them know you appreciate what they are doing.

No problem.

We can just backdate the gifts that arrive after Christmas, just like they did with the ballots in PA that arrived after the election.

@ Mitch

You know that the US Supreme Court allows that, right?


TDS stands for Trump Derangement Syndrome. It’s just another way for constituents of both major parties to point fingers at each other like you and Mitch here.

I guess Fedex and UPS are in the same situation?

FedEx and UPS are giving priority to delivering the Covid-19 vaccines. I’m certainly in favor of that.

Fedex is trash they are so unrelizble during all this any packages from Fedex come a week later than estimated delivery date. UPS and USPS have been doing much better than Fedex lately.

ty mitch


they said oh no problem with millions of ballots they even had more than enough delivered to a precinct then had enough time to take left overs to other precincts

now its ugh we cant do it …the covid issss…..toooo…powwweeerrrful
but biden ftw

what a joke

while i respect my local carriers the entity of usps sold us out

they routinely disrespect joe and jane carrier

i could not even fathom if the extreme left is entrenched in the media and gov and judicial of this state and now the mail and online …..

we are truly occupied and under a communist umbrella of information

what a joke that any dem voter is cheering now

They are “experiencing unprecedented volume increases.” How can the increase in volume be unprecedented? It’s the Christmas Season.
I think they just wanted a reason to use the media’s new favorite and overused word, “unprecedented,” and didn’t bother to look up the definition.

I imagine a lot of people who used to exchange gifts in person are mailing them his year. So now you have the usual holiday mail volume and on top of that gifts from families who can’t be together. Can you think of a precedent within recent memory for that?

I have a niece working for the PO. She has been working overtime and on what was suppose to be her day off.

Before blaming the USPS as a whole keep in mind who is the Postmaster General and is suppose to oversee the entire operation. Mismanagement starts and stops at the top.

It sure did earlier last Summer when newly appointed Postmaster General Louis DeJoy tried to break the Post Office just in time for an election during a pandemic. There are still repercussions. Here’s a bit of what happened;

USPS is known to be a bunch of idiots. And look what they did (and have been doing) with mail in ballots. Wonder how much those in charge were paid in the most recent scam. Oh wait, sorry, that didn’t happen… That’s another conservative fairytale.

Trump’s election lies do not hold up in court. 60 of Trump’s election fraud cases did not hold up in court because he had no evidence. Trump is the worst US president ever. Let Trump destroy democracy so that he can be a tin pot dictator.

8066 i hope you are getting paid more food stamps to post here than the others that quit.You’re battling your imagination,and posting to yourself.Youll never keep up with the likes of the lefty’s here.gd lk.Its like another turd to slow the flushing but still it all washes away,and screams that .life isnt fair,and somebody better fix this $%&t,etc..
You have climbed aboard a sinking ship and are merely going down with the band as they play on….

Or… People are finally convinced to stay home and shop online, so the USPS, FedEx, UPS, ect… are actually overwhelmed.

USPS has had an item of mine “in transit” over 3 weeks now,,, They have no guesstimate when it will arrive. And unless you “pay” for the advanced tracking they won’t even let you know its current location.

Is a specialty item, so had to buy online…….

Unlike last Christmas half shopped in stores and half online. 2020 everyone if forced to shop online. Has nothing to do with USPS, UPS or FedEx. Not about politics, ballots or the post master. It’s about reality and all of us buying online not enough structure to support it.

TOB, Very astute observation. I’m a strong supporter of the US postal service. I get excellent customer service the local office I deal with on East Street here in Concord. Yes, leave politics out of it. Although I don’t think the Postmaster appointed by Trump is looking out for the carriers and those that work in the offices.

Had talked to our mail carrier. With all the ballots and now more people buying online do to Covid-19, it has gotten crazy. He mention they should have hired 10 people 4 months ago at the Concord P.O. to help cover the whole thing. Now the new hires, are not sticking around which doesn’t help matters.

@Dorothy is correct – we cannot blame the postal workers; however, we can blame the Postmaster General. The pandemic and increase in online shopping has been occurring for 8 months now. Additional hiring should have been done months ago (this also applies to fedex, ups, and any other delivery service). I purchased an item on etsy a few weeks ago and paid $45 for “priority mail epxress” which guarantees one to two day delivery. The package has been sitting in Oakland for days. I did contact etsy and they issued me a refund for shipping. I also, had purchased another item from a retail shop which sat in Fairfield for over week. I don’t know the solution; however, these businesses are run extremely poorly.

Talked to one of the USPS package deliverers the other day, as I was curious as to why we hadn’t gotten our mail for 3 days. He said lots of mailmen/ladies have gotten sick, and they don’t have any subs. Also said he’s been working 15 hour days lately. Can’t be fun!!

These issues have been around for decades ever since the USPS was “corporatized”. I was told of them back in the 1980s by a friend who was a postal worker union steward. There is a documentary about this on YouTube:

One solution mentioned back then was to drop Saturday deliveries. That wold give workers a standard 5 day work week.

FedEx and UPS are also delivering behind schedule.

I got this information from a friend who’s a USPS employee in Walnut Creek.

The volume of parcels is unprecedented this year because of covid as people are shopping online. Check the sales numbers at Amazon and compare them to physical stores.

They’re giving priority to Amazon parcels and -NOT- even processing USPS parcels at this time. They just can’t keep up. Many are working 12-14 hour days.

The labor unions are exacerbating the situation by not allowing the postmaster to re-assign workers from other crafts to help out. One postmaster was so frustrated she brought in her 2 boys on Thanksgiving day to work a few hours for free. Guess what, the clerks union filed a grievance and will be paid for the hours the boys worked.

The WC postmaster is currently assigning supervisors to go out and help deliver mail. The unions are filing grievance to recover all of those hours of pay. This will wind up costing USPS double.

Political rant …….The USPS is prime example of a bureaucracy gone amok with no accountability runned by public sector unions and the politicians that enable them.

Nothing like a union to jam a stick in your spokes.

I understand they are overwhelmed and understaffed, but why then would you take on a contract to do deliveries for Amazon and FedEx if you can’t keep up with what you already have? I do feel compassion for the workers but not the Post Master general. I sent out 2 packages, 1 media mail, 1 2-day priority mail. The media mail piece took over 1 month to arrive, the 2-day priority mail piece took a week and both items were sent LAST month, before the holiday rush. There isn’t a thing we can do about it so I won’t complain, it’s just very frustrating

USPS has been horrible this and last month… Have received others mail for the 5th time in the last 2-3 weeks now… Wrote a note on the mail and put it back out saying ( wrong address – not this house ) and that same day he takes it does the same thing again and gives mail for another address… we have huge numbers right next to the mail box so I don’t know how you can mess up this bad over and over…



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